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Legend Review -Roatan, Belize, Cozumel, Grand Cayman- with teens!


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http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=needlefish+pictures&aq=0s&oq=needle+fish+pictur&aqi=g-s1g-msx1 Needlefish!:eek:


Yikes- I think that may be it, but it didn't look that bad as its mouth was closed! I won't be showing that to my daughter!


Seriously though, we were just freaked out. Nobody else was. When my daughter said that my husband turned and saw it and he said "its just a fish" turned back and continued interacting with the stingray. He fishes as a hobby and wasn't the least bit concerned.


Thanks for all the nice comments. I will try to post some more tomorow. Takes longer than I had thought to pull your thoughts together, especially with all the stuff backed up from being away.


As far as the question about early dinner & kids. Our kids were in the teen groups Circle C and Club 02. Those groups had some late night offerings, but I do recall my daughter skipping the early show a couple of times at 8:30PM because of wanting to do one of the Circle C functions. I think your grandkids would be in the younger groups. You could always take them to the buffet or pizza/burger area for an earlier dinner and go to late dinner without the kids if there was somthing special going on one or two of the nights.


We did often have to rush around for dinner, but we loved having the same table and waiter every night. They do go out of their way with things. I also would not have been happy with late seating as we don't usually eat that late or really stay up very later either.

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Thanks for your review. I am anxiously waiting on the rest as we sail in Oct. I have a question. You have two teenagers and had early dining. I will be taking two grandchildren 9 & 11. They are use to eating later so we chose the late dining. We were thinking we didn't have to rush when we came back from the ports. Do you think we made a mistake? If you ate late do you think the kids would still be able to participate in the kids club? Not sure if we should switch to early or anytime. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.




If they want to participate in the kids club then you should really think about switching to early dining. Otherwise they will miss out on a lot. We made the mistake of choosing late dinner when our kids were that age. Needless to say, they didn't want to eat dinner with us.

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Cozumel Day 4


I had read a lot about Chankanaab National Park and thought it was a good fit for our family. We like National Parks and it seemed that Chankanaab had a little bit of everything in one place. I thought my husband would like the trails that had Mayan Replicas and botanical gardens, there is an educational area, snorkel area, beach area and several restaurants. I also told my family about Paradise Beach and the water toys available there as an alternative. My husband thought Chankanaab sounded good too so that was our plan for the day.


We docked at the Puerta Maya Pier which is the newer one. No tendering needed which was nice and we didn't get there till 10AM so that made for a much more relaxed morning. We all just got up when we wanted and found the rest of the family in the Lido area. Take your time if you don't have a jammed packed day, because they can't let you off until they are cleared and have let the Carnival tours off. Lots of milling around anxious people. We joined them in the atrium area.


Once off the ship we passed through the shopping area they have created at the pier. It is really festive area. We kept walking to the taxi area. They have all the prices on a board listing set prices to the various destinations and lots of nice clean cabs lined up. I think it was $10 one way to Chankanaab. That is for the whole cab and we had 4. Then it was more for larger groups.


We got to Chankanaab and they had the combos listed in the ticket booth area that I had viewed on their website. Regular admission was $16 (there was a $2 off coupon you can print off their website that would bring it down to $14). We decided on the first combo.


For $19pp it was admission, one free drink of beer/soda, and a t-shirt. You couldn't use the coupon with this. I figured we were paying an extra $5 for a soda/t-shirt, not bad.


It was kind of gray out. When headed towards the trail area and a guy offered a free guided tour with another family that was already there. We opted to go it alone. I forgot to bring the little towelette bug repellents I had packed. Big mistake. We were being eaten alive by mosquitoes. We would slap them as soon as they landed on us and get a big splat of blood! So try to remember the bug repellent.


We enjoyed the vegetation and the mayan Ruins replicas. Made for some great photos opts. Then we got to two traditional structures one with a weaving area and the other with a lady cooking tortias over an open fire. I thought that was really cool. She told us about what she was making and then offered us each a serving of fresh warm tortias with fresh salsa and guacamole. Very good and not like the ones you buy at the grocery store. Then we moved on to the beach area.


They have many wooden Adirondack type chairs under those wooden palmed umbrella things. They also had molded plastic loungers that were like a wave that sat on the sand. There were waiters very anxious to take your drink orders in this area. We set our gear down in a chair and went over to rent some snorkel vests.


