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Zip Lining in the Mexican Riviera...Where?

B40 Tha Cruisa

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we did the one in Cabo. Its more deserty than many of the others and there are quite a few climbing and rapelling sections but it was a lot of fun. One of the drawbacks is that its 45 minutes or more from the port so can take all day if the port time is short

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To CruiseDreaming"............if you were to search back through these threads for months, you would find lots of posts from nervous, afraid of heights people, wondering if they would be able to do this tour. The answer always comes back the same..............they loved it! I honestly don't ever remember reading a post where someone regretted zip-lining because they were scared once they started zipping. Go for it. You'll love it. Guaranteed!

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for those of you who have zip lined in PV, is it really scary? If someone had a fear of heights, but can be a little brave--would this be too scary?




Or if you've ziplined in Mazatlan. I want to give this experience to my husband for his birthday but I'm a little scared. Does the zipline feel "secure"? I've done the rock wall on ship, but I know this is much higher. Any info is appreciated.



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We did the Adventure zip line tour in PV through Princess last time. Can't remember the name of the tour operator . . sorry. It consisted of a boat ride, 4x4 trek through a village, donkey ride up a mountain trail, many high zip lines (you're over and in many trees so it doesn't seem as high as some open air lines) then we rapelled down a 100' water fall into the water. The guides managed to get us some of the wild fruit from the trees. It was FANTASTIC!


Note: we're glad we booked through the ship as the tour was late getting back. Our ship had already pulled anchor and was setting sail when we got to it. :eek: Since we booked the tour through the ship, they slowed down for us as we boarded via a side door. WOW What a rush!!!!!! Other people on our little boat did not book through the ship but were lucky enough to be with us.

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From 2007


We were on the Golden Princess April 12th to April 22nd. This is a clip from the cruise review. Enjoy!


We didn’t get to see Puerto Vallarta at all because we took the ships Outdoor Challenge Canopy Adventure tour. What a rush!!!! WOW! :eek:

Ship docked at 9am. Scheduled meeting was 10:45 in the Princess theatre. Our tour was at 11:30am. Dave didn’t want to go into town and chance missing the tour so we stayed on the ship for breakfast. We didn’t know that we could tell the crew at the Princess Theatre that we would meet the tour on the dock! Oh well.

What the tour documents don’t tell you is that you get to this tour via ½ hour ride in a small boat across the choppy ocean. Some people who get seasick need to know this. There were a couple of green people on our boat but nobody required any bags.

The story begins: After arriving at a CUTE little fishing village (I could have stayed there for hours) we get into open-air Mercedes Army type 4x4 trucks and rode for another ½ hour up a rugged mountain side. People are driving little Toyota cars on this road too so it wasn’t that bad.

When we arrived, all of our belongings, including cameras, water, hats and sunglasses are stuffed into a huge duffel bag. The happy guides introduced themselves and fitted us with our gear and helmets. The straps that go around our waist have these heavy pulley things on them and I now have wet thick leather gloves hanging off my sides. We’ve all received safety instructions and are told to hang on and scream when we go down the zip lines (along with some other very serious instructions). We’re off!

A quick little foot trail brings us to the Mule pen where we are instructed on the proper handling of the Mules. I really miss my sunglasses! At this point, we’ve all found that the crew are having way too much fun. These guys are pure entertainment.

By now, they are learning our names and who they can have fun with. We learned a few new words in Spanish to get the Mules moving. My mule really likes the passing lanes!

It’s about 80 degrees and a bit humid. A perfect day. Half an hour on the dusty rugged trail, we arrive at another Mule pen where we said goodbye to our Mules.

More dusty trails and bugs? Yip . . .here we go again . . another vertical trail. My legs are killing me! My knees are shaking from holding onto that fat Mule.

Civilization is long gone along with any chances to cancel this trip! We finally arrive at our very first zip line! It’s 300’ off the ground and about 200’ long. What happened to the ‘training’ that I read about? I thought we would try a little sample zip line close to the ground.

