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Posts posted by az_tchr

  1. 21 minutes ago, NonnaTLC said:

    We've read about specific party nights, some are white nights, others '80s nights, etc.  How do we plan for them?  How do you know prior to cruising just what to bring?



    You are thinking on Azamara.  Holidays have themes ie. Halloween.  Might have a DJ playing 80s music, but to costuming.  Not announcement as not a big deal.

  2. On 4/24/2020 at 8:13 PM, jagoffee said:

    We will just have to disagree, cruise lines cannot possible know who can cruise and when they can cruise, due to the No Sail order and yet to be developed criteria.

    Are you suggesting that when Celebrity is cancelling a cruise, one is not given the option for a full refund back to the original method of payment? (Assuming you did not pick the more generous credit).
    If yes, why would you call it unethical?

    It is unethical when for example you have a deposit or a FCC provided under Cruise with Confidence and later they changed the rules making it impossible for you to cruise.

    Am positive when cruises resume that there will either be full refunds or lawsuits and more horrible publicity if this group of people are not allowed to cruise.

    I believe that Celebrity's statement that the "note" requirement was temporary still stands.  Things seem to change often with cruiselines today.

    • Haha 1
  3. On 4/18/2020 at 9:46 AM, keesar said:

    If the cruise season in Europe is cancelled, we can always head down to Orlando and visit Epcot.  Let's see, there is Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, ...😀


    Still hoping for real Europe but not looking good.😪

    Always did want to visit Florida in the middle of the summer.  Oh, forgot. . . it's a dry heat.  😊

  4. Tourism is very important to most countries.  As things open up cruising is pretty far down the list.  Need borders to open, countries to recover enough to open domestic travel and businesses.  Now you also need airline travel and covid19 at least enough in the background to open sporting events and larger gatherings including universities (dormitories and cafeterias).  Only then can one consider opening cruising.  That probably happens along with a vaccine.


    My pet peeve today is the disengenuous communications issued by cruiselines.  Understand trying to flatten the curve of cancellations - sorry a really bad pun - but there are dozens and dozen of cruises that simply are impossible unless we get a vaccine.  Italy today is not capable of handling a cruise ship today and it will be months before they recover sufficiently.

  5. 39 minutes ago, Fouremco said:

    I doubt any country is going to follow the US's lead in reopening cruise ports. They'll do what is best for themselves in their recovery from COVID-19, which may or may not coincide with steps taken by the US. JMO

    Absolutely.  Situation is different in each country.  Would guess that Australia will be one of the last after the Ruby Princess fiasco.

    Ponder that LA has banned concerts and large sporting events thru 2020, universities are planning for classes to be online until 2021.  What does this suggest for cruising this year?

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, C-Dragons said:

    In what way are his comments “now of consequence? This video was not for public consumption, it was intended for a specific audience, TA's. There are other threads on this board discussing refunds, no need to rehash here.

    Not sure why the OP decided to post the video, but the pot is being stirred...

    The OP posted because it was pretty much the only thing RCCL has said.  I think the bigger question would be why did RCCL post the video?  It answered nothing.

    My TA said there was nothing of interest to her office mates.

  7. 6 hours ago, BigAl94 said:

     You know this - how?

    Their cash burn rate, cash and credit lines available.  Their SEC filings are public documents.  They already borrowed several billion and had large cash on hand.

    In March they stated $1B a month.  They have cut staff by about half since then with more and more crew going home.  They are no longer running ships full of passengers looking for a place to disembark.

    MS suggested cash burn was down to under $500K not counting bookings that are still coming in.  Cancellations are falling as many with cruises in Q3 and Q4 of 2020 have already cancelled.  With drydock paused They could get to about $250-300M.

    They have earning call in 5 days. Think you can get a good picture then.

  8. Hmmmmm.


    The information that TAs need is when will refunds and FCCs be made.  The 45 day - or more is truly not enough info - timeline isn't working and cancellation of another month of cruises will likely make things worse.


    Sad he suggested we have learned to improve treatment for covid19.  Have seen things that don't work.  Anyone heard of a significant improvement in treatments recently?


    Ok, they will follow government guidelines and resuming activity will take time.  With large gatherings like sporting events being cancelled thru the summer and universities discussing online classes only in the fall; why is RCCL suggesting on their website of cruises resuming in June?  


    This video reminded me of the old Wendys (?) commercial where the lady's asks "Where's the beef?"


    Interesting but my TA said, "Not helpful for so many with FCCs and health conditions or those waiting.  Hopefully something soon."

  9. 54 minutes ago, Ride-The-Waves said:

    Working this exact issue with Uniworld, a river cruise company, and have cruises with X and Princess on the books.


    All three companies now adhere to guidance from the US CDC and from CLIA.  Reading both provides the perspective that chronic (long term) medical conditions are, and will be, a non-go for cruising.  As someone pointed out, most seniors have one or more "chronic" condition, but well controlled with medication.  