They have all kinds of gear available to rent as well as guides that will teach you scuba or interact with dolphins. We had 3 sets of snorkels/masks and decided to rent just 2 vests and take turns. The vests were $5 each.


My son and I went in first. There is a entrance area with about 7 steps with a handrail entering the water. We had forgotten the water shoes, but it was fine. Since we had vests on I just went in a few steps and floated out. We immediately started seeing fish. We were impressed (as we are not experienced snorkelers )even in the shallower area right by the beach. Just about 5 minutes later my son alerts me that he has heard thunder and we make our way back to the beach.


It is obvious it is about to rain. Everything I read online said about how it may rain for an hour and then clear right up. So we headed over to the outdoor eating area that had a large thatched roof to it and about 25 tables. We used our 4 free drink tickets. The kids got sprites and we got two different canned Mexican beers.


I can not describe the amount of rain that proceeded to come down. It was like a tidal wave from the sky. Everyone was huddled in the center of the shelter where the servers were at. Then the floor started to get wet too. I talked with a worker asking if he thought it would pass. No No it will rain all day and the wind.... We can see the waves now crashing about where we were snorkeling.


At this point my son and I break out our prescription swim goggles so we can see as the rain is blowing in and covering our eyeglasses. My daughter keeps her glasses on being the style conscious person she is, she doesn't want to look as idiotic as us two. My husband says he thinks this is a lost cause and suggests we head back to the ship for lunch and then try to venture out for some shopping.


So we make a break for it in the torrential downpours. We are all laughing and running through standing water back to the main entrance area. My daughter keeps loosing her flip flops in the water so she takes them off and keeps running.


Back at the main entrance there are folks milling around that try to get our input as to wether they should go in. We make our way to the window where we get our free t-shirts. They had all the sizes available. They were ok shirts. The thinner type. My daughter liked it best of all. Some of the wording is in pink on it. These cotton DRY t-shirts are handed to us as we and all are bags are dripping wet with no plastic bag. Nope they don't have a bag for them. My daughter heads out and asks around in the shop area and comes back with a plastic bag for us. Another lady is there who can't find her ticket. She is frustrated as she paid and now it is raining and can't even get her shirt. Then she spots the near destroyed little paper ticket floating by and happily cashes it in for her shirt.


Back in a taxi to the pier. They are there waiting for you with the same board posting the same prices. Very organized cab system.


We change and head to the lido's unicorn cafe again. I am pleased to find they have Mexican food in the one area. I was able to eat Caribbean food in Grand Cayman and now Mexican in Mexico! This makes me happy and the rest of the family can chomp away at burgers & fries etc.


Once fed and dry it is time for some shopping. I have only one rain poncho packed and it is the dollar store quality type. They are selling some in the pier stores for $7. It is now just drizzling. Hind sight we really should have bought some! As we have more rainy days ahead of us. I will now always pack lots of cheap rain ponchos even if my families says they don't want one!


The Puerto Maya Pier area, and I don't think I spelled that right, is very nice. But you can tell it has been created to look like Mexico just for the cruise ships. There are plenty of stores with a variety of Mexican souvenirs at decent prices. My daughter is interested in a stand that has bracelets that they wrap thread to spell out any name you want. They have a bunch already made and will make one on the spot for you too. I think they were $8 here.


I suggest we see what the shopping is like outside the pier so he walk further to find that there isn't anything out there. So we take a $7 cab (for the 3 of us, son stayed back on the ship) and ask the driver to take us to the main shopping area. She says it will take about 4 minutes.


We are pressed for time and it is taking a little bit longer. She wants to take us to the area, but it looks like pretty good shopping part way and I ask that she just lets us out. We immediately are called out by all the shop owner to enter their store. This is intimidating at first, but becomes rather fun. As we make our way from store to store they are all trying to engage us. Some of the more comical lines are "I've been waiting all day for you" and "99% off today for you" We try to go down some of the side streets too as there are even better deals. Some stores don't have electricity. My daughter buys a bunch of necklaces and bracelets for $1-2 each for friends back home. The venders are thrilled for the business and my daughter enjoyed the experience.


