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What if the 2nd passenger in a double cabin can't come at the last minute?


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I'm asking because my mother, who isn't in the best of health, does not want to decide until the last minute whether or not to cruise with us, and I'm trying to determine that if she is a no-show, how that will impact the rest of us.


It's my understanding that if I call Princess to let them know mom isn't coming, they will re-ticket the first passenger at the current single rate, which is much higher than what the two people together originally paid for the cabin. Also, onboard credit that the second passenger earned would be lost.


So then, is it better for the second passenger to just be a no-show? Will the rest of the party be allowed to check-in anyway, because I thought everyone on the same reservation had to be present at check-in time? If this can be done, do you pretend that the other person is arriving later/spearately, or do you tell them at check-in that the person will be a no-show? Are there any post-check-in complications with this option?


In this scenerio, the second person (who does have Princess cruise insurance) is not interested in getting their money back, and there is no one else who can take the person's place, so please do not offer those options.


To further complicate matters, we accepted a move-over offer last year, so we are on this sailing in mini-suites for which we paid inside prices, and we have enormous onboard credit. I've already tried speaking directly with Princess about this, but the supervisor that I must deal with (since this is a move-over reservation, I have to go through a specific person) isn't so interested in helping me find the most cost-effective option. She'd like my mom to cancel outright, and re-ticket my reservation for thousands more than I paid plus remove mom's onboard credit. Of course, when we accepted the offer, mom was in better health, and didn't imagine that she might not be up to taking the cruise a year later. I know that's the risk we take when accepting a move-over offer, so all I'm looking for is the best way to handle the situation if she decides at the last minute not to come with us.

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I don't think you would receive the shipboard credit associated with a 'no show'.


If there is a credit card assigned to the no-show in the cruise personalizer (perhaps Donna's) the automatic charges for tips will be debited from that account as well as excursions can be charged against that account. You wouldn't have a cruise card for the potential no-show but the onboard credit should be able to be used for the things mentioned.

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If there is a credit card assigned to the no-show in the cruise personalizer (perhaps Donna's) the automatic charges for tips will be debited from that account as well as excursions can be charged against that account. You wouldn't have a cruise card for the potential no-show but the onboard credit should be able to be used for the things mentioned.


But, no matter which credit card you put into the princess personalizer, it must be scanned for the passengers again when you check in. I have never known them to just use the credit card listed on the Personalizer without using a credit card, whether it be the one you listed on the PP or a different one, at check in.


I have also never heard of them charging gratuities for a no show. ???

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I don't think anyone else can use your Mom's shipboard credit, but your travel agent can help you figure out the best options for the other passengers.


If both passengers have insurance and final payment is made by both passengers, the insurance should pick up the difference in cost if one passenger cancels due to illness. There are lots of possibilities.



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my niece was a no show on a cruise I did with my sister and a friend a year ago. She was in my cabin. No problems checking in. The Purser's desk did call my room to ask my if my niece would be boarding and I just let them know she would not be (even though I had let the check in counter know as well). You won't have to worry about your mom's account being charged tips if she doesn't come.

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I don't think anyone else can use your Mom's shipboard credit, but your travel agent can help you figure out the best options for the other passengers.


If both passengers have insurance and final payment is made by both passengers, the insurance should pick up the difference in cost if one passenger cancels due to illness. There are lots of possibilities.




We are dealing directly with the move-over supervisor at Princess (no TA), and as I mentioned, she says that I need to call Princess if my mother cancels and that mom can't just "no-show". And then, she will re-ticket the reservation as a single for me (which will cost me well over a thousand dollars), and will remove half of the onboard credit attached to that room.


So, she is not the best person to figure out my options, and that's why I came to the boards for advice and opinions.

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my niece was a no show on a cruise I did with my sister and a friend a year ago. She was in my cabin. No problems checking in. The Purser's desk did call my room to ask my if my niece would be boarding and I just let them know she would not be (even though I had let the check in counter know as well). You won't have to worry about your mom's account being charged tips if she doesn't come.


Thank you for the reassuring advice!

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A similar thing happened to me 2 years ago. My Wife and I were taking a cruise with Her Father and his Girlfriend. Her father passed away 3 weeks before the cruise. This was the only cruise that I did not purchase insurance (I paid for all four of us and was trying to save a little $$)


I called Princess and they said that there were a couple options


1. we could change the name of one pax on the booking so The Girlfriend could go with someone else in her cabin.


2. She could just go alone and the other pax would just be a no show at the pier but there would be no refund of any kind for the no show.


