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Decided to go unformal in April


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It is very sad that everyone wants to dress down. It appears everyone is intimidated by the words "Formal" or "Elegant". Personally, I hate seeing shorts, flipflops, baseball caps, tank tops and men's hairy armpits and thier hairy legs at dinner. I have seen people not even change to go into the dining room at night. They are in the same sweaty, dirty clothes that they wore all day. Lots of people never get to go on a cruise and when you do have the opportunity don't you want to feel like it is a special event? I like to enjoy my dinner in the dining room with nice clothes on. I do not spend tons of money on clothes, you can get good bargains out there and still look nice at night. Packing an extra pair of dress pants takes up no more room than it does to pack and extra pair of shorts in your suitcase. And for women, packing a cocktail dress is no big deal. LEt's get over this "I have no more room in my suitcase" as an excuse to not get dressed and your issue about being uncomfortable with "dress" clothes on.


You can wear your shorts and t-shirts and flipflops all day long but get changed for dinner! If you don't get changed for dinner it is the same as if you were home, where, unfortunately it is the same situation where nobody get dressed for dinner. At least on a cruise you are in a nice atmosphere and you can look extra special and you have the opportunity to dress up a bit. Sad that it is changing and now those of us who get dressed up are looked at as the wierd ones!


I can't agree with you more.


I don't dress at home for dinner but I do when we go out. Okay I don't wear a long dress and dh doesn't wear a tux but we look nice.


I think cruises are special and I want to dress up for dinner to feel special, and dh seems to think so to and has never baulked at wearing a tux or suite and tie.


I love to see what dresses the women are wearing and how nice the men look dressed up.


I even think the people that are dressed up even look different then the people that don't dress, I think they sit nicer and act nicer when they are dressed. Seems like the people that are not dressed slump in the chairs and talk louder and act like they are at Burger King. Just my IMO. So don't bust my chops.

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You don't have fun at home? There are so many charity black tie events held everywhere all across the USA that would afford you the opportunity to have fun and help out a needy cause.

But just for clarification here, you think everyone should dress up for a venue which has photo ops for the venue's own profit,poorly singing waiters,conga lines,table dancing waiters,whooping and holloring of color wars,announcements over the PA while serving pre-prepared cafeteria style food on a ship in the middle of the very warm caribbean? We won't even get into the grapes on the ceiling.



I have more fun at home than most. I also have fun on ships...lots of fun.

If one doesn't like ship photographers, singing waiters, conga lines, dancing, color games, and cruise food....then why go cruising?

Fund raising events? No thanks.... I prefer the "Fun Ships".

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Why such anger? Why is there so much animosity concerning this subject?

You are entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to my opinion, everyone here can express his/her opinion.

Yeah, I dress up. But...Truth is.... while on a cruise I rarely notice how others are dressed.

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I like dressing up on a cruise also, my DH doesn't so much but he does it for me, although this next cruise he said he isn't take a jacket but will were a tie. We are taking our 3 grandkids and the girls {14 and 7} like dressing up also, the boy will were black pants and a nice shirt and maybe a tie like my husband. A cruise is special so I like feeling special but agree everyone pays there bill so they should be able to not dress up. But I also think if they want to stay in there shorts and t shirts they should go to the buffet.

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Why such anger? Why is there so much animosity concerning this subject?

You are entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to my opinion, everyone here can express his/her opinion.

Yeah, I dress up. But...Truth is.... while on a cruise I rarely notice how others are dressed.


I agree! I really don't care what other people are wearing to the dining room. As long as the "private" parts of their bodys are covered and they don't stink, their clothes don't affect my dining at all.

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If they havnt read about it what does it matter to you why so negative

I still call it formal night as my GF does and we know it has been changed so ??????????

You dont have to be rude 100% of the time for people not to like you:cool:


Then why pretend to be ignorant then?:rolleyes:


Why does it matter? Because new cruisers still think they need formal attire which is wrong.New cruisers are concerned about their clothing because of the way it used to be.As long as the wrong term is used,they are not told the correct way it is.

The continued use of the obsolete dress code just relates back to the "look at me,look at me" all lets play dress up game.


So is it you intention to give new cruisers the wrong info?:mad:



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Why such anger? Why is there so much animosity concerning this subject?

You are entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to my opinion, everyone here can express his/her opinion.

Yeah, I dress up. But...Truth is.... while on a cruise I rarely notice how others are dressed.


Thoth, the animosity isn't towards or about people like you, as you say that you hardly notice/care how others are dressed. The animosity is towards those who not only want to dress up in tuxes or suits and gowns (no problem there) but who look down on and belittle anyone who doesn't and insist that everyone should, and that those who don't are classless idiots (big problem there).

