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Everything posted by riversights

  1. Love the logic in play here. The "rolling duffle" suggestion is very keen.
  2. You have expressed our sentiments precisely. The less burdened by baggage the better. Thank you for chiming in. We are getting the benefit of a seminar-at-sea before we join the airport shunt.
  3. Mutatis mutandis, we've settled on the 28-in. wheeled trunk and one suitcase of lesser dimensions. Cumulative conversation contributed to our peace of mind (hard to come by in 2024).
  4. These replies are very helpful. You are dealing with greenhorns. There is a dialectical element operating that multiplies the effect of your comments. That's an oblique way of saying, "We read between the lines." You are the experienced voyagers; we are your ignorant mates. I would prefer to travel light, check the cargo, and join up at Stockholm at our stateroom. Are we crazy?
  5. For those who are wise, practical, and experienced: We will board Nautica for a three week sail this summer, and we are wondering about luggage dimensions. I'll just come right out with the question. "Is a 28-in. trunk about right, or too cumbersome, unwieldly, and magnificent for such a voyage?" What's your ideal luggage dimensions? Thank you for your input Your travel savvy and experience with luggage will help us with our planning.
  6. There have been some wonderfully engaging replies here. One can even read between the lines. 😊
  7. "Ship market" refers to the shops onboard our vessel.
  8. Thanks to everyone who posted a reply to my question. The conversation is helpful in imagining our voyage. We don't expect a lot of shopping on Nautica, but the stroll through the ship market is part of the adventure. The ports will have more options. Your shared insights are much appreciated.
  9. This will be our first sail of the Baltic region. We are wondering if onboard shops will feature regional products. Maybe you have comments about the onboard shopping experience. We welcome your shared insights.
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