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Posts posted by Downpayment

  1. I just hate it when they take a point away! HEHE.


    I have lost every week since I joined in Oct 12. Sometimes its the slowest weight lost but I will take every ounce.


    I also found I can still have stuff I like as long as I track it. I make a cake in a cup for my sweet at night add cool whip or strawberry preserves. Simple but yummy

  2. I am trying very hard to lose another 30 before Sept. so if I gain 10lbs on vacation I will be OK with that.
    I also have been riding my stationary bike (12 mins in the am) and do the bike or WII in the evening. I have a bad knee and can't over do it. They claim just 30 mins of exercise a day so I split it (only 24 mins but its better than nothing).

    I try to plan what I am going to eat for breakfast and lunch for the following day.
    We should share some recipes.
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