As I go to raise my hand an enormous venomous bug with a huge stinger flutters around my leg! AHHH!!!! Laughter erupts from the crowd as I find that the bug was actually a crew member abusing his authorities. He was tickling my leg with a palm leaf! If I could only find a way to get him back! We all laughed then turned our gaze to the zip line.

A hollow sea of trees awaits its first victim. The first 2 or 3 crew members zip down the line ahead of us. Somebody has to be down there to catch us at the bottom! They gracefully fly through the air to the platform in the trees bellow.

Dee, the first victim, is hooked up to the cables. With a slight nudge off the platform, she screams wildly into the wind. Did she make it? My boyfriend is afraid of heights (ya learn something new everyday!) he’s looking a bit green right about now. They hook him up and send him down. He lands on the platform bellow and disappears onto the next trail. Was he ok with it? Where did he go?

It’s my turn! The crew member takes a large pulley thing off my side as I worriedly inspect the zip line cables. As if I really know what I’m looking at. 2 parallel cables attached to the platform by a triangle type station then tied to trees. I think I’m ok with this. I’m all hooked up, ready and butt puckered then poof HE slides down the cable! I was so busy looking at the cables, I didn’t realize that he was hooking himself up. ARGH! You really need watch these guys. They are a lot of fun. He had already hooked my safety strap to the safety rope so I wouldn’t go anywhere. It’s all very safe fun with this crew.

Ok, now it’s really my turn. We all put on our gloves to find that they are all wet and cool. Why are they wet?

My pulleys are attached to the zip lines by a crew member. The safety cable from my side is attached to the cable bracket on the zip line. As I bend my knees, I can feel that my weight is supported by the harness around my hips. It’s like a soft seat, very comfortable and secure. My left hand is wrapped around the rope that I’m hanging from. My right hand is behind and above my head resting gently on the bottom of the 2 zip lines. To slow down, I pull down (don’t close your hand) on the line. Off I go!

The ground disappeared as the breeze whisks my hair back. It’s beautiful! I’m so high off the ground! There must be a hundreds of tre . . . . . oh dear . . there’s the platform .. pull down with my right hand to slow down like they said. UGH . . Ok. I’m here and safe. That was fantastic!!! Can I do that again in slow motion so I can take in more of the scenery? On the platform, I pull down on the top zip line to help the crew member remove my pulley from the line more easily. It’s a race to get me unhooked because now the next victim is on the line coming down.

Get out of the way! As I look up somebody pointed to the trail which leads to the next platform. How many more vertical dusty trails are around here and where is my Mule when I need him most? ARGH! About half way up the trail, I have to stop. I’m worn out and extremely thirsty. My knees are still shaking from the Mule ride and the excitement of my very first zip line. I just can’t do this. Somebody should have told me . . ok . . they did tell me that it was a physical ‘experience’. I pry my self off the rock and continue on. YEEHAA!!! Bottled water and my long lost boyfriend! He WAS afraid of heights. Now he’s having such a great time he can’t wait to get to the next zip line.

Cold water, is it a mirage? There are two ice chests filled with cold bottles of water. Who in the world was responsible for getting these way up here? We’re on the top of a mountain! They’re both pretty beat up which makes me wonder if they traversed the zip lines too.

I make it to the next zip line platform. Zip line after zip line. The views get better and better. Zipping over trees and rivers. Platform to platform, the trails are long gone. There’s a waterfall. You can see other zip lines criss-crossing through the canyons but you can’t see their platforms. The sounds of Tarzan (my boyfriend who WAS afraid of heights) and screams of crazy women fill the air. Now, we’re all professional zippers. We’ve traversed the zip lines high in the mountains of Mexico.

