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Review: Liberty West Carrib 11-21/11-28


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Its amazing how clear the water is. The guide says they sometimes drink the river water. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to do that with the Chicago River.



Sherry really liked the river rafting ride. Even more then the falls. I give the kid $40 as we had a lot of fun. He picks up 2 of the rafts and starts walking back up to the starting point.


There is another shack selling souvenirs at the end. I looked but didn't buy anything.



Peat picks us up and drives us back towards the port and we talk about what we want to do. Sherry wants shopping and I want jerk chicken. He drives us to the 'taj mahal' shopping area. It is a circle of shops all facing in. There are only two ways in and both are blocked off by security that raise and lower a gate to allow taxis and tours in.


We settle up with Peat and he says its $230. I hesitate as I hadn't checked on the amount and that is a bit of money. I did give us $450 in Jamaica because of how much the tours were going to be. He runs down the numbers just to make sure. Some of the money is because he paid for the falls and the rafting and we're just paying him back. I nod and give him the $230.


I didn't give him a tip... and kinda feel back about that. I thought he hesitated at the end like he was going to say something and didn't and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to or not. I'm used to the idea of not tipping the owner of a company but I'm sure that is probably more of an American idea.


I wasn't unhappy with the service provided at all but it wasn't what I had expected. It was more of an taxi service where they picked us up and dropped us off at the different places and handed us off to the people that ran those things. He did manage the tickets and such as well. I'm sure I felt safer in his hands then if we had tried to take a taxi and did it on our own.


So, I'm not sorry about the money we spent and I feel bad that I didn't give him a tip of some sort. I would recommend his services as long as you understand what you are getting. I think some of the other services he offers are move involved and are actual tours conducted by him or his people.


Anyway... we shop.





Prices seemed ok. The shops were nice and there wasn't anyone being pushy about buying their stuff. Jamaica seems to be one of those places where you don't pay the marked prices. Krista tried to buy a braclet for $5 and was given $2 back after handing over a $5. I saw a shirt I liked but it was $18. The lady offered it for $15 and I thought it was still a little much but felt better about it and bought it.


Hah, Sherry just told me a story I hadn't heard. She was looking at shirts that were $18 each. The sales person said she would make a deal with Sherry and sell them to her at $10 each. She made Sherry squat down behind a display and hand over the money which she put into her pocket and she handed over the shirts. I somehow doubt that money made its way into the till.


As a random observation that I really noticed after the fact... most if not all the shops had an Indian woman in it as well as several Jamacian women. I suspect they were the owners and the Jamaican woman working for them. I saw one of them yelling at one of the workers about getting out into the store to help customers (there was on lady on the floor and 3 sitting in the back). It also helps explain the name of the shopping area.


As I'm looking around I saw this guy up on the 2nd level. At first I thought he was security but he looked kind of young. I got a good look at his clipboard... he's writting down what cabs/companies are dropping off visitors and how many. Probably so they can get some sort of kick back. Its nice to know that Peat got something for us. : )


Right next door was a restaurant called the Jerking @ Taj.



We walked in and were given outdoor seats. Looking at the menu its obvious we're at a tourist place... $17 for the jerk chicken. Oh well. We're tourists and I don't feel like walking around looking for another place. I ordered the chicken - spicy. Alex got the jerk chicken quesadillas, Sherry and Krista split a burger, Nicky just had some fries and we all ordered a can of pop (at $3 each).


While we're there a street vender selling peanuts came by. He had a cart where he heated them up that he pushed along. He tossed the kids some peanuts as we sat there and the tried to get me to buy 3 bags for $5. I said just one bag.. and he gave us 3 anyways. Sigh... it tossed him $5 (this was all being done at range as he was on the street and we're in the dinner). The peanuts were really good... warm and with a smokey taste. We ate most of them waiting for the food.

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The chicken was good but not spicy at all.



Same with the quesadillas.



Sherry said the burger had a sweet taste she didn't like. I'm not sure if it was the burger or the ketchup... it was defiantly sweeter then we're used too.


As we're sitting there the cook comes over and is talking to us. I thought he was asking how the food was and I mention the chicken wasn't as spicy as I thought it would be. He says he can make it spicy for me and I point out its already gone. It turns out he's trying to sell me jerk chicken sauce that he'll make and bottle for me. The COOK is trying to sell me something. I laugh and say I have a bottle of jerk chicken spices at home already (true).


