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Do All The Beach Bars Make You Pay For Chairs Now?


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I'm noticing that everyone keeps mentioning paying to use the chairs at the beach. We've been to Cat's Meow twice and were not asked to pay anything for the chairs - we purchased drinks and appetizers and that was good enough. Even on our last trip when it was just me and my kids - I had 2 margaritas and the kids had hamburgers and Cokes - and we had a table and chairs for the whole day. Has this changed? We'll be stopping in Costa Maya on two cruises this year, and I'm wondering if we should even bother going into town this time around. I'm not cheap, but if I'm buying lunch and drinks, I don't want to have to pay $5 per person to have chairs to sit in while I have my food and drink!

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When we were first told at the Cat's Meow that we could use chairs for the day for $10 for 2 of us it didn't seem unreasonable to us as we were not initially customers- just using the chairs. The beaches are small there and all of what we saw were in front of local establishments. If you were sitting at the restaurant as paying customers I doubt they would ask for money to sit in the chairs. Since the cruise lines charge big bucks at alot of cruise stops to use beach areas, $10 didn't seem like alot to us.

Actually we really didn't mind being generous, we ordered little, stayed all day, and had lots of fun. Had we only tipped 15 percent of our total tab for the day it would of amounted to slightly over $2.00. A small amount for the whole day. So for us it was fair. This was my first big vacation with just my sister [minus kids], loved the people we met in Majahual and didn't mind spending a modest amount of money supporting the locals. We did some pricey tours at some of our other stops, but can say we probaly spent the least and had the best time in Majahual.

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Hi Rowan,

we visited Costa Maya in the end of April, and yes there were some people (not sure if they work for any particular bar or not) that were trying to get us to use the chairs for a fee / charge. They just might see it as an oportunity to make some extra money....... and if 'we' are willing to pay - for sure they will charge whatever they can.

We did stop at Cat's Meow first and they were pretty busy, so we just continued to walk down the 'street' and as we were walking farther the 'price' of chairs came down to nothing, there were people on the street that were inviting us to the chairs / tables / umbrellas for "5 dol per chair" , "2 dol per chair" and "amigo free chairs" - so pay what you want , we did not pay for any chairs just for the water and cokes that we ordered ( 2dol per bottle or can) plus tip.

Some how I believe that a lot of the people there think that we got so much money that we just want to get rid of that - yes they need to make a living but they will take advantage of anyone if they can. I have seen one vendor on the street selling different things including some large straw hats, ..... a couple stoped by to try the hats on, they took a picture of each other and the vendor demanded money (2 dol) for that - I could see charging money for something like that if that was a service / a prop that was offered for that purpose ... but these people wanted to buy the hats and they were debating how to put them in the luggage, and they were taking pictures in a process of that debate.



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I just can't imagine any private establishment in America allowing people to occupy their space all day for free. In restaurants you are expected to eat and leave so the next paying customers can occupy those seats. Waiters or waitresses would not be able to make a living if everyone stayed all day for one small tip- I feel the same goes for the people of Mexico. I don't know many even public beaches in America that provide chairs for free. Rent for beach chairs average about $7 a day at all the beaches we visit in America if we don't bring our own .I'm sure the places that are providing free chairs are counting on tips from repeat orders to earn their living. I am certainly not a rich american, vacations are far and few between for me so I'm not going to throw money away, but I am sensitive to those who are trying to earn a living and still do not feel ripped off by the charge for beach chairs. We were well taken care of during our visits, our seats were still reserved and waiting for us when we left to shop and sightsee. I doubt that would happen if they were being sat in all day for free. The 2 of us ordered the best chicken fajitas I've ever had for $6. One was big enough for both of us and 2 pina coladas for about $5 each. So our bill for the day would have been about $16 dollars for 2. 15% of that order for a day would have been very little for the service we recieved to occupy their space all day. Just like I respect american establishments and servers need to earn a decent living, I feel the same towards these workers. I'm happy to make their lives a little better.:)

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We ended up at the Xtunkha for the day. They took very good care of us. Ask for Atocka. He was great! We got free chairs, table to sit when needed, shade, bathroom and shower to use. We enjoyed our lunch very much. Beers were 6 for $10. This place seemed to be the nicest. It is two levels with a thatched roof. Upstairs we got a massage for $20 for an entire hour. We will definitely enjoy your day at this place. We sure did. As you leave the taxis are right there waiting to take you back to the ship.

