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Posts posted by LC1950

  1. I'm in Melbourne metro area.  Today we entered our 8th week in Stage 4 lockdown.  It hasn't been fun! 


    I'm just going out twice a week for essential food shopping or to the chemist for medications. We all have to wear masks whenever we are out of our homes.  LOL I walk (weather permitting) each day wearing a mask but that seems to hinder my breathing ... I'm old, OK!  LOL and I stagger more than I walk thanks to old Uncle Arthur.  Can't drive more than 5 Klm from home.  Haven't seen family or friends for weeks.  Thank the Goddess for Facetime!!!  Otherwise I'd be ready for the loony bin. 


    I'm reading, I'm sewing, I'm cooking, I'm cleaning the house .... and I'm sick of it!


    On the bright side ... my laundry and ironing is all up to date (for a change), my freezer is full of precooked from the ground up with love and using all fresh produce) meals, all my mending of missing buttons on shirts, etc., is done and I can assure you there is no such thing as even a cobweb anywhere in my place. 


    We've had one holiday cancelled this year (a land trip, no big deal) but we have a cruise booked for next February/March which I know will be cancelled.  Starting to think I'll be dead before I can cruise again. 


    I'm over it!  Let me out of this lockdown!  Oh, to just be able to go to our local pub for a chicken parma.  My homemade version is great but .... I have to prep it, cook it, serve it then do the dishes after!  *sigh*

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  2. We're wearing masks down here in metropolitan Melbourne and have been for a few weeks ... it's compulsory.  No probs after I learned about the tissue trick with the specs.  I'm actually finding ....


    1.  Masks are a lot warmer for the face with this antarctic blast we've been getting down here for the last few days.  LOL it's quite warm and cosy inside the mask.

    2.  I'm saving a fortune in cosmetics.  Haven't worn make up since ... um, I can't remember when?  My lower face is completely covered and my specs almost cover my upper face.  Of course, my longer hair (no hairdressers allowed to open here) covers my forehead and down beside my ears.

    3.  I'm actually enjoying the "anonymous look".  I'm of an age these days and I've felt invisible for about 20 years.


    All I can say is do the right thing, suck it up and just get on with it!  Oh, and if you feel unwell, stay home and give the rest of us a break!


    Sorry but many thoughtless idiots down here are out and about when they shouldn't be!!!  Angry about that.


    Keep safe and keep healthy cruisers.


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  3. Here is "that" scene for you Ellie.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAlzmRjixr0


    I love that movie.  On my first Princess cruise back in 2013 on the Sun Princess I happened to walk outside on the Riviera deck and "that" scene was playing on Movies Under the Stars.  Well, I just had to take a seat, order a G&T from the roving waiter and watch the movie through to the end.  LOL wonder why I love cruising????


    Oh dear, now I want a cigarette!



    • Haha 1
  4. I'm using a disposable one OzKiwi and Possum and yes, I press the metal thingie around my nose (which isn't a BIG nose by the way) then specs on top and they're fogging up.   After checking Frantic's suggested youtube clip I'll try a tissue next time I have to go out.  Thanks everyone for your suggestions.  Boy, we live in interesting times, don't we?  Who'd have thought things would ever get like this?


    Oh well, onward and upward.  And for goodness sake - keep safe and stay healthy cruisers.

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  5. First day of compulsory wearing of masks down here in Metropolitan Melbourne.  Everyone was wearing one except for one guy I saw drinking his takeaway coffee while standing beside his car.  If you've not had the "pleasure" of wearing a mask before be warned - it gets rather hot in there and if you need to wear spectacles, they'll fog up very quickly.  LOL I couldn't see  where I was going after about 30 seconds so sat my specs on the top of my head and only lowered them if I needed to read something.  Annoying IMO.  But it is what it is.  There's no way I'm going to cop a $200 fine that's for sure.


    Oh, also, if talking to anyone, speak a little louder.  The mask can muffle your voice somewhat.  I had trouble hearing the checkout chic at Aldi telling me how much I was up for.  Ladies (oh, and blokes too if that's your thing?) I suggest no lippie - it'll only get smudged in these things.

  6. I've started making facemasks using leftover fabric from various sewing projects.  Found an easy tutorial on youtube




    I've also got plenty of thread ... does it matter if the thread collour doesn't exactly match the fabric colour?  LOL, don't fancy a shopping trip to Spotlight or Lincraft right now.  We are back into lockdown where I live.

  7. Oh I remember the Gazebo too!  Nice joint. 🤫


    First memory of Kings Cross (Sydney) was 1964 my first holiday.  I had turned 14 and been to a Beatles concert at Festival Hall in Melbourne.  Yes, I know, RockQuiz would be soooo impressed!  My Mum (a serious career woman) was sent to Brisbane then to Sydney for 3 weeks for work.  She had the intervening week off so Dad and I flew up to Sydney to spend that week with her.  First 'serious' flight in a plane ... TAA Electra!!!!  So much excitement.  Anyhow, Mum met us at the arrival gate in Sydney and off we went to our "hotel" which suited us very well.  Room for 2 adults and one child with a small kitchen.  But I digress .....


