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Benefit/Offer Combination Chart

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Very easy chart. Filled out by RCI.




My quick comment: choose your benefits carefully. Unless you complain you have literally nothing to combine anymore. ;)


Wow Nice chart, but I don't like what I am seeing, no stock benefit and balcony discount combo after the end of the year??, I thought that was just for Next Cruise or Future Cruise bookings:confused: Also, I just used a thank you coupon and a balcony discount, so I don't understand that part:(

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Wow Nice chart, but I don't like what I am seeing, no stock benefit and balcony discount combo after the end of the year??, I thought that was just for Next Cruise or Future Cruise bookings:confused: Also, I just used a thank you coupon and a balcony discount, so I don't understand that part:(


They shouldn't have allowed that then. But we know it is slow trickling down. Don't be surprised that eventually they tell you no.


It is surprising to me that the balcony discount can only be used as stand-alone unless you use Visa points or you complained (LOS, FCC).

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okay so what does FC and FCC really mean? no where on here does it talk about OBC for booking while on another cruise. I am not talking about NextCruise as we never do that, I am talking about booking an actual cruise while on a cruise where you get the $100 OBC for a 7 nighter. Is that what FC would refer too?


And I agree, no sense even offering the C&A coupons anymore. Why would I take that over a Diamond discount? I guess sometimes they are for more, but those coupons are never for the cruises I book anyway, so doesn't matter.


Basically other than the CC benefits, it seems you will have to choose b/t SH, Balcony Discount, or OBC for booking onboard if I am reading this correctly. So the incentive to book while on another cruise just went away! I can call C&A and book instead of waiting until I get on a cruise.

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Sorry...but I am confused. Did someone put this spreadsheet together? It doesn't appear it came from RC. Also, sorry..but what is the difference between FC and FCC? Have never heard of a "Thank You Coupon"...what is it? Letter of Credit? Does 12/31/08 mean for sailings by 12/31/08 or bookings by 12/31/08? Thanks for sharing the info!!!

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They shouldn't have allowed that then. But we know it is slow trickling down. Don't be surprised that eventually they tell you no.


It is surprising to me that the balcony discount can only be used as stand-alone unless you use Visa points or you complained (LOS, FCC).


My complaint email has just gone off

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I think I put the abbreviation explanation under the chart.


NC = NextCruise

FC = FutureCruise


Both are onboard booking.


FCC/LOS are RCI issued cruise credits for i.e. compensation.


The chart was set up by me and filled out by a person from RCCL. It is a guidance to finally put a stop to rumors and confusion.


There is nothing which can satisfy anybody on here. My goodness.


If you rather walk in the dark and spread rumors or feel like coming back one day and say "guess what just happen" please disregard this chart.


Sorry...but I am confused. Did someone put this spreadsheet together? It doesn't appear it came from RC. Also, sorry..but what is the difference between FC and FCC? Have never heard of a "Thank You Coupon"...what is it? Letter of Credit? Does 12/31/08 mean for sailings by 12/31/08 or bookings by 12/31/08? Thanks for sharing the info!!!


See explanation above and to the date: book by 12/31/08. Thank you coupons come in the mail once in a while.


My complaint email has just gone off


For what? That you can't combine certain things anymore? Remember you are not entitled to it and in all publications (C & A and RCCL Investor relations) they can change.


If you complain now what will you do if they stop the price drops?

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Thanks for the chart...took time and I appreciate you taking it.


But, I need some clarification I have a Azamara, X and 3 RCI cruises booked Jan. 2009 and beyond. A few are with NC.....do I need to send my confirm of stock ownership now or does it matter since they were all booked before the deadline?

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Sorry but it doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling anymore.. my impression RCCL is no longer interested in their repeat cruisers & are marketing to the new cruiser market...why not just eliminate C&A all together instead of dismanteling it piece by piece....

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Good chart, but we need better definitions of NextCruise, FutureCruise and FutureCruiseCredit.


I am assuming (and I could be totally wrong) that NextCruise is the one where you do NOT have to select a specific ship and date and only put $100 down and get OBC for the cruise you will later book. Is this correct? And after the end of the year you will not be able to combine this (OBC) with the C&A balcony discount.