    Uniworld has my full fare and the TA its share of commission.  Neither are anxious to refund.  That said, I have been trying to obtain a refund using the CDC/CLIA guidance and the fact that if we are not "healthy enough" to cruise with them today we surely won't be healthy enough in a year or more.  FCC is useless.  Crickets!  They don't have an answer.  Management/ownership (and their lawyers) are caught between reality of the guidance and their desire to keep your money at almost all costs.  It's almost as if they are saying "so sue me" for your refund.


    Next step is to engage the travel insurance folks.  This new guidance, issued after booking, is not directly pandemic related for which they state they are not paying claims.  It's a health condition implemented after booking and one that the cruise lines state will preclude boarding.  Know this is going to become a push back from both sides, each referring to the other as the responsible party.  I sense class action suits galore.  "First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" - Shakespeare Henry VI.


    As I have suggested earlier in other threads, cruising post-COVID-19 (and that may be years since the US CDC is suggesting that the next flu season will be combined flu/coronavirus and very difficult to deal with) will be significantly different from the past norm.  I doubt that the mega-ships with 5,000-plus passengers and 2,000 crew will be very popular.  Smaller ships, less than 1,000 passengers, are easier to manage health-wise based on experience with norovirus.  They are, however, more expensive and less attractive to younger cruisers looking for onboard adventure.  New normal!

    The rules in the future and the dilemma of those with FCC will likely be sorted in the courts.  While it seems unlikely cruising will resume in 2020, over half of people over 65 have a chronic condition that is treated by a physician.  Is high blood pressure that is "normal" with meds ok?  How about any respiratory issue such as COPD or asthma?  These are chronic issues that are fine and periodically flare.

    Unless you are stuck.with a FCC, run - don't walk - to cancel any cruising with any chronic condition.

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, llawrence said:

    So true.....but I was told by Celebrity resolutions department, yesterday, that the over 70 fit to cruise note will be in place at least through the end of the year...we have a Nov 2020 cruise booked....so we are concerned....

    Since COVID will be around until at least spring or summer of 2021, why would you consider cruising if you have what you consider "serious" underlying condition.  DW is making several doc visits to diagnose a condition.  None would be willing to sign a note as they felt liability issues AND said cruising until COVID vaccine available would be unwise (that was the nicest comment. Others used "crazy" and "dumb").

    I understand disappointment, but concern?  Why not wait till August and see how things look then?

    Giving an example of asthma - it is certainly a chronic condition, but how does one determine serious vs. moderate?  The issue here is if you have asthma and it flares to require treatment on board it would likely be at that time serious and you could be disembarked.

  11. On 4/14/2020 at 6:31 AM, FiremedicMike151 said:

    Maybe this question can’t be answered here - is there a particular travel agency out there that does high volume celebrity cruises and can get deeper discounts/perks?



    There is a website called Cruise Compete.  They can assist with prices from TAs.  However you then need to do your own research on their service.  Several large TAs book group space mostly in Verandas.  Certainly a couple $100 cheaper and often come with extra perks.

  12. The big difference is the word "severe" regarding underlying conditions.  What the heck does that mean?  A lawyer would have fun in court with that one.  The statement seems to encompass the knowledge about covid19 learned since March about younger people also having more severe reactions if underlying conditions existed.

    I suspect that it will be a while before cruising resumes and that both the requirements to board and the experience on board will change from both pre covid and as suggested today.

    • Like 1
  13. Ray - understand your frustration.  The post above summarizes Delta.  I will note that United had a 52 HOUR estimated hold time when I called on a Saturday in March.  Tried again at 4:30amEDT and got through in 10 minutes.  Delta can also be handled via their website using the airline ticket code.

    You truly do not need to do anything right now.  RCCL has enough cash for 2020.  So when Celebrity sends you the FCC email you can simply wait to decide or click on the email.  No call needed.

    This is an exceptional time and people are doing all they can to help others in need.


  14. 3 hours ago, 39august said:

    TA just sent a confirmation that the payment we made in advance to that NRD cruise has been transfered to the RD cruise instead. Yea! So, if we have to cancel, now X will only get $100 pp as that is all that has been paid so far on that NRD cruise. We have made a habit of paying in advance of final on a cruise or two every month since we book about 5 a year. That practice  has now ended!

    Glad everything worked out OK.  Hope all your booked cruises - no matter what cruiseline - are in 2021 or later.  As more and more months of cruises are cancelled this chaos will likely not improve.

    I note our TA almost always has group space (about $200-400 savings plus perks included) with refundable deposit.  Hope that will continue when cruises resume.

  15. 4 hours ago, ready2cruzagain said:

    I have not sailed on Celebrity in 10 years and looking to book a b2b in 2022.  My question is how much is a spa pass for the entire length of the cruise for a 10 and an 11 day day booked as two separate cruises.

    $75 a week, $25 for 3 days or $25 a day for Persian Garden 

  16. If obese are banned along with diabetics and heart disease and of course COPD and asthma they will have no problems with social distancing as the ships will be empty.

    FWIW the death rate for COVID19 of those under 70 with underlying conditions is also very high.  Would think with the knowledge base today nobody in those groups would cruise.

    As others have said until a vaccine exists for Covid19 cruising very unlikely.  We have an August transatlantic in 2021.  Would give it 50/50.