I get to the next zip line that seems to be pretty steep down to the next platform. The crew member on the platform grabs that weird looking pie shaped metal gadget that’s been silently sitting on my side the entire tour (I was afraid to ask what it was). He wraps a rope around it, gives it a twist, pushes it through one of my brackets . . . “Hey? You’re doing that wrong!” Was my first thought (I’m a professional zipper now). We are repelling now huh? Ok, I can do this too. I’m not supposed to stop with my right hand on this one. The guy who is holding the rope at the bottom will tighten the rope to stop me. This doesn’t sound right. Pull a rope at the bottom to stop gravity and my big puckered butt? Oh my. Down I go.

This was a short little drop compared to the other ones so it was quick. It worked! Now we’re at the top of a waterfall. It’s beautiful. The sound of rushing water sounded refreshing in the hot afternoon. Here, we do a real rappel down the face of the rock mountain bordering the 50’ waterfall. I really need my camera! No jumping out away from the rock (like you see on TV). Simply walk down the rock face. My right hand holds the rope that controls my speed so I can go slower on this one. A photographer snaps a few pictures of me. I feel so special! SPLASH! I land in water up to my ankles. WOOO that’s cold! Fantastic! What a rush!

The waterfall is broken into sections. It starts about 300’ up the mountain then goes into a puddle then falls then puddle then falls etc, all the way to the bottom. We get to the next repel where there is a deeper puddle at the end. You could loose a VW in this one. My boyfriend (The Super Zipper Tarzan Dude who used to be afraid of heights) is going down the zip line when the crew member grabs the line, gives it a good pull which completely dunks my boyfriend into the water. Everybody around burst into laughter except for me, I was next and that water looked really cold. I held myself up high while zipping down the 30’ line towards that cold water. As the crew member yanked on the line, I could feel my body curl upwards. I didn’t know I could do that! SPLASH into the water clear up to my shoulders!! AAHHHH!!! Holly COWW That’s Cccccold!

The ‘receiving’ crew member or ‘catcher’ saw that I needed help getting completely wet so he splashed me some more. I felt like a drunken sailor trying to pull myself out of that water. There’s nothing ladylike about this tour! I brush myself off as if to clean off any embarrassment that may still be attached.

As I look up, I see the granddaddy of all zip lines. This line may be as long as the ship! Ok, it’s not, but it is pretty intimidating. One of the crew members scrambles into the woods and brings out a long stick. Maybe he’s going to do some fancy grand finale’ zip trick? Nope. He knows that there is a fruit tree half way down the line and he’s going to try to knock some fruit down for us. Excellent idea!

He slides half way down the line wildly swinging this 5’ long stick aimlessly into the tree tops. As he stops, he takes aim at the tree with the fruit. Everybody is cheering him on now! We can see the tree that he’s aiming at but it’s too far away to see the fruit on the tree. He must have succeeded because he slid down to the next platform.

We all took turns going down the King Kong of zip lines trying to see the fruit on the fruit trees bellow. What a rush! I noticed that people are taking off their gloves. NO! I’m not done! That wasn’t the last one, was it?

Once the group gathered together, we all hit the trail. This time, the trail was going down hill and we were much cooler. Elephant Ears, ferns and various other plants lined the trail. Skinny branches were 30’ long winding up and around other plants, across the trail and flowing gracefully up the hill.. I can’t tell if they’re roots or branches. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

By now, we’re skipping on the trail like little kids on the prairie. This has been a day that I’ll never forget! Around the corner, a few crew members trot up into the bushes to gather the fruit that had fallen earlier. I had completely forgotten about the fruit that they worked so hard to get down for us! The yellow fruit was the size of a plum with 2 or even 3 large seeds inside. Lemoncia (spelling?) was sour yet sweet. It was almost a cross-breed between a peach and a lemon. Yum!

A little bit later we’re back at the base where we were originally geared up. No Mules on the trip down I guess! We strip our gear and rinse out our shoes. Everybody has hat-head from wearing helmets all day and we’re all pretty hungry.

