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Dinner Attire in Kings Court


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My partner and I are sailing on QM2 for my 40th in December - 1st time cruisers. I must say, the dresscode is a bit of a tricky one and some of these posts make it sound like there are right fuddy duddy's on board.:p We'll be taking a couple of really dressy outfits (tux and evening dress) and that will be it. My partner's only 37, so a tie is out of the question -no-one wears a tie these days - not if you're under 65 anyway! He'll still look smart nevertheless. We'll be sailing from NY to the Caribbean - when will it start to get warm? Day 2,3?


Right then, I'll try to be helpful.

You will look silly wearing a tux and an evening dress.

If you care to look at another thread, you will find a photo of a child who is clearly under 65 wearing a bow tie.

I suppose that the temperature is partially a function of global warming. There are Environmental Agencies who will be delighted to offer advice on the subject.


Happy to help.



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I agree - the issue is that the former are frequently met with the bile invited by the latter. I would have hoped one of the hall marks of Cunard passengers was good manners and a friendly welcome - unfortunately some assume that those who do not wish to dress formally (on what will be about 10% of their time onboard) should not be welcome on Cunard ships - I find that poorer manners than dressing inappropriately in the Dining Room.


Right on! The OP made it quite clear that she was trying to clarify things such that she and her DH could avoid formal wear and at the same time conform to the Cunard dress code. For her consideration in trying to clarify a few points to achieve this end she gets told by some of the 'Formalwear Fascists' that she and her DH are not worthy of sailing on Cunard! The 'Formalwear Fascists' are really tiresome, forever trying to intimidate and bully others to conform to their desires. Presumably if any of the rest of us who serve as 'extras' in their formal fantasy don't conform to their (not Cunard's) specifications it will spoil their fantasy and thus their voyage. Poor things! It doesn't matter why people who choose to not dress formally make that choice. Everyone is entitled to dress how they wish within the confines of the Cunard dress code. Period, point final! Those who attempt to bully and intimidate other posters are the rude ones. Fortunately, as guernseyguy has pointed out the likelihood of such rude behaviour is greater on these boards than on the actual Cunard ships!

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My partner's only 37, so a tie is out of the question -no-one wears a tie these days - not if you're under 65 anyway!


Can someone please explain to me why the act of wearing a tie has become such a big deal. Is there some kind of inverse snobbery at work here? For goodness sake, it's a bit of silk knotted about the neck it won't strangle you , if you tie it properly that is unless the nether end is in the hands of someone who doesn't like you. It won't bring you out in hives or cause your gerbil to die. People will not stop and stare and point the finger of derision, well they might but it won't be because of your tie. If you don't want to wear one then don't but don't make such a cause celébre about it either. Millions of people the world over wear a tie quite painlessly and happily day after day. They vary in age from 5 to 95. News readers wear them; limousine drivers wear them; golf club members wear them; soldiers, sailors and airmen wear them; school children wear them; captains of industry and captains of cruise boats wear them. And please let us not have all that old pony about 'Well I wear one every day for work so I won't wear one when I'm on holiday'. presumably you wear underpants every day for work what do you do on holiday, go commando?

Don't like 'em? don't wear 'em and don't make a federal case out of it.

He'll still look smart nevertheless.


Not if he's wearing a tux he won't. Just look at all the bounders who remove their ties during the evening, untidy, dishevelled, even scruffy but smart? Certainly not.

Too hot to keep it on for an hour after dinner? Don't be such a wimp.

Have some respect for your partner. If you haven't got one then slobbing around with your tie round your neck like some latterday James Bond (you wish) or god forbid with your pre-tied tie (whatever that is) hanging like a spaniels amputated ears out of your jacket pocket will ensure you don't get one. By the way even having your jacket pockets unstitched so you can put things in them will tell everyone that you are an arriviste who don't know no better.

