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Posts posted by mferranti

  1. Certainly you can, but only if you are in a penthouse or royal suite, not if you are only in a lowly sky suite.


    I don't know whether or not that is also a celebrity suite perk as we have not yet tried doing that when we had a celebrity suite.

    But the next time we have one, I will certainly try doing it and will report back to you.


    It is best if you pick out the table you want and ask the Michael's Club Concierge to remove the steerage folks for you rather than confronting them yourself. Those Michael's Club Concierges are very willing and eager to please the top suite guests.

    If you're in a Royal Suite or better and the commoners are in an inside cabin, you can even order them to wait on you.
  2. Apologies if this question has been asked, but on both of the cruises I took, when we got toward the middle of the Gulf of Mexico or thereabouts suddenly my cellphone thought it was in a completely different timezone!


    My poor roommate - he set his alarm for 6am so he could get up and watch the sunrise - woke up, showered, went out, looked at a clock and it was actually 1!


    This happened to anyone else? Anyone know what it is that causes this?

    It's happened to me on Celebrity cruises. The ship's cell service resets it to Greenwich Mean Time. I now go into my phone's settings menu and disable automatic time updates while cruising.
  3. Just curious.. Does Anyone have bad opinions of q-sine? I went once on our first celebrity cruise and found the food and the overall experience horrendous. We left before dessert and even kindly asked for our money back from guest services... Host came and spoke to us and apologized...



    But still , food was over cooked, orders were tacky in presentation (a strobe light flashing in a martini glass that's 2 feet from your face on a small table), flash photography from everyone there constantly.. Even with assistance if the waiters, screaming large parties (with and without kids).. And the food was really just not that good, quality or taste.


    We are heading on the summit in a few weeks and I'm really curious if we are alone in this experience and should try it again.

    You're far from alone in disliking Qsine.
  4. [quote name='DYKWIA']Hmmmm, out of everyone I've spoken to I'm the only one who has ever left a Casino / Vegas down. Everyone else, invariably, is always "about even" or "slightly up" :D[/QUOTE]It's amazing how those places stay in business, isn't it? ;)
  5. I've experienced most of the things mentioned. The only I got mad at it was when we came back from the last dinner to find the attendant had taken the coat hanger that I needed to pack the sport jacket I was wearing into my garment bag. My coat hanger that I had brought from home. :confused:

  6. OK I'm Canadian, and so by definition I must be some sort of Socialist. But this idea that Celebrity should just give its crews free internet is the ultimate in Socialism which this quasi socialist takes offence with. Socialists love to be do-gooders which by itself is a wonderful thing. But ,and it's a big BUT, Socialists want to do these good deeds with other people's money, which in this case is Celebrity's ,RCL's (the corporate parent) and ultimately RCL shareholders' money.


    If you feel strongly that the cruise line is not providing enough benefits to their crews please feel free to buy internet access for them yourself, as others have suggested, or leave a bigger tip, or take your business to companies who treat their employees better. Another suggestion is for you buy RCL's stock and become a shareholder. Then you can advocate the company and your fellow shareholders to change the policies and accept the extra costs associated with this, because, as a shareholder, now those extra costs will be coming out of your pocket.

    Where's that darn Like button? :D
  7. Sorry for the triviality of this question, but our favourite pre-dinner tipple is a nice G & T, and wondered if the tonic served up in the bars on Celebrity is out of a bottle/can or the horrible flat stuff served from a squirty pump thing. If the latter then we may have to buy the tonic to top up our Tanqueray ashore. I know we've seen canned stuff in our minibar before, but can't recall the brand except that it was very sweet.


    And as a side question….our second favourite drinks are Manhattans and Old Fashioneds; does anyone know if we'll be able to squeeze these out of our Classic drinks package? We are not too fussy about the brand of the bourbon etc. or the size. We know this info. is out there somewhere, but pulling it together from multiple threads and/or the dreaded Celebrity web-site is like trying to knit fog. Sheer laziness on our part, sorry!


    Thanks in advance

    Steve & Sue

    Only ever seen fountain tonic in bars.


    Manhattans & OFs should be easy to obtain with your package.

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