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Oceania Cruise Line - Regatta


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Wow! Why does this feel like Germany 1938? The brown shirts think 75% of Americans are communist.

I watch FOX because it is funny in a "pathetic they can't help themselves kind of way." :rolleyes:

Not everyone that has enough money and time to cruise is a right wing libertarian. :)


I think it is safer to stay on the topic of cruising!




Actually I don't know about 75% but a majority of Americans consider themselves more conservative than liberal - I don't recall the specific poll though. Many of today's liberals like to try and trivialize news they don't agree with as entertainment, and try to characterize conservatives as simple, etc. I think in many cases it is a defense mechanism. People want to enhance their "smart" credentials by assuming a liberal perspective. Many, though, are not well informed and from what I have seen, not able to apply deductive reasoning to analyze the issues of the day.


With all that said, I agree we should get back to talking about cruising. I am in contact with a couple of crew members on the Regatta. When it gets to LA in a couple of weeks, the plan is for me to show some real nice areas tourists generally don't see, such as the South Bay beaches. BTW - from the comments, the crew I spoke with particularly enjoyed the folks on the holiday cruise.

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One minor thing I did find annoying -- the TV channels. There was no US or North American news. We had CNN International and Fox. I don't consider Fox news a real news channel, as it's more of a right-wing entertainment channel. CNN International is fine, but they ran the same news over and over with very little North American news. ]


Oh PLEASE, can we leave the political stuff off this site and just concentrate on cruising? We are all entitled to have our opinion - even you - so why do you try and rag on something that others just might like? I had CNN stuffed down my throat on far too many cruises with no other options but never ever thought about making a big deal about it on a post. Flame me if you wish but I too am entitled to have an opinion and it just happens to differ from yours.



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One minor thing I did find annoying -- the TV channels. There was no US or North American news. We had CNN International and Fox. I don't consider Fox news a real news channel, as it's more of a right-wing entertainment channel. CNN International is fine, but they ran the same news over and over with very little North American news. ]


Oh PLEASE, can we leave the political stuff off this site and just concentrate on cruising? We are all entitled to have our opinion - even you - so why do you try and rag on something that others just might like? I had CNN stuffed down my throat on far too many cruises with no other options but never ever thought about making a big deal about it on a post. Flame me if you wish but I too am entitled to have an opinion and it just happens to differ from yours.




Hi Karen,


So Oceania should only offer one North American News channel and that should be FOX? Sounds fair. :rolleyes:


The only reason Oceania offers FOX is because people like you did "make a big deal" about it.


Isn't it nice that cruising brings together so many interesting people?:)



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With all that said, I agree we should get back to talking about cruising. I am in contact with a couple of crew members on the Regatta. When it gets to LA in a couple of weeks, the plan is for me to show some real nice areas tourists generally don't see, such as the South Bay beaches. BTW - from the comments, the crew I spoke with particularly enjoyed the folks on the holiday cruise.




Sounds like fun! Very nice of you to host the crew in your hometown. We really enjoyed the crew and talked to several who used to work for Celebrity and made the switch to Oceania.




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Sounds like fun! Very nice of you to host the crew in your hometown. We really enjoyed the crew and talked to several who used to work for Celebrity and made the switch to Oceania.






Thanks. As you know, crew members consist of very accomplished people. On a Celebrity cruise, our waiter was a new attorney. Before practicing in his Eastern European country, he needed to apprentice, and that would have cost him several thousand dollars. He decided to take time off and work cruises. Since then he decided to pursue a different field after his cruise career. That's just one example.


BTW - When I do have political discussions on land and occasionally at sea, the folks I talk with normally share the same opinions. On occasion when that's not the case, I try to maintain discussion in a very friendly way. I consider myself a better ambassador of my opinions if I can do that. Seems like the discussion here, although strong opinions were displayed, remained friendly. That's what's it all about.



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Other Cruise Lines are adding Fox News to their channels as well. We had Fox News on the Silver Shadow(Silversea) in August. Fox has the highest ratings...plain and simple.


Hi juli,


For every person who watches FOX, 20 people watch the network news. Yes, FOX is number one on cable. FOX gets 1.2 million viewers and MSNBC gets 320 thousand -- that's the only comparison that matters. Far right TV versus far left TV. Why are people trying to make moderates the new left?


Cruise lines are adding FOX because their viewers are rabid and vocal.




