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Poll: Are jeans or shorts appropriate for casual night in the MDR?

Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?  

1,131 members have voted

  1. 1. Are jeans or shorts acceptable in the MDR for casual night?

    • Jeans are fine, shorts are not.
    • Jeans are not okay, shorts are fine.
    • Jeans and shorts are fine.
    • Neither are okay in MDR!
    • Heck - I'd wear either on Formal Night!!

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The concern was jeans and shorts. Those aren't suggested attire and anything along those lines are inappropriate.


Well, I guess I will be the one to break the news to you then. As far as Jeans go, they are acceptable on casual nights in the MDR per Royal Caribbean. You may call them and ask them yourself if you wish. But you are giving out incorrect information if you say that Jeans are not allowed in the MDR on casual nights. Now if YOU feel that jeans are INAPPROPRIATE attire for the MDR on casual nights that is your business. And it really has nothing whatsoever to do with people who either do think it is appropriate and/or actally wear jeans in the MDR on casual nights.



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While I agree that there are two groups of cruisers that have emerged from this poll, I have to disagree on how you define them. I would define them as those who believe jeans are appropriate in the MDR and those who think that RCCL doesn't want jeans in the MDR. The poll had nothing to do with RCCL's suggested guidelines, but with what is appropriate. RCCL has no issue with jeans in the MDR and never has. Whether or not they are appropriate is always a very debatable subject and I'm surprised that it is such a close vote. Vote your feelings, but please don't tell me that RCCL cares about it or prefers that jeans are not worn in the MDR. I have cruised with RCCL 34 times, I wore jeans on my first cruise in 1980 and I wore jeans on my most recent cruise earlier this year. I also wore jeans on every cruise in between and I never once felt out of place or that I was uncaring about RCCL's guidelines.


Missed my point, Jim. I'm saying that this poll is meaningless because of the word "appropriate". The reason we get these debates is that one persons appropriate is way different than anothers. What is somewhat relevant is what RCCL prefers. If they really prefered jeans they would use the word "jeans" and not "slacks" in their casual dress suggestions. If you were to ask them what they preferred on casual nights they would say "slacks" as that is the word they use on their website. That doesn't mean that anything else is inappropriate. If you want to wear tux pants on casual night, go ahead. That wouldn't, however, be what they "preferred".


So to conclude once again, two groups: those that choose to dress according to RCCL's preferences and those that don't. You, my friend, are in the "don't" group when you wear jeans. Doesn't mean you are dressing inappropriately.


Shorts are a whole different subject. "no shorts" is a rule, not a preference. Those that wear shorts are breaking the rules. No question. A rule that isn't always enforced is still a rule; just a rule that has exceptions.



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Bottom Line-RCCL is a Casual Dress line.If you want an upscale experience do not sail RCCL.Its a decent enough line but its not for those who enjoy a line that draws those that will abide by the suggested code



Sorry, I don't agree with your bottom line. If RCCL was a Casual Dress line, then their dress suggestions would read like Carnival, which definitely IS a casual dress line. RCCL has been trying to stick with their suggested dress all along, and it has only really changed in the last several decades with the elimination of smart casual.


However, the passengers who insist that wearing very casual clothes (I'm not mentioning jeans because they can be dressed up very nicely) have been eroding the standard of "casual" over the last 15 years or so.


I'm with the group of people who thinks people should dress to the level of their environment. A nice dining room with nicely dressed staff, linen on the tables, and decent cutlery and dishes, should have the diners dressed accordingly. I wear mostly long pants in the MDR, so I am by no means the dressiest. I just think the jeans or shorts accompanied by tee shirts or other extremely casual clothes don't belong in a nice restaurant. Jeans with a nice shirt or jacket look wonderful, IMO. It's the total package I'm referring to. Sometimes we label "jeans" as unacceptable when we really mean the level of dress associated with jeans.


Vacationing shouldn't really have anything to do with it, either: no matter where you are you should dress appropriate to "where you are". It's just part of being civilized IMO.

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Missed my point, Jim. I'm saying that this poll is meaningless because of the word "appropriate". The reason we get these debates is that one persons appropriate is way different than anothers.