We're ready to leave and the waiter brings our bill... $104. Ummmm... what? I expected it to be an expensive lunch but not THAT expensive. I look at the bill and see someone over wrote the 1 for the quesadillas with a 2. I flag the waiter down and point this out to him. He says something about the owner and heads off. When he comes back the bill is $84. I don't have anything to write with and I'm trying to do the math in my head (while on vacation...) and I'm only coming up with $60ish. The waiter tells me to talk to the owner.


I go up and talk to the Indian woman at the register. She says she'll recalcuate it and says "oh, you only had 1 quesadillas". The final bill is $64. Still an expensive lunch but not over $100. If they tried to over charge me hoping to make some extra money I don't see why they did it by $40. $5, maybe $10 and I might not have noticed but $40 on a $60 bill!?


When I told my brother and Liz about us going to this place their first comment was "I hope you didn't eat there". When I said we had they said "you were robbed". Turns out there stopped there and when they saw the prices they just got a few drinks. The drinks were $7 and my brother gave a $10. The guy took the $10 and left. And didn't come back. So my brother waited. The guy showed back up and said something like "oh yeah, your change" and left again. So my brother out waited him and finally got his change.


He also said there was some back room dealings there. The waiter would ask if a table 'wanted to party' and if yes then would talk someone though a back door. We never got asked that question. :)


My brother ended up leaving and finding a place that sold jerk chicken for $5. Oh well.


I can't recommend eating here.


As we're leaving a guy asks if we want a taxi. I say no as we're going to walk back and I didn't think we were that far way. We weren't... you could see the ship after you left the diner.


On the way to the ship are the vendors trying to get the last dollars off the passengers.







Back to the boat about 2:30. Bit of a line waiting to get though security. They are checking bags on the way in. There is a long table to the right with 5 or 6 people there. If you have a bag you have to stop and they look though it.

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We decide to order some room service and rest a bit before dinner. I had to call a few times and no one was answering. Finally someone answered and before I could place my order they said it would be an hour wait. I say that is fine and we place an order. Actual wait was more like 30 min.




My beef and brie sandwich Good but I think I'd rather have it without the mustard. It was kinda strong.



Cheese cake




What happens when your kid gets a hold of the camera



Left this one out from shopping... Nicky get some new bling.


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And... a surprise for me!




My birthday is on the 29th and we'll be driving back on that day. So an early cake for me and some gifts. How nice!


The cake was quite good by the way. Had a white cream filling layered in it.


Since I didn't know the cake was coming I had ordered the peanut butter chocolate cake. I HAD thought it strange no one else was getting desert!



Another dancing night. Since the kids had been up their once already they were all ready to go and jumped up and ran out when the music started.





We take a family photo after dinner. It turned out well and we bought it at the end of the cruise.


I took the boys to the Kids Club for movie night (Night at the Museum 2). They had a lot of fun there.


We went to the show 'Music Around the World'. Announced as a 'big production'. It was ok... Lots of costume changes. I liked the dancing parts more then when the two big 'voices' did their thing.


Picked up the boys. The movie wasn't quite over so we waited a while so they could see the end.


Krista out with her friend with an 11:00 'come back' time. They're at the piano bar (which I heard was very good but I never went).







1. Dunn Falls


2. River rafting


3. Having some alone time with family.





1. Jamaican selling tactics


2. Felt mildly unsafe at times when driving up into the hills.





Jamaica is hard to just give a thumbs up or thumbs down too. There are things that were good and things that are bad. The Dunn Falls were fun though our guides could have been better. The ride down the river was very nice.


The attitude of some of the people also left something to be desired. I've been to places where the people want your money (hello Vegas!) but its done in a whole different way in Jamaica.


Would I be willing to go back? Yes, I think I would. I would probably find something closer to port to do but might head off and do something fun (maybe zip lining).


I was surprised when Mike and Liz said the would not get off the a boat that stopped in Jamaica again. I consider them more adventurous then I and it gives me pause wondering if I'm missing something. But, unless the experience I had got worse then it was on this trip. I'm game.

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Thursday capers




I seemed to have missed food pictures for dinner on Thursday.


I had the 'Tom Turkey' with dressing. It was ok. Slices of white meat over some dressing. The dressing was good. Not the same as having a whole turkey at dinner and I like dark meat better.



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Thanks for the review. My family and I will be on the exact ship and itinerary on December 19th for Christmas. I also have a son that is 9 so it was so nice to see all the pictures. The Camp carnival capers were so helpful. Now he is even more excited!!!! We are doing almost the exact trip and excursions that you all did. We are going to do both Paradise Beach and swim with the dolphins in Cozumel though. We swm with the dolphins at 10:00. We do arrive in Cozumel at 8:00 right?


