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RSVP Westerdam 2005 Schedule out - glad I'm not going


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The new schedule is out for the Sun cruise, and I'm glad I cancelled:

RSVP Schedule

One would think that for their 20th anniversary cruise, they could find a better entertainment headliner than Lorna Luft (yawn). And she's the only entertainer of any fame at all.

I mean: Eric and Sagiv: Eye of Newt Circus ? Main Stage Entertainment Featuring Leslie Jordan’s Smash Hit “Like a Dog on Linoleum?

Guest Speaker Luke Yankee presenting “Diva Dish.” As the son of Academy Award winning actress Eileen Heckart... ?

Puhleeze :rolleyes:

And of course the same old tired speaker talking about spending your money (while he spends hours in the casino every night losing thousands without batting an eyelash - would you want a heavy gambler managing YOUR money?)

Sorry - I've been a long-time fan of RSVP's, but it appears they're letting their cheapness get the better of them. :(

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Hi Phil-


After reading your message, checking out the schedule and giving thought to what you wrote, I am glad as well that you've cancelled.


The schedule looks a bit "rough" at the moment; seems many events weren't finalized. Amy Armstrong isn't mentioned - her website says she's going so there's some work left to do. The RSVP people are still organizing and I'm sure it'll all come together. As for the entertainment, maybe you've done too many RSVP's already. If you're only going for what they've provided, your loss. It's a big party; the company can only give you SO MUCH to work with and it's YOUR job to take it from there!!! There are always some surprises -- Amy was a clear, er, queer indication of that! We go on to have a great time with a GREAT group of people and always come home with more friends than we started out. We were never expecting to like our first, loved it, and haven't stopped going since. Every year we agree that maybe it's time to give it a rest, and before it's over we've booked next year's ship. I even broke my shoulder on Ecstasy and had a great time (I call it the "Agony on the Ecstasy").


The great things about these ships are they are large and diverse and there's always something to do so if you don't like the motivational speakers or casino (you'd only know if he's there if YOU are or if there's gossip) or cabaret you can do something else (sex? perhaps). Even when great entertainers are on board, there no guarantee (remember RuPaul?). The RSVP staff works hard and tirelessly to make our week special.


Sorry the experience doesn't fill your requirements for fun this year. Wave to us on the way off the ship on the 20th. We'll be wearing the cowboy hats and sunglasses. Oh, yeah,and the really big smiles.



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Glad you're not going too!

Gee – must have really touched a sore point to make you post again – you’re getting really carried away with this message board thing – TWO whole posts now in 2 ½ years!

Of course it’s still a rough schedule – they have over 30 days left to firm it up. I realize they haven’t included the various Cabaret type acts in their schedule. Their Cabaret acts have always been really good.


Yes I remember the debacle that was RuPaul…no comment… :rolleyes:

What I was mainly moaning and groaning about is the fact that it’s their 20th Anniversary cruise – no small accomplishment considering the state of national gay businesses back then. I can’t help but compare it to the 10th anniversary Cruise, and how RSVP pulled out all the stops for that one. Fireworks, the rainbow smoke-stream as we left Miami… sigh. Sure, there will be some surprises – I’m sure the giveaways (like the back-packs, T-shirts, etc.) should have some extra “wow” to them. I remember when they used to give away a very nice teddy bear with a different custom costume for every cruise and a different t-shirt designed for each cruise. Now you have a choice – dirt-brown or olive drab T's that simply say, “RSVP.” On the 10th Anniversary Cruise our big-room entertainment was Michael Feinstein, Mary Wilson and the Supremes, Sister Sledge (or Nell Carter – can’t remember – they looked so much alike ;) ) and several others PLUS cabaret entertainers. I remember the days when they got entertainers that weren’t taking a week off their road show in Keokuk.

As far as their estate planning guy – he’s been on all 13 of the RSVP cruises I’ve taken over the last eleven years. The way many ships are built, you can’t help but go through the casino, and when you go by his table, there’s always a crowd watching him play because he’s playing such big stakes. And usually losing. And yes, it’s caused plenty of talk among pax, every year he’s on.

