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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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Just by chance, I was searching on Google for something else I came across a website for "Flat Stanley" - the official Flat Stanley Project http://flatstanley.enoreo.on.ca


Until Grumby and Slinkie mentioned "him" in their post #671 I had never heard of Flat Stanley and I was about to post a question when "goblue" beat me to it (Post 676) and richnorto replied.. Great project for kids and a neat idea to get kids or grandkids involved in your cruises. Amazing what you become aware of on these message boards.:cool: ;)

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Regarding A197 and A198, there are "black" windows across the entire rear expanse of these rooms. However, they are drapped, or blocked by furnishings, and are not a problem in terms of privacy. The decks with these rooms are HUGE and the private deck to the rear of these two cabins truly is private. When we were in AA192, only the occupants of these 10 aft cabins were allowed access to the deck and the jacuzzi thereon. There was a deckboy who "policed" the deck and there were "private" signs on the doors to the deck and ropes across the stairwells from below decks.

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Prinsendam 2005, March 21, Day 67


Has it really been 5 days since Grumpy last set fingers to the keyboard? That kind of inattention to his responsibilities won't be tolerated! Tie 'im to the mast and give 'im 20 lashes! Our intrepid travellers are back at sea after a VERY interesting two days in Bangkok... Well, 2 days in Laem Chabang with trips to Bangkok and Pattaya...After turning the corner at the south end of Viet Nam, the Prinsendam picked up speed and headed up into the Gulf of Thailand. The area along the south and west coast of Viet Nam and the west coast of Cambodia must be very fertile fishing grounds as there are fishing boats everywhere in that area. There were a few "jogs" in the ship's course in some of the areas where as many as a few dozen boats were within view and it sometimes became necessary to dodge one.


The Prinsendam docked in Laem Chabang right on schedule and Grumpy and Slinkie were quickly on a bus headed toward Bangkok. Quoting the description of the riverboat tour, "following a short motorcoach transfer, you will board a boat"... WRONG!... following a LONG bus ride into the center of Bangkok (about 80 miles), they boarded the boat... The bus stopped in front of a very nice shopping mall, River City Mall, where the tour guide allowed a total of five minutes for a restroom break before boarding the boat. Slinkie took one look at the dresses and suits on display in the shop windows and was ready to cancel the tour in favor of a day of shopping, but Grumpy managed to get her on board without too much of a struggle... The boat was a 30 passenger model and not very fast, but there were dozens of the "long tailed speed boats" as seen in a James Bond movie, that carry just a few passengers and really move out. They also kick up a pretty good "rooster tail" and Grumpy was a little concerned about the spray. (Thanks for the word of warning, Jennie) The tour boat operator was pretty good at staying out of the way and there was no problem, though. Slinkie had put the cannister of Clorox wipes in the bag and they did come in handy to wipe off occasionally. The tour went up the Chao Phraya river past many of the best known attractions, such as the Temple of the Dawn, the Bell Tower Temple, the Grand Palace, and many, many other attractions before stopping at the Royal Barge Museum. There, Grumpy and Slinkie could view and take pictures of the current very ornate royal barges and see the remains (usually a few feet of the bow and stern) of barges from past rulers.


Back on the boat, the tour continued into one of the canals past the houses on stilts, the shops and food markets, and, of course, more temples... Every fifth building is a temple in Bangkok, it would seem... and then back into the river. The next stop was the lunch break at a riverfront restaurant next to the Oriental Hotel. Shoes were checked at the door and the Prinsendamers were led to their tables... OK, take your average dining room table and chairs, build a deck around it at the level of the chair seats... now try to figure out how to get down on the deck, get your legs under the table and slide into the chair...then after placing your drink order, get up again to go through the buffet line... back to the table again... go through the routine again a few more times if you want seconds and desserts... not the easiest maneuver for the average person, let alone the geriatric Prinsendamers... they did set up a regular table and chairs by the door for one couple that apparently could not cope with the seating arrangement.


The food was... interesting... spicy... sometimes VERY spicy, but pretty good. The beverage of choice was the Indonesian beer, Singha... Lots of Singha... a very good beer by it's self... a REALLY good beer when you're trying to wash out your scorched larynx after trying some of the sauces... Everyone survived the experience and made it back to the boat for the trip back to the bus... Slinkie was ready to make a beeline into the nearest store, but, no, back on that dayum bus again... for a tour through Chinatown and then a stop at the flower market. No, it's not a shopping stop... have to keep up with the guide as he makes his way along a narrow sidewalk past stall after stall of flowers, petals, arrangements of all sorts... then past fruit stands and other food markets... at times the odors were a bit over powering... it was very hot (mid 90's) and no breeze... back on the bus again.


