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False eyelashes... which are best?


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Whether individual ones or a strip is easier is too individual to answer. We all have different dexterity skill levels.

If you can do both, then use them individual ones, they're much more natural looking.


If it's in your budget, I'd suggestgetting the ones that are permanantly glued on one by one. (They come off as your lashes naturally fall out, so last about 6-8 weeks). They look great and you don't need mascara.

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Whether individual ones or a strip is easier is too individual to answer. We all have different dexterity skill levels.

If you can do both, then use them individual ones, they're much more natural looking.


If it's in your budget, I'd suggestgetting the ones that are permanantly glued on one by one. (They come off as your lashes naturally fall out, so last about 6-8 weeks). They look great and you don't need mascara.


I'm intrigued-where do you get those and what is the approximate cost?

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You have the eyelash extensions done at a spa that offers that service. The spa I went to has only one person that does it. The cost there was about $300. for the initial service and then about $100. for filler-in, which you'll need every couple of months.

It's a time consuming process. It took a good 1.5 hours to apply mine the inital time. However, you lie down when they do it and I kept dozing off, so it was relaxing.

Here's the description from the place I went to in NY....


How do eyelash extensions work?

The basic principle behind eyelash extensions is that individual lashes are applied to the natural lashes with an adhesive substance. Because they are attached to natural lashes, eyelash extensions are not permanent. They will eventually fall out according to the growth cycle of the natural lashes. Because the extensions carry a slight curl, they will add volume and natural curl to the lashes.


The look is amazing! You don't use mascara and you wake up looking like you have a ton of mascara on.

They are lightweight, you don't feel them at all.

You would need to check in your area for prices.


Here's before/after pic I found on the internet:

This is a typical result.



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Oh wow. I never thought of this. What a difference.


I tried buying falsies for my wedding several years ago and I tried to put them on....YIKES :eek: I ended up ripping them off and said forget it.


I might have to check into this. I really like that.


So, you would go to a spa to have something like this done? I've never even heard of anyone talking about having it done before.

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For the first time, I bought some fake ones for my upcoming cruise. Now this may sound dumb, but I don't know anything about this subject....Do I still apply mascara to the real lashes?


Please advise!


I was wondering the same thing. I think another poster said that you don't need mascara and it will look as if you always have it on. But my concern is, will it be dark enough? Can you still wear eye liner? Will make up remover take the fakies off? Or will rubbing your eyes to remove make up take them off?


I would hate to invest $300 in eyelashes that would end up coming off trying to get the normal make up off or rubbing my eyes. :cool:

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I wear false eyelashes all the time for special occasions or for just going out. I prefer the strip lashes. I've used the individual ones, however, I think they take longer to apply and have more room for error since you have to apply each individual lash and could result in misplacement. You can buy them anywhere makeup is sold and are about $3-4 a set.

To apply:

How to apply false eyelashes





1. The first step and maybe the most important one when applying false eyelashes is to start with clean eye lids. The adhesive (glue ) will not stick to oil so be sure to use an oil-free eye makeup remover. Be sure not to use any oil-based makeup near your eyes.


2. Most false eyelashes will need to be trimmed, as the lashes are too long for most women. Be sure to trim just a little at a time. Then test run them by holding them on your eyelid and seeing how well they fit across your lid. You will probably have to trim the length as well. Be sure to curve them across your lid. Take off one or two lashes at a time to get just the right fit. Be sure they don’t extend past your eyelid as this will be very uncomfortable. Do all your trimming before applying the adhesive. Sharp scissors will do the trick.

3. Third step in applying false eyelashes is to add adhesive to the false eyelashes. Celebrity makeup artist Nicole Bryl recommends applying them with a dark lash glue. The dark glue helps define the lash line. Don’t use too much. Putting some on paper and using a toothpick can help. Let the adhesive become tacky, (this only takes about a minute), before applying the false eyelashes to your own eyelash line. Remember to never put the false eyelash adhesive directly on your own eyelid. The adhesive is meant only to be applied to the false eyelash itself. You certainly don’t want glue in your eye, and your certainly don’t want to glue your eye shut either!

4. While looking in the mirror, start applying your false eyelashes at the inside corner, press and hold the false eyelashes as close to your own lash line as possible If you feel your fingers are too big for this step you can use tweezers. Be very careful not to poke yourself in the eye.

5. If you’re using individual lashes or clumps, start at the outside and work toward the inner eye. You will only need a couple of individual lashes or clumps to achieve a natural look.