You could say that most threads on CC are meaningless because people have differing opinions. I found this one interesting in that it is so evenly split. If I'd given an opinion before I saw the poll, I would have thought thhat it would have been much more in favour of jeans OK/no shorts.

What is somewhat relevant is what RCCL prefers. If they really prefered jeans they would use the word "jeans" and not "slacks" in their casual dress suggestions. If you were to ask them what they preferred on casual nights they would say "slacks" as that is the word they use on their website. That doesn't mean that anything else is inappropriate. If you want to wear tux pants on casual night, go ahead. That wouldn't, however, be what they "preferred".

I think you are reading too much into "preferred". Their dress code is very loose and purposely written that way. By your logic, they prefer women to wear cocktail dresses on formal night and not evening gowns. Just don't agree with you on that score.

So to conclude once again, two groups: those that choose to dress according to RCCL's preferences and those that don't. You, my friend, are in the "don't" group when you wear jeans. Doesn't mean you are dressing inappropriately.

It's very kind of you to agree that I'm not dressing inappropriately, but I think that your insight into RCI's preferences is narrow and misguided. You are welcome to your opinion, as I'm am entitled to mine and I can assure you that I am just as preferred in RCI's dining room as you are.

Shorts are a whole different subject. "no shorts" is a rule, not a preference. Those that wear shorts are breaking the rules. No question. A rule that isn't always enforced is still a rule; just a rule that has exceptions.

I agree with you on this. On Vision last year, we were invited to the D/D+ reception and the invitation specically stated smart casual dress, no shorts permitted. Several guests arrived in shorts and were greeted by the captain and crew and welcomed into the reception. I asked one of the greeters afterwards about the dress code and he said that the note on the invitation was to try and influence people into wearing a certain style of dress and that they would never enforce it.

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You could say that most threads on CC are meaningless because people have differing opinions. I found this one interesting in that it is so evenly split. If I'd given an opinion before I saw the poll, I would have thought thhat it would have been much more in favour of jeans OK/no shorts.


I think you are reading too much into "preferred". Their dress code is very loose and purposely written that way. By your logic, they prefer women to wear cocktail dresses on formal night and not evening gowns. Just don't agree with you on that score.


It's very kind of you to agree that I'm not dressing inappropriately, but I think that your insight into RCI's preferences is narrow and misguided. You are welcome to your opinion, as I'm am entitled to mine and I can assure you that I am just as preferred in RCI's dining room as you are.


I agree with you on this. On Vision last year, we were invited to the D/D+ reception and the invitation specically stated smart casual dress, no shorts permitted. Several guests arrived in shorts and were greeted by the captain and crew and welcomed into the reception. I asked one of the greeters afterwards about the dress code and he said that the note on the invitation was to try and influence people into wearing a certain style of dress and that they would never enforce it.


There you go jumping to conclusions again. This can't possibly be true as I always wear shorts in the MDR, even on formal nights! not


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But in your response to OV8 it was you who linked the two institutions by using the phrase "the problem with thinking like that." It was a bad analogy because those less fortunate souls "that need prayer the most" have nothing in common with the capricious immature cruisers that ignore the cruise line's dress code because it's "their vacation", not because they can't afford a pair of pants.

Ummm...what? How did typing 'the problem with thinking like that', which is obviously meaning thinking that wearing nice clothes in church is showing respect - link cruising and church? I fail to see the connection with that phrase...

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You're taking it way out of context. Every piece of clothing for men and women should not have to be listed to know what they require as appropriate for casual, smart causal, and formal. The concern was jeans and shorts. Those aren't suggested attire and anything along those lines are inappropriate. I would think that a man going to dinner would wear a shirt with pants and a woman would wear a skirt with a top on casual and smart casual night. If it's a cocktail suit or a long formal skirt or formal pants suit for formal night, then that's appropriate. (with a top with the skirt and pants).

No, see the point was that you were taking it way out of context. You said 'jeans are mentioned - so no jeans'. You can easily follow that logic as I did above and several other posters did to show how flawed it is.

Formal gown is not mentioned - so no formal gown.

