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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. September 16, and I will probably start the review that Wednesday or Thursday before.
  2. I will TRY to remember to post link here, but I make no guarantees. 🙂
  3. I am on MG in a few weeks, and will be doing a "Live from" on here. I will make sure to take pics and post them in it. 🙂
  4. Thanks for following! Only our ship card would work. I kept my card from the cruise, I will try to remember to pack it next time I sail MSC!
  5. Yes, this was one thing that drove mom crazy was the inability to charge when we left the room. We had these as well, but didn’t know if we would get lectured about leaving a card in and charging things when we left the cabin. Carnival definitely has a good buffet, and other complimentary options (Guys burgers, deli, Shaq’s, etc) compared to this past week.
  6. I am not going to comment on disembarking this morning, as I realize this isn’t a normal one for MSC. I’m currently waiting in the TS lounge as we sail into port. I will sail MSC again (actually already have one booked for my husband to try next year), so overall, I think this was a good venture away from “home”….but I will say, I’m looking forward to getting back on a Funship in a few weeks! I have missed a few things about good old CCL. Both lines have things they do better than one another, and they have their weaknesses, but I don’t think you can go wrong with either one. I hope everyone has smooth sailings, and maybe I’ll see some of you on future sailings!
  7. Jimbo, I’ll leave it at this: I’ve ventured into “gen pop” daily for different things….and when I sail MSC again, it won’t be in that area. Buffet looked less than stellar, and I heard people saying the MDR food wasn’t very good. I can’t comment on theater lines since we were YC, but personally I hate having to make reservations for things ahead of time, which I heard general population needed to do for them. I never witnessed lines at bars/other venues tho. Getting back onboard from ports was a mess. I am not going to comment on disembarking this morning, as I realize this isn’t a normal one for MSC. I’m currently waiting in the lounge as we sail into port. I will sail MSC again (actually already have one booked for Chris to try next year), so overall, I think this was a good venture away from “home”….but I will say, I’m looking forward to getting back on a Funship in a few weeks!
  8. The dining room crew brought me a cake and sang happy birthday to me at the end of dinner. It was so sweet! They really, really are a spectacular group in the YC, the service this week was above and beyond. The whole YC crew really, from concierge, to butlers, to dining room…they were all amazing. We walked the ship some after dinner…went to the Haven lounge, then to the atrium, the sports bar, then back to the room to pack. I took one last shower in that amazing shower, that I will mimmick in my new home when it’s built. Now we just relax until tomorrow morning!
  9. Mom and I headed to dinner about 7, and tonight was Italian night. I honestly think tonight’s meal may have been my favorite onboard, followed by last nights butter chicken. I got 2 apps, the fried seafood and the caprese. That caprese was perfect!! The seafood was ok, nothing spectacular. Then the eggplant parm was my main, and holy moly…the flavors were incredible!
  10. We were banned from high tea. Ok, fine, not banned, but strongly unwelcome…ok, fine, not unwelcome, just highly encouraged to stay at the bar during the tea service. They brought us a few cucumber sammiches, then a few tomato sammiches, and we happily munched as we came up with new concoctions. We may have gotten a few stares of inapproval as we sat there in our ragged Jean shorts and tank tops, but who cares? We kept our bartender from dying of boredom. We finally left at 5, and came back to the room to somewhat clean up for dinner. Tonight is Italian night, they have caprese on the menu and I CANT WAIT. I love caprese, and I have a feeling they will do it right on here.