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Hi juli,


For every person who watches FOX, 20 people watch the network news. Yes, FOX is number one on cable. FOX gets 1.2 million viewers and MSNBC gets 320 thousand -- that's the only comparison that matters. Far right TV versus far left TV. Why are people trying to make moderates the new left?


Cruise lines are adding FOX because their viewers are rabid and vocal.





I wish that the cruise lines would add more channels.....it was nice that Oceania offered the A&E channel that showed reruns of CSI Miami and other shows. My husband and I like to watch TV before we go to sleep.

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Hi juli,


For every person who watches FOX, 20 people watch the network news. Yes, FOX is number one on cable. FOX gets 1.2 million viewers and MSNBC gets 320 thousand -- that's the only comparison that matters. Far right TV versus far left TV. Why are people trying to make moderates the new left?


Cruise lines are adding FOX because their viewers are rabid and vocal.




Kel, I must agree with you on one point. I am rabid and vocal. I don't like backroom deals on health care, I don't want to subsidize Nebraska taxpayers because of a bribe vote, I don't like all the broken promises, lack of tort reform to protect the trial lawyers who contribute to the Dems, etc. I find this admin - congress nothing short of disgusting, and am watching their poll numbers drop with glee. As they drop, the left will become even more shrill. Will be fun to watch :)

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Kel, I must agree with you on one point. I am rabid and vocal. I don't like backroom deals on health care, I don't want to subsidize Nebraska taxpayers because of a bribe vote, I don't like all the broken promises, lack of tort reform to protect the trial lawyers who contribute to the Dems, etc. I find this admin - congress nothing short of disgusting, and am watching their poll numbers drop with glee. As they drop, the left will become even more shrill. Will be fun to watch :)


It will be very interesting to see if Scott Brown gets elected in Massachusetts on Tuesday. Brown says if he gets elected....he has pledged that he will kill the health care bill.

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It will be very interesting to see if Scott Brown gets elected in Massachusetts on Tuesday. Brown says if he gets elected....he has pledged that he will kill the health care bill.

Yes, it is extremely interesting. Even if he doesn't get elected, to come that close in Massachusetts reinforces a strong message that the polls and NJ and VA elections have already sent. If he does get elected, the Dems have threatened to rush the vote before he gets seated, they might try and delay his seating, or try the nuclear option - simple majority. Any such tactic will further sink their poll numbers. And if this thing does pass, word is it can be repealed. May not have enough votes to overcome a pres veto, but signs are this is a one term pres, provided the Rep have a strong candidate.

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Kel, I must agree with you on one point. I am rabid and vocal. I don't like backroom deals on health care, I don't want to subsidize Nebraska taxpayers because of a bribe vote, I don't like all the broken promises, lack of tort reform to protect the trial lawyers who contribute to the Dems, etc. I find this admin - congress nothing short of disgusting, and am watching their poll numbers drop with glee. As they drop, the left will become even more shrill. Will be fun to watch :)




I agree with you on this one. The whole thing is watered down in the areas that are important and congress is "business as usual". I wish (and I'm being sincere) the Republicans had stepped up and offered an alternative, but of course the Healthcare/ Drug lobby took care of that. Every Democrat and every Republican who sold out should be voted out of office.

This is no way to fix a huge problem!




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I agree with you on this one. The whole thing is watered down in the areas that are important and congress is "business as usual". I wish (and I'm being sincere) the Republicans had stepped up and offered an alternative, but of course the Healthcare/ Drug lobby took care of that. Every Democrat and every Republican who sold out should be voted out of office.

This is no way to fix a huge problem!






We probably have much agreement on this. The only thing I'd point out is the Republicans did offer some ideas, tort reform, insurance portability across state lines, addressing some of the bad practices of insurance companies including pre-existing conditions, and specific plans to focus on the uninsured. The lobby you mentioned did not influence the Republicans. They were one of the parties who had backroom deals with the Dems.


Sen McCain, who I think most will agree is honest, said the Republicans were completely shut out of the process from the beginning, and had no opportunity to participate and seek compromises. They were only asked to agree to done deals. The arrogance and non-transparancy have many folks enraged. We'll see what comes of it.



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Sen McCain, who I think most will agree is honest, said the Republicans were completely shut out of the process from the beginning, and had no opportunity to participate and seek compromises.

I think he meant after the bills left committees, Republicans were not involved.

