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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Made it to Maya Chan! Getting outta the port area was a freaking maze, I ended up throwing the map at DH and let him figure it out. Once we got to the check in point we were informed that due to our itinerary change, they are honoring the reservation but we don’t get palapa, just a beach chair and umbrella. I’m a bit disappointed in that, but what else can I do? Anyway, after a 30 minute taxi ride we are here! It’s very pretty, although there is sea grass in the water and in the beach. Yuck, I don’t like that, but I’ll be ok. They handed us a welcome drink (rum punch) and a basket of chips, pico and guac. Yum, breakfast of champions! oh yeah, we got to see the Virgin Voyages ship pulling in as we left Mardi Gras. She is kinda ugly, kinda intriguing.
  2. I will see if Zoltan will share his secrets with me tomorrow. He’s the only one here that makes them, we asked Jakub and the others and they didn’t know what was in it so I’m not sure if he shares his secrets or not!
  3. I won’t bore you with anymore drink pics tonight. The plan was to hit the theater for Family Feud, but we met up with some people we have been hanging out with this week and we didn’t leave Alchemy until 10:45. Tomorrow will be more interesting tho, i promise! We are in Costa Mays from 8-4, and we booked Maya Chan. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it, and I’m looking forward to going. I’ll post lots of pics and thoughts when we get back onboard!
  4. Drink pictures, I’m baby at Alchemy. Sorry y’all. I wanted to feel sophisticated, important, so I told Evan to make me a martini with olives. Ummm…I’m apparently not a traditional martini fan, I couldn’t finish it. 😞 I asked Cornelius to make me “something white chocolate and berry.” His concoction was good! Zoltan just came back from his break and made me the BEST drink available on the ship….creamy coconut martini with chocolate. Y’all, this is like a dang almond joy. Ahhhhhhh!!!!
  5. Pics of my towel animal or the day, Forty is the New Twenty, and the Hearts on Fire. Heading to Family Feud now. 🙂
  6. We hit up Alchemy at 6:35, it was busy but we got a seat. Evan started out serving us, he was good! Made me a Forty is the New Twenty, which was good, and a Hearts on Fire, which was fruity but not overly sweet. At 7:45 we went to the Palm MDR for dinner. We checked in on the app and within 2-3 minutes our table was ready. We had Ali (think Prince Ali, from Aladdin!) as our server, and he and the team were very efficient! I ordered the broccoli and cheese soup (really yummy), Caesar salad (always good!) and Ali’s suggestion, the salmon coulibac, which was FANTASTIC!
  7. Alright, I tried to deviate from my usual pre-dinner hangout, but Zoltan and Jakub were calling my name (not really). I ended up befriending Evan and Cornelius tonight, and I about made DH fall outta his chair when Cornelius asked what I wanted and I said “something with chocolate and peppermint.” I HATE peppermint y’all, but this creation, which I will call Christmas in a Glass, is phenomenal. It’s sweet but not overly, and just different from the fruity stuff I’ve been drinking. Now I better make my way to the medical center to a)make sure I don’t have a fever/Covid, and b) take a preggo test. Those are the only reasons for me craving peppermint! 😳
  8. A previous poster, I think @ZoeyVictoria, asked about Bolt and if we could see/hear it running. I have paid more attention to see if we do, and the answer is yes. I thought it was the ship as we were sailing honestly, making noises, but nope…In port today it still happened, and I put 2 and 2 together.
  9. So, I got to Serenity at 10:30 this morning, and as you can see it was not crowded at all and I was able to snag a clamshell. It did get busier as it got later, but even when I left at 2:30 there were still loungers available. I left to get some lunch at 2:30, and I decided to try the Funderstruck burger from Guy’s. Heck yeah, it was delicious! Lots of pico, cheesey, and I felt my arteries clogging up as I ate it. Haha. Also, I may be in the minority, but I prefer the new fries they serve. As I ate, one good thing Carnival did on this ship struck me: they spread out the eating venues really well. Guys here, Blue Iguana down there, Street Eats over yonder, Big Chicken down a few decks, pizza and deli down further…it spreads out the crowds at slop time.
  10. I’ll try to tear myself away from Alchemy and go back there. They had a great looking menu! I have not, I didn’t know they had breakfast sammiches! That may be breakfast tomorrow!
  11. I have, I had the cheesesteak fries the other day. Yum! It was empty when we arrived, but had gotten busier now. Still not insane tho. Those sound AMAZING!!
  12. Random pics from around the ship, so that the review isn’t all about the drinks. 😂 Wandered this morning and found Guy’s Burgers, I’m kinda thinking that may be lunch. Deck 16 aft, by Big Chicken, has a nice pool area. May check that out again later, if I decide to give up my prime Serenity real estate. Lido pool area was pretty empty as we walked thru. Crazy to see it that way! Im currently gazing up at Loft 19, excited for when I can try it out on Celebration in a few months!
  13. Haha I am sooooo glad I remembered them! Bought a whole new bottle to bring, and last night even DH asked for a few. 😂
  14. Welcome to Roatan! When I booked this cruise I chose this port to be an extra “sea day” for us to enjoy a partially empty ship. So no fun port adventures today, sorry! We woke up at 9 and puttered around the cabin until 10, when hunger set in. Down to Java Blue on deck 6 for an iced caramel latte, which was awesome, then up to deck 16 aft to check out the Big Chicken’s biscuit. I am not impressed, Bojangles has a better chicken biscuit. Sorry Shaq. The sauce was good, and chicken good, but the biscuit itself was pitiful…not flakey. Oh well, I ain’t gonna starve!