A Tie-dy Gari

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Oh Gari :D :D


I thought I was doing so well! As a result of yours and others contributions to the discussions on style,which I find so useful;), I bought my husband a proper bow tie and after a few practices with the help of youtube and daughter- we perfected it! It looked amazing.

On formal nights we were there - scrutinising all the ties around us and I hate to confess this now, but I was feeling slightly smug at times when I glanced at my husband's perfectly tied silk bow tie.

Oh dearie me!

Now, I fear -I think his pockets may have been unstitched. ( I can't check now- it's put away until next time but I will personally, in my best blind hem stitch, hand sew any that may be gaping ;)).

Oh for the day when we succeed.

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My, my, my.... Very interesting, at times very amusing, but at times scary if some of these responses are really from adults! Oh my! :eek:


Consider that as a new Cunard customer, I only wanted to be sure that I had the proper information so I could avoid not conforming to what appears to be a very serious issue to some - even though they do not usually or not a all eat in the King's Court! Did some of you even bother to read my previous 2 posts - or is this your venue for ranting? If you did read my posts, how did you ascertain that I should not sail Cunard because I do not want to dress appropriately - especially when I was inquiring as to how to dress appropriately in King's Court? Cunard is an open to the public cruiseline - not a private country club. I'm sure many people sail Cunard for many reasons....still can't get over that somehow this denegrated to ..... hamburgers/cheeseburgers! How ridiculous! Silly, silly, people. Can't help thinking of all of the great meals in all of the great restaurants we have had in Europe & the UK & my husband has never been out of place or a minority without a jacket - but I'm not talking down to cheeseburgers!


Bad manners indeed. I'm sure you would not talk such a way to someone standing in front of you!....at least, I hope not. :( I do hope that those of you who displayed such bad manners will at least feel somewhat ashamed our your behavior.


And yes, as I'm sure with other passengers to be onboard, this cruise is our 'transportation' and, thank you, we will enjoy it immensely. We have accomplished so much by booking QM2, (1) avoiding the hassles of airports (hate it!), (2) avoiding jet lag caused from 'jumping' 5 hours ahead instead of 1 hour every night, (3) avoiding the body pain caused by sitting/reclining in an airplane seat for 6 hours of more, (4) and most of all, at $995 pp for a balcony cabin versus $3500 pp for first class airfare, we have saved lots of money (we love to find bargains!).


If Cunard really wants their cruiseline used only for a cruise experience & not a ferry, used only by those wishing to maintain a standard above the other mass market cruiselines, then Cunard would not be pricing their TAs at the level of the other mass market cruiselines & Cunard would not be providing an evening dining area that only requires elegant casual dress, even on formal nights. So, maybe some passengers image of Cunard is a little outdated - it has moved into the mass market level. Wait a minute - don't get excited. I'm not saying that excuses 'nonconforming dress'!


Thanks to those who did read my posts, & were obviously capable of understanding what they read. And to some who expressed sympathy for the wrath I was receiving, thank you. :) But no concern, this is just a message board, not a major issue in my life - like it is obviously in some folks lives! :eek: My, my, my. Maybe some folks just didn't have proper upbringing or they have since ignored it. As my grandmother always advised me when another might have caused me concern, "They don't put their shoes under your bed, so don't concern yourself with their behavior". Wise, wasn't she. :cool: She also would advise me to dress appropriately for all occasions, which I will when I dine in King's Court.


I look forward to meeting many nice people aboard Cunard, as we have done in all of our travels. Happy sailing everyone.

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And yes, as I'm sure with other passengers to be onboard, this cruise is our 'transportation' and, thank you, we will enjoy it immensely. We have accomplished so much by booking QM2, (1) avoiding the hassles of airports (hate it!), (2) avoiding jet lag caused from 'jumping' 5 hours ahead instead of 1 hour every night, (3) avoiding the body pain caused by sitting/reclining in an airplane seat for 6 hours of more, (4) and most of all, at $995 pp for a balcony cabin versus $3500 pp for first class airfare, we have saved lots of money (we love to find bargains!). ...

