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Posts posted by Downpayment

  1. Went back to Weight Watchers for the first time in 2 weeks because of vacation. I only gained 1 1/2lbs. I thought it was going to be more but I am happy with that. THe gain was from when we stayed with my son. Should have been easier to keep it off but once off the ship I was looking for FOOD. Our cruise ship had yucky food and terrible desserts.


    Back on track I hope and on to the next weight lost for me.


    Does anyone use their phone for tracking. I am really not getting it.

  2. OMG - I thought grapes, whole MDR, was the ugliest room I have ever been in. You're telling me there is something uglier? :eek:



    I have to agree - that is one ugly dining room. And the other places on the ship was the Mad Hatter and the Phantom Theater. Yup:eek: spooky to me these two are. :eek::eek::eek:

  3. Not sure if this was mentioned before but a cup with a cover on it. I had to purchase one and I have them at home.

    I was able to have coffee, tea, lemonade, water with lemonde, hot chocolate and bring to the room instead a cup with no cover.


    A can opener was one thing we so needed for that extra beer you bring to the room.


    Rain hat if you are going to Alaska!:) Had the raincoat but the hate was a must!

    • Like 1

    You have every right to be proud of yourself. Way to go. Now enjoy that cruise.!!!



    Oh I am so going to enjoy this cruise. WOrked my butt off to get there today. I normally do not go on Thursday but I wanted my 50lb charm cause I am afraid I will gain some and not be 50 when I get back LOL!


    So a few weeks of keeping this weight is all I want to do than after the cruise Back to work for another 30lbs!

  5. You are flirting with 1/2 pound. Concentrate on the fact the you have had a loss of almost 50 pounds. And in the morning, you HAD lost that last I/2 pound. If your goal is to maintain for 6 weeks to become a Lifetime member, you will need to do that after you return anyway. Go and enjoy your cruise. Track, walk like you need to escape from someone. If you gain a little, remember that you are in this for life. You have proven to yourself that you know exactly what to do, and you will do it. Don't set yourself up for failure. Have an awesome cruise.


    This will be my first 50lb. I was hoping for lots of weight lost but than as the big number kept coming closer I had to go for it. I may just weigh in when I m in Washington before the cruise. When I get back I will be working on the next 25. Taking small steps for this journey. Thanks for the pep talk. I still can't believe where I am today to where I was 10 months ago.


    I am hoping not to gain too much keep walking and most important walk away from the food.

  6. What do you do when in the morning it shows you lost the weight but come night time the scale is back up.

    I would really like to go and get weighed in this morning it showed I was down the 1/2 lb I needed to be down. But when I came home from work its back up and than some.

    We leave on Friday and I would like to get this 50lb lost over with before we leave but with this issue don't think it will happen.

    Any suggestions?

  7. The last few days before we leave for Washington. Packed our bags now today we will be unpacking and doing it again. This must be like a test how many times can you pack a suitcase and how long each time it takes you.


    This past week WI I had to lose one lb. Did not happen. :confused: I only lost 1/2 lb so this week will be working on the other half lb. I will weigh in either Thursday or Saturday in WA (yes already looked up a place).

    Our first meal on vacation is going to be at the Crab Pot in Seattle. Figure with all the walking we will be doing I am going to be OK. I hope HEHE


    Now off to work and count down days begin. Only 4 more wake up days than we are out of here!!:D

  8. Anyone going on the Alaska cruise 9/3?


    I am short 1lb for my 50lb goal by the cruise. Yesterday and Saturday (Kohls sent me a 30% coupon) I shopped for new clothes. I did not want any new clothes but had no choice since I don't think anyone would like the idea of my pants falling off on the ship.


    I was so darn excited I got me some 1X and ex large tops and pants. I even bought a pair of JEANS!!! I can't believe it Jeans and me have not see each other in over 20 something years.


    GOt my meals already for this week - so here is hoping for that 1 lb weight lost.

  9. Today I out did myself!! I have 4 breakfast, 4 lunches and my veggies ready for the week!


    I hate doing this each night when I get home so I decided I am going to do it for the week.


    I was down another 1.6lbs this week. I have 5lbs to each 50lbs. I want to do this by the time I go on the cruise. Next week will be hard since the grandkids and their parents will be here. But I am going to do it!!!

  10. In 60 days I will be on the Cruise to Alaska. In 56 days I will be in WA to see my son who I have not seen since last March (2012) and the family! They do not know I have been losing weight so it will be a big surprise for them. I saw my granddaughter this past weekend and had not seen her in months and she was shocked to see the new me. A few weeks ago my son stopped by and I had put on my bathing suit he said "MOM YOU NEED A NEW ONE". Next week another set of kids will be here and they will be in shock too!! Especially since Nana has no goodies in the house but healthy food!! HEHE


    This is what Weight Watchers has helped me with. Getting to really lose the weight I so needed to do. I want to lose 7 more lbs to each 50 before I leave. I love the new program been a member over and over again for years but this time it really works. I like food and now I can do both eat and lose!!!;)

  11. I have lost about 44lbs so far. Now that means I have lots and lots of JELL-O and Cottage Cheese looking parts. LOL:D


    Anyone know some magic to get rid of it?:confused:


    I ride my stationary bike, do the wii - I also have been adding some pool exercise. I have bad knees so its hard to do alot.


    HELP -

  12. I am in the same way about drinking. I make myself drink so much before I get home from work. I also have been adding fresh flavoring to my water. I got this awesome thingy from Pamper Chef to put fruit in. (having a online party if anyone is interested)


    I also have a picture of watermelon, mint, and lime in the fridge. Try to stay to natural items instead of chemicals.

  13. Still here!! Busy with the end of the year stuff. Its hard to beleive another school year is coming to an end and the children are so over this whole learning!


    I am still tracking, doing my movements (bike, WII, and have added walking with hubby). We are walking now to build up to when we do the cruise to Alaska. Him hip replacement me bad knees. We only walk a little now but will be able to increase it in time. One thing I can not understand is how can I ride the stationary bike, do the steps on the WII and other things but no pain in the knees but when I walk the pain starts up. It makes me bad!! I was always a walker and so enjoyed it. Guess I got to keep it up and see what happens.

  14. The candy I got was from one of my parents at work. We have no kids soooooo no candy! :mad: This parent also made a cake and cookies. I did not get outside in time for the cake so guess that was a good thing but I did "steal" a cookie!


    Just got back from WW weigh in. I stayed the same. Seems I ate to many fruits last week that could have caused the no lost. This week I will eat the fruits like I did before and see if that makes a difference. Rather stay the same than gain!

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