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Mariner Review 1/16/05-1/23/05

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I'm a teacher who has spent several years working with special needs children and adults. You're love for your son shines through your posts so very clearly. My friends and I will be on the Mariner Feb 20th. Could you please send us a copy of the scavenger hunt also? My e-mail is bkazzz@aol.com. Thanks


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Jghendrick24 - I must say I have definitely enjoyed your posts, keep them up. I was wondering if you could also email me a copy of the scavenger hunt that you have. I will be travelling with a group of 30 people and it sounds like it would be a lot of fun. We are going to be on the Mariner, February 5, 2006. (yes I know, long time to wait.) My email address is valparker@optonline.net


thanks again,


Val Parker

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Next installment, please! :)


Really love your daily reviews, keep 'em coming!!


For those of you who are also going to be on the Mariner in the next few months, I do hope you ALL will post reviews too!!!

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I love your review...it's so detailed. We were just on the Mariner a few weeks ago. I keep meaning to write a review, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Reading your review is almost like being back on the ship.


I heard the Norwalk virus was on the Mariner the week you guys were on. Hope you all stayed healthy.

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Thnak you all again for your wonderful comments. I am really enjoying writing this review.


Jacquelyn: As you can see by my screen name, I am a Jeff Gordon fan. Dad and Michael are as well. Mom is a Jimmie Johnson fan, Buzz is a Tony Stewart fan, Nicole is a Michael Waltrip fan, David is a Jr. fan. My friends that didn't get to go with us: Rob is also a Sr. and Jr. fan, Steph is a Mark Martin fan. Being a single parent, we are not able to do more than one big vacation a year. Next year is our race vacation and we will be going to Charlotte. We will have to wait two years before our next cruise. :( I am an LPN and I work in a nursing home. I work the night shift.


Blueice: Simeon Baker was our CD and he was pretty funny. His brother, Matt, was even funnier and he had to take over for a couple of days.


Sea Island Lady: Ellington's is on Deck 12, the same deck as the rock climbing wall and the 19th hole bar. It overlooks the pool deck. You can see the glass windows from the pool deck.


The rest of the review is coming!

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Today was Labadee. I was really looking forward to this day. I enjoyed it the last time I went. I was ready for a beach day. We got up early and watched as we sailed past Haiti. We went to the Windjammer for breakfast. We were on our balconies watching as the tenders came to the ship and took some people to the island. Suddenly, the weather changed. It started raining and got really windy. The water became very choppy. The first announcement said that the barbeque on the island was cancelled. The second came from Captain Johnny telling us that we were leaving due to inclimate weather. The tenders brought those passengers back. Apparently, the mooring lines broke because the water was so rough. So, no Labadee. We were now headed for Jamaica.


We hung around the ship for most of the day. We worked on our scavenger hunt. Around noon, Buzz said that he wasn't feeling well. I gave him the Pepto Bismol and Immodium and sent him to his cabin. He had the vomiting and diarrhea bug. He went to bed and stayed there till the next morning.


Mom and I went to the casino. I managed to blow $20 in about 10 minutes. Mom lasted a little longer than me. I'm not a big gambler, so, that's about all I was willing to spend in there. While we were there, a woman won $4,500 on the quarter slots. Why couldn't that have been me??


Lydia came to babysit tonight again. We thought we had reservations at Portofino's, but Mom had mistakenly made them for Thursday instead. We went to the dining room instead. We had told Karla the night before that we wouldn't be there. So, when we got there, our table was set for breakfast with a maroon tablecloth! We had a good laugh about it.


For dinner tonight, I had New England Clam Chowder, Caesar salad, Grilled steak with herb butter(from the alternative selection), and Dulce De Lech cheesecake. All of it was excellent.


After dinner, we went to Studio B for the Quest game show. I had not seen this the last time I cruised, but I had heard a lot about it. It is an adult scavenger hunt. They do advise that it may not be appropriate for children. It wasn't for young children, but, I wish David had been there with us because he would have laughed. Let's face it. Our teens have probably seen a lot worse on TV and on video games. They could probably teach us a thing or two!


Anyway, Studio B is the ice rink. There are bleachers that surround it on three sides. For the game, they covered the ice. They divided the bleachers into teams and selected one person as the team captain for each team. The announcer would call out items that he wanted us to get. The team captain would then have to bring the item to him and hold up their team number. The captains had to be fast.


(Kim, I believe I saw you down there doing the split. Were you on the winning team? If so, what did you get?)