I was a long-time fan of RSVP’s (especially comparing them with that other company – shudder), and think they normally sell a very good product. But nowadays, they’re getting cheap - they’re using the ship’s musical company for two nights (no extra cost to them) and there’s one night with NO entertainment (you’re in San Juan (yawn)– go entertain yourself). I’ve chatted with the RSVP hierarchy enough times to know that “the bottom line” is their number one priority and it sadly seems it’s becoming their ONLY priority. They’re making plenty of money off these and could loosen the purse strings a little. HAL knows how much money we bring in to the ship on booze alone, so they cut RSVP a very nice deal. Conservatively, if RSVP makes $540 p/p X 1850 pax, that equals $1 million :eek: we pay to RSVP for each cruise above the cost of chartering the ship… (yes, I know there’s bound to be a lot of overhead and up-front costs – that’s why their deposits and cancellation fees are so much higher than plain cruises). On my 2-week Zuiderdam experience I know they made about $10,000 off my cabin alone. And yet they charge nearly full-fare, and 200% for single occupancy. And yet they give us Lorna Luft, Eye-of-Newt Circus, “Diva Dish,” and ChiChi poolside. That would be fine for a regular RSVP cruise, and if this were a regular RSVP cruise I wouldn’t complain. But with a 60-70% returning-customer rate, it’s time they showed a little appreciation for customer loyalty on such a special occasion. :(


Stepping away slowly, donning my flame-retardent suit...

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No flames here. My partner and I much prefer a regularly scheduled cruise on a luxury line. We make our own party and meet plenty of new friends both gay and straight. We don't need umbrella drinks in a souvenier glass tacky pool games and (yikes) bingo!

We have been together for 15 years and are secure with ourselves. So we don't see the need to surrounded by the drama that an all gay cruise delivers.

We will leave that to those that enjoy a good cat fight and can bitch-slap each other for looking at "my man".

Maybe the flames are headed my way.


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After reading Thule's post I kept coming back to the board and waiting for the bomb to drop. I guess everyone is going to put their 2 cents in as the "are RSVP cruises worth the extra money" topic is almost as popular on this board as "what comes with my mini suite" on the HAL and NCL boards.


Here is mine: After reading the schedule it appears they just changed the names of some of the entertainers and a couple of ports and ran the schedule from my last RSVP cruise again. After the Zuiderdam in 2003 my partner and I said no more. We were a little fed up with paying almost twice as much for the cruise as we would have for the same cabin the previous or following week of the RSVP sailing. We have to agree with Thule that entertainment onboard just isn't what it was back when we first sailed with RSVP. I also believe that RSVP is making more money then ever with bigger ships and probably smaller amounts PP due the cruise line. I doubt there operating cost have increased that much.


Last year we just happened to be in Lauderdale when the RSVP cruise was leaving onboard the Oosterdam. We were really sad that we did not go and talked about how we were going to miss the same old leather parties, bingo with Danny, (but not ChiChi) and watching all the hotties by the pool. I called my T/A just as soon as I got home and booked for this years cruise.


So while I am not as excited about going as I was the year RSVP sailed on the Maasdam or the year RSVP sailed on the NCL Wind or my first cruise with RSVP on the Carnival Celebration, I am counting down the days to Feb 20th. I know we will all have good time on a nice ship with huge amounts of Drama and hotties by the pool.


PS. I am even looking forward to yellow RSVP backpack

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No flames here. My partner and I much prefer a regularly scheduled cruise on a luxury line. We make our own party and meet plenty of new friends both gay and straight. We don't need umbrella drinks in a souvenier glass tacky pool games and (yikes) bingo!

We have been together for 15 years and are secure with ourselves. So we don't see the need to surrounded by the drama that an all gay cruise delivers.

We will leave that to those that enjoy a good cat fight and can bitch-slap each other for looking at "my man".

Maybe the flames are headed my way.



Hi McBoo...

I'm with you when it comes to booking gay vs. regularly scheduled cruises. My partner and I also have met great friends both gay and straight aboard ships.


We once booked a cruise via a gay group agency (Maiden QM2) but that was primarily to get the cabin we wanted. We met great folks that were both part and not part of that group, (including ThuleWx!).


Overall though, the benefits of booking an Atlantis or RSVP would be wasted on us.

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I agree w/ you Phil - this year's entertainment looks like a big yawn, especially compared to last year's - the Kinsey Sicks, Amy Armstrong & NuClia Waste were great!!!


But Lorna Luft??? Diva Dish??? Ugghhh!!! C'mon, guys - aren't you sick to death of all that Judy Garland/Hollywood pseudo-glam crapola that folks think that you're supposed to be into just because you're a fag? Maybe it's a Minnesota thing...


BTW - Danny's a nice guy and all, but we can do better than a Palm Springs real estate agent who looks like my brother-in-law. Can we at least get a new MC?


I don't see anything on their schedule that i'd want to go do other than the dance/costume parties on the Lido (and I'm hardly a circuit-boy either...)


Yes, I enjoy the camaraderie and made tons of new friends onboard in Feb who I'm still in touch with. If it weren't for the folks that I know are sailing w/ me in Sept, I'd be rethinking Alaska...

