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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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Thank you Grumpy & Slinke for your most enjoyable posts. I check your progress daily. Correct me if I'm wrong...but when you cross the equator (for the 1st time) isn't it tradition to have you head shaved?



Me thinks that Slinkie would not be a happy girl with her head shaved....:eek:

Some traditions are best broken IMHO!!!:D

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The tradition I remember is "Kiss the Fish". We all got a chance to do that! (I did! :D It was salty.)


There was a King Neptune ceremony where all the staff (including the nurse!) who had never crossed were dragged to the aft pool. They were questioned by King Neptune, given a real hard time (all in fun), had ice cream dumped all over them, then tossed in the pool.


What a mess! It was great fun.

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Just found this thread, spent last two hours reading it ALL!!!

Thanks so very much for sharing your cruise........it's a thrill to read about something we have always dreamed of. You two have a great writing style, and we are enjoying your posts. Loved your picture, too............you two look very happy together..........

Soft winds and smooth seas to you......

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Well, I just got caught up! What an adventure. Thank you both so much for sharing this with us. :)


I can't wait for the next installment!


Now that The Amazing Race is over, Grumpy & Slinkie are my main source of travel entertainment. :D

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What happens when you watch Amazing Race with daughter Jennifer who is now an ACD on the Prinsendam?


"No, no, the entrance to the Blue Lagoon is on the other side!!!" (RuthC was on that voyage, I think.)


"No, the Ice Bar is down that street. You're going right past it!"


"I've been there, Mum."


It will be very interesting to watch future sets of Amazing Race with her after the World Cruise. What a fantastic experiences she has had while working for HAL. Do I sound jealous? Just a bit!

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What happens when you watch Amazing Race with daughter Jennifer who is now an ACD on the Prinsendam?


"No, no, the entrance to the Blue Lagoon is on the other side!!!" (RuthC was on that voyage, I think.)...

She was. And she went to the Blue Lagoon on that voyage, too.

I first met Jen on that cruise, and happily met her again last summer.

Now wondering if we'll have a triple play this summer!

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Prinsendam 2005, Feb 9, Day 27


Greetings to all ye Mariners, Landlubbers and assorted creatures of the land and deep. We are pleased to announce that Slinkie and Grumpy, having made their first equatorial crossing, have been found worthy in the eyes of King Neptune and are now honorary members of the Royal and Very Ancient Order of Shellbacks... Even have the fancy certificate to prove it... Fortunately, our voyagers were not made to suffer the indignities that were meted out to certain crew members in order to obtain that lofty status.


Yesterday's King Neptune ceremony was really fun. After rounding up and imprisoning certain pollywogs, King and Queen Neptune held court. Each of the pollywogs was accused of certain crimes, found guilty, and sentenced. First step in carrying out the sentence was to "Kiss The Fish". Think big Koi Carp sitting on a block of ice in the hot sun...getting riper by the minute... and having to kiss that sucker....Patooie!!...Then on to the sliming tables where the pollywogs were thoroughly covered with all manner of slimey, gooey stuff. The captain and officers then had to decide whether they should be spared or thrown into the briney deep... OK, the Lido Pool isn't all that deep...


Now it seems that the infamous Johnny I has been masquerading as an experienced cruiser, but it was discovered that he was indeed, still a pollywog having never before crossed the equator. Charged with the high crime of forcing passengers to participate in silly games while pretending to enjoy themselves, he was indeed found guilty. Now Johnny must have some juicy information about some of the officers... they voted to spare him... but he still had to kiss the fish and be thoroughly slimed. Actually being spared is probably a worse fate than being thrown in the pool... The ones in the pool were deslimed pretty quickly. Johnny and two others that were "spared" had to sit on the edge of the pool in the hot sun covered with all manner of goo...


The employee of the month, none other than our beloved ice cream man, was charged with lying to all of the passengers and telling them that all of his ice cream was indeed non fat and piling on extra scoops... something Grumpy had suspected all along... but he was also spared the dunking.


There was a rumor that the captain would have to walk the plank to pay for his failure to put his passengers ashore on Christmas Island... Dayum, that would have been a good picture... but, alas, it was not to be... he attoned for that sin by making arrangements to get into Apia, Samoa by 8a instead of noon. Slinkie says "more shopping time!" She was starting to worry, since there were only 6 hours scheduled in port and the shore excursion would use up about 4 hours...