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I just can't imagine any private establishment in America allowing people to occupy their space all day for free. In restaurants you are expected to eat and leave so the next paying customers can occupy those seats. Waiters or waitresses would not be able to make a living if everyone stayed all day for one small tip- I feel the same goes for the people of Mexico. I don't know many even public beaches in America that provide chairs for free. Rent for beach chairs average about $7 a day at all the beaches we visit in America if we don't bring our own .I'm sure the places that are providing free chairs are counting on tips from repeat orders to earn their living. I am certainly not a rich american, vacations are far and few between for me so I'm not going to throw money away, but I am sensitive to those who are trying to earn a living and still do not feel ripped off by the charge for beach chairs. We were well taken care of during our visits, our seats were still reserved and waiting for us when we left to shop and sightsee. I doubt that would happen if they were being sat in all day for free. The 2 of us ordered the best chicken fajitas I've ever had for $6. One was big enough for both of us and 2 pina coladas for about $5 each. So our bill for the day would have been about $16 dollars for 2. 15% of that order for a day would have been very little for the service we recieved to occupy their space all day. Just like I respect american establishments and servers need to earn a decent living, I feel the same towards these workers. I'm happy to make their lives a little better.:)


Hi MDSue,

I am not sure if your post is directed towards 'me' or it is just a general view /opinion that you might have. If it was written for my benefit - thank you.

All of us got some idea what is wrong and what is right and 'we' have an opinion what should or should not be done.

I have traveled for a number of years (close to 50) not only on cruises but work and personal travel as well. I have been in many places in Europe, China and Mexico as well - so my view on Costa Maya might be a little different than yours.

I respect any establishment and their workers regardless what country I am in - but at the same time I try to do " In Rome as the Romans do" not what the Americans do in America ( I do that when I am in America).

I can not look what things cost in the USA and what things cost in Mexico or in China, or in Europe and start comparing that - the pay is different in each country, and the money has different value.

Now as far as our trip to Costa Maya and the cost of chairs, drinks or whatever.

To start with the the beach area is not the property of the establishments but they might be using it to their advantage, if they want to provide you a chair, table and whatever and you agree tp pay for that - that is between you and them ....it is bussiness, if they want to charge us the same prices what we pay in the USA .... and we want to pay that ..... that is bussiness as well.

If they want to offer 'us' free chairs' - that is also bussiness.

In our case: we got the free chairs, we spend about three hours there, we purchased 6 bottles / cans of water and cokes - the bill was 12 dol plus we gave additional 3 dol tip - total of 15 dol...... at the same time there were a lot more empty chairs not used by anyone - so the 'establishment' and the waiter did a lot better with us and the 'free chairs' that we used than with the bunch that was empty ....... it is bussiness. In addition 'we' got two 20 dol massages - so someone also made some money on that . And yes they are smart people and know how to get the money out of the 'rich' Americans. Perhaps the 10 or 20 dol is not that much by US standards but many people in that area do not make that much for a hard day's work - so the 10 or 20 dol will buy a lot more than it would in the US.

So I will pay what I think is right for me and everyone else will pay what they want ....... sorry Sue that perhaps my opinion is different than yours - we might not see things the same way, have no idea if the MD in your screen name is for medical doctor - if it is, do you think the MDs in Mexico (Costa Maya) make the same 'money' as MDs in the USA, even that the richest man in the world is from Mexico.


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O gosh $20 for 2 chairs, no way I would just have to keep walking :rolleyes: To me that is way to much if you are a paying customer. Now as far as sitting there all day I wont be doing that either but I will be spending a few hours most likely and buying lunch and beer for me and my party which there will most likely be about 12 of us so if each couple paid $20 for there chairs that would be an extra $120 buck plus food and drinks, no way. Hopefully we wont run into that when we go.



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To Wieslaw- no disrespect was intended- just wanted to give my opinion also. p.s -I'm not an MD just live in Maryland. Happy travels to you.