7. To unify the look of your new lashes apply liquid eyeliner over both. No mascara needed.

8. When you want to remove the false eyelashes, be gentle. Because your eye lids are so sensitive don’t pull your false eyelashes off without the use of eye makeup remover. Let the remover soak in for a couple of minutes. The oil will loosen the strip.

9. To use your false eyelashes again, clean them according to the manufacture’s directions. Be sure to pull off any remaining glue. Let them dry completely before putting them.

Wearing false eyelashes only on special occasions will keep your eyes from developing an infection or an irritation from the adhesive. Remember, practice makes perfect. Learning how to apply false eyelashes and correctly applying them can lift your spirits and make you feel like a celebrity!

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7. To unify the look of your new lashes apply liquid eyeliner over both. No mascara needed.


So it has to be LIQUID? You can't use the pencil eyeliner anymore?


I want to get the ones that are individual...so I still can't imagine not wearing any mascara at all.


8. When you want to remove the false eyelashes, be gentle. Because your eye lids are so sensitive don’t pull your false eyelashes off without the use of eye makeup remover. Let the remover soak in for a couple of minutes. The oil will loosen the strip.


So I take it from this, you can't use any eye make up remover or they will come off. Correct?


This is a good write up, however, there is no way I would be able to do my own. I'll have to have someone do them at a salon or something. I lost my close up vision last year when I was pregnant and it never returned after having the baby. So, I have to wear reading glasses to even see up close. That wouldn't work. Plus I don't think I could ever get these on correct no matter what I tried...even if I could see. :p

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For the first time, I bought some fake ones for my upcoming cruise. Now this may sound dumb, but I don't know anything about this subject....Do I still apply mascara to the real lashes?


Please advise!


If you're wearing fake lashes, then yes, you need to wear mascara.

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I was wondering the same thing. I think another poster said that you don't need mascara and it will look as if you always have it on. But my concern is, will it be dark enough? Can you still wear eye liner? Will make up remover take the fakies off? Or will rubbing your eyes to remove make up take them off?


I would hate to invest $300 in eyelashes that would end up coming off trying to get the normal make up off or rubbing my eyes. :cool:


I think you're confusing the two options, unless I'm just reading your post incorrectly. So just to be clear....


If you buy the fake lashes, either a strip or individual, you will need to wear mascara with either one of them. Some people can get away without mascara with the individual ones, but you have to be real pro at application. With the strip, mascara is a must to unify them with your own lashes. These never look natural, which is a look I personally don't like. The individual ones have a "bulb" at the end of each lash.


If you have the individually glues lashes professionally done, you cannot wear mascara with them.....nor would you need to. And there's no "bub" at the bottom, so you absolutely cannot tell that they're not the person's natural lashes. The person just looks like they have amazing lashes.


You can wear eyeliner with all options.


With the professionally individually glued ones, they are dark enough, and curled enough. The only thing you need to be careful about is taking your eye makeup off. You can't use makeup remover all over your eyes. You need to swipe the lid gently with a cotton ball with water based makeup remover on it.

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I think you're confusing the two options, unless I'm just reading your post incorrectly. So just to be clear....


If you buy the fake lashes, either a strip or individual, you will need to wear mascara with either one of them. Some people can get away without mascara with the individual ones, but you have to be real pro at application. With the strip, mascara is a must to unify them with your own lashes. These never look natural, which is a look I personally don't like. The individual ones have a "bulb" at the end of each lash.


If you have the individually glues lashes professionally done, you cannot wear mascara with them.....nor would you need to. And there's no "bub" at the bottom, so you absolutely cannot tell that they're not the person's natural lashes. The person just looks like they have amazing lashes.


You can wear eyeliner with all options.


With the professionally individually glued ones, they are dark enough, and curled enough. The only thing you need to be careful about is taking your eye makeup off. You can't use makeup remover all over your eyes. You need to swipe the lid gently with a cotton ball with water based makeup remover on it.


Thank you VERY much for your explanation. That helped a lot. Like I said before, I would never be able to do this myself. So, I'm going to be checking into having it done. I know prices are probably different where ever you go. But is around $300 the norm? Is the only place you can go to get this done is a spa? It must not be widely advertised because I've never heard of anyone doing it before. I guess I always thought it was just a "do it yourself at home" type of thing.

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Thank you VERY much for your explanation. That helped a lot. Like I said before, I would never be able to do this myself. So, I'm going to be checking into having it done. I know prices are probably different where ever you go. But is around $300 the norm? Is the only place you can go to get this done is a spa? It must not be widely advertised because I've never heard of anyone doing it before. I guess I always thought it was just a "do it yourself at home" type of thing.


