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Too much water? excursions


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I am looking at various excursions through the cruiseline. We are booked on Regent and many excursions are free so I am starting there.


Inside passage-cruising


First stop Ketchikan 7am-3pm-

Bering Sea Crab -this is not offered on our ship but i have heard such great things I thought I would book it anyway.


Tracy's arm cruising


Juneau 1pm-11pm Whale and rainforest trails (total 5 hours)-hiking and boating


Skagway 7 am-5 pm-Klondike ziplines and rock climbing... on land!


Sitka 8:30 am-3pm-Sea otter and wildlife quest..... more water and wildlife

Hubbard Glacier cruising


Seward-post cruise-everyone says to do the all day fjords tour... but we have just been on a 7 day cruise, and on multiple boating excursions. Do you think we should do this cruise too?


2 days in Seward


Driving all day to Denali-Seward to Denali-some people say it is too long, others say it is no problem. Any more advise out there? We are used to driving long distances. Is the road difficult? Mid to late June?


2 days in Denali


Fly home


Thank you all! I have enjoyed this site.


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Janet, for your time in Alaska, prime season, that road can get very congested. It is not an Interstate Highway. You will have delays and also places where you want to stop.


If the RV's clump up on that road, which is illegal by the way, the frustration mounts.


Only you know how much you can tolerate.

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Driving all day to Denali-Seward to Denali-some people say it is too long, others say it is no problem. Any more advise out there? We are used to driving long distances. Is the road difficult?


Last summer the Seward Highway was closed for hours at a time on more than one occasion. One time in August the road was closed for 5-1/2 hours. When there is an accident, there is no "alternate route." You sit in your car and wait..and wait...and wait.


I would figure 9 hours minimum with absolutely no stops from Seward to Denali on a good day. Figure in lunch and grocery shopping, that adds 1-2 hours minimum. Then figure on being behind a slow RV for miles, a stop or two for photos, and you are looking at 12-14 hours. Any accident on the road and.... well you get the point.

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From all I have read, the drive between Seward and Anchorge is 2 1/2-3 hours. (we did this stretch by train) We made the drive from Denali to Anchorage in about 4 1/2 hours. (We did take MUCH longer going to Denali from Anchorage as we made many stops.) So, to me, in a perfect world, with no stops, no accidents, no construction and no slow RVs you are looking closer to 7 1/2 hours. Now, we all know there will be stopping along the way..reststops...meals, scenery, etc. Add to that the other things that could go wrong and yes, I agree that the trip will take much longer. Like the OP, we are used to long drives. Our record is 15 hours in a day. Twelve hours is nothing for us. Some people are more able to do long road trips than others. I do not think it is ideal to drive that stretch in one day. However, if the only way someone can get to Denali is by driving it in one day, then I would not totally discourage someone from doing it. As with any trip, things can go wrong. We once spent the night in a YMCA because a road got closed in PA during a storm. Stuff happens. We continue to travel across PA in spite of the chance that something could go wrong again. You just deal with what happens. We made an adventure out of our misfortune.


As I said, we did not drive from Seward to Anchorage. However, we did drive the Turnagain Arm as a day trip going to Girwood, Portage Glacier and Hope. We were travelling the last week of June, 2008. We did not run into any traffic. In fact we never saw all the RVs we were prepared to be behind. We were also fortunate to have no problems going to Denali or returning. Again, we never ran into heavy traffic at the end of June. Glitter Gulch actually looked like a ghost town when we were there. The most people we saw were at the Cabin Nite Theatre. (didn't like by the way) I think anyone going to Alaska should be prepared and know what could happen. But that goes for any trip we might take. Just last weekend the border waits to get into Canada from Buffalo were as long as 6 hours at one of the bridges. I don't mean to digress, but just to show you that yes, bad things can happen on any trip. IT is good to forewarn people of what they have to be prepared for, but then let them make a decision based on that information and what they are prepared to risk.

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I never recommend the Seward/Denali Drive in a single day. And frankly, you have THREE experienced, first hand posters above also reponding to you. It's up to you- IF you are only looking for that poster, who is bound to show up stating, yeah go ahead and do these plans, then you at least have various opinions.


As for the Kenai Fjords boat tour- yes, absolutely is it well worth the time, it is a superb tour for wildlife. IT sounds like it is NO OF interest to YOU??? So go with other touring plans, and shorten you Seward time and add it to your transit- would be a better option if you only have 4 days- again, which is too little for what you have currently planned out. You are underestimating time and distance, sorry.

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I love the water, I am a biologist and if I had not fallen in love, and gotten married, I would have been a marine biologist. I am just wondering if my family is going to say, enough already!


