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Valor Photo Review - West. Caribbean 8/30-9/6/09


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Every time I get to the end of your last review post I get hungry for more! Hurry back because this is so much fun! I've been to all these places and we'll be going back in January but it's so much fun seeing what others have done so we have ideas on what to do next time. Keep up the great job! :)

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Every time I get to the end of your last review post I get hungry for more! Hurry back because this is so much fun! I've been to all these places and we'll be going back in January but it's so much fun seeing what others have done so we have ideas on what to do next time. Keep up the great job! :)



Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it.:D Even with repeat ports I like new ideas and feedback on what was good and not so good.

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Supper Club – Scarlett’s


This was the 3rd time we have eaten at a Carnival Supper Club (now known as the Steakhouse?) and we were not disappointed. The service and food was superb – certainly well worth the $30 per person.


We had a 7:30 reservation and were seated right away. We had a table for 4 next to a window - a perfect location!


The wine list was presented with the menus. I just ordered wine by the glass since I'm the only drinker in the family! I believe the glass of cabernet I ordered was $8.


They start you with a "compliments of the chef" selection. They served a salmon mousse thingie or tomato soup something-or-another (my culinary skills are very limited so I’m not sure what the chef was complimenting us with.)





I had the shrimp cocktail – these were big beautiful shrimp in an artful presentation.




DD's French onion soup:



DH had the sushi appetizer:



Caesar salad (not sure if made tableside like it used to be since I left to go say hi to some CC folks.)




More food photos to follow.....

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Scarlett's Supper Club cont.


I ordered the 9 oz filet - it was the most delicious filet I have ever had!



DH ordered the prime rib chop (I think that's what this is)



DD ordered the lamb chops:




Us before we devoured our food:



The chefs working hard:




The presentation of the meats:



Next... supper club desserts

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Scarlett's Supper Club cont....


DD's dessert - assortment of chocolate delights!

My daughter didn’t like the champagne sorbet that was in one of the demi-dishes of her chocolate dessert collection. I ate it and it was sinfully good!!




DH's dessert - fruit dish:




My dessert - citrus cheesecake. Sooooo delicious!




Compliments of the Chef:


I was so stuffed by then they bring out a small ‘compliments of the chef’ plate of candied fruits, white and dark chocolate truffles, and something else that I’ve never understood what it is.




The girls:



DH finished his meal with a cappuccino.


The bread offerings are different from the main dining room – I had a pesto filled roll and a brioche roll which were both wonderful.


The chef made his way around the room and stopped to ask us how we enjoyed our meal. Amazing! Dinner took two hours and 15 minutes.


We left the restaurant very full and very happy!

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Finishing up Grand Cayman day....


After dinner DH and I went to the American Lobby and listened to the duo “Play That” perform while DD went to teen activities with Circle C. Play That was excellent we made it a point to spend some time in the lobby every evening that they were performing.



We were back in the room by midnight and watched an old movie on TV – they have the TCM channel amongst all the Denver, Colorado based stations.


Wednesday September 2, 2009 – Roatan Island, Honduras


I was up by 7:30 when room service delivered my morning danishes. Out to the balcony for some morning refreshments and then went to the gym at 8:30. It wasn’t as crowded but there was a short wait for some of the more popular equipment like the treadmills. One note, bring your own earbuds because the treadmills have TVs that play the same stations as the cabins. I came prepared but a few people asked me where they could get some headphones. Sorry, gotta bring your own. After an hour run I got cleaned up and we were up at the buffet for breakfast by 10:30.


Omelet was a little over-cooked for my liking but....



The oatmeal I served myself was just right, the fruit was fresh and delicious, and the waffles were pretty good as well.


As soon as we were within sight of the pier we saw a group of native Honduran dancers welcoming us. Nice! They were there throughout the day and danced and sent us off when we sailed away at 7pm.




At a little after noon we got our beach gear and headed down to deck 0 but by Deck 3 the stairwells were jammed with people. (If you see a mass of humanity and think that it is a good idea to push your way to the front – think again! There were several rude people who thought that they shouldn’t have to wait behind anyone. The nerve!)




Getting off the ship took a little time but eventually we saw daylight and headed towards the taxi area. If you don’t have anything planned here, don’t worry. You will be flooded with offers. Currently, there are only two days that host cruise ships so they are eager for the tourism dollars.


Us at the dock:




Let me preface the day by saying that this was my FAVORITE port. I loved the island, I loved our resort experience, I loved our taxi driver/tour gal, I loved the people, I loved the food, I even loved the adorable little kids that sold hand-made jewelry on the beach, I don’t think there was anything that I didn’t love.


We didn’t have transportation arranged but were directed to someone who would take us to the Mayan Princess Resort. The “published” taxi rate was $30 per person round trip but they would take us for $20 per person – which is the “standard” fare that I have always heard. You pay up front and get a receipt. Our driver was Alicia who provided a narrated mini-tour of the island during the 25 minute drive to the Mayan Princess.


Mayan Princess Resort:



Alicia escorted us to get our wristbands for $10 pp. then arranged with us to be picked up at 4:00.


