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June 7th - First Triumph Cruise out of NY - Review


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This is going to take me a little while because there is alot to tell, so please be patient with me. : - )

Our background, this is our 3rd Carnival cruise in 2 years and our 3rd cruise in the past 8 months (other two being Disney and RCCL Indy).

I decided to trade in my RCCL cruise out of Miami (save the airfare) and drive with my two kids (ages 5 and 9) to New York City. My hubby decided to sit this one out, but I was meeting some fellow CCers onboard so we weren't alone.

Drive to New York City on Sunday (day of the cruise) -

AWESOME. I am so proud of myself...lol. I had heard horror stories about NYC driving, but we zipped right in. Took about 4.5 hours to get there, right through the Lincoln Tunnel and drove right to the terminal.

ARRIVED AT 10:30am


BEWARE - one of the parking ramps is closed due to constuction. So you can do this one of 2 ways, take the FIRST ramp to the right and go straight up to park at the pier. OR, drop everyone off and circle back around, then go up to park at the pier.

WARNING - if you remember one thing from this review, make sure you remember that the ship does NOT always dock back at the same pier. There are THREE - 88, 89 and 90. We were originally docked at pier 90, which is where my car is, we arrived back at Pier 88. So be on the lookout or you may be wandering the parking lot for you car (if you drive)

NCL Dawn was parked at Pier 88




So the kids and I park up top - parking is $30/day - so $120 for a 4 day cruise. They accept cash or credit cards and you DO PAY on the first day. They have 2 dogs that snif the car too. And security will ask you to pull over for them to do this, then you can go park the car.

We hand the luggage off to the porter (have one at the top of the parking garage) and head inside to check in.


We are informed that we have to go sit down in sections and "wait to go through security". This was a little odd. They were holding us in sections in the terminal before they would allow us into the security line. I overheard a woman asking the terminal employee when we would be allowed to check in, she said 2pm...lol...of course, standard answer.

By 11:15AM - I notice they are starting to take people into the security lines. Passports out. Zip through the security and onto the "Check In lines" - divided by Decks. I get in line for Deck 8 and we are told to fill out a questionaire - the Swine Flu Questionaire - are we sick, sniffles, sore throat and "Carnival Medical staff will provide a check up free of charge if you say Yes"

We fill out the forms, no illnesses. Only about 4 couples in front of us. Get up to the check in desk - No Problem - "welcome back" here are your cards, you are "Zone 1 for boarding, you can board when they call for #1"

11:30AM - They make an annoucement "We have special Travel Agent guests that will be allow to board early right away - all other passengers will have to wait until 12:30pm" {insert groan here} I knew about the Cruise Conference in NYC and the "ship inspection" for the cruise conference. I was hoping it wouldn't interfere with the cruise too much.

So we watched the "Special Guests" walk past us. I was dreading keeping the kids entertained in that one spot for another hour.

By 11:45am - they announced "We are now boarding Zone 1" - RELIEF! We get in line to board, quick photo, up the gangway, and we enter on Deck 3.

I head straight to the Customer Relations Desk to add cash onto the account. No waiting at all.

We head to the Lido for lunch...this was the First and LAST time that there wasn't a massive line at the Lido Buffet. So we grab something to eat, meet up with a few CC friends and learn that our cabins are already open and ready - JOY! :D

To be continued.....

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Time to head to our cabin. We had a Cat 8C Balcony Cabin - #8241


Since it was just me and the girls, we had 3 single beds (one upper).


They are a nice size. A little wear/tear - more in the next post. But it was adequate enough for us for a 4 day cruise.


Cabin 8241 - Deck 8 - Verandah Deck













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The bathroom...with the Worlds Most Tempermental Shower...LOL! You turn the water on, it's cold, turn it a hair to the left, turned so hot it could melt metal. :eek::p Get it the right temp, dare to step in, one second later, it's scalding hot. Me and this shower did not get along.

Hair dryer was in the bathroom, I could have left mine at home.





Tempermental Shower with "Champoo" and Body Wash






Some nice freebies. Toothpaste and a razor.



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Here is what I mean when I say "Wear/Tear"

The drawers didn't match up. When you closed one correctly, the other wouldn't close.






These rags were on our balcony when we got there. They weren't removed until Day 3, the port day.



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Type faster Michele!!!


Nice review so far...........great pix! Were your girls surprised???? IIRC you had it as a surprise in your siggie!


I told the girls on Easter, made it a Scavenger hunt to figure out what I got them. Just never changed my signature when they were told. ;)


And I am trying to type faster. :D


Muster to come - now there's a story.....

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I told the girls on Easter, made it a Scavenger hunt to figure out what I got them. Just never changed my signature when they were told. ;)


And I am trying to type faster. :D


Muster to come - now there's a story.....


that's cute....


the easter bunny brought my mom and i a cruise to bermuda a couple years ago......in an easter basket and all!

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We met up with some CCers. Grabbed our swim suits. And headed to the Mid Ship pool - which was HEATED! WOOHOOO. We don't know how. But the midship pool was the only warm (almost hot) pool the entire cruise. The other pools were ice cold. But this pool was the busiest for most of the cruise.