In town they are ready to barter. I end up getting this silly notion in my head that a hammock chair would be a great souvenir. This is after a vender insists I sit in his that this hung outside his store. $30 is the price. Its a cool chair available in all different colors and comfortable too. But my husband says "where will we hang it" and I worry about getting it on the plane. It has a wooden pole at the top that is rather long. So he says $28, then $25...No No this isn't a good idea with the plane etc. off we go to shop some more. On the way back we pass them again, now it is $20. My daughter says "mom your going to regret it if you don't get one" She is right so the eager man rushes to help me pick out the most colorful one with all the bright colors worked in. He wraps it in plastic & ties a long string to either end so I can carry it easily over my shoulder.


I should share that 10 years ago we visited Cozumel and what impractical souvenir did I try to get home by airplane that time? An Octagon shaped punch metal mirror that was about 24 inches in diameter. Once home I had to take it to a glass master and pay more for a replacement mirror to be cut than the thing cost. But it hangs over the sink in our bathroom and I still love it today.


We decide it is time to head back to the ship. There are tons of taxis lined up and we easily hop in one. Back to the pier area, my husband and I share a beer in the few minutes the spare before we need to be back on. Actuality for 45 more minutes people keep getting on, but I can't be late and enjoy myself.


Oh and those bracelets my daughter admired? Almost every store in town had them. Kind of amazing as they would quickly wrap the thread round and round and could spell what you wanted in about 5 minutes. It is surprising that they can sell that many to make it worth every store having someone there to make you one. It is really only the kind of thing a young person would want. She ended up making a deal with the one guys for 2 of them for $4 each (half as much as she first saw back at the pier) She got one with her friends name and asked them for one with Cozumel to be made. She wears a ton of woven bracelets and was enjoying having new ones with the port names on them. I have a pen collection and the pen I had bought in the pier area was half as much in town. So if your looking for better deals and a fun experience take a cab into town.


On the way back to the ship we all commented that we were glad we decided to take the cab. It really saved our soggy day. We also all agreed we were so glad we hadn't dragged my 15 year old son along. He HATES to shop. He would have hated even more lingering outside the shops waiting for us like he usually does. If you are idle and even glance at something the venders really go at you. He would have died! So in the end we had a good time in Cozumel.

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I love how laid back your family seems! Most people would have freaked out that it started to rain like that, yet you made the most of it!


Thanks for the post! It is keeping me calm as I wait for my trip on the Legend at the end of next week!


Oh there were the cranky times too, but who wants to read about that when preparing for a cruise!


I had put a ton of time into reading reviews on cc and trip advisor. I had such high expectations, when things didn't turn out so hot and I could tell everyone was questioning my plans, I got bummed. You'll see what I am talking about as it gets way worse when we get to Belize. Then by Roatan we are feeling pretty defeated in many ways.... but still a good cruise overall.

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I liked the day in Cozumel, you made some lemonade :)


I was hoping someone else would jump in on how to post pictures because I'm not very good at explaining...but here goes nothing!!! If you go to http://www.photobucket.com and open up an account (free!) You can upload your photos there. Once they're uploaded, you'll see 4 different kind of technical looking addresses for the photos. The last one is an "IMG" code. If you copy that code and paste it, it'll post the photo.

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Arriving in Cozumel last week...




During the storm (at Nachi Cocom)...






As the original poster said, I've never seen rain like it. It was incredible. We all had to shelter in a small windowless room at NC for probably 1 to 1 1/2 hours before it even let up slightly.

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I will try to get to the photo thing when I get my camera back. I will try your suggestion.



Yes the rain was heavy. I chatted with a lady who was on a party snorkel & beach catamaran excursion via Carnival. She said the snorkel part went well, but the captain tried and tried to make it onto the beach and just couldn't. She said Carnival informed them they were going to refund them 100% of the excursion cost. I was impressed by that.


Coming up Next Thanksgiving Drama from Belize with cave tubing dot com!

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Day 5 - Belize & Happy Thanksgiving



Well today was Thanksgiving. I had wanted to do a traditional Thanksgiving meal before we left and invite all the relatives etc. We were on a cruise 10 year ago over Thanksgiving and remembered how it felt weird to be in the Christmas Season when we got back since we hadn't felt like we had Thanksgiving. My family wasn't into the idea and I got busy so we never did that.


We got up early this morning as we arrive in Belize at at 8am and it is a tender port. I have read many reviews and asked questions about the tender process so am prepared that it may take time to get off. We head out of our cabins about 7:20am and go directly to the follies lounge where they are organizing the tenders. They are announcing to only report there if you have your party and to send on person up front to get the tender tickets. We get #2 tickets and then exit out the back of the follies. They have greeters at the one rear entrance, so we sneak out the other one. Our plan it to go get breakfast then come back. I don't know if your allowed to do this, but am relieved to see others in the unicorn cafe with tender stickers on too.