The outcome-

His Girlfriend decided that she didn't want to go so we added my brother to her booking and she was a now show at the pier. My brother got a free cruise and received the on board credit from the FCC that was assigned to the cabin. The person that did not show up was not charged for any gratuities.

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I don't have first hand experience but just this advice. Make an appt for your Mom to see her doctor a few days before departure. This will document that she is not well enough to cruise and get a letter from the doctor. Don't give Princess a head's up, just show up without Mom. Worse case they will charge you the extra $ but bring a copy of the letter and a sad face. After the cruise you can file a claim and be reimbursed by the cruise insurance. As far as her portion of the OBC, you may lose it. If you get it think of it as a gift, which it was for your original move over. Anyway, have a wonderful time and I hope your Mom will be able to join you.

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I don't have first hand experience but just this advice. Make an appt for your Mom to see her doctor a few days before departure. This will document that she is not well enough to cruise and get a letter from the doctor. Don't give Princess a head's up, just show up without Mom. Worse case they will charge you the extra $ but bring a copy of the letter and a sad face. After the cruise you can file a claim and be reimbursed by the cruise insurance. As far as her portion of the OBC, you may lose it. If you get it think of it as a gift, which it was for your original move over. Anyway, have a wonderful time and I hope your Mom will be able to join you.


I think this is a good plan. I'd go with this it covers all angles.

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I’m confused, can someone help me understand this one. If you have made final payment and is less than 30 days from sailing and did not buy the insurance the line keeps the no show/ ill pax fare and all is the same for the remaining pax in the cabin. If the pax has INS the cruise line still keeps the full fare and the INS Company makes the pax whole again. Why would the remaining pax in the cabin be refaired? In both cases the cruise line gets paid. (Usually you would find a stand in to go and you can change 1 name for a fee.)

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A friend of mine booked two cabins, one for her and DH and one for her sister and boyfriend. They had an OBC of $200 for each person, some promotion they received. The night before they boarded the ship her sister and boyfriend had a fight and he did not show up at the pier. The 3 of them checked-in and before the ship sailed the purser desk contacted her sister and asked if the other person (her boyfriend) was planning on boarding. She informed the purser's desk that she was not sure. The ship sailed, no boyfriend and when her sister received her final bill, the last night, her fare was recalculated as a single passenger for the cabin and she was charged an additional $1,035.00. The sister argued with them stating she was not aware that the boyfriend was not going to show. They would not compromise and told her even had her boyfriend informed them prior to sail away, she would of still been charged for a single rate passenger. They did agree to remove the auto-tip for her boyfriend but they also removed the OBC. Unfortunately, she thought she could use his OBC, and charged his share, $200, which she ended up having to pay. All in all, it cost her $1,235.00. It was a very expensive lesson. The boyfriend did have travel insurance but did not have the "cancel for any reason", so she received no reimbursement that way, either.


I think I would not take a chance and just cancel your mother now and have her give you the insurance money, if they cover her, to help make up the difference.

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I’m confused, can someone help me understand this one. If you have made final payment and is less than 30 days from sailing and did not buy the insurance the line keeps the no show/ ill pax fare and all is the same for the remaining pax in the cabin. If the pax has INS the cruise line still keeps the full fare and the INS Company makes the pax whole again. Why would the remaining pax in the cabin be refaired? In both cases the cruise line gets paid. (Usually you would find a stand in to go and you can change 1 name for a fee.)


Exactly! This is what has me (the OP) baffled too. If my mom can't come or is a no-show, we expect them to keep her fare. But, it's a huge issue (over $2000 at the current rate) if they refare me (the remaining passenger) as a single.

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A friend of mine booked two cabins, one for her and DH and one for her sister and boyfriend. They had an OBC of $200 for each person, some promotion they received. The night before they boarded the ship her sister and boyfriend had a fight and he did not show up at the pier. The 3 of them checked-in and before the ship sailed the purser desk contacted her sister and asked if the other person (her boyfriend) was planning on boarding. She informed the purser's desk that she was not sure. The ship sailed, no boyfriend and when her sister received her final bill, the last night, her fare was recalculated as a single passenger for the cabin and she was charged an additional $1,035.00. The sister argued with them stating she was not aware that the boyfriend was not going to show. They would not compromise and told her even had her boyfriend informed them prior to sail away, she would of still been charged for a single rate passenger. They did agree to remove the auto-tip for her boyfriend but they also removed the OBC. Unfortunately, she thought she could use his OBC, and charged his share, $200, which she ended up having to pay. All in all, it cost her $1,235.00. It was a very expensive lesson. The boyfriend did have travel insurance but did not have the "cancel for any reason", so she received no reimbursement that way, either.


