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P&O Passengers

William Hartnell

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I tend to agree with Thanite on 25th at 1042. Our first P&O cruise was on Orcades in the early 70s, the cabins had bunk beds and the common toilet and shower facilities were down the corridor. There was little entertainment provided. P&O and the other lines improved quickly thereafter and set high standards in the late 80s. Cunard and P&O went 'head to head' to be recognised as 'top dog'. Now we believe Cunard lead as they haven't dumbed down to the same extent as P&O has in the last 10 years. The food was better then, the choice was greater, you didn't pay for extras like lectures and cabin extras, the late night buffet was a sumptious affair that attracted many late-nighters, the passengers were polite with niceties like 'please', 'thank-you', 'excuse me' etc. My agent tells me many of his long-term cruisers have said enough is enough and are migrating to the so called '6 star' ships but to go less because their budgets haven't changed. Aurora, Oriana and Artemis are not bad, we think Arcadia is one step down - for starters who wants to go to a Captain's Cocktail Party in a sweaty indoor swimming pool and to a cinema with conference chairs in a row and a pull-down screen (this has now changed). Ventura we haven't been on but were put off by reports of kids running wild and trashing Xmas trees. Oceana is a lovely ship but our Carribean cruise was somewhat marred by the antics of a few - swimming costumes and nothing on the feet in the self service eventhough the morning paper asked people not to on a daily basis. This was just one example. I hope P&O don't let it go too far and I'm encouraged that Carol Marlow moved last year from running Cunard (which we believe has higher standards) to running P&O. Good luck to her.

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Oh dear, you read that the wrong way! No, I didn't sit and just watch a sunbed. We had gone to the sundeck and were sitting at a table and chairs, because there was no sunbed available. We both noticed that there were two sunbeds with towels and a book on them. After about an hour, we just decided enough was enough, so we moved the items on to the table and took the sunbeds. The owners of the items came back another hour later. I think they got the message.

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There is one other argument to put forward as regards the "declining standards/things aren't as good as they used to be" comment. None of us is getting any younger; I, for example, am astonished to find that I am ten years older than I was ten years ago! That might seem like a facetious point but it's not mean as such. I am certainly aware that I am becoming more aware of and less capable of coping with certain things: people in crowds, for example, certain types of noise. I haven't been cruising that long, but if I had I wonder if I might think that things had 'got worse', even if they hadn't, simply because I was older? That something that in previous years was barely noticed could now be a serious intrusion and annoyance, just as a result of the passing years?

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You make a good point about getting older and a little less tolerant. I could tolerate any amount of noise from people and things but as I get older noise becomes a major issue on the nerves. I wish that when I was younger and being noisy I had known or understood how difficult an issue it was for older people.

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So agree, but then I suffer from Tinnitus, so sudden high pitched noises upset my nerves as well...

For example, you are on your balcony, nodding off in the sun (bliss - wine on the little table by the side of you ahhh) and then a cabin neighbour comes out and starts dragging their chair around the balcony, waking you up with a jump, ok fair enough... then 3 mins later as you are dozing off again, they move the chair again, not by picking it up, but by scraping and dragging... ok... be tolerant, then they have a few hacking coughs, then they light up a fag - you being a non smoker , put up with this, as you do but it isn't very nice... these things wouldn't of bothered years ago. but I must be getting old LOL:rolleyes:

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A sunny day in the Med at 10.00am I would have thought the majority of sunbeds would be occupied and not just have towels on them, I'm usually on deck by 8.00am and by 9.00am the serious sunbathers are out, I don't agree with towels on beds for hours on end but to be honest I have never really come across this, if you want a sunbed you can't really expect to turn up at 10.00am and have a choice.



At 10am a lot of people are still finishing breakfast, after a late night , I wandered the aft decks on Oriana and Oceana last year and there was only a handful of occupied loungers with 80% reserved with a towel and book, sorry this isn't allowed - it does say so in the ships daily paper.

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Oh dear, you read that the wrong way! No, I didn't sit and just watch a sunbed. We had gone to the sundeck and were sitting at a table and chairs, because there was no sunbed available. We both noticed that there were two sunbeds with towels and a book on them. After about an hour, we just decided enough was enough, so we moved the items on to the table and took the sunbeds. The owners of the items came back another hour later. I think they got the message.



Jean, sorry, I used the smiley to try to indicate I was just teasing, I think I failed!








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At 10am a lot of people are still finishing breakfast, after a late night , I wandered the aft decks on Oriana and Oceana last year and there was only a handful of occupied loungers with 80% reserved with a towel and book, sorry this isn't allowed - it does say so in the ships daily paper.



Sue, whether it is allowed or not, P&O don't give a stuff and do not enforce the rule which is why I like Celebrity.




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The only ship i have ever seen it enforced, to the letter, on was Ocean Village Two. Very strict with one warning and your out.



Matty, I would prefer to see one warning and your over the sde!