So we eat a breakfast and I am watching to see if there are still folks with my tender # there too. Then we go down to the follies lounge. It is now packed with people. We find a seat up front and they begin calling out the Carnival excursions to leave first. They don't need tender stickers, but go ahead. Not very much longer they call #1 & then #2. We exit the rear of the follies so if you can grab a seat towards the back, not the front like we did.


We end up backed up waiting to get off the ship on Deck 1 up and down the halls right where peoples cabins are. It is loud and packed with people. I would not have wanted my cabin here if I was trying to sleep in that day.


The tenders are big. The one back is really big, more like a ferry boat. The one we got out is more like a big regular tender. They pack us in making some sit on the wet steps.


It is a long tender ride and kind of gloomy out.


We exit the tender in the Belize Port. I think it is about 9:00 am now. It is crowded and lots of commotion and people. I can't find cave tubing dot com. I stop to ask a security guard in full uniform with a Carnival badge on where to find the exit I am looking for. I overhear the conversation he is having with the man in front of me. He is saying that there has been days of rain in Belize and that the caves are flooded. Tours can not occur as the water is inches from the ceiling of the caves. He is telling him to go to his tour operator and see if they have any alternative plans. I then see Major Tom's people (not who we booked with)and they approach me for assistance. They tell me how to get to my reserved tour with cave tubing dot com.


We need to exit the pier area and they are situated on the small sidewalk off a road near the exit. There is no room to congregate there. David from cave tubing dot com greets me and shows me our name on his list. He tells me to board the bus. I begin to question him regarding what I have just heard about the flooded caves. David persists we board the bus and he will talk to us then. I persist some more and he says they have plans for us that they will tell us once on the bus. I clarify that we will not leave until we have heard everything and can then make a decision to stay on or not. David agrees and we get on the bus. The only 4 seats left are near the back of the bus. Nobody on the bus is aware of the flooded caves. People start asking questions to us. I get off the bus to clarify again that he will tell us his plans before the bus moves, David says yes.


So David gets on and tells us we are in for a very special surprise. He tells us that since the ongoing rain in Belize the water levels are high and the caves are closed, but cave tubing dot come does not have problems they have solutions! He informs us we are going to a different cave called "crystal caves" We are very lucky according to David as not many people get this opportunity. It is a private cave that Bill Gates tried to buy when in Belize. It is very beautiful and not open to the public, but with cave tubing dot com they have solutions and the owners of the private cave have permitted us to tour this cave and we are very lucky that we will be going to crystal caves today.

The bus starts to pull away as it is an area where it does 'to seem like they let you park for more than a few minutes. David sees my anxious face and asks the driver to wait a minutes before driving.


I tell my husband that I have read many reviews and have heard they offer alternative tours at times. I had read about groups getting a land and zoo tour on occasions. I tell him that I think we should be ok with this company as I have read good things about them.


David says to the bus load, does that sound like fun. Yes Yes the crowd says. I raise my had and shout out "tell me about the safety in these caves" David reiterates that these caves have not been effected by the water. They are protected caves and no safety problems. It is a special private cave.


I look at my husband and he says ok to me. I have a worried feeling, but have read so many reviews that I feel that at least we are with a well known company. It is Thanksgiving and we have had some dissapointments in our previous ports. I want to stay optomistic that this will be such a fun adventure.


So off we go..............into the unkown lands and caves of Belize..................

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Day 5 - Belize & Happy Thanksgiving



Well today was Thanksgiving. I had wanted to do a traditional Thanksgiving meal before we left and invite all the relatives etc. We were on a cruise 10 year ago over Thanksgiving and remembered how it felt weird to be in the Christmas Season when we got back since we hadn't felt like we had Thanksgiving. My family wasn't into the idea and I got busy so we never did that.


We got up early this morning as we arrive in Belize at at 8am and it is a tender port. I have read many reviews and asked questions about the tender process so am prepared that it may take time to get off. We head out of our cabins about 7:20am and go directly to the follies lounge where they are organizing the tenders. They are announcing to only report there if you have your party and to send on person up front to get the tender tickets. We get #2 tickets and then exit out the back of the follies. They have greeters at the one rear entrance, so we sneak out the other one. Our plan it to go get breakfast then come back. I don't know if your allowed to do this, but am relieved to see others in the unicorn cafe with tender stickers on too.