Next stop was the Marble Temple. There was a group of children seated inside with a monk and the "no entry" sign was posted. You could take pictures from the doorway, and then continue around the temple to the display of many large Buddha statues... Back on the bus for a little more sightseeing and then the final stop... 45 minutes at the jewellry store! Well, you know Slinkie wasn't going to waste an opportunity like that!... She now has an emerald bracelet to go with her baubles from Columbia... Finally found a pair of emerald cut dark blue sapphires for Lynnaldo's ears... Grumpy got a couple of silk ties... and then back on the bus for the trip back to the ship.


Traffic is often a real nightmare around Bangkok, but things went pretty smooth until the bus was about 15 km from the port. Everything came to a stop and then just crawled along for a half hour or so. The roadway in the opposite direction was barricaded in segments and all traffic was being detoured off the road...major accident?... No, it seems the Royal Princess, not the king's daughter, but the wife of the Prince, was out for a drive in her lemon yellow car. She drives her own car, but the road is cleared and she is escorted wherever she goes... Now Grumpy knows a few other women drivers that should get the same treatment... the roads would be a lot safer that way... Uh oh, Grumpy, better duck...


Well, anyway, after a while, the yellow car and several police cars went flying past and traffic returned to normal. The bus returned to the terminal and Slinkie and Grumpy headed inside. Of course, the vendors had set up shop inside the terminal and even though they were hot and tired after a ten hour tour, Slinkie and Grumpy did prowl around a bit. Probably would have bought some $10 silk shirts, but since there was another day in port and a shuttle to Pattaya, decided that there were probably better bargains awaiting them. Rule number 1... the further away from the ship, the better the prices...


Over all, the tour was very good. The only rain came during the bus trip into Bangkok. It was hot and humid, but mostly overcast, so the sunscreen and bush hat stayed in the bag. Slinkie would have preferred more shopping time in the garment stores... Grumpy's credit card would have preferred less time in the jewellry store...


Day 2 and off to see the city of Pattaya. There was a free shuttle bus running every 1/2 hour or so into town and pulling up right outside of Mike Shopping Mall. The mall wasn't open yet when Slinkie and Grumpy arrived, so they decided to wander around a bit. There were vendor stalls all along the street and in just a few minutes Grumpy had added to his collection of shirts... very nice Thai silk... 4 shirts... $20USD total. All of the street vendors were happy to take US dollars. Slinkie found a pair of the wraparound pants that almost look like a skirt with a matching top... throw in a beaded belt.. another outfit for about $20USD.After circling the block, Slinkie and Grumpy walked along the street by the beach for a while and then went into the Mike Mall. That is a very nice store, 6 levels, and very neatly organized. There were lots of name brand items that appeared to be genuine and others that were probably not genuine. Since they have a money changer on premises, all transactions have to be in Thai Baht or credit card. Slinkie found a couple of tops, a skirt, a beaded wrap that nicely matched the beaded belt purchased earlier. Grumpy changed $100 USD into 3800 Baht and still had a couple thousand left when they were done in that store.


By that time it was lunch time so they found a nice Thai-German restaurant. A baked ham sandwich and a Heineken hit the spot and renewed the energy for more shopping. The beach area has lots of bars and hotels which provides the setting for Pattaya's other industry. Every few minutes one would see a middle aged to elderly caucasian male with a big smile on his face being led down the street by a young Thai woman... Grumpy suspects that she wasn't showing him the best place to buy silk shirts... but then, Grumpy didn't ask either... He and Slinkie wandered around a while longer, bought a bottle of wine... had to wait out a sudden downpour, and then went through some more shops and malls before returning to the ship.


There have been questions before about how to pack for a world cruise and the answer is always to bring along several mix and match outfits and create different looks with a minimum number of outfits... WRONG! You pack mix and match to cover the first 30 days and then go shopping in each port after that... Grumpy thinks he knows why the Prinsendam was travelling so slow lately... between the added weight of the passengers and the weight of all of their purchases, the ship is overloaded. She just can't go any faster. One of our beloved ACD's is complaining about the cabin shrinking after each port... so the problem of buying too much isn't limited to passengers.