  15. Haha we haven’t been to any ports until today. They swapped out itinerary up last minute (same ports, different order). We are staying onboard today, but will be getting off tomorrow and Thursday. Soooo…the first day I was not pleased, waits were long and it was crowded. Then it began to get better, I think people had to find “their” spot. Now we can pretty much walk up to Alchemy and get a seat unless it’s right before dinner. I need to get back down there!
  16. Just shut down Alchemy. Whoo hoo! I can’t believe I’m still up this late. 😂
  17. Yeah, it just was not what I remember their caprese being. Oh well, better luck next time I hope! It has been so fun giving them creative freedom, and I think both Jakub and Zoltan appreciate it.
  18. After dinner we walked to Grand Central for KFire’s Guess that Groove at 8:30. We got front row seats, heck yeah! We hung there for Deal or No Deal as well, then headed back to Alchemy to see what Zoltan and Jakub could whip up for us. I gave Jakub creative freedom, first requesting something cucumber-y, to which he made me a drink with a PICKLE in it. Where the heck did he have a pickle hidden behind that bar?? It worked tho, it was different, but GOOD! Then I told him I just wanted dessert in a glass, it would be my last drink, and he made me this amazing concoction with cinnamon crème, chocolate, and other ingredients. It was PERFECT!
  19. Much to my dismay, Zoltan swapped ends of the bar with another Alchemist, Jakub, about 545. What?! How can you abandon me Zoltan??? Fine, fine, I’ll give Jakub a try. I asked him for a “sexy water” to help me rehydrate, along with a drink that was not too sweet, and refreshing. He asked me a few questions to see what I liked, then said he had an idea. Whatever he came up with (it’s blue) was good! As we were drinking, the string players were playing a deck below us, and wow…they are great! They went from playing Despacito to All of Me to Stairway to Heaven and more. They’re amazing! At 6:21 we decided we needed food to soak up some alcohol, and we decided that Italian was calling our names. I checked us in on the Hub app, it said a 20-30 minute wait. That was wayyyyy better then Chibang, which was a 50-70 minute wait! At 7:10 we got the notice our table was ready, so we climbed up the 1 floor to Cucina. Saung was our server, and she was really sweet! I couldn’t decide between the caprese, which is my old favorite, or arancini for my starter, so I got both. The caprese disappointed me, it was not as delicious as I remember, but the arancini was great! I’m so glad I got it! For my main I got my old favorite, the chicken parm, with a side of spinach. That spinach y’all…just bring me a big old bowl of that and call me Popeye! It was garlicky and freaking amazing. The chicken parm was ok, not great….I remember it being thinner, and more tender, this one was thicker and a bit tough. I didn’t go hungry tho. I only managed to eat half of it! Now for the funny part. I ordered the tirimusu (however you spell it) for dessert. It came out and I went to dig in…but it was frozen! What. The. Heck. I took my spoon to it and was stabbing it like a mad woman, trying to break it apart, as DH stared at me in horror. Then he busted out laughing and I paused, spoon mid-air. What are you laughing at, turdhole? Think this is funny? Then I saw out of the corner of my eye a bar server staring at me and trying not to laugh. Oh crap! Luckily the server didn’t call security on the madwoman brutally stabbing her innocent dessert. He took my spoon and tested the dessert himself, then shook his head and took it to somebody wearing a top hat and asked if it was suppose to be that way. They whisked it away and he told me a new one was on the way, and when it came out, it was nice and soft. Yay!!
  20. We headed to Alchemy at about 4:45 to hang out with Zoltan. He made me another creamy coconut martini (these things are ADDICTING!) and then threw a twist my way…why not add chocolate to it? Uh, yes please!! After that one I asked him to make me something coffee flavored, and he delivered. 😋
  21. Had a late lunch (3:30) from the Piazza Panini. It was a crazy long line (16 people ahead of us) and took about 20 minutes to get thru. The line was still building as we sat down with our sandwiches too. 😳 I have to say, I was disappointed in my choices. I couldn’t decide between the Caprese, my usual go to, or the Sicilia, so I decided to get both a nibble a bit of each. The Sicilia had good flavor, but was soggy. The Caprese was just bland all together. I think I miss the regular deli on other CCL ships. We headed to Pig & Anchor for a few drinks and check out the Backyard Bash. The Smokey watermelon Margarita was different, in a good way! I also decided to try one of Carnival’s hard seltzers, and Danggit, now I’m going to be spoiled…I really liked the berry hibiscus!!
  22. We have been out & about this morning doing different things. First off, after brunch we went to The Wave morning show in the Mardi Gras theater hosted by KFire and a member of her fun squad. Immediately after that was the Mardi Gras king & queen auditions, which was entertaining to watch. We came back to the room for some balcony time after that. One thing I forgot to mention that was new to me was that our room steward ONLY offers morning service. He works from 8 am to 2 pm each day he said, so no option at all of evening service. That’s usually my preference as I like to sleep in on vacation. He said just to make sure we put the Snoozin sign out each night and then take it off when we leave for breakfast, which isn’t a huge deal but I almost forgot last night to put it out. Oh well. He’s a great steward, our room is tidy and he’s leaving me my towel animals to collect for the week 🙂
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