So we eat a breakfast and I am watching to see if there are still folks with my tender # there too. Then we go down to the follies lounge. It is now packed with people. We find a seat up front and they begin calling out the Carnival excursions to leave first. They don't need tender stickers, but go ahead. Not very much longer they call #1 & then #2. We exit the rear of the follies so if you can grab a seat towards the back, not the front like we did.


We end up backed up waiting to get off the ship on Deck 1 up and down the halls right where peoples cabins are. It is loud and packed with people. I would not have wanted my cabin here if I was trying to sleep in that day.


The tenders are big. The one back is really big, more like a ferry boat. The one we got out is more like a big regular tender. They pack us in making some sit on the wet steps.


It is a long tender ride and kind of gloomy out.


We exit the tender in the Belize Port. I think it is about 9:00 am now. It is crowded and lots of commotion and people. I can't find cave tubing dot com. I stop to ask a security guard in full uniform with a Carnival badge on where to find the exit I am looking for. I overhear the conversation he is having with the man in front of me. He is saying that there has been days of rain in Belize and that the caves are flooded. Tours can not occur as the water is inches from the ceiling of the caves. He is telling him to go to his tour operator and see if they have any alternative plans. I then see Major Tom's people (not who we booked with)and they approach me for assistance. They tell me how to get to my reserved tour with cave tubing dot com.


We need to exit the pier area and they are situated on the small sidewalk off a road near the exit. There is no room to congregate there. David from cave tubing dot com greets me and shows me our name on his list. He tells me to board the bus. I begin to question him regarding what I have just heard about the flooded caves. David persists we board the bus and he will talk to us then. I persist some more and he says they have plans for us that they will tell us once on the bus. I clarify that we will not leave until we have heard everything and can then make a decision to stay on or not. David agrees and we get on the bus. The only 4 seats left are near the back of the bus. Nobody on the bus is aware of the flooded caves. People start asking questions to us. I get off the bus to clarify again that he will tell us his plans before the bus moves, David says yes.


So David gets on and tells us we are in for a very special surprise. He tells us that since the ongoing rain in Belize the water levels are high and the caves are closed, but cave tubing dot come does not have problems they have solutions! He informs us we are going to a different cave called "crystal caves" We are very lucky according to David as not many people get this opportunity. It is a private cave that Bill Gates tried to buy when in Belize. It is very beautiful and not open to the public, but with cave tubing dot com they have solutions and the owners of the private cave have permitted us to tour this cave and we are very lucky that we will be going to crystal caves today.

The bus starts to pull away as it is an area where it does 'to seem like they let you park for more than a few minutes. David sees my anxious face and asks the driver to wait a minutes before driving.


I tell my husband that I have read many reviews and have heard they offer alternative tours at times. I had read about groups getting a land and zoo tour on occasions. I tell him that I think we should be ok with this company as I have read good things about them.


David says to the bus load, does that sound like fun. Yes Yes the crowd says. I raise my had and shout out "tell me about the safety in these caves" David reiterates that these caves have not been effected by the water. They are protected caves and no safety problems. It is a special private cave.


I look at my husband and he says ok to me. I have a worried feeling, but have read so many reviews that I feel that at least we are with a well known company. It is Thanksgiving and we have had some dissapointments in our previous ports. I want to stay optomistic that this will be such a fun adventure.


So off we go..............into the unkown lands and caves of Belize..................




It's another cliff hanger in Belize! Is there something about that port?:)

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You can't leave us hanging!!! What happened next???



I use to think people intentinally dragged out some reviews, but now I realize how hard it is to get things out in a timely fashion. I had Belize all but done and then needed to read throuh it before posting. It was time to pick my daughter up from school and run her to some activities and I haven't been able to get back to the review.


So back to Belize

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We drive on the bus though the city of Belize. David points out some buildings and tells about the city. We pass children in school uniforms heading off to school and I am happy that he talks about why they wear uniforms and a little about the school. I want my kids to learn as much about Belize as possible. He goes on to tell how your allowed hit children in Belize at school and that he has told parents with difficult children on tours that don't worry you are in Belize you can hit your child. Ha Ha Ha...