I look forward to meeting many nice people aboard Cunard, as we have done in all of our travels. Happy sailing everyone.

I like your attitude, two' and I feel the same about traveling by air. The thousands the QM2 will be saving you over airfare will more than pay for any formal wear you care to indulge in to wear on board, as well as for the cost of shipping it home after you leave the ship. But, most importantly, you will have lots of extra money to spend on board for the spa and for champagne fests for all your new shipmate friends. Bon Voyage!

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twoatsea, I agree that you will miss out on a splendid expierience in the diningroom but you needn't worry too much about Kings Court.


My one dinner experience was two teens walking around in shorts, skull caps, and heavy jackets. They didn't even bother sitting down, just took the dessert, ate it and put the plate back down with the fresh desserts and took another. I complained to the Mgr. who was actually standing, watching what was going on. I would ordinarily never complain but it was enough to make me never want to go back.


I'm big on dressing accordingly and as much as most on this board hate to hear this, you will see people in all dress modes, even on the QM2. Your elegant casual is going work just fine. Bon Voyage :)

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I don't want to make excuses for anyone because I too have criticised the attitudes of some posters - hopefully, I think I am beginning to distinguish between the humorous posts and the downright insulting but it is very easy to misread messages.

However, you will enjoy the experience - Kings Court or Dining room- I am sure. It will be a leisurely start to a wonderful vacation.

As you say it is also a ferry- albeit rather grand. We met a young man crossing the ocean to study for several years and he apparently could hardly move in his room for his equipment. We saw him in Southampton terminal- with at least 3 trolleys of boxes and luggage. As he said, he had saved thousands of dollars in transportation costs and he had had an amazing time en route.

The main points re dress are covered in the brochures and online by Cunard- and they are Cunard's expectations so if some customers want things to be different then it doesn't really matter.


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If Cunard really wants their cruiseline used only for a cruise experience & not a ferry, used only by those wishing to maintain a standard above the other mass market cruiselines, then Cunard would not be pricing their TAs at the level of the other mass market cruiselines & Cunard would not be providing an evening dining area that only requires elegant casual dress, even on formal nights. So, maybe some passengers image of Cunard is a little outdated - it has moved into the mass market level.


If the experience onboard continues to move mass-market (and I don't disagree that it has and will continue to) then Cunard is not going to be able to keep its fares at the level it has.


Sounds as though you found a bargain, and good for you. Personally, the voyage would have to be free for me to take my meals in KC. The perception remains that Cunard still markets what they call "luxury" (and what many know as "premium") and generally charges a lot more per night than mass market, (and even premium).


You seem very attuned to dressing appropriately. For your sake, I really do hope that you don't feel like the wallflower at the prom. Six nights is a long time to be surrounded by tuxes and gowns, jackets and ties and smart cocktail dresses. I hope you don't feel left out. Sounds as though you won't, since as you say, it's just transportation at a cheap price.


If the trend you describe continues - Cunard becoming mass market - I will happily sail Princess or HAL (and I do), save a bundle and sail on lovely ships with great service and good food. And at least as far as HAL is concerned, much better beds!


Have a safe and pleasant trip.


(P.S. I'm now seeing "FUN Ship" banner adds on the Cunard board. Wonder what that's all about!)

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Well, I wasn't quite expecting to come across so many rude and pompous people! Quite funny though. People getting their knickers in a right twist over a couple of sentences - oh dear. I wasn't meaning my partner would be wearing his tux without a bow tie, but you go for it. It's obviously something you feel strongly about - ties. I do hope this isn't an indication of the type of people we'll come across onboard - I'm sure it isn't. I'm really looking forward to my trip. My group will be the ones having all the fun. Hopefully there will be others onboard wanting to enjoy themselves too. Do you think I should leave the party poppers and flashing 'Fab at 40' badge at home? Before you get all serious on me - I'm kidding!;)

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I wasn't meaning my partner would be wearing his tux without a bow tie, but you go for it.