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They've always given out the T-shirts - should be a voucher in your documents. The backpacks have been given out for the last 3-4 years. Their management told me they bought thousands at a dirt cheap price (they're actually quite nice packs, though, with RSVP logo), so, unless they ran out last year, expect the packs again this year. In past years (pre-pack), they've given out fanny-packs, overnight bags, hats, teddy bears, and other items. It's the thing they usually give you as you're boarding, or it'll be waiting in your stateroom.

Another sign of their cheapness (meow again - sorry :rolleyes: ), when I've stayed single occupancy and paid double, I still only would get one of the item unless I confronted them strongly. :mad:


Another thing of theirs that's always irked me - if you book the next one while on board, you get a discount, but you must book it on board ONLY. You won't get a discount if you wait until you leave the ship. AND, it WILL be booked through your travel agent you used for the current cruise. I had a lousy T/A once and did NOT want to book through him again, but had to because of this. Then when I went to change the agent, was told I'd lose the discount and have to pay the regular fare. They never could give a reasonable explanation for this. :mad:

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Quote: Another sign of their cheapness (meow again - sorry ), when I've stayed single occupancy and paid double, I still only would get one of the item unless I confronted them strongly.



When I have sailed solo I only received one backpack but they were very good about not charging me double grats, port charges etc.



Quote: it WILL be booked through your travel agent you used for the current cruise. I had a lousy T/A once and did NOT want to book through him again, but had to because of this. Then when I went to change the agent, was told I'd lose the discount and have to pay the regular fare. They never could give a reasonable explanation for this.



I was having a problem with my old T/A when we booked Zuiderdam onboard the Ecstacy. They were able to change T/A's with no problem. I am suprised you had trouble.

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What's a girl to do? I was all excited about going on this cruise now what am I going to do?


Actually I didn't have a clue who most of these people were until I checked them out on the web. I must be hokey but they look like they might be fun. Their shows certainly have received some great independent reviews.


According to my travel agent it usually costs more to charter a whole ship than just all the flat rates. Just as people are willing to pay more to go on a all gay cruise because the demand and market is there. Cruise don't have to "give away" their charters because people will pay more money. Have you looked at any other chartered cruise (non-gay) they are marked up just as much if not more than the gay charters.


Having recently booked one of the guys from Queer Eye for a fund raising event, I know performers don't come cheap.


Are the gay travel groups (RSVP, Atlantis etc) charging us too much? They probably are. But the market is there and they consistently sell out. Maybe when they are no longer able to sell out will they need to reevaluate their pricing.


This will be my 16th cruise and only my second all-gay cruise. The argument will not be resolved here, nor will it probably ever be about which cruise is the better gay or straight.


All I know is this is the cruise I am looking forward to until my next:). I'll make lemonade out of lemons if the entertainment sucks. I've certainly been on straight cruises where it has.


When this cruise is over I will look forward to my next cruise next January on the Caribbean Princes where I have one hundred cabins reserved for a fund raiser for a AIDS organization. Anyone want to join us:)


Bottom line, I guess we are both happy. You that you are not going and me that I am.

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I respect Thulewx comments about the entertainment, but since I dont go to shows the piano bar will do for me....even if the piano player is poor...a couple of cosmos or long island ice teas and my ears hear only the good stuff...LOL

Many posts on the gay cruise issue ask whether it is worth it.....I wonder if that question holds merit.

It is like asking whether a suite is worth it...is a window worth it, is having a bath tub worth it in your cabin.

I spend so little time in a cabin that having a super expensive suite does not make sense to me...but for a person that spends time in the privacy of their cabin, takes naps in the afternoon or wants to read peacefully on their veranda...it makes all the sense in the world.

To go on a gay charter is costly...but their are things that might justify the added expense ...to ceratin people. I love feeling in a majority, not a minority. I like not having to explain why I am not married...yes people ask those wonderful questions on straight cruises. Now I have sailed on 57 cruises...only about 8 were gay charters.....is this gay cruise with RSVP worth it to me for the added expense...yes, just like the big bucks I spend on Radisson..I am paying for the little things that make me happy to be there, make me feel special and glad to be alive.

My only gripe is that I do not like big ships......I wish the gay charters would periodically pick a small ship. I do not need 15 bars, huge casinos and tons of people.....but that is just my taste. To Mcboo...I still need to try Seabourn to see if that is worth it over the Radisson line.

RSVP entertainment.....I never thought it was great anyway...except for the activities that were based on passenger participation....I remember the passsenger talent show in the small fireworks lounge on the old Seabreeze.....that was the best I ever experience on any ship anywhere any time.

So I look forward to my fellow passengers to provide the fun, not the entertainers that have been paid for......and lets hear it for the normal ships entertainers that will probably work their tails off to look extra special.

Is a gay cruise worth it.......to each his own.......if we all liked the samething it would be one size fits al....gray in color and as boring as he--.