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Thoth, the animosity isn't towards or about people like you, as you say that you hardly notice/care how others are dressed. The animosity is towards those who not only want to dress up in tuxes or suits and gowns (no problem there) but who look down on and belittle anyone who doesn't and insist that everyone should, and that those who don't are classless idiots (big problem there).


Actually, you will find that you are ALWAYS assessed of your social standing based on how you dress, regardless of how YOU wish to do so, and the reasons why.


You will find most don't care why, but will certainly talk about you, the further from the norm you are.


Try wearing a red or a green suit, and see how fast everyone is talking about the guy in the red or green suit.


And it's fine if you wear what you wear, and is accepted by the host. It won't change the chatter.


And this goes the other way too. The best dressed and attractive couple will turn the most heads as well, and they will be talked about.


It's human nature.


Why any of this generates anomosity to the point of name calling, the ones affected would have to explain it.

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Actually, you will find that you are ALWAYS assessed of your social standing based on how you dress, regardless of how YOU wish to do so, and the reasons why.


You will find most don't care why, but will certainly talk about you, the further from the norm you are.


Try wearing a red or a green suit, and see how fast everyone is talking about the guy in the red or green suit.


And it's fine if you wear what you wear, and is accepted by the host. It won't change the chatter.


And this goes the other way too. The best dressed and attractive couple will turn the most heads as well, and they will be talked about.


It's human nature.


Why any of this generates anomosity to the point of name calling, the ones affected would have to explain it.


And much to the horror of the people who talk about who is dressed formal, who isn't and who is wearing a red and green suit. There are people like me (and many others) who couln't care less what they are thinking and saying.


I am a good person. I work hard, I pay my bills, I am good to my family and friends. I am well liked at work and would help anyone out If I can. I would never deliberately hurt anyone. Am I a saint NO WAY!!!!!!!! but a decent person.


If someone at a table on the other side of dining room that I will probably never meet, and will never see again after a week thinks they have me figured out and can sum up my whole 46 year existence because I am wearing a dress shirt and Dockers instead of a suit and tie. They have the problem not me.

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And much to the horror of the people who talk about who is dressed formal, who isn't and who is wearing a red and green suit. There are people like me (and many others) who couln't care less what they are thinking and saying.


I am a good person. I work hard, I pay my bills, I am good to my family and friends. I am well lied at work and would help anyone out If I can. I would never deliberately hurt anyone. Am I a saint NO WAY!!!!!!!! but a decent person.


If someone at a table on the other side of dining room that I will probably never meet, and will never see again after a week thinks they have me figured out and can sum up my whole 46 year existence because I am wearing a dress shirt and Dockers instead of a suit and tie. They have the problem not me.



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There is a difference between these boards and the ships.

Online we debate this 24/7.

Onboard....never seems to be an issue.


In these debates, we tend to catgorize the "enemy" to the extreme. For example when one person states" enforce dress codes" they intend to mean no t-shirts, flip flops, ball caps. as in.... "make an effort".

The opposing side assumes they intend to force everyone into a tux.

The dress down crowd still intend to wear nice trousers and colored shirts, just leave the tie at home. They in turn get accused of wearing beach attire to dinner.

That's why I've never encountered this debate at sea....you actually see each other. The dress uppers aren't always in a tux and care not how you are dressed. The dress down men's cloths are still attractive.

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In these debates, we tend to categorize the "enemy" to the extreme. For example when one person states" enforce dress codes" they intend to mean no t-shirts, flip flops, ball caps. as in.... "make an effort".

The opposing side assumes they intend to force everyone into a tux.

The dress down crowd still intend to wear nice trousers and collared shirts, just leave the tie at home. They in turn get accused of wearing beach attire to dinner.

That's why I've never encountered this debate at sea....you actually see each other. The dress uppers aren't always in a tux and care not how you are dressed. The dress down men's cloths are still attractive enough.

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In these debates, we tend to categorize the "enemy" to the extreme. For example when one person states" enforce dress codes" they intend to mean no t-shirts, flip flops, ball caps. as in.... "make an effort".

The opposing side assumes they intend to force everyone into a tux.

The dress down crowd still intend to wear nice trousers and collared shirts, just leave the tie at home. They in turn get accused of wearing beach attire to dinner.

That's why I've never encountered this debate at sea....you actually see each other. The dress uppers aren't always in a tux and care not how you are dressed. The dress down men's cloths are still attractive enough.


