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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. Thank you…I hate to complain and debated even posting the issue here, but I also want my reviews to be honest with any issues. Fingers crossed that maybe you’ll get the opportunity again! it was raspberry, blood orange, habanero tequila, and some other stuff. Delicious!! They keep telling us it’s an isolated issue. 🙄 I have an iPhone 13 Pro, Chris has an iPhone 12. yikes! The first GS employee we had tried so hard to help, but the girl last night didn’t even try. I don’t know if she even notated the issue in the system, as she never asked my cabin number. I feel great! Chris feels a little rough tho…he got “home” after shutting down Alchemy and literally fell into bed. He’s had coffee, water & Gatorade so far this morning to help him “get ready to dive.”
  2. Me too! Like I (hope) I said, it’s been the only real hiccup this cruise. But with how they are relying on technology now a days, it’s kind it a big hiccup. I don’t want to spend an hour or so sitting at a bar (ok, fine, if it was alchemy I’d be ok with it!) but otherwise I could be out & about doing things until my phone tells me the table is ready. I guess that’s a plus to the set dining time.
  3. 😂😂😂 I’ll be ok…started at noon(ish) until now, and they did serve me 3 bottles of water with last 5 shots of tequila. So I think I’ll be ok.
  4. Challenge accepted. I will let yall know how I feel tomorrow 😂
  5. Following along! So far your review is excellent, I like the “hit” and “miss” layout.
  6. Oh boy, Chris just signed up for beer pong (at the Red Frog)…I should probably go cheer him and his newfound friend on, but I think I’ll hang here with Diana…
  7. Diana in Red Frog knows I’m frustrated and is helping me calm down. I asked for a shot of repasado, and she brought me a shot (not rang up) and told me to try. It was great, smooth! She told me “you have drink package, order the best. This is anejo.” It’s a $19.50 shot, my repasado has been $17. I’ve now had 3, and am at 11 drinks for the day. I probably need to stop before i get like I was Sunday night 😂 On the up side….tomorrow is a “late” port arrival, 11 am. I can sleep it off!
  8. Alright, I’ve been struggling with how to post/word/phrase this next part. Please don’t flame me and think I’m being a royal B…it’s so far the only negative experience we have had on the ship. From my previous reviews, you may notice I try and post the FunTimes and menus. Well, so far this sailing the Hub App isn’t working for me nor Chris AT ALL. Like…it’s dead in the water. We both tried uninstalling and redownloading it on our phones, with no luck. Went to Guest Services yesterday after we had to manually check in for brunch, they did the same, no luck. Tried to install it on my iPad today, no luck. Guest Services has never followed up with us on the issue either. It wasn’t a huge, huge deal until tonight, when we went to dinner. We explained the issue, and the hostess told us to take a seat at the bar, it would be about an hour wait there were 300 people checked in ahead of us. I’m sorry, I don’t want to spend an hour sitting in the MDR bar. Alchemy sure, but the MDR? I told them to cancel us we would just go to Lido, and they told us to please wait they didn’t want us to leave and a table was ready for us in about 10 minutes. I felt bad “jumping line” tho. After dinner I headed to Guest Services to see if we could get the issue somehow resolved…move us to set dining maybe? I left feeling absolutely defeated and a little ticked off to be honest….the agent said there is nothing at all she can do to help me. NOTHING. I get she can’t fix the app…that’s beyond her control. However I asked about moving to set dining, she said no, it’s full. I asked what to do about having to sit in the dining room for an hour or more after I check in…her response was to “go well before you’re ready to dine.” I told her I don’t want to spend my vacation time waiting, and she shrugged. I left before I blew my fuse, and I plan to go back tomorrow to see HOW we can get this resolved. I do not feel like it was handled well today at all. Like I said, this has been the only bad service/issue this trip, and I hate to let technology ruin my vacation, but it kinda is. I don’t want to spend valuable vacation time sitting in a dining room waiting to be called for my table. It’s one thing if it is 10-20 minutes, but an hour? No. Not acceptable. ANYWAY…dinner was very good with excellent service. I had the Girdo Street salad, which was yummy, and the shrimp poke, which didn’t disappoint. The Indian Vegetarian was A+++….spicy and delish! Chris said his roasted sirloin of beef was top notch and cooked perfect. I finished with a cheese plate, as I didn't want anything sweet.
  9. Last night was studio VIP, tonight was Flick. Haven’t attended either as we have been to both multiple times. welcome aboard!!
  10. Isha has made me 2 drinks with the habanero infused vodka. The something strawberry & spicy (not pictured) was good, but this…it’s perfect! Not too sweet and with a good amount of heat. I love it, she gets an A+!