As for the drive, we are going to go for it. Our time is limited as you see. We will hope for the best. We will leave Seward at 7 am, and see how long it takes. I know time is tight.


I have had 2 people who live in Alaska tell me that is no problem....we will see, live and learn. If we had a week we would slow it down, but we are like the tourists who go to Australia for a week and think they will experience the country.


When we retire, we will return.




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Regent Navigator,


Thanks for the driving advise, could be fine, could be terrible, just like anything.




Sounds like a great itinerary and a nice smaller sized ship!! You should have a great time!!!


As far as driving, some people can't handle a three hour drive. We have taken many a road trip and although I don't like more than 8 hours in one day, we frequently go over that. If worse comes to worse, you adjust and make changes...like the time we spent in the YMCA. Hopefully you will be fine. It is the accidents that seem to cause the biggest problem in Alaska. With two lane roads, they often have to close the road down after an accident. If there is a death, that means a full investigation before they reopen. Have some food and beverages with you before you hit the road. I know there is a supermarket (Safeway) in Seward you could hit up before you hit the road.


I am not sure how you are leaving Seward nor am I familiar with what Regent offers. Some cruises offer a train to Anchorage. That cruise contracted train usually leaves at 7:00 a.m. My sisters took it through HAL. They got to the Anchorage airport at 11:30 a.m. The train ride is absolutely gorgeous if of interest and possible. If you don't have an early morning train option, the regular train leaves at 6:00 p.m. and drops you off near downtown Anchorage. Not sure you want to wait for that though. Getting dropped off at the airport you could pick up a rental car there and then drive to Denali. The rental car would be cheaper as it would be round trip, not one way. However, I don't know if Regent offers the train option. If you have to rent a car from Seward, one way to save money is to just rent the car from Seward to Anchorage for one day (in your case actually a half day.) Hertz is your only option from Seward. Drive from Hertz in Seward to Hertz in Anchorage and turn the car in. Then pick up a round trip rental for the rest of your days with Hertz or another company. Just a thought if you are after saving some money. Otherwise you pay a very high daily rate.

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There is a BIG difference with "Alaska" residents and visitors driving in Alaska. It's point to point for them with many many repeats. I certainly have a lot of miles in Alaska, so I don't "see" all there is either. But with a first timer, it is very difficult to do this as a marathon drive. You are missing out significantly on all the excellent "stuff" in between. You also are WELL advised to consider a grocery stop- adding time by Wasilla. No large full service after that point. You aren't going to have time for anything more than the drive.


I will still highly suggest you cut back a day in Seward. With one night and the Alaska RR to Anchorage- stills gives you 2 days to tour, but has the superior advantage of you overnighting in Anchorage. THEN picking up a CHEAP round trip rental car, and only looking at 6 hours for the drive. This allows you time to enjoy it and add some excellent stops you are going to miss if you continue with the current plans.


The scenery from the Alaska RR, is grossly superior compared to the Seward Highway, so another added bonus to consider.

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There is a BIG difference with "Alaska" residents and visitors driving in Alaska. It's point to point for them with many many repeats. I certainly have a lot of miles in Alaska, so I don't "see" all there is either. But with a first timer, it is very difficult to do this as a marathon drive. You are missing out significantly on all the excellent "stuff" in between. You also are WELL advised to consider a grocery stop- adding time by Wasilla. No large full service after that point. You aren't going to have time for anything more than the drive.


But why get in the way of someone who wants to have "been there, done that"? As you said earlier, it looks like they were indeed just looking for confirmation and not really advice, which is fine too.


The scenery from the Alaska RR, is grossly superior compared to the Seward Highway, so another added bonus to consider.


Having done both, the train is nicer but certainly not "grossly" superior. The drive is excellent too. For "normal" tourists, the drive has the benefit of being able to stop at will, being able to visit the Portage Glacier visitor center, Wildlife Conservation Center, and some highlights in Girdwood. The OP won't have the luxury of seeing any of this with their tight schedule.

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I have checked into rental cars and we need a van, and it is expensive!! $250 a day after all those fees they tack on.. Dropping the van in Anchorage and picking up a new one will not save much money. (about $100 total) Doesn't seem worth the effort.


I looked into the train from Seward to Anchorage. I would love to do that, but at $75 per person, it is pretty pricey for my family of 5. Then the hotel in Anchorage is a lot more than where we are staying in



I do not want to do the train to Denali. We will drive there.


We are very well traveled, we have driven all over the country, flown to New Zealand where we traveled for a month, and to Europe. We always travel independently. My son says I have missed my calling and I should have been a travel agent. Problem is it takes me about 8 months to plan one trip. I always look to tripadvisor which has not failed me yet. This board is a bit different, but beneficial also.