Also, we are doing Mystic mountain in Jamaica because my kids want to zipline.


How was the weather. It looked great. Was Cozumel warm?


Again thanks so much for the review and I will be posting my review and pictures when we return on December 26th...



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I am really enjoying your review. You have a great sense of humor, the pictures are great and the video clips are even greater.


I had a special chuckle over your comment about drinking from the Chicago River. I live in the southern suburbs of Chicago. I was downtown this week and I had to cross over the river and I remember thinking how much nicer it looks now than it used to - but I can't imagine them ever cleaning it up enough to drink.


Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!


Regards, Susan

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Hi there,


My wife and I were in Jamacia on a cruise and have the same thing happen to us at Dunns Rivers Falls. My wife and I were exiting the park, and one of the sales person came up to me and threw a status in my hand and told me it was a gift. Next thing you know, he wanted $20. How can a gift be worth $20? The next thing you know everyone is attacking you from the left and right. Once they catch you, it's impossible to escape. There is only 1 exit and they are on both sides.




Can't wait to hear more.





P.S. How long are the lines at the buffet for breakfast and lunch? Do you have any menus from the dining room?

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I agree Jamaica can be one of the most agressive islands. I learned on the 1st trip to Ocho Rios to be firm. Nothing is ever FREE !!! I simple don't even let them get 2 words out. NOOOOOO is it! If there is something that I really like I ask for a price. There is always a bargain it turns into a low ball high ball but I always win..

The Jamaican sales people can smell any since of weekness on tourists. My mom says she can always count on me to haggle a good price. I don't consider it being mean or rude but smart! (ex.. Your cab rides. Set your price before you get in the car).

I seriously hope everyone that goes to Ocho Rios enjoys their vacation time there. Just be very careful of your surroundings. They are very crafty people! It's as if there is a College course for robbing the tourist.

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Thanks for the review. My family and I will be on the exact ship and itinerary on December 19th for Christmas. I also have a son that is 9 so it was so nice to see all the pictures. The Camp carnival capers were so helpful. Now he is even more excited!!!! We are doing almost the exact trip and excursions that you all did. We are going to do both Paradise Beach and swim with the dolphins in Cozumel though. We swm with the dolphins at 10:00. We do arrive in Cozumel at 8:00 right?


Also, we are doing Mystic mountain in Jamaica because my kids want to zipline.


How was the weather. It looked great. Was Cozumel warm?


Again thanks so much for the review and I will be posting my review and pictures when we return on December 26th...




8:00 sounds right for Cozumel (I'd have to check the caper to make sure). Since they were on Central time and we were on Miami ship time we had time to kill before going to Paradise Beach.


Cozumel was very warm! We were in the 80's every day.

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Thanks for the review! I'm really enjoying it so far! DH and I will be on the Carnival Liberty next month doing this same itinerary. I'm hoping you can answer a question about Dunns River Falls...Did you see anyone climbing it without a guide? I was there about 15 years ago with my parents, and we climbed it ourselves without a guide. I'd like to do that same thing this time around, but from you're pictures it looks like everyone goes with a guide. Are you allowed to do it without a guide? Thanks!

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P.S. How long are the lines at the buffet for breakfast and lunch? Do you have any menus from the dining room?


Lines for lunch seemed worse then breakfast. We usually were up early so maybe that helped.


On the last full day on the boat we did the buffet for lunch and there were long lines everywhere. They had the Chocolate Extravaganza out and lots of people waiting in the for that. I ended up just getting some fruit and then getting something to eat later (pizza)... I hate standing in long lines.


Sorry, the menus are one thing I didn't take pictures of. Maybe next time. :)

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Thanks for the review! I'm really enjoying it so far! DH and I will be on the Carnival Liberty next month doing this same itinerary. I'm hoping you can answer a question about Dunns River Falls...Did you see anyone climbing it without a guide? I was there about 15 years ago with my parents, and we climbed it ourselves without a guide. I'd like to do that same thing this time around, but from you're pictures it looks like everyone goes with a guide. Are you allowed to do it without a guide? Thanks!


That didn't seem to be an option but maybe just because no one tried. I suspect the answer is 'no' but I could be wrong.


Good luck!



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I agree Jamaica can be one of the most agressive islands. I learned on the 1st trip to Ocho Rios to be firm. Nothing is ever FREE !!! I simple don't even let them get 2 words out. NOOOOOO is it! If there is something that I really like I ask for a price. There is always a bargain it turns into a low ball high ball but I always win..

