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Smoking Policy


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DH and I tried the e-cigarettes last winter at a kiosk in the local mall. I quit smoking probably 12 years ago, DH almost two years ago. He still misses it and actually wanted to buy the e-cigs. I don't want him to, since he's already 'kicked the habit'.


If I were still a smoker and wanted to quit, the e-cigs would be my method of choice. But, for smokers who DON'T want to quit, doubt they'd even try it.



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Oh... most definitely not for those folks that have been able to kick the habit! My DH has smoked for over 30 years and, believe it or not, has almost completely eliminated the regular cigarettes in less than two weeks using the e-cigs. Next step will be to drop down the nicotine level and then, eventually, go to the 0 nicotine e-cigs. P.S. I don't work for, sell or otherwise profit from the sale of these... just wanted to share what has worked for my DH!! Happy cruising to all and let's all just get along! :-)

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We complained and I know that most of our friends did too. I'm also waiting for RCCL online survey to give them my $.02. We were told that RCCL ran out of options for their smoking areas. Central Park can't be a smoking area because it is a fire hazard, the Boardwalk is a family area and having the "jogging track" on deck 5 left them with few options. I still think that they didn't design the area to have good smoke control.

Rob, on the first day of the cruise one of our bags was taken to security because we had a small travel iron and it was considered a fire hazard. If they are so concern about fire hazards why they let people smoke on their balconies? And by the way, every staff member that we talked about this problem told us that they didn't smoke and will love to have a smoke free ship.


LOL You just summed it up nicely. Boardwalk - Non Smoking, Central Park - Non Smoking, Deck 5 - non-smoking. We're talking TWO bars here that are left for smokers, and 90% of the ship is non-smoking and you're complaining. Hilarious!!! I'm a non-smoker, but I still have to laugh at some of these comments.

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LOL You just summed it up nicely. Boardwalk - Non Smoking, Central Park - Non Smoking, Deck 5 - non-smoking. We're talking TWO bars here that are left for smokers, and 90% of the ship is non-smoking and you're complaining. Hilarious!!! I'm a non-smoker, but I still have to laugh at some of these comments.

You can smoke on the stateroom's ocean view balconies, the casino, Blaze, pool deck (port side), Dazzles, Boleros and Schooner's Bar. That's more than 10% of the entertainment venues of the ship and more than 10% of the balconies.

To me the smoking issue is not funny. I hope that you never have to see anyone close to you died from a smoke related illness. I will not mind if RCCL allows smoking in close bars, even smoker's on this thread agree that an open bar like Boleros along the Promenade is not the best place to allow smoking. The Promenade should be a smoke free area, and family activities shouldn't be schedule on a smoking venue.

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You can smoke on the stateroom's ocean view balconies, the casino, Blaze, pool deck (port side), Dazzles, Boleros and Schooner's Bar. That's more than 10% of the entertainment venues of the ship and more than 10% of the balconies.

To me the smoking issue is not funny. I hope that you never have to see anyone close to you died from a smoke related illness. I will not mind if RCCL allows smoking in close bars, even smoker's on this thread agree that an open bar like Boleros along the Promenade is not the best place to allow smoking. The Promenade should be a smoke free area, and family activities shouldn't be schedule on a smoking venue.



You need to get a grip. I'm not making light of the harm smoking causes but stating that there are way more non-smoking venues than smoking.

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Just wanted to post from the perspective of a non-smoker with Asthma. I enjoy having a balcony to sit out on. Unfortunately if someone smokes on their balcony near our area, I have to breathe the fumes. For me, this means my throat begins to close off and I have to go take my puffers. I really try to avoid this as within 20 minutes of taking my puffers, I will have the shakes due to the medications. Some folks would think I have Parkinson's when I get like that. To take a drink of water, for example, I have to use 2 hands to steady my glass.


Unfortunately, cigarette smoke on balconies drift down to other balconies which does create problems for non-smokers.


I don't begrudge those that do smoke and understand that it is such a hard habit to kick. I believe the ships should be doing a better job to accommodate smokers. Well ventilated smoking areas are needed through out the ship. If airports can do it, why not ships?

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You need to get a grip. I'm not making light of the harm smoking causes but stating that there are way more non-smoking venues than smoking.

I'm sorry if I'm not making you laugh anymore. I didn't give any %, and I'm not saying that you are wrong when you say that only 10% of the ship is non smoking. You are probably right, if you are counting sq. ft. I said that people can smoke on the ocean view balconies, that's a fact, and they make more than 10% of the balconies. I'm also saying that people can smoke in most of the adult entertainment venues, I'm not giving a % but is more than 10. Just count the bars and places where you can dance inside the ship, and people can smoke in many of them.

