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Prinsendam 2005 World Tour... it has begun


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Dear Grumpy and Slinke,

I am one of those "lurkers" that have been reading and enjoying your posts for a month or two (or three!) and Kiwi Kruzer had a nice suggestion that some of us lurkers "fess" up and say thank you before its to late. In fact this is my very first post to a cruise critic board and I wanted you to have the honor! We returned from our first cruise one week ago today. We were on the Westerdam in the Western Carribean for 7 days, and all I can think of is how to get back on a ship and go somewhere else. While on board I had more fun tracking the travels of the Prinsendam then the ship we were on because I knew you and Slinky were doing something hilarious (and probably expensive!) somewhere very exotic. You have caused my dh and I to start saving money for a future World Cruise. I can hardly wait...now all I have to do is get 5 months off from work (with pay) and I'm there! :)


Bob and Nancy

Vashon Island, WA

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Thanks, Williebill--wasn't sure about the locking drawers, too.


Welcome, Islandclan lurkers--now let's hope more lurkers join the thread.


I really hate it when I have to go to page 2 to find this thread! Let's keep it on page one.



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Grumpy, what a wonderful picture. You two are a beautiful couple and fit so well together. How happy you look, but then no wonder - newlyweds on a WC. I am very happy for the two of you. May you have many more wonderful cruises to write about for us to go along with you to such beautiful and different places.



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Prinsendam 2005, April 26, Day 103


The trip across the Atlantic from Ascension Island to Brazil has been very smooth... thanks to all of the good vibes sent by the faithful readers of the thread... and at 7:00a on the 25th the Prinsendam was safely docked at the Port of Forteleza. The port itself is not very interesting... there was a lot of construction work going on, one cargo ship and one tanker in port. Since all of the port buildings were only a couple of stories tall, they didn't obstruct the views of the city skyline. There are lots of tall buildings in a myriad of styles and designs stretching for several miles to the west of the port and another cluster to the east. Most are hi-rise apartment buildings and hotels along the waterfront and some office buildings away from the water.


A-shopping we shall go... a-shopping we shall go... Hi Ho the derry- O... a-shopping we shall go... Well, what else do you do in Forteleza?... You can admire the skyline, but that only takes a few minutes... so, after breakfast, Slinkie and Grumpy hopped on the shuttle bus to the Mercado Central. There's some confusion about whether that place is the old prison or not. It certainly matches the description by RuffinReady... four floors of shops that are located in what could easily have been old jail cells, surrounding a center area with ramps and stairways between the floors... but the port guide refers to another building a few blocks away, that houses the museum of art and culture, as being the restored waterfront prison. Maybe both were prisons at one time... Anyway, Grumpy didn't do anything that would give him an opportunity to find out where the current prison is located...


Mercado Central was very interesting... lots of shops selling clothing... lots of shops selling embroidered tablecloths, runners, napkins, doilies, etc... lots of shops selling leather goods... lots of shops selling carvings and native art... lots of shops selling... well, you get the picture... there were about a dozen types of shop and there were 30 or so of each type... all of them wanting the dollars. Prices were quite low and quality seemed pretty good on most of the items. There were several shops that had displays of very strange wine or liquer bottles... some had a horseshoe crab inside, some had a lobster... there were bottles that were inside of a cow's hoof... ceramic bottles that were male and female nude torsos... anatomically correct for the male versions... Not having seen anything similar in any of the world market stores in the states, Grumpy wonders if the contents are something that won't pass customs, so did not purchase the lobster in a bottle... or any of the others... Slinkie found a cute orange dress that she decided was just the ticket for the Carnivale in Rio theme that night... After checking out the four levels of stores, Slinkie and Grumpy set out to explore the area around the Mercado Central. There were streets nearby with shops selling more of the same items, interspersed with pharmacies, restaurants, hardware stores... typical shopping areas that blended into more industrial type areas. There is an area at one end of Mercado Central where there is an open air market... Slinkie and Grumpy saw it from the shuttle bus but did not go through the area... some friends did venture in and quickly decided that it was just too crowded and not a good tourist spot, so departed for the "safety" of the Mercado Central. There were also vendors that were displaying their wares on the sidewalks in front of Mercado Central and in a nearby plaza. Pretty much the same goods as at the other locations...