It’s about 3:45pm now. They offer us some chips & salsa and show us our pictures (at $15 each). It’s about 4:15. Last ship tender is at 5pm and we still have over half an hour 4x4 ride down the hill AND half an hour boat ride to get back to the ship. It’s a good thing we booked this through the cruise line! Did I mention that its dinner time and we never got lunch?

The 4x4 trip down the hill was just as exhilarating as the ride up hill. We get to that CUTE little fishing village at the bottom of the hill and it seems that we still have to wait for the boat. Perfect! We can order a real Mexican burrito from one of the beach vendors. By now, I’m starving and my blood sugar is dropping.

Here comes the boat. Everybody swarms to the boat but we still don’t have the burrito! As we scamper away from the tables, the waiter comes running with my burrito. Life is good and so is the burrito!

A storm hovers overhead as the ocean comes alive. Senor Capitan presses full speed ahead to make up for lost time. Save the burrito! I feel sorry for the people towards the back of the boat. One gentleman next to us had a beer that was splashing and my salsa was flying.

Some of the people in our group were from the Holland America ship or the Carnival Pride. They drop us off at the tender pier where the very last tender waited for us to board. I’m SO glad we booked though the cruise line! We hop on the tender only to find that there was another Golden Princess ship tour that was running late. It was a dolphin tour.

As we approached the ship, we see the anchor coming up. People on decks were applauding us. Apparently, the ship captain had announced that they were waiting for our group before they could set sail.

We’re off to the buffet! We can shower later!

Tips: No bug spray please. You will be going through rivers and the poison will contaminate the water. Wear good shoes. I’m glad I wore tennis shoes. Sandals will allow rocks in. There were a number of rocky, sandy, pebble trails. They will ask you to take off all hats because you’ll be wearing helmets.

Do-rags or Skullcaps were popular and ok to keep on. All in all, this tour gets an A in my book. I would definitely do that again.

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To CruiseDreaming"............if you were to search back through these threads for months, you would find lots of posts from nervous, afraid of heights people, wondering if they would be able to do this tour. The answer always comes back the same..............they loved it! I honestly don't ever remember reading a post where someone regretted zip-lining because they were scared once they started zipping. Go for it. You'll love it. Guaranteed!


Thank you! GinDon, I will look to see if I can find some of those posts, but you have put me at ease. Now all I have to do is decided which one to do, Mazatlan or PV (I will be going thru the ship for excursions).


Thank you again!



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Does anyone know what actual site location or where the excursion tour groups Carnival uses for the Canopy Aventure or Extreme Canopy tours? In other words are they the exact same tours as the El Eden Tour or the Vallarta Adventures or the Los Veranos


I realize you take a risk booking your own tour and not using a ship excursion especially when it comes to the possibility of running late, transportation vehicles breaking down and such but the price difference of you booking yourself vs onboard is pretty different.



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  • 3 months later...
Does anyone know what actual site location or where the excursion tour groups Carnival uses for the Canopy Aventure or Extreme Canopy tours? In other words are they the exact same tours as the El Eden Tour or the Vallarta Adventures or the Los Veranos


I realize you take a risk booking your own tour and not using a ship excursion especially when it comes to the possibility of running late, transportation vehicles breaking down and such but the price difference of you booking yourself vs onboard is pretty different.




Shipstours are done by Vallarta Adventures. They have their own canopy-site in the mountains.

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Los Veranos PV is my vote. Just back last month and it was terrific. Guides were wonderful and very calming for a afraid of heights gal like me. AFter the 2nd line I couldn't wait to get hooked back up and zip again. Booked direct with them. Called PuertoVallartaTours but the staff didn't seem to have their act together. You get a small discount when booking online. Can't wait to go backto PV and zip again!

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Just book Los Veranos throught their web site. I celebrated my 70th birthday there with my grandkids. Fun, Fun. If I can do it, all of you out there can do it. Lines are high, long, fast, and safe. Guides are funny and most encouraging. Don't miss it!

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  • 5 years later...
From 2007




We were on the Golden Princess April 12th to April 22nd. This is a clip from the cruise review. Enjoy!