Tomorrow the Prinsendam docks in Tanjung Gelling, Malaysia. That's the port near the city of Kuantan. It will be an 8 to 5 day, so Slinkie and Grumpy will see the sites on their own. They might take a river cruise if there are vendors along the waterfront. The ship tour insists that they need to know more about the Mangrove and its importance to the ecology and takes a big chunk of the day. Hello... Slinkie and Grumpy live on the edge of the Everglades... they know all about the mangrove and ecology... They don't want to do anything too strenuous... Singapore is the next day...


Grumpy probably won't get a chance to post again until after Singapore, but will try to catch up on the questions and comments then.


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Grumpy and Slinkie,


Great to hear from you again and to hear of your two days in Thailand. I can picture everywhere you went on the first day. It is a busy city and a hot one too.


You will notice a big difference in Kuantan, a much smaller city and not a lot of good buying. Singapore is my favourite as it is so civilized, clean and safe. No need to worry about whether you are going to be pick pocketed, ripped off etc. It is like here at home, in fact probably safer and spotlessly clean. Do not drop anything on the streets or you will be fined. Enjoy your time in both ports.



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Dear G and S


We've been reading your adventures for quite a while though we haven’t posted much on your thread. May we ask a small favor of you while on board?


Last fall, we were on the Prinsendam doing Lisbon to Athens. It was our first cruise and we just loved every moment of it. So much in fact, that we have two more cruises planned (including the Prinsendam in November). On our small voyage, compared to yours, we became friends with Randall Powell, in the Crow’s Nest. We had agreed that in May’s transatlantic crossing, we would take him out for a calamari lunch when he reached Ponta Delgada. I tried sending him an e-mail this week, to confirm, but it can back with a "bad address" message.


Could you please check and see if he remembers us? and our invitation? Oh dear, how do I describe us if he doesn’t remember: How about the crazy Americans who live in the Azores. She has multi-colored hair with oversize and multi-colored glasses? He has a graying pony tail and in the opinion of his wife, is handsome and kind. Can you give him our e-mail address or just tell him we will be at the dock, waiting.


Susan and Lane Trubey


Our "encoded" e-mail address is: rhino at sapo dot pt


Thank you g and s. May all the rest of your cruise, and cruises, be as wonderful as this one. But what could you do to ever top this one.




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I suspect that I know which ACD is complaining about lack of cabin space. Every email is shop, shop, shop, and not for things that only take a little space, like emeralds. Maybe its Jen's room mate who is doing the complaining about the space that her purchases take up. Did they really need an extra table lamp in their cabin?


We're looking forward to your next installment.

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BRAVO, BRAVO..........another great review Grumpie & Slinkie!! 23_28_100.gif


Grumpie have you made up a LIST of all your purchases that you can print up on here at the end of this World Cruise?? I can just imagine what Slinkie buys in Singapore!! Time to CUT the Credit Cards and throw them overboard!! :p Have fun and hope you don't get sick from any of the food or water!

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Hi Grumpy and Slinky.... and everyone else here!


Ruth and I just returned home from three glorious weeks on board the SAGA ROSE, Auckland to Fremantle on her own RTW voyage.


In three weeks I was able to get ashore just ONCE! I was working on two paintings and was short on time so while the ship was in port, I was painting. I lost a few of the sea days when I could not paint due to pitching and rolling. On those days I was 'forced' to retreat to the North Cape Bar to await better weather. :rolleyes:


I must share one story with you. Saga passengers who live within 100 miles of the departure port are picked up by limo on sailing day. Early on sailing day at the beginning of January a limo arrived at the home of one 'LOL" (Little Old Lady). LOL told the driver to get lost! He came back every half hour for four hours! Finally the neighbour came round and told LOL that, yes, she was indeed booked on the cruise.... all 100 days of it! LOL the went upstairs to pack. This took only a few minutes and she got into the taxi with two plastic shopping bags of clothes, a passport and two bottles of brandy. On arrival at the ship she was unable to walk and had to be taken on board in a wheelchair. Duhhhhh! She was put into her cabin... shared accommodation where she fell asleep. Next morning her cabin mate was around to the Purser's Office demanding to be moved into to another cabin!