OK, but that's what you wrote.


"My partner's only 37, so a tie is out of the question -no-one wears a tie these days - not if you're under 65 anyway!"



Do you think I should leave the party poppers and flashing 'Fab at 40' badge at home? Before you get all serious on me - I'm kidding!;)


Are you sure? Goes good with the new "mass market" experience we are told Cunard has become.:D


(P.S., if you think we are rude and pompous, wait til you encounter the hordes in Kings Court and around the tables of tat outside the shops onboard - inches of "gold" dontcha' know!)

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I'm new to this Board and therefore wish to tread carefully. I must admit, however, to some frustration over yet another query from someone who summarily dismisses the concept of dressing formally, on the QM or presumably at any other time, as suitable only for a high school "prom" or some other juvenile event that a mature traveler has presumably "outgrown" at some point. This attitude seems to pop up regularly on this Board, normally in the form of "I'm too worldly wise to dress formally" or "I'm too busy to dress formally" or "I'm too well traveled to dress formally" or some such nonsense. To say that I disagree utterly with this attitude would be an understatement, and I simply wish to express my position that this attitude is worthy of all the distain that greets it on this Board. There, I said it.


You left out 'If you dress formally you are uptight.' ;)

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Oh Gari :D :D


I thought I was doing so well! As a result of yours and others contributions to the discussions on style,which I find so useful;), I bought my husband a proper bow tie and after a few practices with the help of youtube and daughter- we perfected it! It looked amazing.

On formal nights we were there - scrutinising all the ties around us and I hate to confess this now, but I was feeling slightly smug at times when I glanced at my husband's perfectly tied silk bow tie.

Oh dearie me!

Now, I fear -I think his pockets may have been unstitched. ( I can't check now- it's put away until next time but I will personally, in my best blind hem stitch, hand sew any that may be gaping ;)).

Oh for the day when we succeed.


My Dear Heywood, (I may call you Heywood mayn't I?) you are to be congratulated on your perseverance in the matter of the tie 10/10. Very well done indeed. Concerning the pockets, I fear I may have led you into uncharted territory there. The stitched-up pocket is, I admit, in the upper reaches of sartorial correctness and should be approached only after due consideration and in a step by step manner. My advice is to first consider the problem of the 'Cummerbund' . What you must do is to obtain your partner's cummerbund. Wrap it around a large stone and hurl it into the nearest lake or river. This procedure is advised by all the best tailoring establishments. Then go and purchase or have made a decent evening waistcoat or vest. Present this to the aforesaid partner and rid yourself once and for all of all those moans and groans about the slipping cummerbund.

After that you can begin tho think about the weighty question of 'Pocket Flaps'. To have or not to have. There will be plenty of time to think about stitched-up pockets when you have mastered these two facets of gentleman's dress.

Keep up the good work.

By the way I am of course assuming that we do not have to go through the preliminary stages of the frilly or pleated shirt front. Remember we are not gangsters or snooker referees. (Well most of us are not)



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:D :D ;D



You'll be glad to know that he does not possess a cummerbund (or cumberbund as a friend referred to it many years ago when they were fashionable attire for ladies).

As for the shirts ... he's not a snooker referee but he is a cricket umpire. However, we do leave the white coat at home- although on reading these boards- it could come in useful sometimes. ;)


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Will my husband enjoy his food more or get better sevice if he wears a tie?

After all Cunard is no longer owned by Whitestar and is no long the top end of the market, Its owned by Carnival :rolleyes:

If my husband didnt have to wear a tie on other ships in the group why this one...Old fashioned english snobbery from new money people

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SeaMatesNYC, we can't use the other mass market lines for all TAs. The others only reposition in the spring & fall. Cunard is the only one that ferries; at least as far as I know.


Re: our price, appears to be about regular price when compared to the other upcoming Cunard TAs. The prices do bump up a hundred or two when the trip extends to 7-8 nites, instead of 6, but $ per nite about the same. The $995 has been available for months, so not really just a lucky grab. And, I imagine the other upcoming sailings will come down in price when the sailing time gets short.