Hi MDSue,


thanks for your response. I do not see any " disrespect" in your post .... just a little different view...... and my /our views sometimes do change as I /we get older or experience different things as we travel to different places.


Enjoy your cruises and travel ....... there are so many different things to see here in the US as well as many other countries.



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We'll be doing an excursion first. Just stopping for a drink and lunch.


Are they going to try to charge us for chairs too?


We just want to do lunch.


Let me know because there's no way I'm gonna pay for my seat for a one hour lunch.:) If that's what is expected,:( , we'll just go back to the ship.

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We were in Costa Maya on Friday (7/19) and spent 4 hours at the Cat's Meow. Hugo told us right off that we would not have to pay for chairs and we had a fantastic time....there were 11 in our group, we had tables and chairs under the canopy, as well as chairs to lay out by the beach. We spent $169 total for 4 hours, which included all-you-could eat (free) chips and salsa, plus (at a cost) guacamole, 5 buckets of beer, numerous fishbowl sized pineapple daiquiris (to die for!) and fish, beef and chicken tacos. It was an amazing deal and we had a fantastic time! The Cat's Meow does a great job at taking care of you and making you feel welcome AND doesn't charge for those chairs.

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We'll be doing an excursion first. Just stopping for a drink and lunch.


Are they going to try to charge us for chairs too?


We just want to do lunch.


Let me know because there's no way I'm gonna pay for my seat for a one hour lunch.:) If that's what is expected,:( , we'll just go back to the ship.


Hello mafig,

that would be pretty 'dumb' on their part ...... and 'they' are not 'dumb' but rather smart people ......... so I do not believe that will happen to you.

Sometimes it might be hard to figure out 'who is who' and 'who works for who'.

As 'we' were walking down 'the street' there were people asking us 'if we want a chair' or whatever - if they were actually working for 'that particular bar / place - I do not know. As far as I know maybe that was just someone trying to take advantage of 'me' and as soon as 'we' would say 'yes' - perhaps they got some sort of cut / commission from the price of that chair that they just 'sold' - I do not know how things work there but every one would like to make some money if they can and they have all kinds of ways to do that. We were not asked and did not pay for any chairs in that bar /restaurant that we stayed in front off, on the beach.


In your case the best would be to deal with someone in the bar / restaurant directly.



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We were in Costa Maya on Friday (7/19) and spent 4 hours at the Cat's Meow. Hugo told us right off that we would not have to pay for chairs and we had a fantastic time....there were 11 in our group, we had tables and chairs under the canopy, as well as chairs to lay out by the beach. We spent $169 total for 4 hours, which included all-you-could eat (free) chips and salsa, plus (at a cost) guacamole, 5 buckets of beer, numerous fishbowl sized pineapple daiquiris (to die for!) and fish, beef and chicken tacos. It was an amazing deal and we had a fantastic time! The Cat's Meow does a great job at taking care of you and making you feel welcome AND doesn't charge for those chairs.



Do you have any pictures you can share??

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We were in Costa Maya in June and absolutely loved it!! The people couldn't have been nicer. I recommend the "Oxtankah" and Manuel. They do not charge for their chairs and we bought beers - 6 for $10 - had $20 massages and enjoyed the day. We didn't get any lunch, even though we had planned to, but the time got away from us and we had to get back to the ship. Good luck and enjoy -- the water was beautiful and the sand was like silk on your feet in this location.

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We were in Costa Maya in June and absolutely loved it!! The people couldn't have been nicer. I recommend the "Oxtankah" and Manuel. They do not charge for their chairs and we bought beers - 6 for $10 - had $20 massages and enjoyed the day. We didn't get any lunch, even though we had planned to, but the time got away from us and we had to get back to the ship. Good luck and enjoy -- the water was beautiful and the sand was like silk on your feet in this location.



Where exactly is this we will be going for the first time in January?

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We just returned from Costa Maya. We loved it. We took a taxi to town and spent the day at Oxtankah. We didn't have to pay for the chairs and they took good care of us. The beach was nice there. My husband got a massage there and said that it was the best part about the whole cruise. It was so relaxing. :) We went back to the pier and did a little shopping. Remember to haggle. They were trying to sell us a leather stool for $75. We ended up paying $35. Any other questions just ask. I will try to help.

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