If this is correct, then a Future Cruise would be OBC when you book a specific cruise while on board, so what is the difference between a Future Cruise and a Future Cruise Credit? And why is one (FCC) combinable (with the balcony discount) and a FC isn't?


I am so confused, but only about these 3 things. Well, as far as this chart goes!

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When we took our first cruise less than 2 years ago and are now DIA, I have never understood why it is possible to deducy so many offers in the cost of the cruise itself.


On the other hand I do not understand why they are so stingy with OBS.


We have used OBS during our cruises for stuff/drinks/spa we othervise would never purchase. Realizing RCL's cost of a drink or item in the shops etc, they are out much less than $ 50 on a $ 100 OBC.

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Good chart, but we need better definitions of NextCruise, FutureCruise and FutureCruiseCredit.


I am assuming (and I could be totally wrong) that NextCruise is the one where you do NOT have to select a specific ship and date and only put $100 down. Is this correct?


If this is correct, then a Future Cruise would be when you book a specific cruise while on board, so what is the difference between a Future Cruise and a Future Cruise Credit? And why is one (FCC) combinable and a FC isn't?


I am so confused, but only about these 3 things. Well, as far as this chart goes!


The future cruise credit is a credit you receive from RCL because of a problem or complaint you experienced on a previous cruise. The Future cruise is as you said a SPECFIC cruise you have booked yourself while onboard. The future cruise credit would be combinable I'm guessing because the "want" to get you back onboard after a previous poor experience so you will want to continue to cruise with RCL... the future cruise isn't combinable because you already "want" to cruise RCL so they don't feel the need to give any added incentive...

Hope that helps..

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Thanks for posting your chart. I know you went to a lot of trouble, however if it was filled in by one of your contacts at RCI............I understand why folks are confused. It is very hard to follow. Have never heard of a Letter of Credit?


I think you may be better off listing what can and can not be used under Next Cruise and/or Specific Cruise since those are the only two ways to book a cruise.


You can either book a NC/Specific cruise while on a ship.............or you can book a Specific cruise directly through RCI/TA from home.

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I really appreciate your work and sharing it with us.

Now do I understand from your chart the following:

I can combine RC visa points with anything

I cannot combine NC with C&A coupons or anything else

I cannot combine Platinum, Diam, or Diam+ benefits with anything

So NC of FC are only beneficial if you are Gold

I think I've got it

So, I have worked to get to Platinum but if I use that NC or FC is no good.

This will surely cut down on the Loyalty Ambassador's job. What will they do?:mad:

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Good chart, but we need better definitions of NextCruise, FutureCruise and FutureCruiseCredit.


I am assuming (and I could be totally wrong) that NextCruise is the one where you do NOT have to select a specific ship and date and only put $100 down and get OBC for the cruise you will later book. Is this correct? And after the end of the year you will not be able to combine this (OBC) with the C&A balcony discount.


If this is correct, then a Future Cruise would be OBC when you book a specific cruise while on board, so what is the difference between a Future Cruise and a Future Cruise Credit? And why is one (FCC) combinable (with the balcony discount) and a FC isn't?


I am so confused, but only about these 3 things. Well, as far as this chart goes!

I am confused.....I thought the onboard credit from a NC cannot be combined with a C&A coupon already, no?? C&A coupons are the same as the "savings certificates" right? I received those in the mail today.
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There still seems to be confusion on the chart. I am not sure if everybody knows how to read a chart. :eek:


If you are using a C & A Coupon pick the C & A Coupon on the left column.


If you want to see if you can combine it with a stock benefit just pick the stock benefit from the upper row and go down. Where both meet lies the answer.


To the question with the FC (FutureCruise) please see Seagoer's answer.


The LOC is actually something new to me too. When I was writing down the chart initially I send it over to ask if I missed anything and the answer was LOC (Letter of Credit). It was explained to me that this is something similar to the FCC. Now FCC (Future Cruise Credit) must be something well known with all the complainers on CC plus our resident TA Sue knows about it. I don't know much about FCC and LOS since I never really complain.