Next.... more Mayan Princess Resort

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Roatan Island, Honduras


More on the Mayan Princess Resort.


The entrance to the resort is nothing special but once you are beyond their entrance it is gorgeous. There is a pool with swim up bar, waterfalls and bridges, a restaurant and bar, nice landscaping, and a beautiful white sand beach.






Swim up bar:



We settled in some chairs in the shade and spent quite a bit of time in the water. The beach reminds me of Dickenson Bay in Antigua.








We were offered massages (no thanks), hair braiding (no thanks), photo sessions on the beach with the resort photographer (no thanks) and a catamaran sailing (no thanks).

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Roatan Island Honduras - Mayan Princess Resort cont....


Outdoor restaurant:



View towards beach:



Beach area:



We ate at the hotel restaurant on the patio and had some nachos (good)


and a traditional Honduran platter (very delish!). The platter had grilled steak, chorizo, red beans, rice, some kind of cubed white cheese that was salty but yummy, and some tortilla chips.




Our driver arrived early to pick us up so we invited her to join us for lunch. (She only works the two days a week the ships are in port so she’s a woman of humble means.)


All the food and bottled waters (no alcohol) was $38. The waiter didn’t give us a “bill” he just told us the amount owed. If this is an all-inclusive resort that may make sense… anyways it seemed correct so we paid him the amount plus a tip.


One last photo before leaving resort:



We were dropped off at the port, tipped our driver, did some shopping at the port and were back on the ship a little after 5pm.

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Finishing up Roatan Island, Honduras


We crashed in our room until it was time to sail away at 7pm then got showered and dressed for dinner.




Tonight’s delightful culinary offerings were:


Caprese salad



Thai spiced chicken appetizer:



Petite filet & short ribs (aka: pot roast) with burgundy reduction.




DD's veggie lasagna:



DH's veal parmesean:



I also had a side of steamed broccoli. Dessert was a raspberry, chocolate and vanilla cream cake with raspberry colois. It was pretty good! I sampled the WCMC and liked it less than before so just ate the ice cream that comes with it.


More to follow....

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Here's a photo of the raspberry, chocolate and vanilla cream cake with raspberry colois:




We went to the Magic Show with Rand Woodbury. He was actually very funny and kept us entertained. I was so sleepy during the show that I faded at the end and I missed his grand finale. My DD said that it was touching and I would have cried. (She knows me well.)





We didn't go much after the magic show, in fact I was in bed by midnight.


Thursday September 3, 2009 – Belize


Room service delivered breakfast at 7:30. The order wasn’t quite right but I suppose the kitchen was trying to be helpful when they sent a carton of milk with my box of cereal that I ordered. (I don’t drink milk – I just eat my cereal plain like snack mix.) Then there was the Danish issue. I eat a danish or two or three on the balcony for my pre-breakfast meal. I knew we would be eating from room service instead of going to the buffet. I had put six (6) danishes on the card – they delivered two. Sorry guys, I guess you don’t get any! We would survive with what they brought.


They were handing out tender tickets – rather stickers – in the Eagles Lounge. We were group #12 and didn’t have to wait more than a few minutes before they called our group to proceed to deck 0 to catch the tender. The ride to the Belize port area is about 15 minutes and they arrived right where we needed to check in for our Bannister Island/Snorkel Excursion through Coral Breezes.


We waited about a ½ hr. for everyone to check in and then we proceeded to take the boat to the island. They dropped off the people who did not want to snorkel on Bannister Island – including me and DD – and then took the snorkeler’s to the reef.




Bannister Island is pretty much like the photos. It is a small island with some trees, a small beach area, bar, restaurant, gift shop, volleyball court, a playground, some hammocks, palapas with tables and benches, and a pier. What you can’t quite capture in the photos is that the beach is very shelly and there are a lot of creepy crawly ants and bugs. We didn’t have any issues with bug bites but just be aware that they exist. There were plenty of loungers on the island.









More Bannister Island to follow...

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More Bannister Island...




DD and I found some chairs in the shade and set up camp. We went into the water but didn’t stay long after something scared DD when it latched onto her… not sure what it was. We ended up napping in the shade and next thing we knew DH had returned from snorkeling. We were going to order food but the service was so slow that we had to leave before we could get anything.










The return to the Belize dock was by way of some lagoons with mangroves where we spotted some manatees. I don’t think I had ever seen a manatee in my life but they were cool.


On the way back to the dock the boat had some engine trouble. Oh great! I definitely didn’t want to be stuck in Belize. No worries though, they were able to fix it within a short amount of time and off we went.


We had a little time to do some shopping at the pier. This was the port where I got the best prices for shirts and other souvenirs. Back on the tender and on the ship by 3:30.


Port area in Belize:



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Belize continued.....


After returning from our Bannister Island day we were hungry so we made yet another trip to the buffet. I ate penne al forno, some other pasta alfredo, green salad rosemary potatoes, and 2 chocolate chip cookies for me.