We didn’t get to see Puerto Vallarta at all because we took the ships Outdoor Challenge Canopy Adventure tour. What a rush!!!! WOW! :eek:



Ship docked at 9am. Scheduled meeting was 10:45 in the Princess theatre. Our tour was at 11:30am. Dave didn’t want to go into town and chance missing the tour so we stayed on the ship for breakfast. We didn’t know that we could tell the crew at the Princess Theatre that we would meet the tour on the dock! Oh well.



What the tour documents don’t tell you is that you get to this tour via ½ hour ride in a small boat across the choppy ocean. Some people who get seasick need to know this. There were a couple of green people on our boat but nobody required any bags.



The story begins: After arriving at a CUTE little fishing village (I could have stayed there for hours) we get into open-air Mercedes Army type 4x4 trucks and rode for another ½ hour up a rugged mountain side. People are driving little Toyota cars on this road too so it wasn’t that bad.



When we arrived, all of our belongings, including cameras, water, hats and sunglasses are stuffed into a huge duffel bag. The happy guides introduced themselves and fitted us with our gear and helmets. The straps that go around our waist have these heavy pulley things on them and I now have wet thick leather gloves hanging off my sides. We’ve all received safety instructions and are told to hang on and scream when we go down the zip lines (along with some other very serious instructions). We’re off!



A quick little foot trail brings us to the Mule pen where we are instructed on the proper handling of the Mules. I really miss my sunglasses! At this point, we’ve all found that the crew are having way too much fun. These guys are pure entertainment.



By now, they are learning our names and who they can have fun with. We learned a few new words in Spanish to get the Mules moving. My mule really likes the passing lanes!



It’s about 80 degrees and a bit humid. A perfect day. Half an hour on the dusty rugged trail, we arrive at another Mule pen where we said goodbye to our Mules.



More dusty trails and bugs? Yip . . .here we go again . . another vertical trail. My legs are killing me! My knees are shaking from holding onto that fat Mule.



Civilization is long gone along with any chances to cancel this trip! We finally arrive at our very first zip line! It’s 300’ off the ground and about 200’ long. What happened to the ‘training’ that I read about? I thought we would try a little sample zip line close to the ground.



As I go to raise my hand an enormous venomous bug with a huge stinger flutters around my leg! AHHH!!!! Laughter erupts from the crowd as I find that the bug was actually a crew member abusing his authorities. He was tickling my leg with a palm leaf! If I could only find a way to get him back! We all laughed then turned our gaze to the zip line.



A hollow sea of trees awaits its first victim. The first 2 or 3 crew members zip down the line ahead of us. Somebody has to be down there to catch us at the bottom! They gracefully fly through the air to the platform in the trees bellow.



Dee, the first victim, is hooked up to the cables. With a slight nudge off the platform, she screams wildly into the wind. Did she make it? My boyfriend is afraid of heights (ya learn something new everyday!) he’s looking a bit green right about now. They hook him up and send him down. He lands on the platform bellow and disappears onto the next trail. Was he ok with it? Where did he go?



It’s my turn! The crew member takes a large pulley thing off my side as I worriedly inspect the zip line cables. As if I really know what I’m looking at. 2 parallel cables attached to the platform by a triangle type station then tied to trees. I think I’m ok with this. I’m all hooked up, ready and butt puckered then poof HE slides down the cable! I was so busy looking at the cables, I didn’t realize that he was hooking himself up. ARGH! You really need watch these guys. They are a lot of fun. He had already hooked my safety strap to the safety rope so I wouldn’t go anywhere. It’s all very safe fun with this crew.



Ok, now it’s really my turn. We all put on our gloves to find that they are all wet and cool. Why are they wet?



My pulleys are attached to the zip lines by a crew member. The safety cable from my side is attached to the cable bracket on the zip line. As I bend my knees, I can feel that my weight is supported by the harness around my hips. It’s like a soft seat, very comfortable and secure. My left hand is wrapped around the rope that I’m hanging from. My right hand is behind and above my head resting gently on the bottom of the 2 zip lines. To slow down, I pull down (don’t close your hand) on the line. Off I go!