Sorry but it doesn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling anymore.. my impression RCCL is no longer interested in their repeat cruisers & are marketing to the new cruiser market...why not just eliminate C&A all together instead of dismanteling it piece by piece....


Look at it from the other side of the table.


a) people try to cruise cheap, getting every price drop like clock work


b) onboard spending is down, people walk away with cash backs on a $200 OBC after a 7 Night cruise, bring their own soda on board, share soda cards, smuggle alcohol etc


c) people complain too much even when there is no complaint. More than once I have overheard conversations on the last morning in the WJ when people fill out their survey that something was marked as "disatisfying" with the reason 'we will get some compensation for it'.


It all cost money. Now you throw in the economy and the difficulty to fill the ships in the first place and you see the need for changes.


I certainly don't care. It doesn't matter to me if I can combine stock holder benefit with an NC or not. It is just a drop in the bucket. I don't cry crocodiles tears over $50 or $100. If that would break my bank I wouldn't even be cruising.


I just choose my benefit. The 4 NCs I hold right now I am using when I know family or friends cruise with me so I can get OBC for them.


Then I simply choose between Balcony discount and Stock OBC whichever is greater.


Thanks for the chart...took time and I appreciate you taking it.


But, I need some clarification I have a Azamara, X and 3 RCI cruises booked Jan. 2009 and beyond. A few are with NC.....do I need to send my confirm of stock ownership now or does it matter since they were all booked before the deadline?


I have no clue about Azamara. Before I tell you something wrong I rather tell you that I really don't know if that affects Azamara as well.


Good chart, but we need better definitions of NextCruise, FutureCruise and FutureCruiseCredit.


I am assuming (and I could be totally wrong) that NextCruise is the one where you do NOT have to select a specific ship and date and only put $100 down and get OBC for the cruise you will later book. Is this correct? And after the end of the year you will not be able to combine this (OBC) with the C&A balcony discount.


If this is correct, then a Future Cruise would be OBC when you book a specific cruise while on board, so what is the difference between a Future Cruise and a Future Cruise Credit? And why is one (FCC) combinable (with the balcony discount) and a FC isn't?


I am so confused, but only about these 3 things. Well, as far as this chart goes!


As noted above, Seagoer gave you a good explanation. I probably should have put NC/FC like that rather than seperating them.


I am confused.....I thought the onboard credit from a NC cannot be combined with a C&A coupon already, no?? C&A coupons are the same as the "savings certificates" right? I received those in the mail today.


I believe the chart (NC - C & A Coupon) says 'no'. So you are correct. Remember some of it is old, some of it will begin in December. It is basically just a way of simplifying previous discussions with a little new info and tossing out rumors.

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Thanks for putting the information together, Oliver. No more onboard bookings on RCI for us!


Neither Celebrity nor Azamara offer much in the way of credits for booking onboard unless you spend a lot of money on your cruise, nor do they offer a balcony discount, so if we like AZ as much as I think we will, the shareholder credit will still come in handy.

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If I am reading the chart correctly it is saying that...............after December 31, 2008 the following will happen.


Book a NC/Specific Cruise while on board and I must select only one


  • OBC for booking on board
  • Shareholder benefit
  • C&A $$$ off coupon
  • P/D/D+ balcony Discount
  • Future Cruise Credit
  • Letter of Credit
  • Thank You Coupon


Booking a cruise from home I must select only one


  • Shareholder benefit
  • C&A $$$ off coupon
  • R/D/D+ balcony discount
  • Future Cruise Credit
  • Letter of Credit
  • Thank You Coupon


I am allowed to use Visa Points any way I want to with any type of booking.


Why does having a Future Cruise Credit allow one to use all the above????

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Good chart, but we need better definitions of NextCruise, FutureCruise and FutureCruiseCredit.


I am assuming (and I could be totally wrong) that NextCruise is the one where you do NOT have to select a specific ship and date and only put $100 down and get OBC for the cruise you will later book. Is this correct? And after the end of the year you will not be able to combine this (OBC) with the C&A balcony discount.