After the game was over, the M.I.T. band came out onto the stage to do the Dancing Through The Decades. They were very good. The ice rink turned into a giant dance floor. Nicole and I were down there. This was my kind of music. At midnight, Mom went back to the cabin to let Lydia go. Nicole and I decided to check out Dragon's Lair as they were supposed to be doing 80's music that night. They didn't play that much of it. But, it was really funny watching some of the people dance. Most of the time, the disco has people in it that are in their 20's. This night, there were a lot of people that were in their 30's and 40's. Some of the guys that were dancing were really getting into it.


The Dragon's Lair is a cool place. It's a lot smaller than you would think. The decor is medieval. There are two levels with the dance floor being on the bottom level. The chairs at the tables are very tall backed like you would see at a medieval dining table. Unfortunately, this was the only night that I got to go. I would have liked to go there on another night.


Let me say here that I had a problem with every pair of shoes that I wore on this cruise. I had worn all of them before and they were all fine. I did not take into account that my feet would swell. I have never had a problem with this, even in the summer, so I did not expect it. My feet were swollen every night and my shoes only made it through dinner. Then, I would take them off and walk around bare foot. So, ladies, if you have a problem with this, take comfortable shoes. To me, comfort is more important than looks.


After we were done at the disco, Nicole and I went back to our cabins. She checked on Buzz and he was still asleep. She said that the cabin smelled like BO, so she slept with the balcony door open that night. Michael was asleep when I got there and Mom was just about asleep on the sofa. David was out with his teen friends until 2. I wrote in my journal and went to bed.


Beside that fact that I didn't want Buzz to be sick for this whole trip, I was also concerned because he and David were booked on an excursion the next day and I was hoping that he would still be able to do it with him. We decided that, if he couldn't, Dad would do it with David and we would have to sacrifice the cost of Dad's excursion.


But, more about that tomorrow.


Next....Day Four and Jamaica

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Hi Jules: Thanks for sending the scavenger hunt list...my group is planning to do that on our next Mariner cruise! Yes, I led team #15 to victory in the Quest! Yes, I did a split...and a few other wild things...and my friend kept screaming "Kim...it's just a key chain!" The prize for the winning team was the famed Royal Caribbean key chain. (I have enough now for a necklace! Which I think I will put together and wear to the Quest in October!)


You realize though that you have broken the golden rule and gave up too many details of Quest? I'm sure someone on these boards will flame you for that one. LOL!


Anyway, keep the fantastic review coming....I'm reliving our week on the Mariner. :)

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JG...my husband and myself have cruised twice on the Mariner of the Seas and loved every minute of it. Captain Johnny was our captain both times and we were invited to sit with him at his table. Very nice captain, indeed and I remember his announcements as well.


I really am enjoying your review and it amazes me with all you had to do with Michael, you found time to write in your journel each night. I have a hard time sending post cards when I cruise...and I admire you 100%.


We live in NC and are big Nascar fans as well. Hope you can go to the race as planned in Charlotte and the next time you come thru our state, hope the weather is better for you.:)


Anxiously waiting for the rest of the review!:D

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I was on the Mariner the week before (Jan. 9th-16th) and had a blast....sounds like you did also....I spent alot of time at Dragon's Lair...met alot of great people....the casino, due to the major winds during our week also, was really busy (but I actually took money from them).....guess this is a date specific weather problem because our cruise was of the Eastern Caribbean....must be the whole area around this time of year.....hmmmmm.....Great review, looking forward to your next installment....love your writing style and awesome memory.....even with a journal, it is exceptional.....



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That's too bad you weren't able to stay at Labadee. :( I just finally discovered what Labadee is yesterday!! I had been thinking that it was "just another port of call", so was really happy to see that it's a private island beach day, like we had at Castaway Cay when we took our Disney cruises!!


Really enjoying your review, can't wait for the next installment!!


We're NASCAR fans too, and have season tickets to both of the summer races here in Michigan. DH likes Dale Jr. and a few others, my guy is Kasey Kahne. With all the second place finishes he's had he's BOUND to WIN one of these days, I can't wait!! I'd always been a big Bill Elliott fan, then when he retired I decided to "stay with the car" so became a Kasey fan. :) Have you ever been to a Michigan NASCAR race? DH has been to Talladegha and Bristol races but I've only been to Michigan ones.

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so was really happy to see that it's a private island beach day, like we had at Castaway Cay when we took our Disney cruises!!


I have been to Labadee and it isn't nearly as nice as Castaway Cay. We were disappointed in the beach. It is pretty from afar though.


Ellingtons - I guess that is the "crows nest" that we call the "Viking Crown" lounge...our favorite place on the ship.