The Queen's Lounge Showtime continues to be the high point of the evening... most of the time..There have been a few acts that weren't all that good, but there have been great performances by Petrina Johnson, John Smitherman, Grafitti Classics and others. There have been a few shows that were missed on purpose and a few where one or both of our dynamic duo were just to pooped to participate by the time dinner was over, but overall, the quality of the entertainment has been very good.



Today is another of those 25 hour days, so the ship's time is now 6 hours behind Eastern Standard. One of the recent "pillow gifts" was a very nice dual clock. We keep one side set for Eastern Standard and the other on Ship's time. The most recent was the pocket magnifiers... not sure why Grumpy's pockets need to be magnified... and HAL might want to rethink the wisdom of handing out those... people might start reading the fine print on the contracts... but it will come in handy if Grumpy loses his reading glasses...


This morning started out with heavy overcast and rain, but is beginning to clear... looks like another nice sea day... The sea days seem to be the best time to meet new people... Slinkie and Grumpy have been enjoying breakfast and lunch conversations with their fellow passengers... Most have been on many cruises, many are repeat World Cruisers, and they all are interesting to talk with and get to know.


Grumpy hates to admit it, but he did make a mistake a few posts back... Rod, the PaDutchman, was introduced to Grumpy by Bill and Mary Ann (WCB), not CruisinTexans as was reported. Slinkie and Grumpy hadn't seen much of CruisinTexans since the meeting after LA and found out that Leslie had not been feeling well. She's back on her feet again and all is well with the CC'ers on board. Something needs to be done about Bill and Mary Ann though... Seems they just don't think they've had enough excercise unless they get in at least five miles walking a day... Makes Grumpy tired just looking down from his balcony and watching them circle... and circle... and circle... Next port, Grumpy's going to be looking for some balloons... oops, forgot... have to conserve water...


Dakrewser, that's a really good explanation of the Coraopolis effect... 'Course a good Case Techie going to Pittsburgh would never make that mistake... let's see, what was that nickname for CMU... Mellonheads, wasn't it?..


When Grumpy posted yesterday he noticed another thread... the poll of how long will this thread get... it will be interesting to go back and read that when Slinkie and Grumpy are Landlubbers again. There are some other interesting titles that will have to wait for another day as the Ol' Tightwad Grumpy doesn't want to use up the minutes too fast..


There has been no satellite coverage since a day south of Honolulu. Slinkie and Grumpy, being "news junkies" are suffering mild withdrawal symptoms, but they'll survive.. If anything really important happens, they'll hear about it... maybe a few days late...


NEWS FLASH! Ports of Call Update.


It was just announced that the local government of Vava'u, Tonga Islands, decided last night that they do not have the infrastructure to handle a "large" ship like the Prinsendam and have therefore withdrawn their approval for the port stop that was scheduled for Sunday, Feb 13. Well, seems that there is another island close by, Fiji, so thats where the Prinsendam will dock. There were no shore excursions available in Tonga anyway... the brochure that was printed months ago listed 3 tours, but the recent order forms had no listing. Shore Excursions dept. has already set up two for Fiji that look pretty good. The actual port is Suvu, Viti Levu, Fiji. Port time will be 7a to 4p. The International Dateline crossing remains unchanged. The watch phrase for this cruise seems to be "stay flexible, schedule subject to change". Kudos to HAL for being able scramble and reschedule on such short notice... Great job, we all appreciate the great job they are doing.


OK, enough for today....


Grumpy and Slinkie


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The most recent was the pocket magnifiers... not sure why Grumpy's pockets need to be magnified.

Maybe it magnifies what's in the pocket. I'm sure Slinkie would appreciate that.


'Course a good Case Techie going to Pittsburgh would never make that mistake... let's see, what was that nickname for CMU... Mellonheads, wasn't it?..


Now you're showing your age, you young whippersnapper, 'cause that couldn't be until after '67 when dear old Tech became Carnegie-Mellon. Right about the time that Case boys settled down and showed a little Western Reserve. :rolleyes:

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It's too bad that you missed Vava'u, Tonga Islands. It is on the itenerary for the cruise I am looking at next year on the Statendam. If the Prinsendam is too big, I guess we won't be making that port either!!


Thanks for posting you experiences. I really enjoy reading them.