  11. I never checked out the hot tub situation, I got side tracked people watching from my balcony. From my balcony I can look down and see a deck that juts out from the side…not sure what deck it is. But anyway,..I was amused watching: *A woman who was carrying her flip flops but walking like a chicken (picture picking feet up wayyyyy high and going “ow! Ow! Ow!” With each step) all the way along this deck from aft to front, then aft again…barefoot. Lady, they make flip flops (like you’re carrying in your hand) for this very reason. The deck gets HOT. Put them on. Don’t get burn blisters on your feet. *Another lady had a man move her a lounger from in the shade out to the sun, then laid out there for maybe 2 minutes…then had him move her back into the shade for 2 minutes…then back into the sun for 5 minutes. This process repeated 3-4 times, until she finally was in the middle of the walkway, half in sun, half in shade. I hope that half-and half tan works for you, ma’am. *Another girl watched her boyfriend apply sunscreen but waved it off when offered (who turns down a free sunscreen back rub? Maybe I’m a backrub addict, but whatever), and by the time I left my balcony (about 1.5 hrs later) she was apparently waking up from a nap and was SO BURNED on her back. Like…lobster red, she’s gonna HURT tomorrow. Her BF saw it and apparently said something, and she lit into him. Honey, he tried to prevent this earlier, give him a break. This one’s on you. Anywayyyy..we got into trouble this afternoon. At 3ish we were thirsty, so we went to TS. We got scolded by a bar waiter for sitting at a table (they were setting up for high tea apparently) so we moved to the bar. Our new friend (I forget his name, forgive me) served us shots,along with our fellow exiles that we met. They found out it was my bday, so we did…ummmm… 4 shots? 2 fireball, 2 bourbon..I think. Then we started mixing drinks, and i think we had 4 each? I dunno.
  12. I’m not sure about previous engine issues, since MSC just recently reappeared on my radar of lines to try. But all I can say is, the crew (at least in YC) have been fantastic, and they did open the wifi to anyone who needed to change flight plans. I’m semi young, so please don’t judge my book choice…I googled “feel good beach reads” and found American Royals. It was a good book in my opinion. My bday was not announced, but the concierge, my butler, and the dining team all knew, so it must be from my onboard Info. We already have!! More to come!
  13. I think a simple watch (I found one on Amazon for $17) that I can manually adjust in 5-10 seconds is easier than adjusting (and remembering to RE-adjust) my phone. exactly!
  14. I spent the morning reading (and finishing, yay!) my book on the balcony. Around 11:30 the urge for a frozen toblerone drink hit, so we went up to the pool deck bar. We took the drinks down to Topsail and chilled there for an hour, then decided to check out the famous seafood extravaganza on the pool deck. All I can say, is YUMMY! I perused the offerings and settled on the scallop salad, which was PERFECT. Absolutely loaded with scallops, a light dressing, and nice crisp veggies. I took a generous portion, and am now back on the balcony digesting. I think I may go check out the hot tub situation in a moment.
  15. Yes, I am very glad we drove!! Thank you! Thank you for the birthday wishes!
  16. Sitting on the balcony reading, and an announcement just came on that Seaside is experiencing an engine issue and we will be delayed a few hours getting into PC tomorrow. They expect walk off to start around 9:30. Sailing with mom is bad luck…first hurricane Irma, then a tropical storm hit home while we were away, an earthquake in Mexico while we were there on another…she’s cursed!
  17. No…I will admit to that! I’m too spoiled now, and after wandering thru the “general population” buffet, the food there was lacking. I really enjoyed the private lounge to get away to if I wanted a quiet area out of the room, and the private pool deck. i didnt mind venturing out into the rest of the ship, but having “my” area to go back to was Nice. I think I remember seeing your name on the roll call group for that sailing. We have friends that rave about Celebrity!
  18. I tried to sleep in today, but my dang phone kept dinging with text messages starting at 7 am. I really gotta shut that thing off at night on vacation. It was friends wishing me a happy birthday, and while I appreciate them thinking of me, they all know I’m not a morning person AND I’m on vacation…couldn’t they wait until wine o’clock to send the wishes? Anyway, I finally gave in to the fact that I wasn’t going back to sleep and got up. I put on my birthday “crown” (yes, i was THAT person, but only because mom dared me to) and we went to breakfast at the pool bar. I was suprised how many fellow passengers actually took time to wish me happy birthday and engage in conversation! Then, as I was making breakfast, the cooks and bar waiters sang to me! It was so sweet. I sat at the end of the bar, munching my mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and sausage, and then one of the cooks came over…with a breakfast ”cake!” I was blown away, that was so sweet. And if I had known how good the pancakes were (the “cake”was a pancake with whipped cream, grapes, a donut and cherries) I would have eaten them earlier this week!
  19. Thanks for following along! I hope your Seaside experience is as awesome as this one has been. YC is amazing!! Haha we have our moments for sure, then we have a lot of quiet downtime (like right now). I love that YC has both “fun” areas (like the pool bar) but “quiet” areas too. Hopefully we meet up on a future YC trip!
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