Someone asks about crime. David says Belize has a crime problem,but not so bad. No fear of the super soakers you will see (machine guns) Ha Ha nothing to worry about.....

We pass various economic levels, some rather poor. An interesting bus ride. David then breaks out the cashew wine. I am excited, I have read about this. I am thinking this will be a great thing to bring back as Christmas gifts. I am worried how many bottles I will can get home in the luggage.


He goes around with small medicine cups with wine samples. He tries to get a party atmosphere going. The group directly behind us are into it. They are having a good time, are loud, and child free. Nothing bad, but still not the best family atmosphere. David is talking about how there is no drinking age. How in Belize you can drive with an open bottle Ha Ha Ha Ha..... Kids are allowed to sample too, mine pass.

My husband tastes his first and says "you may want to rethink the gift giving plan". I take a tiny sip. It is a cross between as sticky sweet apple vinegar and medicine. There is a distinct cashew taste to it. I try and try to finish up the miniature cup of wine and just can't do it. My husband refuses to help me out as he has taken one for both him and my son so he could have two. So much for trying to be greedy.

It is sloshing and dripping sour sweet wine so I apologize and ask David to throw it out for me. David gives the remaining wine to the folks behind us who pass the bottle around taking swigs out of it till it is gone.


Oh I forgot to mention there is a kid working with David. He is about 13.


........David tells us that he will let us in on a secret. Crystal cave is so special he has never even been in it.


WHAT!!!!!!! I think to myself. But sit and smile at my family. David says they will be picking up a guide from the cave to get us through.


So we are about 30 minutes in on the bus ride. No more conversation for the rest of the trip. I am looking out the windows taking in as much as possible. I am wishing we are hearing more about Belize or our cave tubing adventure.


I try not to think about the fact I have taken my children into the unknown jungles of Belize. A county that is undeveloped and may be dangerous. I realize I really don't know much about this David, the 13 year old and the driver who are responsible for the whole bus load of us. I try not to think of the articles I have read about the Carnival Passenger being killed on the cave tubing adventure several years ago. I reassure myself they were not with this company. This company stresses safety. My daughter breaks my thoughts and asks how much this cost. I say $180 for the four of us. She gives me the teenager look of shock.


We finally get to where we are going. It turns out to be the Jungle Paw resort. It is a mad house. We are not the only ones here, in fact there are tons of people. There are many companies who have gotten this special treat of an offer. We must wait David says for our equipment. There is not enough. Someone is going back for more equipment.

So we wait in a muddy area. A representative of Jaguar Paw makes idle small talk to a couple of us standing near her as she rents water shoes to people. She tells us that this is a private cave that they usually only take small groups of 4 through. It is beautiful and we should have cameras to take pictures of the stalactites' etc. She says softly that it is sad too. Someone picks up on that and asks why. She says that with people comes more damage and that is why they stopped the cruise tours.

They distribute some tubes. There are big ones and small ones. Nobody says who gets which ones. People just try to get what they want. The head lamps arrive. They are battery operated flashlights on elastic straps that go on your head. Oh but wait there are not enough life jackets. They will send for more. They arrive and we all have one. The local guide arrives. I hear the lady from Jaguar Paw say he use to work for them in the past. David tells us to follow this guy now. Droves of people in other groups have gone ahead of us.


We start the hike to the cave. I am not in shape. This was not a relaxing stroll, but a brisk trek with hills. No stopping to hear about vegetation or anything. No dialog whatsoever from any guides. It is muddy. Then we get to the cave area. Now it is a hike down. It is like we are forging our own way at times.


It is steep and muddy. It is slippery too. There are lots of people. Our guides shout out be careful its slippery, but that it is it.

I am scared and intimidated. There are a ton of people behind me and it is a slippery descent where you can't make up your mind where to put your foot.


Now they start shouting to to keep your headlights on. I hear from somewhere if everyone keeps there lights on we can see better. Now it is dark and we are hiking down into the cave in the uneven rocks and mud. Because I am unsure I loose complete sight of the person in front of me. Now I am descending into complete darkness without a person to follow behind to make it easier.


The 13 year old worker makes his way up to me and takes my tube and offers his hand for a little bit. Take your time mam he says. Don't get hurt. I apologize and thank him. He says that my job mam.

At times a guide appears and says no no lets go this way now and we turn around and back track a bit and climb over some different cave formations to make a different way.


