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Everything posted by pirate4me2

  1. I meant to go last night and talk to someone about her, but the problem is, I don’t know her name. B and I looked yesterday and the day before, and she hasn’t had a name tag on…or if she does, it’s covered up. She had a lady helping her yesterday for a little bit and I don’t want to get the wrong person in trouble.
  2. I’ve only sent out socks, undies, and PJs. They all came back ok. Hubby sends out boxers, socks, Columbia shirts, and they all came back alright.
  3. B and I went and got a drink at Red Frog Pub (have I mentioned yet that I really love that venue and miss it on Horizon & newer ships??) and then came back to the room to watch a movie. B is currently contemplating running to get pizza, but is afraid of how her trainer and dietitian are going to scold her when she gets back home.
  4. B bought a few things, and I popped in for a few minutes of America Rocks. The cast are OK. From there, we headed to Lido for dinner at 8…where I had run in #2 of the day with Deli Lady. I asked for the tomato & mozzarella sandwich, and she asked if I really needed arugula on it. I said yes, it isn’t the same without, and she sighed and told me she would be right back. 11 minutes later (yes I timed her) she returned with the arugula, and of course a line had formed by then. She huffed and puffed about the line and gave me my sandwich with no smile.
  5. The wrap was garbage. The chicken tasted weird, so I went back up and got a steak & cheese. Much better!! We headed to the Havana area and spent all afternoon there. Keshore has learned my drink of choice and sees me coming now and just mixes them up for me. 😂 We hung in the pool & hot tub until about 630, then decided to wander about the ship.
  6. We got back onboard at 2 and went to the deli for provisions. My “friend” was there, and was a bundle of joy. A man asked for a sandwich with extra cheese…she told him no. A lady asked for a BLT with no lettuce, and she said “no menu substitutions” and threw it on anyway. What the??? I asked for the Southwest wrap, no fries, and got half a wrap with fries. Ummmmm…
  7. We wandered to the Splashdown exhibit, then went to swim. The water was sooooo clear and a little chillier than expected, but not bad. We hung out on the beach until about 1, then walked the shops to get a few souvenirs. How do yall like my retail therapy? My small “port purse” has been getting ratty, and I didn’t own a beach bag…now I got 3!
  8. We slept in until 9 today, and went to Blue Iguana for breakfast. Arepas, yum!! When we finished we headed ashore to one of my favorite ports that I haven’t been to since 2018…Grand Turk!
  9. Glad you had a pleasant experience with her today…my two experiences were not so!
  10. It really is! Chris and I usually do some kind of specialty dining as well. He loves the steakhouse, I’m a Cucina fan. We want to try the Teppaniki (I can’t spell that fancy word) if we ever get back on a ship that has it.
  11. This evening was low key. I did go visit Goran at Alchemy for a 40 is the new 20, and had some balcony time with mom and B. Even tho tonight was elegant night number 2, none of us wanted to dress up for MDR…so we hit Lido. Mom got pizza, I forget what B got, and I hit up the deli for a steak & cheese and a salad. All in all…it was wonderful and low key. Much needed! Oh, we did get after dinner drinks at Red Frog Pub. I love how they are like a stop light! Jamaican Sunrise (goooood & fruity!), Hurricane (strong!) and Beachcomber (ok).
  12. I did!! I love it. When I win some big lotto, I’m gonna have a kitty themed yacht.
  13. So B wrapped herself up like a burrito in her blue blanket at naptime apparently, and couldn’t get free. She fell to the floor wrestling with the captor, and after a 5 minute battle finally got free. She proceeded to Lido and ordered herself a whole pizza as a reward. 😂 She’s now napping in a “safe place” on the patio.
  14. Thanks yall! I think they’re gonna be some of my “regular” travel glasses. I’ll pack a pair of my “bling” glasses and a pair of these.
  15. B climbed into bed and fell asleep, and mom and I went in search of lunch. She got something from Blue Iguana, I opted for a Guy’s burger. It was ok, but I think the deli is my favorite for sandwiches. I just wish they had a better worker up there…the line was looooong and I knew it would be a 20 minute wait. Guy’s moved along quick, and it filled me up, just wasn’t as flavorful. The coffee gelato on the other hand…oh yeah! Grab a chocolate chip cookie and mix it in and you’ve got perfection!
  16. We stopped into a store, and I got some new hideous sunglasses y’all! I can’t wait for Chris to see them when I get home. 😁 B is a Starbucks junkie, so we stopped for her to get her fix, then meandered back to the port. MSC Mera was arriving, and I got to admire her. I love how sleek and beautiful their ships are. Don’t worry, I’m still a CCL girl at heart, they’ll always be my first love, but I have become fond of MSC.
  17. From the cathedral we hiked to the fort (I forget the name, it’s the one we pass as we sail in & out) and I got to see all the kitties. I’m a crazy cat lady I admit, I began meowing to them and the started coming out of the bushes for me.
  18. We had no excursion planned today, just to walk to the cathedral (B loves stuff like that), then to the fort, and walk along the ocean’s edge and see the kitties. I was kinda glad we were here in the morning…it was HOT and sunny today, I’m fried! Our first stop was the cathedral, which was beautiful.
  19. We had breakfast today from Lido, and it was decent. We went at 7:30 and everything was hot. We heard Marty announce around 7:45 I think it was that the gangways were open, and we waited until about 8:15 to head off. We figured let the mad masses get off first!
  20. Thank you, she’s feeling good now. I’m glad they will be happy! No plans for any specialty dining this week.
  21. B asked for pizza about 9, so I went with her to get some. There was no line and the fresh pizzas took maybe 5 minutes? We got some and headed back to the room. It was hot, ooey, gooey, but slightly burnt. I’d give it a 6/10. We are now watching some ghost show on TV as B debates her decision on eating pizza. Tomorrow is an EARLY day, we are in San Juan 7-1. Why such a short port time?? At least there’s a Walgreens (or is it CVS?) at the end of the pier for B to get seasick meds.
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