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At 10am a lot of people are still finishing breakfast, after a late night , I wandered the aft decks on Oriana and Oceana last year and there was only a handful of occupied loungers with 80% reserved with a towel and book, sorry this isn't allowed - it does say so in the ships daily paper.


I don't doubt what you say but I would still be on deck by 8.00am even after a late night - for me late nights are usually the norm.


What I was saying was - I wouldn't expect to get a sunbed of my choice at 10.00am - some selfish people I appreciate will always reserve and disappear but I have never particularly come across this and I cruise several times a year on various cruise lines.


We all know what is/is not allowed and is emphasised in the daily paper regularly, if as you say it is a problem perhaps a word with a senior officer may be the solution.




As the saying goes - The Early Bird ....................

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i too hate people who do this, but we do have to realise that some people take a long lunch and moving a towel may be unfair, hogging from early hours until lunchtime without an appearance is a different matter!


i am one of those who would move a towel too (although my husband is really not happy if I do cos he wants to enjoy the holiday and not have anyone keen for a fight with us LOL! so i often don't bother)-good tip to get staff to move it though


p.s i have always laughed at the accusation of towel hoggers being German


PPS - love the humour used by many posters better entertainment than watching rubbish on TV so although many "get things off their chest" i think forum is balanced due to all the funny people i hope to meet on my cruise experience in May

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i too hate people who do this, but we do have to realise that some people take a long lunch and moving a towel may be unfair, hogging from early hours until lunchtime without an appearance is a different matter!


I think that depends on your definition of a long lunch! :D I'd usually only want a lounger for 30 mins anyway - it gets too hot for me :D


I've even seen towels on loungers on a port day ready for someones return:( - there was no one else on deck!

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The only ship i have ever seen it enforced, to the letter, on was Ocean Village Two. Very strict with one warning and your out.

I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.


I have never been on a P&O ship but I hear that everyone who cruises with them are sober all day, no fun and all patronising ;)


I have never cruised with Thomsons though my friend has and they say the served cats in hats in the MDR and the Captain was a woman:eek:


I have never been on Cunard but have been told by those who have that all passengers are all Lords and Earls, have two chins and tip in gold dabloons :p


I have never cruised with Royal Carribean, but I have a friend who has and says it's full of fat, obnoxious, Americans in jogging bottoms :o


I have never cruised with ............. :rolleyes:

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.


Are you referring to Ocean Village passengers? If so thank you Mr Hartnell for your insightful reply... could not have said it better myself. You've never been on the ship so therefore you should not be passing judgement on the people who travelled on her.

I have been on Ocean Village twice....several facts for you to note. On neither trip did we come across anyone who was totally intoxicated, we never saw Security never mind them having to deal with any trouble, we didn't see any of that either. Myself and DH are over 40 and on both our trips considered ourselves at the younger end of the age group on board. What we did find though were a super group of like minded, professional people. We are now looking for new cruise ventures with the demise of Ocean Village and comments like yours do nothing to persuade us to come over to P&O. And before I get red carded, I know there are a lot of very nice people who travel with P&O!

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I dont mind at all if the Sun Loungers are being used. BUT passengers should NOT ' reserve' them just put your towel on and lie on the lounger then when you have had enough get up pick up your towel and leave it free for someone else to use! Seems so simple to me:confused:

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.


This makes me so angry. Why post on something you don't know about. Your friend sounds like an idiot. What she describes is simply not true. I cannot tell you how much i would love to meet your friend and put her/IT right. I'm imagining her as a hyacinth Bucket type!. Having been on Ocean Village cruises three times i have never seen such rubbish. All young passengers? Rubbish! Thats what they wanted but the average age is well above 40! I am 28.


May i suggest you try this fine cruise company yourself before they finish. Then come back and tell us what yoiu say is true..then i shall call you a liar!


Rant over!

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.

I dont know who told you this load of rubbish, i have been on ocean village 1 & 2 17 times, the only time you see security is at the gangway on port days and when they do there routine patrols around the ship like they do on all ships. I suggest you go yourself then post your apolgy on your return.

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I would just like to add we have sailed on OV twice and OV2 once and I can honestly state that the ships are not full with intoxicated passengers. However there are lots of decent ordinary folk who are in no way pretentious and just want to enjoy themselves without having to get dressed up for formal dinners in the evening.

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.


Are you sure you aren't confusing Ocean Village with Easycruise, which aimed at the younger market? Although OV was targetted at the 30+ age range, the average age was always significantly higher.


Like other cruisers, I've travelled with OV 4 times and on both ships but never seen anyone intoxicated. No high security presence other than, quite rightfully, manning the gangplanks.

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I have never been on this ship, but having heard about the quality of the people who cruise on her, I am not suprised.

Apparently security is very busy all day, especially on sea days trying to control the intoxicated cruisers.

My friend cruised on this ship last year, She said the ship was nice, but that the passengers were not. All young passengers and all under the influence apparently.

What a shame.


I think your friend should have gone to specsavers!


As others have said I've spent over 2 months onboard and have never seen such scenes!

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