Parkay, we will be D+ on our next cruise, we have cruised with RCCL many times, and never complained or had problems with the smoke before. If someone is smoking on their balcony next to us, we go inside, we also avoid smoking venues. And again, I'm not asking for a ban on cigarettes, just for better planning. We are really tolerant, and we respect smoker's rights and opinions.

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Just wanted to post from the perspective of a non-smoker with Asthma. I enjoy having a balcony to sit out on. Unfortunately if someone smokes on their balcony near our area, I have to breathe the fumes. For me, this means my throat begins to close off and I have to go take my puffers. I really try to avoid this as within 20 minutes of taking my puffers, I will have the shakes due to the medications. Some folks would think I have Parkinson's when I get like that. To take a drink of water, for example, I have to use 2 hands to steady my glass.


Unfortunately, cigarette smoke on balconies drift down to other balconies which does create problems for non-smokers.


I don't begrudge those that do smoke and understand that it is such a hard habit to kick. I believe the ships should be doing a better job to accommodate smokers. Well ventilated smoking areas are needed through out the ship. If airports can do it, why not ships?

Muriel, my son is also asthmatic, and that's the reason I was so disappointed with the smoke on the Promenade. The smoke from Boleros also drift to the Promenade and that's my complain.

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Hello everyone:

We were really upset about the smoke in the Promenade on our Oasis cruise, and although I waited for RCCL's online survey, we never received it. I decided to email Adam Goldstein and tell him how we felt. I started by saying that we will be D+ after our next cruise and we are already booked for the Allure. We loved the Oasis, I just hope that they change their smoking policy on the Allure. I'm not expecting a ban on smoking, I just think that the Promenade should be smoke free. Well, I received a phone call in less than 24 hrs, and I talked to a RCCL about the situation. I told her that I know that many people complained to guests relations on our cruise, but she told me that if they receive many emails about this issue, something could be done.

If you didn't like the smoking policy on the Oasis, please, write to RCCL.


All smokers need to email them to tell them to keep their smoking policy the way it is. I do so on every comment card. If we do not vocalize our wants then the nonsmokers might have a bigger impact on their decisions. I don't want to have to run outside everytime I want a smoke. I want to enjoy the entertainment and or my drink while having a cig. Smokers need to be vocal in their wants also.

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Forgot to mention. I have sadly come to the decision that I can no longer cruise on Carnival. I really did enjoy Carnival except each time I sailed, I got really sick due to the smoke. The worst was Carnival Triumph which has the internet cafe in a hallway that comes off the cigar bar. Now that wouldn't be half as bad if they would put a door at the end of the bar. (See this is an example of the ship being at fault of not looking after both interests). The smoke from the cigar bar would fill the internet cafe. Sometimes it was so thick in there. Little kids coughing made me sad.


I ended up missing a day in port as I had to spend it in bed after spending time in the infirmary on the venitalin mask to assist in my breathing. I could have cried because I really wanted to see San Juan again. It was my favourite port. When I sailed on NCL I didn't have any breathing problems as they had their casino tucked in its own room (not open along the promenade like Carnival does), and there were smoking areas that were contained. Smokers had their areas and non smokers had their safe areas. This will be my first time with RCCL and I am hoping it will be a good experience.




Muriel, my son is also asthmatic, and that's the reason I was so disappointed with the smoke on the Promenade. The smoke from Boleros also drift to the Promenade and that's my complain.
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I haven't had time to post my Oasis review yet but we just returned from the Feb 20th sailing and only on one occasion did we notice a cig. smoke smell but we were in an interior table in the schooner bar (hanging out after trivia) and as soon as we noticed we got up and left without complaint.:)


I am very sensitive to smoke smell and we traveled with my 6 year old so believe me we would have noticed.


After reading the reviews on CC I was actually expecting the worst and I am very happy to report (to other first time cruisers who may be worried) that except that one time (every other time we went to trivia we got an exterior table far from the bar and smoking area) we did not notice any smoke smell except in the designated smoking areas.


For us (all 7 of us on the cruise) it was never an issue and when it was we simply moved on.


Hope this helps reassure anyone else new to cruising who reads some of the posts on cruise critic.

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All smokers need to email them to tell them to keep their smoking policy the way it is. I do so on every comment card. If we do not vocalize our wants then the nonsmokers might have a bigger impact on their decisions. I don't want to have to run outside everytime I want a smoke. I want to enjoy the entertainment and or my drink while having a cig. Smokers need to be vocal in their wants also.