If this is correct, then a Future Cruise would be OBC when you book a specific cruise while on board, so what is the difference between a Future Cruise and a Future Cruise Credit? And why is one (FCC) combinable (with the balcony discount) and a FC isn't?


I am so confused, but only about these 3 things. Well, as far as this chart goes!

We got a FCC on a previous cruise because we had a problem (delayed luggage until we got to Hawaii). Others, I have heard, got FCC because of a complaint about something and RCL resolution was a FCC.

In our case, FCC Future Cruise Credit is credit (actual specific cash discount, not OBC). It was combinable because it was a resolution by RCL of a service issue.

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I am following your chart just fine. Great work!!


My question is; Was the info filled in by a reliable source at RCI? Can we truly count on this information to be fact? I'm not trying to be difficult, just wondering how do we know this information is no different than the 'rumors' on other threads?



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There still seems to be confusion on the chart. I am not sure if everybody knows how to read a chart. :eek:


If you are using a C & A Coupon pick the C & A Coupon on the left column.


If you want to see if you can combine it with a stock benefit just pick the stock benefit from the upper row and go down. Where both meet lies the answer.


To the question with the FC (FutureCruise) please see Seagoer's answer.


The LOC is actually something new to me too. When I was writing down the chart initially I send it over to ask if I missed anything and the answer was LOC (Letter of Credit). It was explained to me that this is something similar to the FCC. Now FCC (Future Cruise Credit) must be something well known with all the complainers on CC plus our resident TA Sue knows about it. I don't know much about FCC and LOS since I never really complain.




Look at it from the other side of the table.


a) people try to cruise cheap, getting every price drop like clock work


b) onboard spending is down, people walk away with cash backs on a $200 OBC after a 7 Night cruise, bring their own soda on board, share soda cards, smuggle alcohol etc


c) people complain too much even when there is no complaint. More than once I have overheard conversations on the last morning in the WJ when people fill out their survey that something was marked as "disatisfying" with the reason 'we will get some compensation for it'.


It all cost money. Now you throw in the economy and the difficulty to fill the ships in the first place and you see the need for changes.


I certainly don't care. It doesn't matter to me if I can combine stock holder benefit with an NC or not. It is just a drop in the bucket. I don't cry crocodiles tears over $50 or $100. If that would break my bank I wouldn't even be cruising.


I just choose my benefit. The 4 NCs I hold right now I am using when I know family or friends cruise with me so I can get OBC for them.


Then I simply choose between Balcony discount and Stock OBC whichever is greater.




I have no clue about Azamara. Before I tell you something wrong I rather tell you that I really don't know if that affects Azamara as well.




As noted above, Seagoer gave you a good explanation. I probably should have put NC/FC like that rather than seperating them.




I believe the chart (NC - C & A Coupon) says 'no'. So you are correct. Remember some of it is old, some of it will begin in December. It is basically just a way of simplifying previous discussions with a little new info and tossing out rumors.

Thanks for posting this.

I find it clear what is combinable or not, and have already planned my cruises accordingly. RCL has made a business decision and I respect that.

IMHO, I personally feel that some portion of these changes by RCL are attributable to the economy and some portion MAY be attributable to SOME cruisers bending the rules or breaking the rules which makes the rest of us pay in the long run. These are just some of the actions I have either seen personally or heard reported:

Alcohol smuggling

Sharing soda cards

Selling C & A coupon books on EBAY, or giving the books to others to use

Taking alcohol (even entire bottles) out of the C & A concierge lounge


Each of us has an opinion about the ethics of these kinds of actions, and I am not making any value judgements about it.

I merely want to point out that some of the actions cause RCL to enact a policy change when the revenue lost to RCL becomes significant.

All of us end up dealing with the results of this. Indirectly, it does affect all of us.

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The LOC is actually something new to me too. When I was writing down the chart initially I send it over to ask if I missed anything and the answer was LOC (Letter of Credit). It was explained to me that this is something similar to the FCC.

One possibility for the LOC is if you purchase Royal's travel insurance (Cruise Care?) and cancel for a reason that is NOT covered by the full refund provisions. Royal insurance will credit you up to 75% of your cruise fare for a future cruise to be taken within a year. I believe they issue a LOC in this situation.

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