It was getting pretty hot and close to lunchtime, so Slinkie and Grumpy decided that a nice air-conditioned bus ride back to the ship was in order. The trip back took them along the waterfront to the west of the port area. There are lots of hotels along that area, with nice looking beaches across the road from them, but all of the tourist information says to be wary of the cleanliness of beaches in that area. There were quite a few people walking on the beaches and sunbathing... but few that were swimming.


After lunch, the daring duo decided to try the upscale Iguatimi Shopping Mall a couple of miles to the south. There was no shuttle bus going there, but there were dozens of cabs waiting for an opportunity to separate the tourists from their dollars... After encountering a driver that spoke almost no English, Grumpy finally was able to communicate that he wanted to go to the mall and be dropped off there... no, he didn't want sightseeing... no, he didn't want the driver to wait at the mall... and agreed on a price since the taxi was not metered. Iguatimi Mall is quite large, air conditioned, lots of name brand stores, a couple of anchor department stores... just the place to spend the afternoon. The stores were nice, the selections were good and the prices were reasonable, but there just wasn't anything that was saying "buy me"... not even in the several jewelry stores... until Slinkie and Grumpy were almost through... OK, there's one more jewelry store here on this corner... same old stuff... mostly white gold or sterling silver, which Slinkie doesn't like... Hello! What's that nice tear drop Amethyst pendant doing in a place like this... It really should have a better home, don't you think? Grumpy hadn't acquired any Brazilian reals, since USD is widely accepted. He had noted that the money changers were offering exchange rates on the Euro that were better than the 30% premium that Euros have over USD. Grumpy had some Euros left over from Reunion Island and was able to get rid of most of them in exchange for the pendant.


Outside the mall, there was a cab that was metered. Grumpy pulled out his tourist map, showed the driver the port and was able to find out that the trip would be around 10 or 11 real... less than 5 USD. When the taxi arrived at the pier, the meter said 12.08 real... $4.83USD... $6USD seemed like a pretty fair amount with tip and the driver seemed quite happy... Of course, Grumpy wasn't real happy since the trip to the mall in the unmetered taxi had cost him $10USD... Oh, well...


Before sailaway, there was a show put on by local musicians and dancers. The four musicians, Accordian, bass drum, triangle, bongo drums, played and sang several numbers that took up the first 15 minutes, non-stop, and then the dance troupe came on. Several young ladies in their finest ball gowns, several young men in full military style dress holding their rifles, one young woman in a white bridal gown and one young man in a white suit... OK, looks like a wedding... maybe a shotgun wedding with all of the firearms... well, they spent the next half hour singing and dancing, non stop and very high energy, to the music provided by the four musicians. They then made their way into the audience and gathered up several Prinsendamers to join them onstage for more dancing, conga lines, etc... Fortunately, all the participants made it through without collapsing... The dance troupe departed just before sailaway and most were still dancing and waving to those gathered on the Lower Promenade... very nice show.


Last night was Carnivale in Rio theme night and the ship was decorated for the occasion and the waiters were in full regalia. The decorations looked suspiciously like the ones that were used for Mardi Gras night earlier in the cruise. Grumpy and Slinkie figured if the decorations could be used over again, so could the Mardi Gras beads from the first occasion, but at least Slinkie had a new dress for the event.


There's a new display of jewelry from Brazilian designers on display for a few days... CC member Luiza's husband talked about it this morning and then plied the audience with champagne... trying to loosen up the wallet strings, no doubt... Grumpy and Slinkie enjoyed meeting and chatting with them... he's Brazilian, she's American... very nice couple. The jewelry that he is showing is beautifully crafted, but Grumpy hasn't been able to negotiate a CC'ers member discount yet...


So now the Prinsendam is making her way toward the mouth of the Amazon, still in very calm waters and being helped along by a current that has had hte Prinsendam clipping along at 23 knots today. She crossed back into the northern hemisphere at 4:11p, but will cross back into the southern hemisphere after entering the Amazon.


10 days to go... TexEm, if you find a couple of stowaways hiding in your cabin when you get on, you won't turn them in, will you??.. Slinkie and Grumpy wouldn't mind continuing on to NY and then to Europe... There's a few other people that might object, though, so maybe they had better get off in FLL and reintroduce themselves to friends and family... besides, it looks like Slinkie and Grumpy are going to be visiting lots of new places with their fellow CC'ers... The flat Grumpy and Slinkie tours should be fun...