I think I would not take a chance and just cancel your mother now and have her give you the insurance money, if they cover her, to help make up the difference.



This has me scared...I suppose if my mom decides not to come at the last minute, we should find someone to replace her. Even if that person goes for free b/c my mom doesn't care about losing her fare (minus the $50 fee to change the name), at least I'll avoid being reticketed.


Anyway, thanks to everyone who chimed in with their thoughts and shared their experiences! It really helped me to think things out.

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Forgive me if you have already answered this but do you also have Princess Insurance? If you do they will reimburse you for any changes you may incur due to the increase in the per person occupancy rate. So your mother can get her money back (if she didn't know about this within the 60 days before purchasing the insurance) and you can get your additional fare covered. Read the info in the coverage on page 3 Part A item a) under trip cancellation.



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A friend of mine booked two cabins, one for her and DH and one for her sister and boyfriend. They had an OBC of $200 for each person, some promotion they received. The night before they boarded the ship her sister and boyfriend had a fight and he did not show up at the pier. The 3 of them checked-in and before the ship sailed the purser desk contacted her sister and asked if the other person (her boyfriend) was planning on boarding. She informed the purser's desk that she was not sure. The ship sailed, no boyfriend and when her sister received her final bill, the last night, her fare was recalculated as a single passenger for the cabin and she was charged an additional $1,035.00. The sister argued with them stating she was not aware that the boyfriend was not going to show. They would not compromise and told her even had her boyfriend informed them prior to sail away, she would of still been charged for a single rate passenger. They did agree to remove the auto-tip for her boyfriend but they also removed the OBC. Unfortunately, she thought she could use his OBC, and charged his share, $200, which she ended up having to pay. All in all, it cost her $1,235.00. It was a very expensive lesson. The boyfriend did have travel insurance but did not have the "cancel for any reason", so she received no reimbursement that way, either.


I think I would not take a chance and just cancel your mother now and have her give you the insurance money, if they cover her, to help make up the difference.


Wow. So Princess kept the boyfriend's fare AND charged extra for the sister? It seems to me that, if they kept his fare they had no right to charge her more - doesn't that mean that they essentially charged triple?

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Always buy insurance either thru the cruise line or thru a private insurer especially if you have prexisting conditions. Go to Insuremytrip.com


I don't understand the refaring, as I never in my experience had a customer charged more, unless you mean you are now paying the single rate which is double and the other passenger that could not go wasn't charged. All in All, insurance would cover this.


Diane in Music City

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Wow. So Princess kept the boyfriend's fare AND charged extra for the sister? It seems to me that, if they kept his fare they had no right to charge her more - doesn't that mean that they essentially charged triple?


Yep, that is exactly what they did. It's not fair but their rules and when you book you agree to these terms. Unfortunately, most people don;t read the fine print or ask the "What If" questions.

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This has me scared...I suppose if my mom decides not to come at the last minute, we should find someone to replace her. Even if that person goes for free b/c my mom doesn't care about losing her fare (minus the $50 fee to change the name), at least I'll avoid being reticketed.


Anyway, thanks to everyone who chimed in with their thoughts and shared their experiences! It really helped me to think things out.


Be careful, I know some cruise lines will not let you transfer a passenger for another passenger after final payment. Please check with the cruise line, to make sure. I do know that some cruise lines will make you cancel the entire booking with penalties applying and then have you re-book the cabin.


This is why it is so important to have insurance, the cruise lines have lots of goofy rules.


I really hope it works out for you.

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If they did not refare then everyone would book double and have one not show up at the pier and expect a refund.


I can see that being a problem if they actually refunded if one person cancels. They don't, so why they would charge the remaining person the single supplement AND keep the canceled fare?


If we pay $1000 each for my wife and I to go, and she cancels at the last minute, why should Princess be allowed to charge me $2000 as well as keep my wife's $1000?

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I can see that being a problem if they actually refunded if one person cancels. They don't, so why they would charge the remaining person the single supplement AND keep the canceled fare?


If we pay $1000 each for my wife and I to go, and she cancels at the last minute, why should Princess be allowed to charge me $2000 as well as keep my wife's $1000?


Yes absolutley, no insurance no refund.

It falls under the 100% cancelation penalty. Why would they refund your wifes fare and then let the solo in the cabin pay only their fare based on 2 people in the cabin?

Your wife forfeits her fare (cancelation policy) and the solo in the cabin will pay the proper fare.

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