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I am not a rabid far right person, Neither am I a far left person. I watch certain Fox News ahows, not all of them and much prefer their news casts to CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC and ABC. Anyone who says those that watch FOX News are rabid right wing people is rude and untrue. I respect your opinion and expect you to respect mine with no snide remarks.

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We have a prime rule on cruises, "Don't get into political or religious discussions." This thread should be on some political blog not here. I am surprised he moderator has not thrown out some of the inflamatory statements from both sides of the U. S. political spectrum.:eek::eek::eek:

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Kel, you responded to me with the following:

"So Oceania should only offer one North American News channel and that should be FOX? Sounds fair. :rolleyes:"


I never said that Oceania should only provide one channel. I don't care what they have on the tv as long as there's something that I like too.


You also said:

"The only reason Oceania offers FOX is because people like you did "make a big deal" about it."


People like me huh? You don't even know me. Quit trying to put me in a category. I have never bothered to tell the cruise line anything except that I had a lovely time and would be back.


Here was your last quote:

"Isn't it nice that cruising brings together so many interesting people?:)"


To this I say yes, it is nice that we all are different. We have met so many wonderful people on these many cruises we've taken on Oceania and politics and religion were never discussed. There are far too many wonderful topics that we all can enjoy without discussing very personal belief systems.


Now my last word on this is can we please agree to disagree and just move back to talking about cruising? I'm currently booked on another cruise and am beginning to research ports and potential tour operators. I love this site because it has provided me with so many helpful tips.


I wish you only good times on your next cruise vacation.




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Hi Heather,


Sorry that I, and others, hijacked your thread. Oceania offers a wonderful product and Lauren and I had an outstanding cruise. I agree that most of us have a passion for travel and cruising, and discussions concerning our political views are better suited to a different venue.

TV programing on a cruise ship is very, very minor when it comes to enjoying our precious time on vacation. I can't help myself sometimes when I see a "pot" that needs to be stirred, but this is not the appropriate forum!

Don't even get me started on religion!:rolleyes::)




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I think he meant after the bills left committees, Republicans were not involved.


This is a blog about cruising and all things pertaining to travel. If you all want to discuss politics either 1) find a blog site that lets you state your opinions or 2) start your own blog site (not hard to do and it can be done for free).

2 pages of political wrangling is absolutely rediculous!!!

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This is a blog about cruising and all things pertaining to travel. If you all want to discuss politics either 1) find a blog site that lets you state your opinions or 2) start your own blog site (not hard to do and it can be done for free).

2 pages of political wrangling is absolutely rediculous!!!

OMG is right

Hope you were referring to all participants, not just me.

Agree should stay on cruising in future.

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Can't resist one more comment before what I think is an interesting debate is put to bed.


"Pew Survey Finds Most Knowledgeable Americans Watch 'Daily Show' and 'Colbert'-- and Visit Newspaper Sites"


"Pew judged the levels of knowledgeability (correct answers) among those surveyed and found that those who scored the highest were regular watchers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show and Colbert Report. They tied with regular readers of major newspapers in the top spot -- with 54% of them getting 2 out of 3 questions correct. Watchers of the Lehrer News Hour on PBS followed just behind.


Virtually bringing up the rear were regular watchers of Fox News. Only 1 in 3 could answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly. Fox topped only network morning show viewers."

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We're boarding Regatta on 2/25 and I am not looking forward to not getting MSNBC. That said, I don't watch TV at all during the day but do like it (early) when I'm having my first cup of coffee. This is a public forum and I don't think it was highjacked - this is a valid topic.

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I am on Regatta now, the Panama Canal Crossing. If you watch t.v with closed captions, it is not available at sea, at least not the trip we are making. i don't watch t.v. much but miss a little news or a movie with closed captions; I have a hearing impairment and can't do it any other way.

We are having a great time. BTW, the inernet is also pretty slow, it has taken me about ten minutes to log on and review this great site.

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lyndenfa, Can you tell me what kind of deal they have for the internet on board ship? Is there a base price for an amount of hours? 12 days away from my kids is making me a bit nervous and I am hoping to at least keep in touch via emails while at sea.

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lyndenfa, Can you tell me what kind of deal they have for the internet on board ship? Is there a base price for an amount of hours? 12 days away from my kids is making me a bit nervous and I am hoping to at least keep in touch via emails while at sea.


You will have an onboard email address which you can use to send and receive emails for a charge of $2 for each email sent/received. This is independent of the Internet.

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