Nascar - We live about 20 minutes from Bristol and I am forced to go to the race every year (sometimes twice a year) with my husband and his company. :rolleyes: They have a suite. My favorite driver is the name that I draw out of the raffle hat.:D I have tried to get DH to let us rent the house out for those weeks. With what they rent for around here, we could take a cruise while our house is occupied. :)


Now...where is this review? I want to hear about the engagement.

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We woke up this morning and found ourselves in Jamaica. Yeah! I ran down to the Cafe Promenade for some pastries for breakfast. All of us had an excursion booked and we all had to be on the pier between 9 and 9:30. I went to Buzz's cabin to see how he was feeling. He said that he was very tired, but felt much better. He would be ok to go on the excursion with David.


Buzz and David did the Dolphin Swim at Discovery Cove. Their excursion also included a stop at Dunn's River Falls. I had done the Dolphin Encounter when I went on my last cruise and I loved it. The Dolphin Encounter is this: you stand on a platform in waist deep water and get introduced to a dolphin. You watch it perform some tricks, you get to touch it and get a picture with you "kissing" it. Dolphins are the most amazing creatures. I can't swim, so this was perfect for me.


After hearing me talk about it, Buzz and David wanted to do it. Since they can both swim, I told them to do the swim with the dolphins as I was sure that they would get more from it. While they really enjoyed touching the dolphin, there wasn't much that they were allowed to do. This excursion did not allow them to hold the fin and get pulled through the water or any of the other things that people have talked about. It was the only swim that was available through RCI. Buzz said that, even though the dolphins were really cool, he wouldn't pay for this excursion again. They both enjoyed climbing Dunn's River Falls and made it to the top.


The rest of us had booked the excursion called "The Best of Ocho Rios". This is what we had brought Michael's stroller for. I knew that the little buses that they used would not fit the wheelchair. Well, it was quite cramped on this bus and we had to lay the folded stroller on the floor between the seats. The driver was helpful in getting it on for me. Our first stop after driving through town was "The Ruins at the Falls". Let me clarify that this is NOT Dunn's River Falls. It is another falls that are not very big. When we got off of the bus, I was informed that I would not be able to take Michael as there were many steps. I told them that we were used to lifting him up steps, but, they informed me that it would be impossible. So, Michael and I waited at the bottom for everyone else. There was a very nice Jamaican man that brought us fresh squeezed juice to enjoy(I can't remember what was in it, but it was very good). He took a picture of Michael and I with the falls in the background. There was another Jamaican man who was selling goods that were hand carved. While we were waiting, he came over and sat down with us and played an instrument(not sure what it was) and sang 3 or 4 Jamaican songs. Michael enjoyed that.


After a little while, one of the other passengers from our bus came over to our table. He told me that he had been sick the day before and he was just too wiped out to make the climb up the stairs. He confirmed that I would never have been able to take Michael up. He sat with us until everyone else was done. He told me that there were a lot of people on the ship that had been sick. Some people were being quarantined to their cabins and were not allowed off of the ship. The people that were not allowed off had all gone to the infirmary. This man had brought his own medicine from home, as I had.


After about half an hour, everyone else got back from their walk. Mom said it was nice, but not to do again. She said that their guide was very nice. The guide had at one point been showing them a little dance. Well, Dad was picked to demonstrate. Just so everyone know, he can't dance to save his life! I would loved to have seen this. Anyway, after everyone was done going to the bathroom, we headed back to the bus. I stopped and bought a couple beaded necklaces for $1 a piece from the man who sang to us. Next, we headed to Dunn's River Falls.


Having been here before, I knew I could take Mike to the top of the falls and get him on the platforms that are there for viewing. There are a few steps, but nothing to hinder us. We are well practiced at getting places that wheelchairs aren't meant to go! Now, I knew Dad would want to climb the Falls, but he didn't want to do it by himself. I didn't climb them the last time because it just looked like too much. I really didn't want to do it this time either. I thought Nicole wanted to do it, but she wore a skirt and didn't bring her bathing suit. So, Mom broke down and said that she would do it.


Let me give you a little background on Mom. She will be 62 this year(Dad is 60). About 3 years ago, Mom fell outside and broke her ankle. She had to have surgery and had a metal plate put in(by the way, it didn't set off any metal detectors. Shows you how strong they are). She has had problems with the ankle constantly swelling and has always been hesitant about doing things because she didn't want to re-injure it. Also, she can't swim and is actually afraid of being in water that goes over her waist. So, I was very shocked and felt a little guilty that she was going to do the climb with Dad.


