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Trip Report from our Honeymoon Cruise on the Pride Last Year


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Thank you for the memories, I to have sailed on that beautiful ship, except that I was on her for Halloween and I never had so much fun. I really hated to see when they moved her to New York, but then to they gave us the Splendor which I am going on in January.



It is a shame that Carnival has stopped the Grand Gala Buffets fleet wide. They claimed that it was costing to much money because they were throwing so much of the food away, which I believe, I was thinking why didn't you get an oceanview room, that way you could still look out at the ocean. I know that it is not the same as a room with a balcony, but you can still see outside.


Thank you for mentioning that mall in Cabo (I think that is where you said it was), when I go there in January I will definitely check it out.


Sorry that your wife broke her toe, it is just a shame that she did not have a ace bandage with her that would have really helped with the pain while she was walking, but not knowing it was broken you would have not known to do that. I will tell you as a retired RN, anytime you have major swelling and bruising, chances are pretty high that a bone is broken, so if anything like that happens again, get medical help right away and they can either set it or put it in a brace.


You asked about Wal-Mart in PV, well I went in there because I forgot some things at home and it looks just like ours here except so much bigger, and what is neat is that they have a Sam's Club right next door. I know when I was there they were adding a new section for groceries, so I would think that by now it is finished.


Again thank you for the memories, and good luck to the both of you for a long and happy life together.

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Well I'm back with Day 9 and the final installment of this trip recap. We awoke to give us enough time to get out of our room and some breakfast before departing the ship. When we woke up we saw we were already back in Long Beach so we got ready and got our last things together and headed up to the lido deck to grab some food before getting off the ship. While eating breakfast we discussed what we should do for the day. We would be off the ship by 10am and our plain wasn't leaving LAX until around 9:45 that night. Seeing that my Blackberry finally had service again I got on the internet and started looking up local car rental agencys to find a car rental for the day. I finally found that Enterprise Car Rental at the Long Beach Airport was the closest to us. I figured thats only about 6 miles from the port so no big deal. We will just grab a taxi there and pick up a car. I called Enterprise and got everything set up and we were soon ready to disembark from the ship.






We were soon of the ship and in the forever long line to go back thru customs. Seriously this line didn't move. It took us like 45 minutes to get thru. Funny how it always seems like the line you get in takes the longest. Because ours wasn't moving at all where all the others were. Oh well before we knew it we were in the building and we bid a final farewell to the Carnival Pride.




After getting thru customs we quickly found our baggage and we went outside to catch a taxi. They had plenty there waiting for us so we didn't have to wait very long to get one. We got our stuff loaded up and we were soon on our way to the Long Beach Airport. So this was my first taxi ride ever. I never realized how pricey these things are. We were in the car for a whole 10 minutes. Like I said probably went 6 miles. The cost of the trip was $35. I was shocked. But then I guess I shouldn't have been because that was just the start of our expensive day of travel.


We got dropped off right in front of the Enterprise Rental agency and went in to fill out all the paper work for the car. I got the cheapest vehicle they had. Which ended up being a little Hyundai. But now is when the fees to rent this car would really add up. There was the base rental for the car plus the excess amounts of taxes. Then I got hit with the under 25 fee (I was 3 months away), then I got hit with the big one being the one way rental fee since I would be returning the car to LAX and not back to Long Beach. In total the car that day cost me around $85 bucks.


So now we got our car. We would finally be on our way. So what should we do now. I don't know lol. I hoped on the freeway anyways and started heading north while we decided. We finally decided we would go up to Hollywood since Kiera had never been there before and I hadn't been there since I was 14. Since we already paid enough as it was for the car we didn't get the GPS for it. Luckly I had Google Maps on my blackberry so we looked up the address of the Kodak Theater and had instant directions. Just with our luck of course though there was a marathon going on in the routes the Blackberry told us to go. So we had to try to find our own way anyways which ended up taking us thru China Town. Finally though we found Hollywood Blvd and we would soon be to our destination for the day.




I didn't realize how rundown Hollywood has gotton. It was dirty and ugly. However there was alot of construction going on so hopefully someday it will be back to its glory days. Parking is also a joke. Seriously there was nowhere to park. Unless you wanted to pay a small fortune. Which we ended up doing when we parked in the Hollywood and Highland Parking structure where it was $12 bucks to park. Thats as much as it is at Disneyland. And this is at a fancy mall in a run down city. Oh well just add that on top of the bill.


The parking structure is directly below the Kodak theater so we headed up the escalaters and out the front doors where right in front of us was the theater where Jimmy Kimmel Live is filmed.