It's definitely not something you can do yourself, nor can you have a pal do it do it for you. It's very tricky and exacting. The person needs to be trained in how to do it. They put a special paper under your eyes so that the glue doesn't stick to your skin, etc etc. And then they glue the lashes onto your own lashes one by one. $300. - $400. for the first application is typical here in NYC (with $100.something for fill ins). However, I just learned yesterday that there's a place in Harlem that's doing it for $75. for the initial application. Don't know if I'd go there, but just pointing out different price ranges in the same city.


My friend had it done in Bangkok last month for $30. and they did a great job.....but the airfare might cut out the savings. :)


It's definitely done at a spa or day spa.

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My friend had it done in Bangkok last month for $30. and they did a great job.....but the airfare might cut out the savings. :)


It's definitely done at a spa or day spa.


That made me chuckle. :D I'm going to call around tomorrow and see what I can find out. This should be interesting.

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I'll simplify the original "how to". It is actually pretty simple. I do my full makeup before applying the strip lashes, including lots of mascara and eye liner. Then I cut about 1/3 of the inside of the lash off. I apply adhesive directly to the strip and wait about 30 seconds. Using a pair of tweezers, holding it the middle of the strip, I apply the strip to the upper lid as close to the lashline as possible, then place the outer and inner edges of the lashes. Once the adhesive dries, I go back over the top with liquid/gel liner. Pencil liner tends to pull to much on the lashes and adhesive so I would recommend using a liquid or gel liner. I do not put mascara on the fake lashes.


Around here (Chicago area) it ranges from $100 to $300 for the lash extensions.

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If the $300 fee is exorbitant to you, try some of the Asian nail salons. They often have a technician whose job it is to apply the individual lashes for around $30. I had them done in Chicago--paid $25. They looked great and lasted around a month....no mascara was needed; however I did use eyeliner I'm not sure how they hold up if I go swimming tho....Anyone know about how lashes hold up to swimming? Also after about 3 weeks the eyelashes start itching, and I started rubbing my eyes often. Anyone know of a remedy for this? THANX:)

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If the $300 fee is exorbitant to you, try some of the Asian nail salons. They often have a technician whose job it is to apply the individual lashes for around $30. I had them done in Chicago--paid $25. They looked great and lasted around a month....no mascara was needed; however I did use eyeliner I'm not sure how they hold up if I go swimming tho....Anyone know about how lashes hold up to swimming? Also after about 3 weeks the eyelashes start itching, and I started rubbing my eyes often. Anyone know of a remedy for this? THANX:)



I don't know of anyone, including myself, who had a problem with itching. I never felt them and upon close inspection I could never tell which was my real lash and which was glued on.


I'm guessing that either you're allergic to something in the glue, or the place you went to used a cheaper glue. Maybe a cheaper glue breaks down more easily and the bits go in your eye and make them itch???

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I tried looking online in my area and could only come up with 2 places here in the big city of Columbus that even do this. Only 1 had a price and it said $200 and to do the follow ups its $50. :D



From my POV, it's a good price, but of course, only you know what's a comfortable budget for you to spend on such things.


Keep us posted.

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I didn't get a chance to call around today. I got too busy with work. Tomorrow is not looking good either because I have class all day.


Anyhow, I wanted to ask. I seen a video posted on one of the sites that was advertising for the individual eyelashes. It showed how it was done step by step...then the end result. They did not put the lashes on the bottom. Is this the norm? Or do you usually get lashes on both? I would think both, but this person didn't do the bottom.

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  • 2 weeks later...
If the $300 fee is exorbitant to you, try some of the Asian nail salons. They often have a technician whose job it is to apply the individual lashes for around $30. I had them done in Chicago--paid $25. They looked great and lasted around a month....no mascara was needed; however I did use eyeliner I'm not sure how they hold up if I go swimming tho....Anyone know about how lashes hold up to swimming? Also after about 3 weeks the eyelashes start itching, and I started rubbing my eyes often. Anyone know of a remedy for this? THANX:)


Just want to get this straight - so you bought individual false lashes (like you'd buy at a drugstore or beauty supply store like Ulta)? And they stayed on a month? I would think that they'd come off when you wash your face.

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$200 in Ok for extensions....but they are gorgegous!

The fake lashes by Jamaal Buster are great....you can get them online.....no trimming....all different lengths, thickness, etc........practice before the cruise, and I am sure you can apply them just fine......just take a magnifying mirror with you.

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