Being CCers, we couldn't miss a great opportunity to play "I SPY DIAPERED BABIES in the POOL" lol - count was 5 babies in the mid ship pool with diapers, just in case you are wondering. NO ENFORCEMENT. Not to mention one of the moms of the diapered babies also ate her dinner in the Lido buffet wearing a bikini, no cover up. I couldn't keep myself from laughing. You guys are all a bad influence on me. And I also started laughing when the woman in front of me picked up the pitcher of dressing and stuck her nose in it to snif it. When I busted out laughing, moreso in shock, she turned to be and said "Well do YOU know what it is?" And I said "Well by LOOKING from here, it LOOKS like honey mustard"




First of many, many ice creams...





MUSTER DRILL - Scheduled for 4:40pm


Not being cruise newbies, we knew it was better for our family to make our way down to the Muster Stations a few minutes early. So at 4:35pm, I grab the vest and the girls and I make our way down to Muster Station A. The crew member instructs us to get our vests on and stand flat against the back wall to make room for everyone, no problem, we knew this was coming.




By 4:40pm, the area is full of people, we are squeezed against the wall, the kids are getting a little whiny, but nothing I can't handle. ALARM HAS NOT SOUNDED.


By 4:45pm, more people, its getting more crowded. Getting hotter. STILL no muster alarm.


4:50pm, nope, no alarm. 4:55pm, nope, still nothing.


At 5pm - they FINALLY sound the Muster Alarm - we have all been lined up for 20 minutes at this point in the vests, which made the next 20 minutes pretty uncomfortable.


But what was worse, they already started sailing before the Muster was over. We couldn't see it, but we could feel it. And that meant NO PICTURES of the sailaway. :eek:


As soon as we were dismissed at 5:20pm, we ran to the cabin, threw the vests in the closet and ran up to the Lido deck.


Or we would have missed THIS!





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Ohhh, I can't wait. The bathing suit at the buffet and sniffing don't bother me near as much as the diapers in the pool. I would have complained about that one. Did anyone complain? Did you notice this was the trend throughout the whole cruise or just the first day?


Oh, one more thing. I will also be driving to the port. I have driven around the outskirts of NYC but never in it. I will be taking the George Washington Bridge though. I am nervous and I only live 2 1/2 hrs away.

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Ravi, we live West Central PA.


In case you are wondering, the Twister Slide was closed on Day 1 (minimum height requirement 42"). It was opened from 10am - 5pm the rest of the cruise.




The AFT pool was freezing. They did close the roof on the Sea Day, still cold. The AFT hot tubs were ADULT ONLY.




Many chairs to be found on Day 1.




Carnival Seaside Theatre - can I just say how ANNOYING this thing was? Sorry all, but it was. It was blasting Carnival ads for the most part. Just an example, on our Sea Day, 7am-9am - morning news, 9am morning show with Jorge, the rest of the day Carnival ads, 5:30pm Marvin Gaye Greatest Hits, 9:30 a movie - FINALLY - Wall - E

On our next to last Sea Day, they had Beverly Hills Chihuahua playing at 5:30pm - yeah that's great for all of us with kids in Early Seating. So no chihuahua for us.




Yep, there is a Baby Pool outside the door at Camp Carnival door. Yes, it's salt water like the other pools. No, no babies in diapers allowed. And yes, that's one of the babies in a diaper.




The sign at the entrance to the baby pool.



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Ohhh, I can't wait. The bathing suit at the buffet and sniffing don't bother me near as much as the diapers in the pool. I would have complained about that one. Did anyone complain? Did you notice this was the trend throughout the whole cruise or just the first day?


Oh, one more thing. I will also be driving to the port. I have driven around the outskirts of NYC but never in it. I will be taking the George Washington Bridge though. I am nervous and I only live 2 1/2 hrs away.


Babies in the pool, it was the whole cruise. There was always at least one baby in the pool with a diaper on. And heck, it was cold outside. I can't even imagine if it had been really warm.


Security was standing by the pool, said nothing.


The only time I saw Security move to correct someone, I saw one boy splashing some other kids. He came over to correct that one boy. But not the adults who couldn't read. ;)


And yes, you can take the George Washington bridge or the Holland Tunnel. I wanted to go through the Lincoln tunnel (my kids like it...lol) so I kept ignoring my navigation. But the GWB was the better route.

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Babies in the pool, it was the whole cruise. There was always at least one baby in the pool with a diaper on. And heck, it was cold outside. I can't even imagine if it had been really warm.


Security was standing by the pool, said nothing.


The only time I saw Security move to correct someone, I saw one boy splashing some other kids. He came over to correct that one boy. But not the adults who couldn't read. ;)


And yes, you can take the George Washington bridge or the Holland Tunnel. I wanted to go through the Lincoln tunnel (my kids like it...lol) so I kept ignoring my navigation. But the GWB was the better route.


Can you tell me the address you used in your gps?

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OK, complaint coming - I tried to go to Camp Carnival early to sign in. They said "Nope, have to go Camp Orientation at 5:15pm"

Which meant....

#1, we were missing sail away

#2, we were going to be rushing to dinner at 6pm.