Ekerr19... you asked about getting the loot home... one of the advantages of living close to FLL is that Grumpy's Sis can pick them up. The car was a little crowded coming over for boarding, and a couple of extra luggage pieces have been added, so Grumpy is thinking he might send a couple of the larger pieces home by the luggage courier. In their category of cabin, unlimited luggage pick up and delivery was included, so it won't cost anything extra. The luggage courier rep came on board yesterday, so Grumpy can get it all set up. There is one couple on board in a catS, that live just a couple of miles from FLL. They used the free service to get their luggage to the ship as it was much easier than having to handle 26 pieces of luggage themselves... yes... 26 pieces!


Cuttle... when Grumpy signed on the other day, he saw that there were 999 posts. He pasted in his post, but paused long enough to add a line about the 1000th post. That gave you the extra second to beat him to the punch... he had to go back and edit the comment after it posted and he saw that his was 1001... No problem... Grumpy prefers being at the top of the page instead of the bottom anyway...


Ziggy7, Grumpy will try to get a picture of the terra cota cabana for you...


atseadaze... Grumpy and slinkie will be looking forward to your journal of the 2006 Circle of the Sun. Another couple with the same CC ID, except with the three words capitalized... AtSeaDaze... got on board in Capetown... how's that for co-inkydinks?


DesrtDrmr... Glad you enjoyed your cruise... Grumpy and Slinkie know they are going to miss getting rocked to sleep, too.


Kiwi Kruzer... This thread holds the record for posts and views on the HAL portion of the board, but there have been some rollcalls and group cruise threads on other parts of the board that dwarf this one... But then it's the quality, not quantity that counts...


Peggy Sue... Grumpy and Slinkie hope to cross paths with you and many other CC'ers in the years ahead...


Cindiedee... SweetDreams... enjoy your cruises... try not to get Flat Slinkie and Grumpy in too much trouble...


Mariner... since Slinkie and Grumpy get off in FLL, they won't have to bundle up for a NY arrival...


Williebill... Slinkie and Grumpy hope you and your DW do get to do the 2007 WC. Slinkie and Grumpy have no plans right now to do that one, but who knows...


islandclan... getting 5 months off with pay is easy... just live to be 62 or older and tell the government to start paying you a monthly salary...


TexEm... you mean you actually thought Grumpy might be making up all of this... shame on you... hmmm, with a few good internet searches, Grumpy could probably put together a virtual cruise... but this one has definitely been real... Grumpy knows you were just kidding...


Cuttle... That photo was the gangway photo from Sant Cruz, Huatalco, Mexico... scanned in... opened in Photodeluxe... the lettering on the life bouy ring erased and replaced, and there you are... SLINKIEDAM is on the high seas...


DFD7... Ger_77... cruznon... all of the rest... thanks for the nice comments... they are very much appreciated


Grumpy and Slinkie


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Grumpy and Slinky, thank you, thank you, thank you!


You have managed to not only get me excited about cruising (taking my first cruise ever this summer), but about cruising HAL! As a 20 something traveling on my own, I was a bit nervous about the rumors I hear about HAL. But after seeing your posts, I'm sure that I'd have a hard time keeping up with you! ;)


My bf and I also met on the internet. It's a pretty amazing tool, isn't it?


With your permission, you and Ms. Slinky will be spending 22 glorious days with me, on the Rotterdam for the Med. and European Capital B2B cruises! :D

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Well we got our documents, finally.


I had asked you for information on the condition of the ship earlier in your cruise. So how about giving us an update on how the "old girl" has held up with all of you "hell raisers" on board for so long?


Wish our paths could cross in person.


Warmest regards to you and Slinkie.



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Thanks, Grumpy, for your wonderful accounts of your World Cruise adventures! We have enjoyed every word. Hopefully CC will combine your cruise journal into one document at the conclusion of your cruise.


Thanks so much for the measurements re SS38 - you were very thoughtful.


Hope it's possible upon your return - and settling into life on land - to post

more tidbits about life on board - planning - packing - etc. And photos would be great!


Truly enjoyed sharing your cruise with you.

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Think I checked in once before to tell you how much I've enjoyed the story of your travels. Now that it's coming to an end just wanted to say thanks again for sharing with all of us here, hate to see your trip end!!

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Grumpy and Slinky,


thank you for this wonderful thread, truly enjoyed it...