The word "Extreme" is pretty accurate. But you don't think any part of it has to do with a "Fantasy look at me,look like me dress up game"? If not,then why do those who don the tux,want everyone else to wear one?Why do they state in reviews and in other postings that they wore a tux and most others did as well?Because they were looking and comparing themselves and then they connect those that did wear a tux to themselves so it is again a self serving self gratifying need that they are satisfying by trying to get everyone to notice them.

All the other reasons are made up to justify their own want to play dress up game fantasy.

They don't get to do it often. Real reason is they don't want to put in the effort to do so.Like I have stated many times.There are many black tie charity events everywhere every weekend.SO they can get involved and help out a needy cause.

We do it for Formal pictures.There are portrait studios all over the country that also take photos better than the ship.

We do it for each other or I like it when he/she is all dressed up. Well if you would take he/she out once in a while that to would fix itself.

The MDR is a worthy of such attire and its 5 star.:rolleyes: Red lobster,Olive garden,ect is in a town near you.



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The word "Extreme" is pretty accurate. But you don't think any part of it has to do with a "Fantasy look at me,look like me dress up game"? If not,then why do those who don the tux,want everyone else to wear one?Why do they state in reviews and in other postings that they wore a tux and most others did as well?Because they were looking and comparing themselves and then they connect those that did wear a tux to themselves so it is again a self serving self gratifying need that they are satisfying by trying to get everyone to notice them.

All the other reasons are made up to justify their own want to play dress up game fantasy.

They don't get to do it often. Real reason is they don't want to put in the effort to do so.Like I have stated many times.There are many black tie charity events everywhere every weekend.SO they can get involved and help out a needy cause.

We do it for Formal pictures.There are portrait studios all over the country that also take photos better than the ship.

We do it for each other or I like it when he/she is all dressed up. Well if you would take he/she out once in a while that to would fix itself.

The MDR is a worthy of such attire and its 5 star.:rolleyes: Red lobster,Olive garden,ect is in a town near you.




I don't agree. Most of these threads are usually started by someone who is looking for some help on what to buy or wear.


None of us know what the make up will be of their particular cruise.


We also don't know how self conscious they are about their dress, except to think they are concerned enough to start a post to inquire about such.


Most will reply with a combination of what the suggested dress is, and what they've seen on their particular cruises.


It is my experience that the majority of people wear what is suggested.



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We do it for each other or I like it when he/she is all dressed up. Well if you would take he/she out once in a while that to would fix itself.

The MDR is a worthy of such attire and its 5 star.:rolleyes: Red lobster,Olive garden,ect is in a town near you.





Well, I can answer that one for you. If you get all dressed to the nines around here and go out, you are the ONLY one dressed like that, and everyone stares. This aint Vegas or LA or New York City around here. Doesn't really bother me much, but it does bother others to "stand out". And when you live in a small town, everyone talks and talks. If you don't know anyone on the ship, you don't care. I would say it is as much, or more, about NOT getting noticed, or more accurately standing out from the crowd, than it is TO stand out from the crowd, for many.


Got an invite last night for one of your charity functions, only $500 bucks per couple. That's not much less than it costs for my 2 kids to go on a 7 day cruise next month.


Maybe the Elegant night is born of some old homage to the tradition of 100 years ago, maybe not, I don't know. It is tradition of OUR cruising experience of 17 years, so I kinda look forward to it.


And honestly, it really doesn't matter a rip to me what others where to the MDR, though personally I think wearing a baseball hat and/or flip flops to a nice dining establishment makes you as much of an idiot as it does wearing those things to a nice local resteraunt, but if that's what they want to do that's their perogative.


The question I keep asking myself is why YOU care so much about this issue? From your last post, you seem to have a deep seeded anger for those who like to dress nice and look at others who are also dressed nice.


PS, you must have REALLY good Red Lobsters and Olive Garden's. Food in the MDR on the ships I've been on is a hell of a lot better than Red Lobester (the Perkins of seafood), and Olive Garden's around here.

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But I also think if they want to stay in there shorts and t shirts they should go to the buffet.


I get so tired of hearing people say this. *sigh*


Tell me, what gives you the right to dictate where other people, who paid for their vacation just as you did, should eat their dinner?


You feel they should go to the buffet simply because they aren't dressed the way YOU want them to be.



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I get so tired of hearing people say this. *sigh*


Tell me, what gives you the right to dictate where other people, who paid for their vacation just as you did, should eat their dinner?


You feel they should go to the buffet simply because they aren't dressed the way YOU want them to be.






Except that was the reason they were created. They used to not exist. When they were, they were touted as the place for alternative dining, for those that didn't want to dress up.

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In these debates, we tend to categorize the "enemy" to the extreme. For example when one person states" enforce dress codes" they intend to mean no t-shirts, flip flops, ball caps. as in.... "make an effort".