Well, I don't want to have to run outside to breathe unpolluted, fresh air. You don't HAVE to smoke, but everyone has to breathe. Shouldn't the health and safety of the general public on the ship come before *wants* of the people who choose to smoke? This shouldn't be about "wants" it should be about rights and I should have the right to not pollute my body with your toxins. You can choose to smoke outside, I don't have the choice of not breathing.

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I'm not a fan of being down wind of someone smoking but that guy was way out of line. What was his response? You'll need to bring a nice cigar for when someone acts like that again ;)


Why? Just to be cruel? Where does it stop? Why can't people find a way to get along? I don't think most smokers know the pain they inflict on nonsmokers. If they knew, they would keep their smoking in areas that nonsmokers don’t have to use. Balconies are wonderful for many things – but as a smoker it does not work especially if you are right downwind from a smoker. I love to see a ship with area for smokers in the rear of the ship both for smoking recreation and cabins. The front of the ship could then be almost smoke-free.

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Unfortunately, there are a lot of Americans trying to take their 'local' anti smoking laws with them when they travel, forgetting they are traveling to countries and places that allow smoking. That woman's behavior is what my mother would have called 'boorish'. ;)


I am one of those "Americans" who traveled on the 02/20 cruise. There was a fair amount of smoke which I have no problem with. I do have a problem when two "non Americans" were smoking on the RUNNING TRACK! And by the way they were walking, how ignorant is that. They were in the tunnel portion of the track and smoking away, sorry, it was very ignorant. My only complaint of the cruise.

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We complained and I know that most of our friends did too. I'm also waiting for RCCL online survey to give them my $.02. We were told that RCCL ran out of options for their smoking areas. Central Park can't be a smoking area because it is a fire hazard, the Boardwalk is a family area and having the "jogging track" on deck 5 left them with few options. I still think that they didn't design the area to have good smoke control.


Drarill, there was a poll on smoking in a thread a few weeks ago. It is now closed but you may find the results very interesting. Almost 900 cruisers participated. Here is the link:




Do not wait for RCCL to have a survey. In their own smoking policy RCCL says that they are a non-smoking cruise line...and then there is a very big: However.....


Voice your feelings directly to RCCL. Aboard ship pass on your views to the pursers office or senior officers.

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I honestly think the appropriate question should be: Where can non-smokers go to not smoke? The answer, not many places on this ship. As an asthmatic and someone whose friends and family do not enjoy the putrid smell of smoke, I was shocked at how much RCCL and Oasis caters to those very few who smoke. Such a shame...brand new, beautiful ship...smells like an ash tray already. :(

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Drarill, there was a poll on smoking in a thread a few weeks ago. It is now closed but you may find the results very interesting. Almost 900 cruisers participated. Here is the link:




Do not wait for RCCL to have a survey. In their own smoking policy RCCL says that they are a non-smoking cruise line...and then there is a very big: However.....


Voice your feelings directly to RCCL. Aboard ship pass on your views to the pursers office or senior officers.

I participated on the survey, and I also wrote an email to Mr. Adam Goldstein. He didn't write me back but someone from his staff called me the next day. She told me that is really important to write letters after cruising, even more important than complaining to guesy services on the cruise.

As I said before, we will be diamond+ after our next cruise, and we are already booked on the Allure. Until the Oasis we managed to tolerate the smoke, even if it meant not enjoying our balcony, the casino and many other areas. But we were shocked by the smoking policy on the Oasis, I just hope that RCCL makes some changes on the Allure. RCCL is a family oriented cruise line.... but sometimes their smoking policy goes against enjoying your cruise as a family.

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I honestly think the appropriate question should be: Where can non-smokers go to not smoke? The answer, not many places on this ship. As an asthmatic and someone whose friends and family do not enjoy the putrid smell of smoke, I was shocked at how much RCCL and Oasis caters to those very few who smoke. Such a shame...brand new, beautiful ship...smells like an ash tray already. :(

I agree with you, the smell made me feel sad. We cruised on Jan 2nd and I felt the same way, such a beautiful, new ship....but the smell:(

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I honestly think the appropriate question should be: Where can non-smokers go to not smoke? The answer, not many places on this ship. As an asthmatic and someone whose friends and family do not enjoy the putrid smell of smoke, I was shocked at how much RCCL and Oasis caters to those very few who smoke. Such a shame...brand new, beautiful ship...smells like an ash tray already. :(


Though I agree with you the smell is very filthy and nasty, the real danger is in the residue left behind. Not just the second hand smoke but the third hand smoke that is deadly. Here is an article on the dangers of third hand smoke:



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