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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. He is def in the dog house!! To make it worse he text me to say he forgot to collect the dogs repeat prescription from the vets so I have to go do that now Michelle
  2. We are back from the eye Hosp with our Cavalier, her eyesight is nearly perfect, next check up in 6 months. So relieved as she nearly lost her eye in January. Disaster struck though as we were going out… hubby had left a tin of paint covered over in cling film on the floor in the hall, our other dog jumped on it - you can imagine the result, dogs paws and our floor, bedding, sofa decking outside all covered in paint as she started running around the house in a panic. D-I -S-A-S-T-E-R!!!! Michelle
  3. Have an fantastic holiday, I will look forward to seeing any pics you can post Michelle
  4. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. I have to take our Cavalier for a check up at the animal eye hospital in Penrith this morning, another check up following her operation in January. It should be a nice drive up through the Lake District with the sunny weather. Have a lovely day everyone whatever you are doing. Michelle
  5. Sorry you lost your game Josy. That man sounds very unpleasant, like you if I were married to him and he spoke to me like that he would be history and my ex-husband Michelle
  6. Hope you mum feels better and is home soon Michelle
  7. Good morning everyone, hope you are ok today. It’s a beautiful morning here, hubby is outside gardening already, I am going out to help(?), well do what I can which is usually only the weeding that is easily reachable for me. We have friends over at a dance weekend, they are dancing on the Promenade at 2pm so going to watch them later. Have a lovely day everyone Michelle
  8. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a sunny morning here, hubby just walked the dogs and he says it feels quite warm. I am meeting friends for coffee this morning in a lovely cafe where they make their own scones every day in different flavours. I can verify they are lovely but my waistline could definitely do without them!!! After that it will be dog walking and then a trip to the gym to try counteract the earlier scones. Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing Michelle
  9. That sounds like an amazing trip, post pictures if you get chance. Have a fantastic time Michelle
  10. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well today. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day here, clear blue skies but a bit of a breeze at the moment but I believe might be rain later in the afternoon. Three of our grandchildren slept over last night after we went to a race night at the tennis club, a fun evening and something different for them. A busy day ahead, my son rang yesterday, he is coming over with his girlfriend and two dogs then my daughter rang to say she is coming over with her husband and granddaughter so Sunday lunch for eleven today. Looks like a trip to the supermarket this morning for more food!!! Have a good day everyone Michelle
  11. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. We have had lovely weather over here for a few days now, not always 100% sun but still a nice day. I am glad to say I can now wear a dress and I am not all wrapped up as if I were going on an expedition. Just had an unexpected visit to the vet with our Cavalier, we noticed at lunchtime her toe was bleeding. It turns out it’s a cyst in between her toes that has burst, she is on antibiotics for a week now. It’s a girls night out at a local bistro tonight so that should be fun, there are 22 of us going. Take care everyone Michelle
  12. Sorry to hear you had to re-visit the hospital with your mum, hopefully everything will start to improve for her now Michelle
  13. My daughter & her husband are on Sky Princess on 19 May so I will be following this thread with interest Michelle
  14. Hi Sarah, apologise for the late reply. I stayed in hospital three nights and I had to prove I could go up and down stairs before they let me home. I wasn’t in any pain after the operation though. After my MRI on 30/12 and diagnosis I had to wait 6 days for my op, I know now I should have been operated on within 24 hours and as a result I have permanent nerve damage, drop foot and no reflex in my left lower leg. But a colleague had the same op and is fine!! I had six weeks off work and physio. I hope your mum does well Michelle
  15. I hope your mum is ok Sarah. I had a similar operation 20 years ago, I had nerve root compression and had a disc removed, I had cauda equina, it was quit scary at the time. I hope she makes a good recovery Michelle
  16. I have been thinking about having mine done for a while now. As I have got older my eyebrows have become more sparse and patchy, I pencil them in every day. My daughter has been having hers done for years and they always look nice Michelle
  17. That is such a nice idea and something for everyone to remember. I am not as organised as you but I have been putting money away every month to pay for Christmas. Having eight grandchildren doesn’t come cheap!! Michelle
  18. Good morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. Sorry to hear that sone of you have been awake ages. I have nights like those too then the next night I sleep really well. Hubby got up early this morning then didn’t switch his alarm off in our bedroom so I got woken up too!! Grrrrr Hubby has a check up at the wound clinic this morning then I need to go shopping for my mum. It is forecast 19 degrees here today so hopefully I will be sat out in the garden later. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  19. Thank you Graham, that brings back good memories. They are all coming to visit us this weekend so looking forward to that Michelle
  20. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all ok today. Its been a beautiful sunny day here, not a cloud in the sky, it’s about 11 degrees but there is a nip in the air still. My mum has come round for tea, doing a roast dinner today with chocolate & banana cake and ice cream for pudding. Hope you have all had a lovely weekend whatever you have been doing Michelle
  21. That looks yummy Graham, I love treats like that. Our son got married at Wynyard Hall, a beautiful location for a wedding Michelle
  22. Gosh that made me tired just reading it!!! I hope you manage to have a quieter day today. Glad your dad got his meds Michelle
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