The ground disappeared as the breeze whisks my hair back. It’s beautiful! I’m so high off the ground! There must be a hundreds of tre . . . . . oh dear . . there’s the platform .. pull down with my right hand to slow down like they said. UGH . . Ok. I’m here and safe. That was fantastic!!! Can I do that again in slow motion so I can take in more of the scenery? On the platform, I pull down on the top zip line to help the crew member remove my pulley from the line more easily. It’s a race to get me unhooked because now the next victim is on the line coming down.



Get out of the way! As I look up somebody pointed to the trail which leads to the next platform. How many more vertical dusty trails are around here and where is my Mule when I need him most? ARGH! About half way up the trail, I have to stop. I’m worn out and extremely thirsty. My knees are still shaking from the Mule ride and the excitement of my very first zip line. I just can’t do this. Somebody should have told me . . ok . . they did tell me that it was a physical ‘experience’. I pry my self off the rock and continue on. YEEHAA!!! Bottled water and my long lost boyfriend! He WAS afraid of heights. Now he’s having such a great time he can’t wait to get to the next zip line.



Cold water, is it a mirage? There are two ice chests filled with cold bottles of water. Who in the world was responsible for getting these way up here? We’re on the top of a mountain! They’re both pretty beat up which makes me wonder if they traversed the zip lines too.



I make it to the next zip line platform. Zip line after zip line. The views get better and better. Zipping over trees and rivers. Platform to platform, the trails are long gone. There’s a waterfall. You can see other zip lines criss-crossing through the canyons but you can’t see their platforms. The sounds of Tarzan (my boyfriend who WAS afraid of heights) and screams of crazy women fill the air. Now, we’re all professional zippers. We’ve traversed the zip lines high in the mountains of Mexico.



I get to the next zip line that seems to be pretty steep down to the next platform. The crew member on the platform grabs that weird looking pie shaped metal gadget that’s been silently sitting on my side the entire tour (I was afraid to ask what it was). He wraps a rope around it, gives it a twist, pushes it through one of my brackets . . . “Hey? You’re doing that wrong!” Was my first thought (I’m a professional zipper now). We are repelling now huh? Ok, I can do this too. I’m not supposed to stop with my right hand on this one. The guy who is holding the rope at the bottom will tighten the rope to stop me. This doesn’t sound right. Pull a rope at the bottom to stop gravity and my big puckered butt? Oh my. Down I go.



This was a short little drop compared to the other ones so it was quick. It worked! Now we’re at the top of a waterfall. It’s beautiful. The sound of rushing water sounded refreshing in the hot afternoon. Here, we do a real rappel down the face of the rock mountain bordering the 50’ waterfall. I really need my camera! No jumping out away from the rock (like you see on TV). Simply walk down the rock face. My right hand holds the rope that controls my speed so I can go slower on this one. A photographer snaps a few pictures of me. I feel so special! SPLASH! I land in water up to my ankles. WOOO that’s cold! Fantastic! What a rush!



The waterfall is broken into sections. It starts about 300’ up the mountain then goes into a puddle then falls then puddle then falls etc, all the way to the bottom. We get to the next repel where there is a deeper puddle at the end. You could loose a VW in this one. My boyfriend (The Super Zipper Tarzan Dude who used to be afraid of heights) is going down the zip line when the crew member grabs the line, gives it a good pull which completely dunks my boyfriend into the water. Everybody around burst into laughter except for me, I was next and that water looked really cold. I held myself up high while zipping down the 30’ line towards that cold water. As the crew member yanked on the line, I could feel my body curl upwards. I didn’t know I could do that! SPLASH into the water clear up to my shoulders!! AAHHHH!!! Holly COWW That’s Cccccold!