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Once outside we decided to turn and go right towards Gramans Chinese Theater. The threater is actually in alot better shape then I remembered it being. So I guess that was a good thing. We had some fun spending time taking some photos and looking for some of our favorite celebritys handprints and such.








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After finishing up at the Gramans Chinese Theater we decided to just go some walking down Hollywood Blvd and down the Hollywood Walk of fame keeping our eyes open for some of our favorites stars. We didn't go too far down before we crossed the street and headed back the way we came. I also found a empty star that I told Kiera was hers.







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On Hollywood Blvd they also the the Ripleys belive it or not Museum as well as one of the Wax museums. They actually have a pretty decent deal where you can got both of them for like $15 bucks a person. Had we not already paid over $100 that day alone for travel we probably would have checked them out. However since we were running low on money we just looked at the lobbys and left.





We made our way back to Hollywood and Highland. Also out in front of this are are a bunch of costumed characters. From Mickey Mouse, to Elmo, to Jack Sparrow, to Darth Vader. There are tons of them out there trying to make a buck. Keep in mind they charge you to take a picture with them so we just observed.



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After watching the Characters some we decided we were getting pretty hungry. I really wanted to find a In-n-Out or a Jack in the Box since we don't have ether back home. But since I didn't know where anything was we decided to just eat at the Hollywood and Highland complex.






We made our way up the staircase that leads into the Kodak theater and then wondered around the mall area for a while looking at what food and resturant options they had avalible.




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For lunch we ended up deciding on Jonny Rockets. Nether of us had been there so we figured we'd try it out. It was actually pretty good. However I don't think its worth the price as our bill was like $25 bucks for something thats as good as In-n-Out. I also didn't think to get my Parking Validated while I was there so I got stuck paying that $12 bucks as well.





We did some roaming over to the bride to see the hollywood sign on the hill. But after that we decided we were done with hollywood and headed back to the car.






Since we still had alot of time to kill before our flight I decided to head over to Universal Studios Hollywood and kill some time at the City Walk Area. We pulled in only to find though that it was $12 bucks to park there as well. Even if we are just going to City Walk. So I said screw it cause I was sick of paying outragous fees to park so I turned around and we left.



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We still needed to find something to do so we decided on the beach. We went back to Hollywood and down to Santa Monica Blvd and headed west towards the beach and the Santa Monica Pier.




On Santa Monica Blvd we drove thru Beverly Hills and also Rodeo Drive. Traffic sucked so it took us like 40 minutes to get to Santa Monica. While driving though we passed the Los Angeles LDS Temple and it was just as pretty during the day as it is at night. We also realized that we were close to Westwood and Diddy Riese. Since we got hooked to there ice cream sandwiches on the first day of our honeymoon we had to make the detour and grab some more.




Finally we made it to the Santa Monica Pier. Parking her was also a pain but we found a parking area that charged you by the hour. So we paid our fees and headed to the beach. The beach is actually very pretty for being a California beach. Not as pretty as some of the mexico ones though.






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After walking the beach we headed up to the pier and walked around the amusment park and stuff. Once again no money so we couldn't really enjoy anything. On the north end of the pier though they have a memorial called "Arlington West" set up to commemorate and honor the brave Men and Women who have died defending our Country in Iraq and Afganistan. It was really humbling to see this.





We then headed back up the hill and walked some of the trails they have have set up and we looked at some of the little shops and stuff in the city.






The time was quickly approaching for when we needed to start heading to the airport to allow us plenty of time to return the car and get checked in and thru security and such. I always heard Southern California was bad. So I wanted to give us plenty of time. Well that bad traffic was non existant this day and we made it from Santa Monica to the airport in like 15 minutes. So we had more the enough time now to kill lol. We decided to just go ahead and return the car anyways and just hang out at the airport. So we topped the car off with gas (another $30 bucks) and then returned it to Enterprise at LAX.




Enterprise had a free (its about time I didn't have to pay for travel lol) shuttle that took us to our terminal. Security and check in wasn't busy ether so we were at our Terminal waiting for our flight with around 1 1/2 hours to spare. Kiera called her mom to check in and let her know we were fine and on our way back home. I also called my mom to make sure she was going to pick us up still in SLC. Other then that we just sat and waited for our plane to come so we could go home.


Eventually it did and we were on our way. It was neat watching the lights of the LA area slowly fade into nothing. Then to fly over Vegas and see all the bright colors from the air. We landed back in Salt Lake right after midnight. It was good to be home but it was freezing cold. My mom picked us up and we were soon home at our condo. The first night home as newly weds. As husband and wife. The honeymoon was officially over. And now we had a lifetime to look forward to together.