    FWIW - wife has moderate asthma.  Would not consider getting on a cruise ship.

  17. 1 hour ago, critterchick said:


    To what change of policy are you referring? Refundable air is refundable air, and the airlines can't change their policies on an already-booked ticket. The problem with booking nonrefundable air through Celebrity is that they will cancel the flight immediately (or their version of immediately). If the airline subsequently cancels the flight, then the airline must refund the airfare to those still holding tickets. But if Flights by Celebrity cancel the flight prematurely, then the passenger is out of luck.

    And your TA can't do anything to speed the process (which may not be what you mean). I think that Celebrity (and the other lines) need to send a followup communication at least apologizing for the delay and explaining what is taking so long.



    All commissions on cruises cancelled by the cruiseline or under the Cruise with Confidence program are protected - if the cruise is fully paid, the TA is fully paid. And if a client takes an FCC and rebooks, the TA gets a commission on that sailing as well. But I like to think that a client who gets a refund will rebook with me some time in the future, so the latter feature is really just smoke and mirrors to me.

    And, if your TA isn't simply passing your payment information along to the cruiseline, it's time to find a new one for the very reason you cited.

    Very convoluted reply but airlines were issuing refunds on pretty much all tickets in February.  Starting in March they began issuing only credits on non refundable tickets.  A big change.  Also with Cruise Air the airlines started making YOU deal with cancelled flights instead of Celebrity.

    My TA will handle things.  They have emailed instructions on how to handle my FCCs.  Some applied to a 2021 cruise and part to be refunded to my credit card.  She said she can check to see when the FCCs are issued and handle things.  Just to be patient as. she thought 6-8 weeks for all to be completed.

  18. 4 hours ago, Ride-The-Waves said:

    Not so fast.  Working now with a large experience travel agency which has apparently switched loyalties from the customer to the cruise line.  They work on commission and canceled cruises mean no commission.  FCC is the name of the game today - keeps the cruise line and the TA with money on the books.  And FCC keeps the customer in limbo, especially with the current guidance from CLAI and CDC.  Like a cruise line, a TA can financially restructure or just cease operations.  You monies are lost to creditors.  Caveat Emptor with TAs just as with cruise lines.

    Actually RCCL pays TAs on cancelled cruises.  A GOOD TA is gold.

  19. 13 hours ago, Jim_Iain said:

    Lisa isn't doing to bad either -


    Lisa Lutoff-Perlo

    The total compensation for Lisa Lutoff-Perlo, president and CEO, Celebrity Cruises, was $4.43m, up from $3.84m. Lutoff-Perlo's salary went to $770,769 from $688,462, and stock awards were worth nearly $2.28m, up from $1.79m. Her cash bonus of nearly $1.1m compared to almost $1.23m the year before. 'Other compensation' was $142,114.

    Her bonus for 2020 will be zero or close to it.  Those $2.2M of stock awards are worth about $500K today.

    The name of the game is to cut staff and cash burn.  Get the crews home and the cash burn can get to about $200M a month.

    They are in a good cash position today and for say until October.  Their unique problem is what assets can they reasonably sell?  Cruise ships are not exactly a hot item for investors today.

    If the CDC is correct and Corona becomes active along with normal flu there will be no cruising until there is a vaccine - spring 2021 at the earliest.  Resumption of cruises cannot happen under any possible guidelines for COVID.

  20. 3 hours ago, Tapi said:

    I can see our neighbor to the south, Mexico, opening up to cruise ships before any other country. Even with the travel restrictions, we’ve continued operating flights between the US  and Mexico. It just seems like a logical destination to begin cruises again. 

    Remembering that there is pretty much no international travel, until restrictions on air travel are mostly eliminated how can any form of cruising restart.  River cruising within a country easier , but except for the USA and Russia cruises either involve lots of international travellers or multiple countries. 

    COVID will be mostly gone before this happens.  

    It most Definately will not be the Mexican Pacific Coast. So many beautiful ports are ruled by AK carrying drug gang members.  Most ports had few cruise before COVID.  No better now.

  21. 1 hour ago, Momma Rene said:

    If you bought the cruise before the doctor's note was required AND you paid for insurance, do you get your insurance money returned?  Our cruise is in December and final payment is in August.  I am thinking a LOT of people are in our situation, however, I cannot find an answer anywhere including my travel agent.  My travel agent said he MAY be able to move it to a land excursion.  I'm so frustrated.  Forgive the all caps.  We paid nearly $800 in insurance money.

    The question is more complicated.  When did you buy your insurance?  If after January 22nd or so you have no coverage for anything caused by COVID.   Also what type of insurance did you buy?  That would include your not cruising because of the doctor's note that was put in place temporarily.

    Again not idea of what type of insurance you bought etc.  This discussion is one you should have with your insurance company or on the insurance board.

    A question to you - if covid19 is still active in August do you think the idea of cruising would be very smart?  Do you think cruising will resume if covid19 is still active?

    What I do know is over 1/3 of Celebrity cruisers are 70+ and 2/3 of those would have at least 1 underlying condition.  No doctor should sign a note and Celebrity will not be successful requiring one.

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