We had several hours before dinner so DH did some laundry (Apparently he didn't pack enough underware!) It was $11 for two loads including buying some laundry detergent.


We went down for dinner and I got distracted listening to Play That in the atrium lobby so DH and DD went ahead to the dining room without me. On the way to the dining room I decided to get my photo taken with the ship backdrop. The photo dude wanted me to sit down like I was on the sandy beach – ok, I can do this lady-like with a dress. Then he said to pose by rolling on my tummy – uhhh… what is he thinking, I have a short dress on. I declined and left to join the family at dinner.






For dinner I had: shrimp cocktail (I know, boring! I had this almost every night.), Asian beef skewer with peanut sauce, Caesar salad, flat iron steak (delicious!!) and some veggies. Dessert was bitter and blanc – so good it made my taste buds dance.




Flat iron steak:




Bitter and Blanc with vanilla sauce - think bread pudding - delish!




We went back to the lobby to hear more Play That after dinner. DD joined her friends at Circle C for awhile.


In bed and sound asleep by 12:30!

Tomorrow I will post Cozumel and our day at Nachi Cocom.

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Those nachos looked soooooooooooooooooooooo good.

And I dont know if I will be able to top your review when I do mine in a few weeks.


Yep... so much food in one week. I think that was the reason that I didn't feel well - I'm not used to eating that much!! What a form of torture - overeating! :D


Awwww... go ahead and give us your review and any photos. I love to read about others' adventures.


More to come tomorrow.

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Great pictures, especially since I ended up losing all but 3 pictures from the trip. I managed to loss the flash drive that I transferred all the pics to when I went to the nursing home to see my grandmother. PLUS, I get to re-live the awesome trip through your eyes.





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I just love your reveiw!! You and your family are beautiful and it is nice to see the pictures of everyone dressed up. All your pictures are great. Very imformative!


When you ordered room service how did you get your diet coke?? Did you buy the soda card to get it. Or did you pay for the soda seperately each time?? I plan on getting the soda card and need to know if I could order through room service or do I have to go to a bar??? Thanks!!

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Love, love, loving it!:D Can't wait to hear ALL about Nachi as I think this is where we will go.

Tell me, I have seen the supper club photos of the filet and can not quit figure out what that sudsy looking stuff is on the carrots.

Also, you may have stated and I missed, how much was the entrance to Mayan Princess resort? $20 pp ride there, $10 wrist band, anything else? It sure looked beautiful.

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Great pictures, especially since I ended up losing all but 3 pictures from the trip. I managed to loss the flash drive that I transferred all the pics to when I went to the nursing home to see my grandmother. PLUS, I get to re-live the awesome trip through your eyes.






So sorry you lost the photos. Do you want me to post the photo of you in a bikini at the M&G? :D


I hope all is well with grandma.


Take care,


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I just love your reveiw!! You and your family are beautiful and it is nice to see the pictures of everyone dressed up. All your pictures are great. Very imformative!


When you ordered room service how did you get your diet coke?? Did you buy the soda card to get it. Or did you pay for the soda seperately each time?? I plan on getting the soda card and need to know if I could order through room service or do I have to go to a bar??? Thanks!!


You can order diet coke thru room service - they just charge you S&S - I did that a few times. I didn't get the soda card since I had brought some diet coke bottles on with me. With the soda card you may have to go to the bar.


One note, when I ordered dc thru room svc the can came chilled and very cold but at the bars they just have them sitting out and give you a cup of ice. Just an observation more than anything.

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Love, love, loving it!:D Can't wait to hear ALL about Nachi as I think this is where we will go.

Tell me, I have seen the supper club photos of the filet and can not quit figure out what that sudsy looking stuff is on the carrots.

Also, you may have stated and I missed, how much was the entrance to Mayan Princess resort? $20 pp ride there, $10 wrist band, anything else? It sure looked beautiful.


Uh... I ate it and I couldn't tell what the froth was. Not sure.


Yes, Mayan Princess was $20 pp taxi r/t plus $10 resort admission for the wrist band. Nothing else to pay unless you want food, drinks, photos, massages, banana boat rides, etc. It was beautiful. Like I said, it was my FAVORITE place on the cruise. (Nachi was a close second.)


Hope this helps!

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You can order diet coke thru room service - they just charge you S&S - I did that a few times. I didn't get the soda card since I had brought some diet coke bottles on with me. With the soda card you may have to go to the bar.


One note, when I ordered dc thru room svc the can came chilled and very cold but at the bars they just have them sitting out and give you a cup of ice. Just an observation more than anything.


Love the review. Thanks again for sharing!


Just one note on the soda from room service. You are correct in that the soda card is valid only at the bars (and MDR). You can't use it to order Diet Coke from room service.

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hey emmysmommy i have a question....we are going to be on the same cruise on 10/04...i really want to go to the mayan princess but since its first come first serve i was afraid we would not be able to get into the resort as we dont dock until 12 noon....when did you get there??



what do you think?? is there still going to be space for us?? i had booked a carnival excursion to t beach but id rather do the mayan princess as im totally picturing myself at the swim up bar lol



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