Well thats it. This trip recap is over. I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read this and also a big thanks to those who commented and contributed. Thanks again.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow!! What a great review..Going to read your other ones..I love love your writing style and all the pics. Really helpful..Thanks again for taking the time..Oh and Congrats on the baby boy..Cant wait till he cruises with you all too!!:)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I realize this was an older review, but I just discovered the ones you've posted on here and they are absolutely AMAZING. Your pics and your narratives are top notch.


One thing that really struck me was your photos of the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I've seen that ship in person (back in 1990) and its amazing how that was so huge then but not now --- you were actually looking down over the QMs funnels from your ship!!


I know you both just had a new baby and it might be a while before your next cruise, but I hope you can manage one sometime soon ... love your reviews!

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Wow I didn't realize that some of my other past recaps have got recent comments. I hope you all don't mind that I respond to them.


Wow!! What a great review..Going to read your other ones..I love love your writing style and all the pics. Really helpful..Thanks again for taking the time..Oh and Congrats on the baby boy..Cant wait till he cruises with you all too!!:)


Thank you. I'm glad you liked my writing style with this review because now as I look back it amazes me how much my writing style has improved over the years. But then again I did write this review nearly 1 1/2 years after the trip so it was hard remembering all the minor details that I have included in my more recent reviews.


I realize this was an older review, but I just discovered the ones you've posted on here and they are absolutely AMAZING. Your pics and your narratives are top notch.


One thing that really struck me was your photos of the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I've seen that ship in person (back in 1990) and its amazing how that was so huge then but not now --- you were actually looking down over the QMs funnels from your ship!!


I know you both just had a new baby and it might be a while before your next cruise, but I hope you can manage one sometime soon ... love your reviews!


The Queen Mary looked like an incredible ship. We really wanted to tour it but time didn't allow. Maybe next time we make it back to the L.A. area we will do it. Heck I still wanna do the same route again on the Splendor now that we are cruising regulars and know what to expect. Heres to hoping for another cruise soon as well lol.

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  • 2 years later...
Ok one thing people told us when we went to Mexico was that kids would swarm us wanting us to buy "chicklets". Basically they are mini packs of gum. Yeah not true for us. At least not on our trip. Infact we had to find some kids that were selling them. We finally did right before we got back to the ship. We bought like 10 packs for a buck. Just thought it was funny that we never got swarmed like everyone told us we would. It was also sad to see a drunk american couple yelling at who appeared to be the childs mother because they wouldn't take there quarter. The lady told them very nice that they only take american bills not coin. In which the couple pretty much responded "this is bull**** This is money. Money that is better then you money. I can't belive you won't take American money. Why won't you take American money". And yes they were screaming this at her. Um this is just a thought but maybe they won't take your American money cause your in Mexico and they take Mexican money here. Be greatful they take our bills. Gosh some people really piss me off especially when there drunk.




I am currently reading your newest review and it has inspired me to go back and read you other awesome reviews.


It is a shame those American tourists spoke to the child's mother in this way. I learned many years ago on my first trip to Mexico that the reason vendors, shopkeepers, restaurants, etc. will not take American coins is that they cannot exchange them. Too bad these drunks didn't realize that a quarter would have been worthless to this mother.

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  • 1 month later...
We still needed to find something to do so we decided on the beach. We went back to Hollywood and down to Santa Monica Blvd and headed west towards the beach and the Santa Monica Pier.




On Santa Monica Blvd we drove thru Beverly Hills and also Rodeo Drive. Traffic sucked so it took us like 40 minutes to get to Santa Monica. While driving though we passed the Los Angeles LDS Temple and it was just as pretty during the day as it is at night. We also realized that we were close to Westwood and Diddy Riese. Since we got hooked to there ice cream sandwiches on the first day of our honeymoon we had to make the detour and grab some more.




Finally we made it to the Santa Monica Pier. Parking her was also a pain but we found a parking area that charged you by the hour. So we paid our fees and headed to the beach. The beach is actually very pretty for being a California beach. Not as pretty as some of the mexico ones though.







For the last few days I have been reading you reviews. I first started with your cruise with your son. I have to say you have a cutie there on your hands. After reading that review I came here to read this review. I just wanted to say how much I have loved reading them. I love looking at all the photos. I have to say the one of the LA temple have a special place in my heart as my mom and dad helped built it. He laid some of the plumbing for it. So thanks for posting them.

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