The opposing side assumes they intend to force everyone into a tux.

The dress down crowd still intend to wear nice trousers and collared shirts, just leave the tie at home. They in turn get accused of wearing beach attire to dinner.

That's why I've never encountered this debate at sea....you actually see each other. The dress uppers aren't always in a tux and care not how you are dressed. The dress down men's cloths are still attractive enough.


I agree also.


Not just here but on several of the boards here , you mention you don't wish to wear formal clothing , you may even say you just intend to wear a nice pair of dress pants , a dress shirt and a tie but don't want to wear a jacket . next thing you know people are posting images and pictures of hill billys in overalls.

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Well, I can answer that one for you. If you get all dressed to the nines around here and go out, you are the ONLY one dressed like that, and everyone stares. This aint Vegas or LA or New York City around here. Doesn't really bother me much, but it does bother others to "stand out". And when you live in a small town, everyone talks and talks. If you don't know anyone on the ship, you don't care. I would say it is as much, or more, about NOT getting noticed, or more accurately standing out from the crowd, than it is TO stand out from the crowd, for many.


Got an invite last night for one of your charity functions, only $500 bucks per couple. That's not much less than it costs for my 2 kids to go on a 7 day cruise next month.


Maybe the Elegant night is born of some old homage to the tradition of 100 years ago, maybe not, I don't know. It is tradition of OUR cruising experience of 17 years, so I kinda look forward to it.


And honestly, it really doesn't matter a rip to me what others where to the MDR, though personally I think wearing a baseball hat and/or flip flops to a nice dining establishment makes you as much of an idiot as it does wearing those things to a nice local resteraunt, but if that's what they want to do that's their perogative.


The question I keep asking myself is why YOU care so much about this issue? From your last post, you seem to have a deep seeded anger for those who like to dress nice and look at others who are also dressed nice.


PS, you must have REALLY good Red Lobsters and Olive Garden's. Food in the MDR on the ships I've been on is a hell of a lot better than Red Lobester (the Perkins of seafood), and Olive Garden's around here.


In really small town USA which I think you are saying you are from,I would agree with you on the dressing up part. You have certian circumstances which are geographical in nature. You mentioned flip flops and baseball hats.Here that is what people wear to a nice local restaurant.We are a beach community and getting dressed up means wearing sandals instead of flip flops.

I do pay to attend the charity functions,but that is what charity is for.:)


I don't have an issue with dressing up,just new cruisers be given the illusion that a formal night still exists.(I am refering to tuxes and ball gowns) As soon as it is called elegant night,as it is,I will leave it alone.Until then, I will comment on it.:D



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The word "Extreme" is pretty accurate. But you don't think any part of it has to do with a "Fantasy look at me,look like me dress up game"? If not,then why do those who don the tux,want everyone else to wear one?Why do they state in reviews and in other postings that they wore a tux and most others did as well?Because they were looking and comparing themselves and then they connect those that did wear a tux to themselves so it is again a self serving self gratifying need that they are satisfying by trying to get everyone to notice them.

All the other reasons are made up to justify their own want to play dress up game fantasy.

They don't get to do it often. Real reason is they don't want to put in the effort to do so.Like I have stated many times.There are many black tie charity events everywhere every weekend.SO they can get involved and help out a needy cause.

We do it for Formal pictures.There are portrait studios all over the country that also take photos better than the ship.

We do it for each other or I like it when he/she is all dressed up. Well if you would take he/she out once in a while that to would fix itself.

The MDR is a worthy of such attire and its 5 star.:rolleyes: Red lobster,Olive garden,ect is in a town near you.



While on the ships, my experiences are "Live and let live". I have never seen anyone denied service for not wearing a suit. People dress how the want and get away with it.

As for me I enjoy dressing up and playing the game, and I don't feel it necessary to explain myself.

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I believe in new comers to cruising know they can wear nice clothes and they are fine even on formal night, they will not be denied coming into the dining room. I have seen people in the dining room in bermuda's and no one told them to get out. I am not sure why the big fuss over all this most people are smart enough to do what they can afford or what they feel comfortable with wearing on there vacation that they paid for. I like getting dressed up at least once on a cruise but could care less if anyone else does. Some people save for a year or better to take just the cruise and if they would ask there room stewart he would probably tell them you do not have to were a tux to the formal night, I believe some place in the material you can get from Carnival or any cruise line it says just not to wear shorts and t shirts.

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I believe in new comers to cruising know they can wear nice clothes and they are fine even on formal night, they will not be denied coming into the dining room.


It's irresponsible to make that statement. It all depends on the MD.


I've seen both, people let in, AND turned away.

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