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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. So happy for your family. I have been praying from the beginning and will keep doing so. I have a list of my CC friends and we know from all the prayers Charlie has gotten over the years the prayers work🙏
  2. Now Charlie is off to Toyota to get a new leased car. Our lease isn’t up until March but they kept calling with these early return deals and he falls for them! Like there won’t be another deal coming up. Anyway, we didn’t win enough in Atlantic City to pay it off🤪
  3. We are in Atlantic City, just won $1200 on my favorite machine! Of course it took quite a bit before it rewarded me. We enjoyed Happy Hour at McCormicks.
  4. My granddaughter got invited to go see the parade with her friend’s family. Don’t know what the dad does but he got tickets for a front row somewhere along the route. Can’t wait to hear her thoughts.
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