We are balancing and walking wherever we can. There are NO instructions on how respect a cave. I am no cave expert, but I've been on a few field trips with preschoolers to know that you shouldn't touch a cave. Even with your pinky. It will kill the growth for hundreds of years. Nothing like this is mentioned today.


Now we are at the water. It is completely pitched dark. There are all kinds of groups here in the dark who are now getting out of the water. We are not sure we can even manage to stay with our group.

They take our tubes and tell us one by one to sit on them. Once sitting they push you off into the darkness. Not linked , not together, I hear my daughter cry.


We are drifting along with many many other unorganized tubers. our family gets hold of each other. We reassure our daughter, that this is great & an adventure. She wants to know what is in the water.

It is just totally unorganized. Our entire time into he cave is in 100% darkness. We have our little battery flashlight on our forehead, but that is it. We are bumping into people and the sides of the caves.


The only good thing is this is not a river, but more like a pond. So there are no rapids to deal with. At one point we start to link together. People decide to do this on their own. There is no instruction or assistance. My husband is in the rear, then my scared daughter, my son, and me in front. I ask a stranger if I can hold onto his tube. He says sure so I grab hold.


This is ok for a while, but then it gets to be a strain. There are many many people linked together and I am holding on to this strangers tube, but he is not holding on to mine. I try hooking my foot under the tube. After a while we are being pulled in the opposite direction. I can no longer hold it together. We separate.


The stranger watches us get farther apart and then shouts out. Hey we are separated. Someone appears I stretch out my foot as far as I can and he reunites us.


After what seems like eternity. We arrive at some point and the guys who is suppose to know the cave says now we turn around and go back. Apparently it isn't a cave where you pass through at all. So now we just work our way back out. There are other groups here too coming in and going out. I hear people pass by saying "this is absolutely ridiculous there is no way they can tell if they loose someone in here.


They are right. I try not to think about the dead lady from years ago. I start to think about the fact we are neighboring a Jaguar preserve. I imagine a jaguar or water creature leaping out and taking one of us and nobody noticing.


Smile smile at the family. Take some photos. Fun fun, fun adventure. My daughter starts is acting upset again. We tell it its fine.


We get out where we entered.


Now we make the hike out the same way we came in. Still muddy, still steep, still uneven, but now also crowded with many groups coming down.

Actually I find getting out easier. It may be cause I am going up so I am not afraid of slipping down. It may be because it is so crowded and backed up we are going slow and I am following directly behind others. It may be that I know it is almost over.

People are calling out to us "Parents please be careful. It is very dangerous and slippery" "parents please make the people wait while you pass, the guides are not making them" This is coming from the people who are waiting to start their adventure. I refrain from sharing my own warnings.


Back at the bus area we wait. We load the bus and it is about 1.5 hours until we need to be back at the pier. There are people here who are now to do the ATV part of the tour. We still have an hour bus ride back.


David says we can not do the ATV tour now, due the the extraordinary day. He apologizes. I am very relieved. I had asked if we would have to wait while ATV people did their thing before I booked and Yohnny had responded no. If we had the time for those to do the ATV part, I am certain we would have had to wait.


David says we will not be able to do the ATV, but will just stop for only 15 minutes at the cave tubing dot come site to finish cleaning up and to get refreshments. The lady in front of me shouts out lets just get back. We arrive at the site and she says again, no lets just get back and not get off.

David says we will just stay for 15 minutes, for a few moments nobody moves, but then a few hop off and then more. I say there is not point sitting on the hot bus if some get off we must stay.


We get off. They are selling chicken & rice, ice-cream, soda, beer etc. I was looking forward to trying the Belize cuisine, but now am so ticked that we are being delayed to make more $ off us that I don't want to buy it. There is no bottled water or anything included in the tour, despite what Yhonny has described in an email. I have brought 2 packs of cheese crackers with me from the ship. The 4 of us split this Thanksgiving treat.


Back on the bus we go. David tells us that although we have had an extraordinary experience, we are not going to be charged and extraordinary price.

I am half expecting to hear there will be a reduced fare.

He tells us that we will still only pay the regular price of $45 and that we can tip them if we feel we can or something like that.


He then goes on to say something about Thanksgiving as a time that you guys give thanks and you can show your thanks to us.