The Jamaican sales people can smell any since of weekness on tourists. My mom says she can always count on me to haggle a good price. I don't consider it being mean or rude but smart! (ex.. Your cab rides. Set your price before you get in the car).

I seriously hope everyone that goes to Ocho Rios enjoys their vacation time there. Just be very careful of your surroundings. They are very crafty people! It's as if there is a College course for robbing the tourist.


College course... too funny! I'll have to go shopping with you in Jamaica next time. :)



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I am really enjoying your review. You have a great sense of humor, the pictures are great and the video clips are even greater.


I had a special chuckle over your comment about drinking from the Chicago River. I live in the southern suburbs of Chicago. I was downtown this week and I had to cross over the river and I remember thinking how much nicer it looks now than it used to - but I can't imagine them ever cleaning it up enough to drink.


Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!


Regards, Susan


I'm not sure I'd want to swim in it, let along drink it! :)


Pretty soon it will be frozen over and we can walk across it.

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Does anyone know if there is a different way to leave Dunn River Falls to avoid the vendors? I thought I read once that you could leave through the "entrance" and avoid them. I am dreading trying to leave with 7 kids in tow.



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I think this is a great review. Wonderful photos. I will be in Jamaica in March .... I have heard a lot of bad reviews about the island .... I myself am tempted to stay on the boat.


I think if you are forewarned and know what to expect you are off to a good start. As long as you don't do something like try to drive to Kingston you should be ok.


It really comes down to if you are the type of person that can handle the way things work on Jamaica and feel ok or not.


I got 'took' with the idols at Dunn Falls for $20 but it doesn't bother me. Its only $20, I got a story out of it and I was able to come here and tell/warn you guys about it. I was more upset with the $104 bill at the restaurant. That was just crazy but I caught it and got to tell you guys to stay away from there too so I get the last laugh. :)


If you think that sort of thing will upset you then you would be better off staying on the ship. If you think you can deal with it ok then give it a go and have an experience and come back and tell everyone about it.


Sure worse things that what happened to us could happen to you there, but they could happen to you here too.


Have a good cruise!



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Does anyone know if there is a different way to leave Dunn River Falls to avoid the vendors? I thought I read once that you could leave through the "entrance" and avoid them. I am dreading trying to leave with 7 kids in tow.




Wow, that could be fun. Practice saying 'no, no, no...'. :)


I'm not sure... I know I saw that guy at the tree with all the stuff both coming in and going out.


Good luck.

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Friday - Day at sea


Slept in until 9:00. Boys and I have breakfast in the silver dinning room. For the first time we have bad service. After taking our order and the orders for several tables that came in after us we lost our waiter for 30 min. People that came in after us were getting agitated about the wait. I was just about ready to flag down someone and inquire when he showed up with a tray of all the food for all the tables.



BTW, the kids were totally into this idea of taking pictures of food. I have pictures of chicken nuggets, pizza, jello...


Butch is giving his disembarkation speech and Sherry goes.


Boys out to swim. It gets cloudy and windy and rains a bit. I get a burger from the aft grill right at noon. Pretty good.


That is a LOT of water.



Take the boys to Camp Carnival. Sherry and I shop a bit. We both get a watch for $20 each which is about the limit I'll spend on something like a watch. We go a look at the pictures. The pricing system takes a few min to get used too. You have to look at the bottom of the picture and see what class it is. Platinum, Gold, Silver. The Platinum ones were $22 and Silver were $9 (those are the ones we bought).


The on the last day is if you buy 5 'platinum' level pictures you get one free. We bought 3 ones of the boys dressed up as the gangster and cowboy, one of the family portrait, one of Sherry and I dressed up and we got a copy of the boys dressed up for free as a gift to my Dad.


We take a short nap and pack up a bit. Go to Emiles for lunch and its packed. I'd suggest the Silver dinning room for lunch on this day.


I watch Butch's speech rebroadcast on TV. Fill out the paper work needed (declare about $400 worth of 'stuff').


Get the boys at 4:30. Pack some more and we get ready for our last dinner. Some more dancing. I get the prime rib (rare).



And, what the heck, a fancy drink. This was a chocolate mocha something or other. While mocha usually mean coffee this one didn't have any. Baileys and some other things.



Sadly it looked much better then it was. Too much ice.


The kids get smoothies as well.

A peach/raspberry for Krista



A pina colada/strawberry combo for Alex.


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