The ‘receiving’ crew member or ‘catcher’ saw that I needed help getting completely wet so he splashed me some more. I felt like a drunken sailor trying to pull myself out of that water. There’s nothing ladylike about this tour! I brush myself off as if to clean off any embarrassment that may still be attached.



As I look up, I see the granddaddy of all zip lines. This line may be as long as the ship! Ok, it’s not, but it is pretty intimidating. One of the crew members scrambles into the woods and brings out a long stick. Maybe he’s going to do some fancy grand finale’ zip trick? Nope. He knows that there is a fruit tree half way down the line and he’s going to try to knock some fruit down for us. Excellent idea!



He slides half way down the line wildly swinging this 5’ long stick aimlessly into the tree tops. As he stops, he takes aim at the tree with the fruit. Everybody is cheering him on now! We can see the tree that he’s aiming at but it’s too far away to see the fruit on the tree. He must have succeeded because he slid down to the next platform.



We all took turns going down the King Kong of zip lines trying to see the fruit on the fruit trees bellow. What a rush! I noticed that people are taking off their gloves. NO! I’m not done! That wasn’t the last one, was it?



Once the group gathered together, we all hit the trail. This time, the trail was going down hill and we were much cooler. Elephant Ears, ferns and various other plants lined the trail. Skinny branches were 30’ long winding up and around other plants, across the trail and flowing gracefully up the hill.. I can’t tell if they’re roots or branches. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.



By now, we’re skipping on the trail like little kids on the prairie. This has been a day that I’ll never forget! Around the corner, a few crew members trot up into the bushes to gather the fruit that had fallen earlier. I had completely forgotten about the fruit that they worked so hard to get down for us! The yellow fruit was the size of a plum with 2 or even 3 large seeds inside. Lemoncia (spelling?) was sour yet sweet. It was almost a cross-breed between a peach and a lemon. Yum!



A little bit later we’re back at the base where we were originally geared up. No Mules on the trip down I guess! We strip our gear and rinse out our shoes. Everybody has hat-head from wearing helmets all day and we’re all pretty hungry.



It’s about 3:45pm now. They offer us some chips & salsa and show us our pictures (at $15 each). It’s about 4:15. Last ship tender is at 5pm and we still have over half an hour 4x4 ride down the hill AND half an hour boat ride to get back to the ship. It’s a good thing we booked this through the cruise line! Did I mention that its dinner time and we never got lunch?



The 4x4 trip down the hill was just as exhilarating as the ride up hill. We get to that CUTE little fishing village at the bottom of the hill and it seems that we still have to wait for the boat. Perfect! We can order a real Mexican burrito from one of the beach vendors. By now, I’m starving and my blood sugar is dropping.



Here comes the boat. Everybody swarms to the boat but we still don’t have the burrito! As we scamper away from the tables, the waiter comes running with my burrito. Life is good and so is the burrito!



A storm hovers overhead as the ocean comes alive. Senor Capitan presses full speed ahead to make up for lost time. Save the burrito! I feel sorry for the people towards the back of the boat. One gentleman next to us had a beer that was splashing and my salsa was flying.



Some of the people in our group were from the Holland America ship or the Carnival Pride. They drop us off at the tender pier where the very last tender waited for us to board. I’m SO glad we booked though the cruise line! We hop on the tender only to find that there was another Golden Princess ship tour that was running late. It was a dolphin tour.



As we approached the ship, we see the anchor coming up. People on decks were applauding us. Apparently, the ship captain had announced that they were waiting for our group before they could set sail.



We’re off to the buffet! We can shower later!



Tips: No bug spray please. You will be going through rivers and the poison will contaminate the water. Wear good shoes. I’m glad I wore tennis shoes. Sandals will allow rocks in. There were a number of rocky, sandy, pebble trails. They will ask you to take off all hats because you’ll be wearing helmets.


Do-rags or Skullcaps were popular and ok to keep on. All in all, this tour gets an A in my book. I would definitely do that again.



Thank you for you detailed impressions of your experience!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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