To give you an idea of our driving history:


Two years ago we drove to Yellowstone from Michigan, and back, on the way back we hit the floods of Iowa... roads closed, highway underwater. We did manage to find a backroad, which closed the second we got there, tried another and got over the bridge before it closed. We considered it part of the adventure. Every year we drive to the current river in Missouri, (about 9 hours). As a child we drove to florida, every year, straight through, 24 hours. In New Zealand my sister and I hitch hiked the entire country in 6 weeks. My family and i went a few years ago and concentrated on the south Island, driving in a 15 year old Toyota van, that broke down... More adventures.


I think we will be ok either way, but i will continue to look into our options.


Obviously many of you think i am crazy, and missing too much, and you are probably right. (Stubborn, stupid etc)


I do value all your opinions though.



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Obviously many of you think i am crazy, and missing too much, and you are probably right. (Stubborn, stupid etc)I do value all your opinions though.Janet


I don't think you are crazy. Like you, we have taken many long road trips from Michigan, putting on as much as 2000 miles a week for three weeks in a row with children as young as four. You do what you can in the time you have is the way I look at it. Some people think there is only one good way to tackle a trip. I understand that when you have only a certain amount of time and money, you make the best of the time you have. The way you and I travel would definitely not be ideal for many others, and this fine. We just all need to know our limits.The only thing we will not do is drive through the night. Won't take a chance that anyone will fall asleep at the wheel. I am sure you will be fine. If you do not run into any road delays, you will have time to make a few stops along the way with that 7:00 a.m. start. I would stop at Safeway in Seward to make sure you have some food and beverages with you before you start your day. As mentioned, Wasilla, which is on the way to Denali is another good option for supplies while you stay in Denali. As you head from Anchorage to Denali on the Parks Highway another nice place to stop is at mile 57.5 to have ice cream at Miller’s Market. This is a popular spot. They have some nice bathrooms open to the public. Take advantage of these as most of the rest areas do not have running water. Please make sure you report back after your trip. It will be helpful to others.

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Thanks VB

We will buy a cheap cooler, stock up the evening before we leave Seward. Pack the car the night before and off at 7. We have found that on a long driving day we need to leave early. It is much harder for us to drive late then get up early.


Packing will be a challenge with the cruise attire, hiking attire, rain attire, summer attire, winter attire. Someone said they mailed their cruise luggage home from Anchorage. I wonder how much that cost.


We will stop when we want. Of if we get into trouble, we will stop when we have to. I just checked trip advisor again and it appears that many people do this crazy drive. Luckily, even if it takes up 15-16 hours total it will be daylight.


Thanks for the ice cream stop. That will be a nice treat. I will report back when I return.


Are you from Michigan?

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Thanks VB

We will buy a cheap cooler, stock up the evening before we leave Seward. Pack the car the night before and off at 7. We have found that on a long driving day we need to leave early. It is much harder for us to drive late then get up early.


Packing will be a challenge with the cruise attire, hiking attire, rain attire, summer attire, winter attire. Someone said they mailed their cruise luggage home from Anchorage. I wonder how much that cost.


We will stop when we want. Of if we get into trouble, we will stop when we have to. I just checked trip advisor again and it appears that many people do this crazy drive. Luckily, even if it takes up 15-16 hours total it will be daylight.


Thanks for the ice cream stop. That will be a nice treat. I will report back when I return.


Are you from Michigan?


Yes, I am from Michigan.


On trip advisor, you tend to find that most posters there are doing land vacations. Here, most are doing cruises. I find posters here more strongly opinionated than those on TA. I used both resources to plan my trip and I have to say with everyone's help here and on TA, I had the trip of a lifetime.


Alaska was the only cruise vacation I ever took. I think there is a big difference between those who primarily cruise and those who primarily take land vacations. Those who cruise do so for a reason. They don't like the hassle of a land vacation where you live out of a suitcase and have to keep moving from one lodging to another. They liked being pampered and having everything taken care of for them. Cruising is truly a different way of traveling. It is not for everyone that is for sure, just as land vacations are not for everyone. For the most part I think those who mostly cruise, are used to a more relaxing low key vacation and just can't imagine putting in a full day or more driving. Key is to find what works for you and enjoy it.


Can't wait to hear back from you about your trip!!! Wish I was coming along as I am wanting to still see Hubbard Glacier and Sitka. It is something I hope we can one day do, but there are no guarentees. DH would rather use vacation dollars to see some place we haven't been. Although he enjoyed Alaska, it did not wow him as much as it did me.

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