It's just that easy. See how your logic was flawed there? You can't then say - well, they say cocktail dress, which is a tea length semi-formal dress so that means pants are fine or long, formal gowns are fine because I like the way that looks and I think it's appropriate. That makes no sense.

It's either - you can't wear _____ because it's not mentioned or you can wear ________ because it falls under the parameters of the suggestions. But you can't have it both ways. We're not all going to just abide by what you interpret the suggestion as, you know?:)

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Suggested guidelines for these nights are:

con_bulletgray_ico.gifCasual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for womencon_bulletgray_ico.gifSmart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for womencon_bulletgray_ico.gifFormal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women - Quoted from RCL's website.


Jeans are not mentioned - so no jeans.


Lets try this, nothing is said of military outfits. For the men who serve this country with pride, their uniform is NOT welcome. Kilts are not mentioned or any formal outfit showing pride in culture. Are you saying if it's not mentioned it's a NO? Clearly you know better, but your attempt to get a few jeans out of the MDR can lead to clothings not listing but are rooted in pride and culture. Demin is only a bad word to many privileged Americans. It still beats polyester in my book. Lets all start thinking outside the American box, cruising is International. As more and more people partake they won't list each accepted formal wear from ever country or continent. The guidelines are written to accomdate my lovely African outfits and gowns that are NOT a darn cocktail dress and would be considered an insult to mention them as such. While I am at it, I don't like the word cocktail and won't wear a dress sounding so improper....on formal night :-)

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Ummm...what? How did typing 'the problem with thinking like that', which is obviously meaning thinking that wearing nice clothes in church is showing respect - link cruising and church? I fail to see the connection with that phrase...

Exactly, I agree 100% with that assessment. Your analogy was flawed and your response to OV8 irrelevant to his/her comment.

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I have gone to the main dining room in jeans and I have gone to Chops in long, dressy shorts with a sleeveless top and a jacket.


If I am breaking any rules no one has ever mentioned it to me. I believe that RCI staff shies away from enforcing a 'guideline' with paying customers.

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Well they say men can wear "slacks" and women can wear "pants". Jeans are certainly "pants" but I am not sure if they are considered "slacks". So I guess it is ok for women to wear jeans, but it is a little unclear about men.


One thing for certain though, men cannot wear "pants" because they don't mention pants for men, but men can wear "shirts" because they are specifically mentioned. But women cannot wear "shirts" because they are not mentioned, but they can wear "pants" because they are specifically mentioned.


So according to your way of thinking, if one walked into the MDR on a casual night and saw a lot of men wearing shirts but no pants and a lot of women wearing pants but no shirts, that would be acceptable?


Just wondering,



I do believe RCI differentiates between "SLACKS" and "JEANS". Too bad they don't make it this clear on ALL their web pages.



Notice: DAYS (meaning daytime) onboard, Jeans OR Slacks are permissible.

But when it comes to Evening Wear (The Evening Meal) JEANS are not on the list, ONLY SLACKS.

So by default, JEANS should not be allowed for dinner. RCI knows what they want guests to do, guests just don't know...or they pretend to be blind.

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I do believe RCI differentiates between "SLACKS" and "JEANS". Too bad they don't make it this clear on ALL their web pages.



Notice: DAYS (meaning daytime) onboard, Jeans OR Slacks are permissible.

But when it comes to Evening Wear (The Evening Meal) JEANS are not on the list, ONLY SLACKS.

So by default, JEANS should not be allowed for dinner. RCI knows what they want guests to do, guests just don't know...or they pretend to be blind.


The word you used is "should". You say jeans "should" not be allowed but the fact is they ARE allowed. Check with RCI yourself and they will tell you they are allowed. What you or I think doesn't really matter.



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The word you used is "should". You say jeans "should" not be allowed but the fact is they ARE allowed. Check with RCI yourself and they will tell you they are allowed. What you or I think doesn't really matter.




And that is how the "non-conformists" always reacts. They look for a word that is (or) isn't there, and twist the intent of policy to make an excuse as to why the policy does not apply to themselves.