Earlier on the way down when someone asked if it was ok to leave stuff on the bus, David said a 300 pound guard will watch the bus. "there is only 2 ways someone will meet the 300 pound guard. One if you try to get on our bus while we are gone and one if someone tries not to pay for the tour at the end"


David says he will now make his way around the bus and collect his bosses money. I make my husband deal with him and avoid eye contact. I don't trust what I may say and I just want to get the rest of this trip over with.

He stops and wants to shake my hand. He asks if I had a good time. I smile and give him a non committal look.

Back at the front of the bus he says to everyone did you have a good time. Yes people say. He wants to hear it louder and they shout louder.


We got back with 10 minutes to spare. No shopping for us.


I think this may have been enjoyable for some. I believe this might be a better geological cave and if that was your first priority then you might have been pleased. I however had a number of major issues.

I mostly was concerned about safety. Secondly it just wasn't relaxing or enjoyable for us. Lastly I truly believe we devastated the caves.


I sent Yhonny from cave tubing dot com a lengthy email. I tried not to rant but just state the facts and told him we felt unsafe on the tour, especially since he had not done it before. He responded that he apologized and accepted full responsibility and would forward my concerns to the guides. If interested I can post the emails.


Oh and Yhonny wasn't there that day, at least that I saw.


As far as myself and my family, feeling relaxed & safe are the most important things. I have a new perspective on Cruise line sponsored tours. There is someone else accountable in the end.


It wasn't the best Thanksgiving ever. We are use to watching the parade and visiting with family. This just wasn't for us.

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Thanks so much for your review. It is wonderful and your writting style is fun to follow. We are on the Legend in April and have been debating about whether or not we want to try the Cave Tubing through one of these companies, and this is one of the main ones we were looking at. You definately give us some things to consider and discuss.

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Thanks so much for your review. It is wonderful and your writting style is fun to follow. We are on the Legend in April and have been debating about whether or not we want to try the Cave Tubing through one of these companies, and this is one of the main ones we were looking at. You definately give us some things to consider and discuss.


My guess is that we would have had a good experience with dot com if we had gone on a typical day and had the usual tour. There have been so many people reporting back from other weeks with good experiences. Reading some of the reports on here from the same week sound like maybe Major Tom did not take people & Jaguar Paw did (which would make sense since we were at their resort). There certainly were others there besides just .com

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Wow! I thought I had a rotten Thanksgiving having to work all day. I'm so sorry for your "adventure". I was feeling every minute of it as I was reading. It would have been very scary for me as well. We are going to Belize city for the first time in Feb so I did a search of reports. Now I'll know what not to do. Thanks for the very informative and well written (entertaining) report. I've enjoyed it.



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Oooo! We have one of those cabins! I'm so excited for it. From what I can tell, ours is just of the life boat, but we chose that category just for some natural light and fresh air, so I don't really care about the view :)


Can you tell me what category these cabins are? Are there more than 2 of them on the Legend? Deck 4?


I appreciate the info as I am booking my friends on this cruise and they are going with inside cabins...this would be a nice surprise!



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What excursion would you suggest then for kids 11 & 13 in Belize?


We went on the Legend Thanksgiving week also and did the Altun Ha/River Wallace trip through Carnival. Thoroughly enjoyed it with our daughter. She's only 6, but I don't have a teenager to ask. :)

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Thanks for your review. I am anxiously waiting on the rest as we sail in Oct. I have a question. You have two teenagers and had early dining. I will be taking two grandchildren 9 & 11. They are use to eating later so we chose the late dining. We were thinking we didn't have to rush when we came back from the ports. Do you think we made a mistake? If you ate late do you think the kids would still be able to participate in the kids club? Not sure if we should switch to early or anytime. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks.




I also suggest early dining if your grandchildren want to attend camp events. My son was just in the 9-11 group and camp is open 7-10 with different events each half hour. After 10, only babysitting (for a fee) is offered - they usually have quiet time with a movie on (all groups combined together).


We had early dinner, and my son would usually be off to camp (he checked himself in/out) by 7:15. On the nights with the productions shows, the camp takes that age group to the show.

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Wow! I would have been crying right along with your daughter! We did the cave tubing 2 years ago with cavingtubing.com and had the exact opposite experience. We were treated like royalty and personally escorted through the real caves (no flooding) by a nice young man as others from the ship were left to float astray bumping into the cave and other free floaters. Sorry your trip was so scary and a let down and thanks for sharing - reading your review was like a suspense novel. Thanks....are the Adventures of Roatan coming soon?

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