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So, did you kiss the fish???????:eek:


Too bad you're missing Tonga. The ss Rotterdam did a stop there (guess the Prinsendam is a smidge bigger?); I was out on a fishing boat and jumped in the water to go swimming---in my clothes! It's a great memory.

Made for some great photos, too! Had to buy them all to get them off the walls in the display area!:D

There was a real nice shore excursion in Fiji on that trip---can't remember the specifics. There was an opportunity to drink some kava (sp?)---that I do remember! If you're at all interested I'll look up the info and post here.

You will come home from this trip (someday) with memories to last a lifetime. Every once in a while your mind will drift back and a warm feeling will come over you and you will smile.

And no one will be able to figure out why.;)

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Slinkie and Grumpy


It is a pity you are missing Tonga, but it is a very small island with not a lot to see. I think you will enjoy your stop in Suva more so than Tonga. We have been to Fiji many times and I would suggest you try and get an excursion that takes you around to the other side of the island, nearer Lautoka, where the ferries go to the outer islands, such as Treasure, Castaway, Mana, etc. That side of the island is not as wet as Suva. It can be pouring with rain in Suva, and fine and sunny around the other side.


The Fijian people are wonderful and if you can go to a village and drink some Kava (yuk) it will be an experience you won't forget.


Regarding Prince Charles and Camilla, they are to be married on 8th April in a private civil ceremony at Windsor Castle and she is to be known as the Prince's Consort!!!



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Grumpy - still enjoying reading your posts. Have printed them all out and keeping them in a binder so Johnny can read them all at once when he gets home. You two are fast becomming celebrities. Oh how I wish I could have seen the fish kissing and the goo being slimed all over Johnny. I will just have to picture it.


Continue your great job and have fun...

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Regarding Prince Charles and Camilla, they are to be married on 8th April in a private civil ceremony at Windsor Castle and she is to be known as the Prince's Consort!!!




Will the Prince have to renounce his place in the line of succession? Or is it technically a widower?



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No, he will still be King when the Queen dies. Camilla will be known as the Duchess of Cornwall. Hopefully he will have the sense to abdicate and William will become King. No-one here is in favour of Charles becoming King now that he is marrying Camilla and I think this move may bring Australia closer to becoming a republic.



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Just got through watching a Discovery Channel Documentary on the Down Under, Austrailia. WOW.......it was great. Good detail and took us everywhere, not just the Hot spots. Made me want to get on a plane and fly out tonight. Only thing I need is a MONTH's time and a BANK ROLL to take with me!! 7_15_5v.gif Can't wait for Grumpy's next update!! It's like reading a good book. You want more chapters.

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Hi S & G. Continue to enjoy your dairy from the P-Dam, here in sunny NZ your exotic excursions sound facinating. Your arrival here in our home town of Tauranga NZ is getting close [wednesday 16th Feb] and thought i would remind you we would be pleased to assist with your shore excursions here.


Yesterday we took a scenic fllight [4 seat plane] out to White Island, our active volcanoe just 70km off-shore, wow! what a view. It was a 75 minute flight; finishing with a low level run down the 40km beach and circling The Mount [your gateway to Tauranga Harbour]


Today we took a tour to Rotorua which included Rainbow Springs [hundreds of Rainbow Trout at least 36 inches long] The Kiwi House [live Kiwi birds] a Maori cultural performance [Dance, singing, traditional fighting dislay and of course the HAKA!] Mud pools, geysers and finished it all of with a wonderful Mud bath over looking natural sulphur lake. Tell you what, its a tough life being a tour guide.


Tomorrow i think its Jet Boating for some adrenalin junkies.


If you think that any of the above sounds interesting let us know. We can sort out some great itineraries [there a lot to do here] in a range of vehicles from just 2 PAX to 11 PAX or more. Choose a total pamper and luxury day or go for a rough and ready Kiwi style day.


We would love to be your host. Regards and happy sailing.


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Actually in terms of tonnage, ROTTERDAM (V) was slightly bigger than PRINSENDAM - and in real life (not on paper), she as much bigger indeed.

Thanks, Doug. I thought that was the case. Funny that the Rotterdam could stop at Tonga but the Prinsendam can't, especially if it has to do with size.

Can anyone explain the reason?

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Thanks, Doug. I thought that was the case. Funny that the Rotterdam could stop at Tonga but the Prinsendam can't, especially if it has to do with size.

Can anyone explain the reason?


1) They haven't dredged the harbor recently?


2) It was low tide?

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