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So, I can't believe I don't see one of these polls for us since it brings forth such passion!!!:p Anyway, I find jeans to be appropriate and not at all prohibited in the dining room. As I've said before, being a youngish woman, I wouldn't wear say, dockers or dress pants for dinner out. I would, however, wear jeans, heels and a great dressy top - for me that is comfortable and also a current, great look for casual night.

I would not, however, wear shorts because they do specifically ask for us not to wear them at night in the MDR.

so........let your passion loose! Vote!:D


:cool:Well lucky--some results are in so far. As of 9:00 am est, of 481 votes cast, 409 or 85% of voters feel that RCCL is correct and state that shorts are not appropriate in the MDR for dinner, even on casual nights. Since the large majority believe this, the regardless of RCCL's wishes, cruisers should not wear shorts in the MDR just out of respect for the wishes of your fellow cruisers:cool:

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:cool:Well lucky--some results are in so far. As of 9:00 am est, of 481 votes cast, 409 or 85% of voters feel that RCCL is correct and state that shorts are not appropriate in the MDR for dinner, even on casual nights. Since the large majority believe this, the regardless of RCCL's wishes, cruisers should not wear shorts in the MDR just out of respect for the wishes of your fellow cruisers:cool:


Wow, I think it's the other way around

If passengers do not agree with RCCL, THEY have the option of finding another line. No, No, you can't go into someone's house/boat/ship/crib and decide it's OK to tell them how to run it. It's their boat but your money, vote/walk with it. Where does respect for the company comes in, for what they allow. I am back at RCCL because they were things about Princess I did not like. If this cruise isn't to my liking I will return to Carnival, land vacation, or heck even stay home. It's their ship but my choice. I am pretty sure they won't miss me. I checked with Princess, they don't care less that I booked with RCCL. Carnival was laughing that I gave up all the FUN for Princess but still happy I stayed with the corporation:-)

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Wow, I think it's the other way around

If passengers do not agree with RCCL, THEY have the option of finding another line. No, No, you can't go into someone's house/boat/ship/crib and decide it's OK to tell them how to run it. It's their boat but your money, vote/walk with it. Where does respect for the company comes in, for what they allow. I am back at RCCL because they were things about Princess I did not like. If this cruise isn't to my liking I will return to Carnival, land vacation, or heck even stay home. It's their ship but my choice. I am pretty sure they won't miss me. I checked with Princess, they don't care less that I booked with RCCL. Carnival was laughing that I gave up all the FUN for Princess but still happy I stayed with the corporation:-)

You are right.Very well said


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:cool:Well lucky--some results are in so far. As of 9:00 am est, of 481 votes cast, 409 or 85% of voters feel that RCCL is correct and state that shorts are not appropriate in the MDR for dinner, even on casual nights. Since the large majority believe this, the regardless of RCCL's wishes, cruisers should not wear shorts in the MDR just out of respect for the wishes of your fellow cruisers:cool:

Hmmm.....there are actually more results than that, but I guess that those that complain about jeans have to accept the same results...

Just as an aside, I am in the group that don't agree with wearing shorts in the MDR, but I don't froth at the mouth over it.:D;)

However, a large majority of voters may believe lots of things but I don't think RCCL is going to let that trump their own decisions :p Boy, if I thought it were that easy I would have made a poll that asked if we should all pay hundreds less! Then I'd hand the results to RCCL and say - too bad - adjust my bill!! lol:p

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Hmmm.....there are actually more results than that, but I guess that those that complain about jeans have to accept the same results...

Just as an aside, I am in the group that don't agree with wearing shorts in the MDR, but I don't froth at the mouth over it.:D;)

However, a large majority of voters may believe lots of things but I don't think RCCL is going to let that trump their own decisions :p Boy, if I thought it were that easy I would have made a poll that asked if we should all pay hundreds less! Then I'd hand the results to RCCL and say - too bad - adjust my bill!! lol:p


:cool:We all can read what RCCL requests, but they hope that everyone will abide by this. Then when CUSTOMERS (i.e.$$$$) don't, they have no desire apparently for ruffle feathers. Since RCCL appears weak, people take advantage of them (see world affairs). Even if we don't respect RCCL because of their stand (or lack thereof), we should abide out of respect for others.:cool:

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