My 2.5 cents.

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I'm not absolutely sure but...

Up until a few years ago, you only got the discount if you booked on board - no other early-bird discount was offered to anyone, anytime. Then they started offering the early-bird discounts to everyone (when their cruises weren't selling too well). I believe the only discount now is the standard early-bird for everyone. The main advantage to booking on board now is the fact that you can pick and choose the cabin you want before others are allowed to book. And now that their cruises are selling out again, I wouldn't be surprised to see the early-bird discounts getting smaller or disappearing completely, unless on board.

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The main advantage to booking on board now is the fact that you can pick and choose the cabin you want before others are allowed to book.


Not anymore Phil--


I was able to book RSVP Alaska '05 nearly a month before boarding RSVP Caribbean '04 - I got the full discount and was able to choose my corner-aft suite which was the last one available - all 7 others were sold before I got my booking in!


From the message on the RSVP site, it looks like bookings will open before the Westerdam cruise this year too...

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Sorry Thulewx, guess opinions are not allowed unless you have posted hundreds of them? And Bepsf, Lorna Luft and their ilk a Minnesota thing? Guess the entertainment on other RSVP cruises you apparently enjoyed was all planned in some other highly enlightened and progressive west coast city. please forgive those in fly over land!

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I agree w/ you Phil - this year's entertainment looks like a big yawn, especially compared to last year's - the Kinsey Sicks, Amy Armstrong & NuClia Waste were great!!!


Hmmm. I've met NuClia Waste, and I know he went on (or is scheduled on) a river cruise in Europe this year as an entertainer. I suspect that RSVP simply alternates entertainers to keep more variety. It's too bad for the 20th that they can't do something more exciting.

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Hmmm. I've met NuClia Waste, and I know he went on (or is scheduled on) a river cruise in Europe this year as an entertainer. I suspect that RSVP simply alternates entertainers to keep more variety. It's too bad for the 20th that they can't do something more exciting.

I chatted with NuClia and got the distinct impression he wanted to do this 20th anniversary cruise but was told his "character" wasn't returning to RSVP, period. meow. Perhaps a little too too :eek: for some of the pax? :rolleyes:

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I chatted with NuClia and got the distinct impression he wanted to do this 20th anniversary cruise but was told his "character" wasn't returning to RSVP, period. meow. Perhaps a little too too :eek: for some of the pax? :rolleyes:


You think?


Maybe it had something to do w/ the folks in Key West who protested about cruise ship passengers disrupting their little town the weekend after @ 400 gay men stopped traffic on NuClia's walking tour?

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Any protests here have had nothing to do with either the RSVP or Atlantis cruises that have made calls here....its the straight hokies who invade our town, cross the street without looking to see if there is a car coming, buy a tshirt that says something inane like "who pharted", go have a drink at Sloppy Joes and then run back to the ship without really seeing the real Key West that us locals protest.....we loves us some gays! The whole town turned out to welcome Rosie and her big boat last summer, the sunday that RSVP was here last winter was a fun day everywhere in town, esp the Pink Triangle...the only bad thing that I recall is that somehow the local gay biz guild dropped the ball the last time Atlantis was here and not much was done to welcome them.


Anyway, just wanted to add my 2 cents that I don't think any drag queen is ever protested in this town!


Clay - a key west local

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Well Tom, like everywhere and everyone, things change...and yes the stories of more condos are true. The conversion of multi family to condos has been a small trickle over the years...but its growing, mostly due to the outreagous real estate market here. My partner and I have a two unit property that has increased in value over a million dollars in 3 years...which is good for us should we decide to move away, but is awful for anyone trying to buy their own piece of paradise at this point in time...so one way to make it more affordable is to see it in pieces...hence the move to condos....the latest trend is to convert motels/hotels/guesthouses to condos. Currently approved and either underway or ready to start are The Sea Isle Guesthouse, the Santa Maria Motel, and the Holiday Inn Beachside. Announced but on hold pending the results of a study by the City on the impact of approving more hotel conversions are the Atlantic Shores, ( I understand they are not taking reservations beyond FantasyFest '05) and Island House - it appears that the IH is going to time share or something similar....so it will still be a guesthouse, but I guess the Jon & Martin the Owners are looking to cash out. Anyway, like I said when I started....things are changing...hopefully not so much that you won't still like it here.



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I just confirmed with NuClia that she would NOT be on this year's cruise:mad: . What are the RSVP people thinking? The tour in Key West was the most popular attraction that day and I don't think it had anything to do with it being free. I don't understand how they can keep tired old Danny Williams :confused: and leave Nuclia on shore.


We always enjoy Nuclia as the MC over the other choices during the cruise. Perhaps any of you who have time might complain to RSVP for their choice. I know I will.

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