    First night in Syney we all hop in a taxi to go to Kings Cross.  WOW, it was dark, it was late but it was lit up like a Xmas tree and everything was open!  LOL certainly not at all like Melbourne back in 1964.  We wandered up and down and across the road and up and down again. 


    So, to cut a long story short .... we come across a couple of drag queens posing on the sidewalk.  Dad and I walk past them and wink knowingly at each other, but Mum stands still and looks ... and looks ... and looks again.  Dad nudges me *giggle* *giggle* and I *wink* *wink* and grin at Dad.  Mum finally walks up to us and says ... "They are men!!!!!!"  Of course Dad and I fall apart with laughter "What took you so long to figure it out, love?" says Dad.  Yep, Dad and I laughed about that for years.  We fell in love with Kings Cross ... but back then it was almost benign.  And best of all, the delis were open late so we could buy delish polish sausage, delish cheese and plenty of other condiments!!!!  Yes, there were drugs, there was violance but it wasn't on the street for all to see.  The good old days as far as I was concerned.  Back then I think, people had respect.  Sadly not like today.  No self-control anymore.  Maybe they're too busy on their stupid phones?

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  8. Totally agree Docker123.  Hideous stuff!!!  I'd rather drink poison.  Actually, from personal sampling during trips to Sydney, that is obviously what they make their coffee in NSW from .... just sayin'. 🤢


    These current guidelines in Victorian lockdown areas have me totally confused ... do any of them know what they are doing?  Can we?  Can't we?  Why can't they be clear and precise?

  9. My pleasure ellie1145.  DH and I have visited Singapore many times over the years and I've always loved Raffles.  Can remember the old days when it was on the beach front before the land reclamation works.  LOL never been able to afford to actually stay there, but we always headed to the Long Bar for a Singapore Sling (me) and a Scotch (him).  There's something about eating peanuts and throwing the shells on the floor that to me, is very satisfying LOL.  Lovely memories.

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  10. For anyone interested, there's a very good documentary on the restoration of Raffles Hotel.  It's a 2 parter.  I was last in Singapore in 2018 starying at the Fairmont just across the road from Raffles.  It was interesting to watch the workers replacing the tiles on the roofs of the various buildings but sad to see the various courtyards bare of greenery. 



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  11. I cruised on the Sun Princess September/October 2019.  She has an International Cafe (yay!!!) and on demand TV in the staterooms but during the course of the cruise (15 days) I saw very few people in both Share and Koi Seafood Bar.  Our stateroom was on Deck 8 forward so used to walk through Share frequently during the day/night and the most people I ever saw in Share was 4 on a couple of nights.  Obviously it's not working.  Koi - even less people at lunch or dinner times.  Not a success either IMO.


    I haven't cruised on the Sea Princess yet but she has that great (inclusive) pizza restaurant on Deck 8 as the Sun and Dawn used to have.  I missed the pizza restaurant on the Sun last year.


    I fear that the Sun's and the Sea's days with Princess are numbered.  I really love that size ship.

  12. Still chugging along here in isolation in Victoria but ... but ... daughter & SIL with the 2 grandbabies are coming for brunch next Saturday.  Oh happy day!  Daughter's 'milestone' birthday is Tuesday of next week so a feast for brunch including a birthday cake with candles.  The grandies will love it.  Very much looking forward to seeing our precious little ones - oh and also the precious big ones too. 


    It hasn't been easy fellow cruisers, has it?  Especially if you haven't been able to see grandchildren or children except for Facetime or Skype or whatever.  And thank goodness for technology I say!  But it's not the same as in the flesh is it?


    I also celebrated a 'milestone' birthday a week and a half ago and we had a trip for the 6 of us planned to celebrate.  But alas, that has been cancelled.  Hence my excitement for next Saturday.

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  13. Thank you Kiwi Kurzer.  A lovely day with 2 Facetimes (morning and early evening) with the grandbabies.  LOL lots of blown kisses and "we love you" from both of them and a quiet "chat" with daughter.  DH cooked my favourite dinner - and it was delicious.  Cheers to all mums whether they're mum to human or fur babies.

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  14. Well I have a complaint about this cruise.  My facial muscles are so sore.  Why?  Because I haven't stopped grinning and laughing and simply enjoying myself since I walked up that gangplank in Sydney.  I'm sure I'm even smiling in my sleep at night.


    My fellow cruisers are so friendly and polite and I notice their big smiles too.  Haven't heard one single whinge or complaint from anyone.  Unbelievable really!

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