  11. It’s about to get exciting at Alchemy! Isha has habanero infused tequila and habanero infused vodka. Whoo hoo!
  12. On Vista now, in the Havana area. It’s exceptional! The absolute best way to cruise. If you’re not looking at Havana cabins, then MG is awesome, but if you’re wanting a nice pool area in that section, then choose Vista…MG/Celebration/Jubilee Havana areas are a joke. Even some if the staff on here joke about it when it comes up.
  13. Still doing a whole lotta nothing. C (I don’t want to spell his whole name out, so that’s what I’m gonna call him) made me a DELICIOUS raspberry margarita with reposado, and then Kiran tried to copy it but couldn’t gotta say…C is my favorite. Havana area is pretty empty still. We got about an hour until last tender leaves the island.
  14. Yay! That would be awesome!! Haha she makes good coffee for sure!! Mine at home doesn’t taste quite as yummy.
  15. We came back about 1215 and hit up Lido for lunch. Steak & cheese from the deli was delicious! Now we are enjoying a pretty empty Havana area. It’s a perfect day!
  16. Hello from Half Moon Cay! We slept in after staying up too late last night. The seas are a bit choppy today, which delayed the tenders (sorry, water shuttles) some, so it really didn’t matter that we got up at 8:15. They were just calling the first groups then. We went and got breakfast (huervos rancheros, no eggs, for me) and coffee from Setyo at Ocean Plaza. At 9:10 we headed down to deck 0, and at 9:20 we wete loaded on a tender boat. It was definitely rocky!! The sand was just as soft and powdery as I remember, and the water absolutely gorgeous. We threw the beach bag on the beach and went in the water, and stayed for 2 hours just floating and relaxing. It was wonderful. There was a barge being brought in, I wonder what they are going to be doing on the island?
  17. You know, I have to say I was disappointed for no awesome lunch, but the small crowd did make it so we got to interact with all the senior staff that attended. I have! Every day! 😁
  18. I came back to the stateroom and showered and am packing the beach bag for tomorrow…Half Moon Cay!! Chris has never been, and I’ve only been once before in 2019, so I’m excited for the day. I remember the sand being white and powdery, and that water was beautiful. Unfortunately it’s an early port of call (7 am!!!) but that may be a good thing in case it gets hot out.
  19. We went back to the room to change after dinner, which ended about 715, then secured “our” chairs at Alchemy. Isha has been creating things for me…a spicy dirty martini (I don’t like dirty martinis I’ve found out) and now a “something raspberry & mint” which is refreshing and delicious.
  20. We had a nice thunderstorm this afternoon, which I watched from the “patio” under the covered area. Then I went at about 2 to get a sammich from the deli. There was a looooong line, but the lady working got someone to help her and they started whipping the sandwiches out. I ordered the chicken salad sandwich, and it was yummy! After the sandwich I went back to the room and started reading my book, and I napped off and on. It was absolutely wonderful and much needed. About 5:00 we got up and got ready for our 6:00 steakhouse reservation. We hit up alchemy for a pre dinner drink, and I got a cucumber sunrise. It was ok, not my favorite. We wandered to the steakhouse, and oh man….it didn’t disappoint! Service was top notch, and the food delish. I had the stuffed mushrooms and the spinach salad, and in the future I’ll stick with the shrooms i think. I had the filet mignon cooked medium, and it was good, and the mashed potatoes as my side. I did steal some of Chris’s Mac & cheese, and that was way better than the potatoes. I need to remember that in the future. Dessert was the cheesecake, and oh man…it was SO GOOD!
  21. This afternoon is consisting of a whole lotta nothing. Just existing. I honestly may still be drunk from last night. 😂 I have zero motivation. Chris and I have been hanging out in the Havana pool since we left the Diamond cocktail reception at noon. That was a nice little gathering, maybe 25-30 people. They had cocktails and little nibbles (sushi, spring rolls, mozzarella bites, mini lobster roll, fruit cups) and the senior officers came by and spoke to everyone.
  22. Oh no!! That’s just awful. I’m so sorry for your neighborhood and her family. Home2Suites Must not be, the cocktail reception was not very full! ❤️
  23. Brunch was good, although lately I seem to be having cruddy luck with eggs Benedict…they’re always overcooked. Oh well, I’m certainly not going to go hungry. No Diamond luncheon this sailing, we have a cocktail party instead. My head and tummy aren’t quite sure how they feel about that, lol, I think I’ll be drinking Diet Pepsi. I’m disappointed I don’t get to try the yummy luncheon menu I’ve seen on previous reviews, I guess I’ll have to wait until our December sailing to experience it.
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