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Everything posted by Louise245

  1. I am not new to HAL but this is the second cruise I have this issue. I cannot book the flights myself on flightease. When I am able to access it and very often I cannot, i select the flight and put the info and then I get the message that the flight is no longer available. Also when I monitor the price and it goes down I cannot do anything always the same message it is no longer available. I know it can happen but not every single time. Anyone else have issues booking their flight on HAL site?
  2. Thank you for such good reviews. In the Fall 2022 we did a transatlantic on the Sky Princess and really enjoyed it. It was not at full capacity. We are thinking of booking a 14 day cruise on the Enchanted but are worry it will feel very crowded. We do not care for sitting by the pool but like to find a lounger to read, preferably in the shade. Is this possible. we are both very easy going and understanding and do not get upset if we have to wait a bit for things. I just do not appreciate pushy people. So is founding a lounger to read mission impossible on sea days and does the ship feels very crowded? Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Louise
  3. Hi Roxxy, This is what I am now reading and realizing now. That no one reacts the same. Will have to cancel our cruise at the beginning of October and book something at the end of November.
  4. I had heard of someone who left for Florida with travel insurance the day following his last radiotherapy treatment. This is what I am looking for. It is 650$ CDN for 19 days. This exclude any problem that might arise from the cancer but everything else is covered. Also that there is no metastase.
  5. I called MediPac. What I found is that, in our case, if the treatment is radiotherapy, he can be insured and there is no waiting period at the end of the treatment. If the treatment is chimio, he has to fill a more in depth questionnaire that they send you by email and is sent to their underwritten plan for evaluation. They were very helpful.
  6. That is my next step. I did a google search and there are many links and most seems to be from the US or UK. I am taking a chance that someone might know of a company.
  7. We have a cruise planned for October. My husband will receive radiotherapy for prostate treatment that will finish just before leaving for Europe. Does anyone knows a travel insurance that will insure you in that situation. I understand that cancer would not be cover but anything else would?
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