Guess I have to continue working toward 62 so I can take the world cruise :(

Now I'm counting the months/years to come :(

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I'm wondering if the Prisendaam has continual air conditioning problems. My gentleman friend (I use that term because I'm too old to say boyfriend) and I were on the Prisendaam around Australia two years ago, and at Cairns the ship was so hot that they were giving free hotel rooms for people who wanted to leave the ship.


Hopefully they have cleared up the problems. When we cruised around South America on the Ryndam, we had a day or two with no heat and it was near Cape Horn and freezing. It seems that regulating temperature on a large ship is not easy.


Thank you Grumpy and Slinky for your outstanding messages about the world cruise. You are well traveled and you are excellent writers.



Skokie, IL

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Grumpy and Slinkie,


Another lurker here. Thanks for taking us along on your cruise. I, too, have been looking forward each day to your posts. I like your style. Add me to the long list of people that would like to meet and sail with you some time.

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I'm wondering if the Prisendaam has continual air conditioning problems. My gentleman friend (I use that term because I'm too old to say boyfriend) and I were on the Prisendaam around Australia two years ago, and at Cairns the ship was so hot that they were giving free hotel rooms for people who wanted to leave the ship.


Hopefully they have cleared up the problems. When we cruised around South America on the Ryndam, we had a day or two with no heat and it was near Cape Horn and freezing. It seems that regulating temperature on a large ship is not easy.



Skokie, IL




I remember this incident well! I was sailing in the SAGA ROSE at the time and Ruth and I went over to PRINSENDAM to visit Captain Bos and have lunch on board.


Andre (Chief Officer) suggested that as we were due to sail out of port that evening, if SAGA ROSE gave a good whistle salute as we passed, PRINSENDAM would reply.


That evening we left our berth at about 8pm and crept down the river past RINSENDAM. There were very few lights on anywhere which stuck me as strange. I suspected that once we had blown our whistle, PRINSENDAm would turn on all the deck floodlights and funnel floods, giving our passengers a real good show.


Well, as we sailed past SAGA ROSE have three hearty blasts on her whistle and from PRINSENDAM.... ZILCH! Four days later we were again in port with PRINSENDAM.... the two ships berthed bow to bow in Darwin. I went over to PRINSENDAM for another lunch with Captain Bos and ragged him about not sounding the whistle when when passed in Cairns. He then told me what had happened. The ship had experienced a power failure in the late afternoon and was running on emergency power. Enough for some lights etc but not enough for airconditioning. Now the temperature in Cairns was easily up to around 100 F and as there was little hope of restoring full power and airconditioning anytime soon, passengers were offered the chance to go ashotre and spend a cool night in one of the local hotels. If I remember correctly, somwhere around 500 passengers went ashore for the night. On board the ship, full power was restored around midnightand and so everything was back in running order soon after.


In answer to your question.... it was not an airconditioning problem. The problem was elsewhere. I've done eight cruises in PRINSENDAM so far and do not recall any problems with A.C. But, as the say S**t happens. A/C sometimes fails.... even on the new ships.



Some passengers tell how they like to sleep with their balcony doors open. Very naughty.... it wrecks the AC flow to any cabins nearby!!!!!


SAGA ROSE is one of the coldest ships I know. The AC works too well! The only problem is in the dining room in an area where we usually sit. The crew call the area Viet Nam... 'The Killing Fields'. It is the longest hike for the stewards to fetch and carry and for some reason the AC cannot compete when the big hot presses at the service stations are in operation.



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G&S: The hard part for us on the last 14-days cruise is to say farewell to our room steward, dining servers and our favourite band members. I bet yours is even tougher, isn't it? May your wonderful journey be just the beginning to other satisfy level.

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Here is my latest creation... not the usual oil paint on canvas, but a painting in the majolica technique on ceramic tiles. The paint on 20 tiles measures 24" x 30" and shows PRINSENDAM with HAL crest at bottom and the City of Rotterdam crest at top. The tiles will be shipped to Holland for framing and will ten be hung on board PRINSENDAM in Amsterdam at the end of June.


The big oil painting for PRINSENDAM is still unfinished... perhaps another four or five days work to go.




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I was wondering, if Rich is already back from her vacation. She works at the reception and as concierge in the Neptune lounge. I think she went on vacation just before the WC, but I'm not sure how long her vacation was. Maybe you could ask Sheri or any of the ACDs.


If she is on the ship again, could you tell her that Walter and Marc from Switzerland send their regards and that we are looking forward to meet her again in July on the cruise to Iceland?



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