Re: those who like/love to dress in tuxes & gowns. Sincerely, I think that's great & I have never knocked it & have done so myself on many occasions - this is just not one of those. What is not to like - there is no harm to others, mostly those participating enjoy it so much, and on the most part, it is good eye candy - what's not to like!? :) We each find our own favorite forms of entertainment, and this is one type; have fun with it; enjoy; life is short. However, IMO it appears that a few of the folks on CC who like this form of entertainment, need to be mindful that just because others do not share their passion, don't be rude. It would be nice to be helpful, advise inquiriers of the company dress code policies for informational purposes, and to accept that the company allows less than what some passengers may prefer.


Re: whether we will have any angst about being in the fashion minority???:confused: This is a concept that confounds me??:confused: Sorry, it just is not in our DNA. It makes me sad to think that some people would actually feel badly because they are not dressed as pretty (?), fancy (?), expensive (?) as others. Doesn't feeling that way mean that person judges others by their clothes & therefore feels others are doing the same? I thought all of that nonsense was left behind in the 50's? Now, experiencing angst because one is not adhering to the laws/rules of the land is another issue - that is not what I am proposing or what we will do - that's another subject.


Re: whether we will have fun/enjoy ourselves, etc. because we are not dressing formally on this cruise, that also is a concept beyond my realm of thinking/feeling. We are not people whose enjoyment is determined by what we/others wear, how fancy the place is where we dine, or whether those around us eat & dress properly or crudely. We don't care whether they eat with their mouths open, wear bib overalls, or whatever. We like to meet and listen to all types of people in all types of situations, & I hope that we only judge them based on how they treat us & others. Now that is having fun, in our opinions.


Funny story - in our younger days, we used to show Tennesee Walking Horses, and at some of the shows - whew, you talk about money & glamour being worn on people's back -wow! A friend of mine was standing at the show ring railing talking with an elderly gentleman who was wearing a tshirt & farmer's bib ovealls. She said later that he was such a nice & kind man, & they had such a good conversation - which, I might add, she enjoyed because she did not let his attire deflect her from him - which she would not do because she is not that kind of person. When it ended, he shook her hand, said how much he enjoyed their conversation, thanked her for chatting with him (inferring since he was not all dressed up), & said come by the barn some day, & gave her his card - he was the very wealthy owner of THE current world champion horse! Never know what fun awaits in the King's Court - some crude people or not; shouldn't think all of the fun is being had in the dining room!


Can't wait to get started on this new trip adventure!!!!:D

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It makes me sad to think that some people would actually feel badly because they are not dressed as pretty (?), fancy (?), expensive (?) as others.


I have told this one before, but it bears repeating.


When newly in office, Mrs Thatcher was horrified to notice that, at one of her weekly audiences with the queen they were wearing the same outfit.


On returning to Downing St she had an aide telephone the Palace to suggest that ahead of future audiences, Downing St would phone ahead to find out what the queen was wearing, and if there was a clash, Mrs Thatcher could change.


'Oh, that won't be necessary. The queen never notices what anyone else is wearing'. :cool:

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I don't believe that it ever was.


Indeed no, as part of the Govt deal to get money for Queen Mary, Cunard agreed to 'merge' with White Star - but it was a takeover of White Star by Cunard in all but name. Cunard flourished, White Star withered and died. Indeed, Cunard only dug up 'White Star' after that 1997 movie.....

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OMG, Guernseyguy, that is a priceless story; absolutely priceless. Whether it truly happened or not does not matter. What a good lesson. What a good story for parents to tell to their children during one of those life lessons' moments. If only we were all so gracious (even if the Queen was being unobservant rather than gracious! :))! Thank you so much for this story. I will definitely relay it to my family & friends. It is like an Aesop fable lesson - does anyone remember what those - showing my age. :eek:

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