Anyhow, the situation got steadily worse as LOL was drinking and not washing. After a few days one of the cruise staff had to give LOL a bath and wash her clothes. She has been given a single table in the dining room and is basically left alone by everyone. She does not come in on formal nights and on other nights orders lots of food which she washes down with large snifters of brandy. At breakfast and lunch she take a bag to the lido which she fills with food, bread rolls atc... "in case the ship sinks"! She has no credit card and is living off her 'shipboard credit'. Her passport is all in order... visas etc were all done by Saga head office. The ship's staff have no idea if she booked the cruise herself or what.


I met her in the library one morning soon after joining. She chatted to me for about ten minutes before working her way through the library having the exact same conversation with a dozen other people!


It is good to be home again, but we wish we were still on board.... naturally! The good thing is that we can now enjoy the continuation of Prinsendam's RTW voyage!





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Prinsendam wrote QUOTE In three weeks I was able to get ashore just ONCE!




I have a crying towel for you!!!!!!


Seriously though, welcome back to the Prinsendam WC thread. You have a lot of catching up to do on the exploits of Grumpie and Slinkie.


The story of the LOL on the Saga Rose cruise is quite something. I hope the Purser was able to re accommodate her room mate. Can you imagine getting a roomate from h***? Someones worst nightmare. It probably was difficult to re accommodate as no doubt the Saga Rose WC was sold out. Oh my!


Looking forward to your next post, G & S. You are no doubt enjoying the shopping;) in Singapore today.

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What a wonderful story! I wonder what sort of condition the LOL will be in when she finally returns home.


Welcome home. You are just in time for the lovely autumn weather and of course the Royal Easter Show! Easter is always a great time in Sydney and of course down here as well.



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What a wonderful story! I wonder what sort of condition the LOL will be in when she finally returns home.


Welcome home. You are just in time for the lovely autumn weather and of course the Royal Easter Show! Easter is always a great time in Sydney and of course down here as well.







I think LOL will arrive back in Southampton 'well preserved'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is hard to know whether to laugh or cry over LOL. The majority of her shipmates thought she was simply a 'pest'. The crew were definitely more tolerant.


SAGA ROSE was not sold out at the start of her RTW cruise. She sailed with about 450 pax so there was space to move the cabin mate of Mrs Baggs. Between Auckland and SYdney the ship was completely sold out. The numbers dropped slightly after Sydney and again after Fremantle, but from Capetown to Southampton she is full.


Hmmmm... lovely time in Sydney over Easter? No doubt you will read about the storm we experienced in the early hours of this morning. It is still raining now.


No rest for the wicked I'm afraid... it is back to work... even over the Easter weekend.


This morning I get cracking on a most delightful project. During Prinsendam's recent drydock, the ship's not mine, one of the paintings in the forward stairwell between 8 & 9 decks, one of the old Norwegian pieces of art from the Royal Viking days, was damaged and had to be taken down. HAL have commissioned a new piece to go up in its place. The new painting will be a scene of the port of Rotterdam c. 1960 and will show the old NIEUW AMSTERDAM, STATENDAM and MAASDAM alongside the old HAL docks. It will measure 2 feet x 6 feet. I hope to complete the work by the end of April. It will then be shipped to Holland for framing.... one of those big black ebony frames that HAL use on my works, and will be put on board when the shuip calls at Amsterdam in June.



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I'm looking forward to admire your newest painting when we are aboard for the Iceland cruise from July 12!


I also enjoyed your lecture during the transatlantic cruise last november.



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Stephen - What a hilarious (and slightly sad) story! Maybe on the new painting you've been commissioned for, you can paint her in some inconspicuous spot?? And everytime someone new sails that ship it can be a game "Where's LOL??" :)


Grumpy and Slinky - Is there anyway you could post a couple pictures? Glad you're still having such a wonderful time!

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Welcome back Stephen.........was it you that brought the weather...wthr16.gif...I think not.....but it is really wet and windy at the moment.......we live in St Ives and its one of Sydneys wettest suburbs......I hope we get to meet one day.....would love to see your paintings.....Aussie Gal I think I will come to Melbourne for Easter...sunny.gif....as you will more than likely have the better weather.



Grumpy1 & Slinkie...hope you are travelling well.......and don't forget to tell the people AGAIN in SS027 to keep the cabin in pristine condition for us.pussmun2.gif.I must also post that picture of you both soon.....




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Hi, just want to say how much I've enjoyed reading this epic. It's taken me two days to catch up with DH wondering what on earth I'm doing reading so obsessively.


You've brightened up a really miserable couple of days in Scotland. Can't wait for the next instalment!



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