So I race the kids from the Statue of Liberty view to go to Camp Carnival Orientation in a lounge. And surprise, they weren't on time. They were behind.

So I TRY to wait patiently, knowing I am missing sail away. The counselors are oblivious. So they start the orientation at 5:30pm, I fill out the paper immedialty, grab a cell phone, sign for it and I am on my way, racing back to the deck to take more pics.

THEN, racing back to the cabin, dress for dinner, head to dinner at 6pm. I am convinced that I will need another vacation after this one because all we did was race around the entire day. ;)

Dinner is great, love the food. I am now ADDICTED to Warm Chocolate Melting Cake.

We were seated at a table with a family of 5. Nice people. Nothing in common. It was a quiet meal.

Come back to our cabin to this....love this, of course...



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Can you tell me the address you used in your gps?


Yep, I used the address from the Carnival site..


New York City Passenger Ship Terminal

Pier# 88/90/92

711 12th Avenue at 55th Street

New York City, New York 10019





Traveling from outside of New York City

  • New Jersey Turnpike North/South
  • Take Lincoln Tunnel to New York City and follow signs to West 42nd Street
  • Turn left on to West 42nd Street
  • Turn right on to 12th Avenue (West Side Highway)
  • Turn left at 55th Street and proceed up the ramp to the terminal
  • Proceed to Pier #88/90/92

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Day 1

Drink Special - Fun SHip Special $4.50 reg or $6.95 with Souvenir Cup, Refill only $5.95

Fountain Fun Cards - $22/Adults, $16/children

Soda Tumblers - $6.95 (or $4.95 if you bought a soda card at the same time)

Dining - 6pm and 8:15pm

Sushi Bar open - 5pm - 8:15pm

10:30pm Showtime - Meet Jorge your Cruise Director and the comedy of Frank DelPizzo with Live Music from Sean Leahy and The Tiumph Orchestra

In Cabin Movies - Twilight, Slumdog Millionaire, Secret Life of Bees

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Day 2


Meeting with fellow CCers at the Aft Pool




I have to tell you, if it wasn't for this wonderful group of people, I would have been lost. They were so much fun. PatSea and I ended up "CRASHING" the late night seating dinner just to sit with 2 of them, we didn't eat, just sat...lol. They made this entire cruise worth it. Or you would be reading a different kind of review...lol.


After my meeting, went to pick up my youngest from Camp Carnival. The counselor said that my child was "throwing toys". I was appalled. Apologized profusely. And told them I would speak to her.


This is the "innocent" bunny here....




And this is where our relationship with Camp Carnival spiraled downward...lol. This was my duaghter's 3rd cruise with Camp Carnival. It is the first time she had any problems with them.



That afternoon, Camp Carnival shuts down for Build A Bear - called Bear Workshop for Families. Ohhhh yeah. We went to stand in the SUCKER LINE for the bears. They tell you to pick an animal ($33 for a bear with 3 outfits or $19.99 for a bear with just a t-shirt) - then they take your SS card and away you go. There is no "family time" involved.





The choices...







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Formal Night and my not so enchanted evening

We get all dressed up for "Elegant Night" and start getting pictures taken at 4:30pm. (Pictures are now $21.99 each, 8x10)







Camp Carnival opens "for drinks" (I kid you not) at 6pm, but Camp Carnival dinner at the Lido is not until 7pm. Both of my kids beg me to go.


I go to the camp and explain at each drop off that my girls will want to sit together because when the Little Sis sees the Big Sis, she is going to want to eat with her. "NO PROBLEM" was the answer from each counselor. And it wasn't a problem on the other CARNIVAL ships. So I follow the kids groups to the Lido deck, see the my kids find each other and hug each other, I turn to go to meet some people for dinner. I guess after I walked away, the counselors came and told my youngest to go sit with her own group. She cried. They said she couldn't sit with my oldest. So she was upset. But she calmed down.


By 8pm, I was waiting with CC friends to crash the Late Seating dinner (their table mates never showed the whole cruise) when my Camp Carnival phone rang. They said that my daughter was "Hitting other children with a toy" - Mortified, I excuse myself, nope, still didn't eat and go running to Camp Carnival.


I see her playing kitchen with another little girl -- no problem.


I tell them who I am and say "She is hitting the kids with toys????"


The response - "ohhh noo noo noo, she took this rubber shark and hit that metal pole. She did it a few times, we told her not to, she did it again, so we called you" :cool:


A rubber shark? Seriously? They couldn't handle a 5 year old with a rubber shark? The counselor (Petra) said "Well she doesn't have to leave but you have to talk to her"


Well since I was NOW late for dinner, I just took her with me and we headed back to the cabin, where I put my sweatpants on and we ate ham and cheese sandwiches. :p


So if your kids are preschoolers, be sure you talk to them about the dangers of abusing the rubber shark on Triumph.

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sheesh.............they can't fix the drink machines??? sounds like the cappuccino machine on Explorer in Feb.


Keep typing......


lemme ask a dumb question.....how did you get pix in your review??? did you put them on the computer then copy and paste into word or something??? i searched as it's been on CC a bunch of times, but i got funky answers.....


awaiting more.....:p

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