While they went to the bottom to start the climb, Nicole, Mike, and I found a spot for viewing near the top. We spotted Buzz and David climbing and Nicole went to the top to meet them. They hadn't done the dolphins yet, but they had enjoyed the climb. Buzz was looking a little beat, but he was feeling much better. He even said that he was starving. They left after a few minutes to meet their tour. Before they left, I made David climb back in the water so I could get a picture of him. Every so often, on the climb up, there are areas by the viewing platforms where people can get out if they want to. These are steps that go to a relatively flat area. That's where I made David get back in.


After Mom and Dad had been gone about 20 minutes, I asked Nicole to stay with Mike. I wanted to walk down a bit and see if I could see them climbing. I managed to find them and Mom had a smile on her face. They were coming up on a particularly steep climb and I asked Mom if she wanted to get out. She just handed me her glasses and Dad's sunglasses and said, "Might as well go for it". They managed to make it all the way to the top. When you climb, you have to form a chain with your group and hold hands all the way. Mom said that she had a man in front of her that really helped her get up some tough spots. Dad helped from behind. They both enjoyed it and said that it was easier than it looks. Now, of course, I wish that I had done it. Oh, well.


The Falls themselves are very beautiful. There are some areas that people said had concrete in there. I assume that they put it in there if there are eroded areas that people wouldn't be able to climb. But, the area around the Falls is too commercial for me. I would like it better if they left it more to it's natural setting. When you are leaving the park, you have to walk through the marketplace. I hate these places. People are just about right on top of you trying to get you to buy something. Sometimes, they are trying to sell you drugs. I just look straight ahead, say no thank you repeatedly, and push Mike's stroller right through.


We got back on the bus and were told that our next stop would be Island Village. I just kept thinking, this is the best of Ocho Rios? I would hate to see the worst! I had been wanting to go to Island Village because I am a Jimmy Buffett fan. I just had to go to Margaritaville! Island Village is just off the pier. It's definitely close enough to walk, probably no more than a five minute walk. It has a Bob Marley museum, which, with our tour, we had to go through. I like some of his music, but I am not a big enough fan to want to go to a museum about him. But, we endured. At the end of the museum tour(there was a guide that narrated to us), there is a shop. This is where we bought all of our Jamaica shirts for $6 each. Note: the t- shirts say they are pre-shrunk. Don't believe it. I wore mine home. When I washed it, it shrank. Never to be worn by me again.


Island Village is full of interesting little shops. There are no people begging you to buy something. You can look at your leisure. I just wanted Margaritaville. I could see it and I could hear it. We were meeting Buzz and David there, so we had to wait for them. They had gone back to the ship to change after their excursion. We were singing "It's 5 o'clock Somewhere" while we were waiting. Finally, they arrived. All of us were starving at this point.


Margaritaville is cool. If I hadn't had the kids with me, I probably would have partied a little. That's the kind of place it is. There is a pool with a waterslide in the center and there were some kids swimming. There is also a beach that you can use as well. We sat at a table by the pool. Let me add that, before we left hom, I had gone to the Margaritaville website. There is a contest on there that you can play. You have to find Jimmy's lost salt shaker. If you find it, you get a coupon for a free Margarita or soda. I got 7 of them. So, we ordered our free drinks. Man, that Margarita was killer! A couple of those and I would have been done!


I, of course, ordered the Original Cheeseburger In Paradise. So did everyone else except Nicole and Mom. Nicole had a huge order of nachos and Mom had conch fritters. Everyone enjoyed their food. It is a little pricey, thought. $8 for my burger. Was it worth it? Any Jimmy Buffett fan would say yes. After eating, I made my way to the gift shop to get my Margaritaville t-shirt. I bought a couple of pens, a bumper sticker, and I bought Mike the "Jolly Mon" book.


We had a good time and headed back to the ship. We got back on the ship about 3:30. It was time to chill out in the cabin for a while. We watched Jamaica fade away from our balcony. A side note here. The last time I cruised, I didn't like Jamaica. It is a very dirty and poor country. The people are extremely pushy. I had told myself that I wouldn't get off the ship there. I should have listened. With the exception of Island Village, I could have done without this stop. If I do this itinerary again, I will only go to Island Village. Or stay on the ship.


We had tickets for the ice show tonight. This was before dinner, so we headed over there and got a decent spot. I loved this show. The costumes were amazing. There were a couple of skaters that lost their balance, but the ship was still rocky, so I excused them. It was a good time and Michael loved the music.


Tonight at dinner was caribbean night. I had Bananarama soup(a chilled soup), skipped a salad, jerk chicken, and Chocolate Rainforest cake. All of it was delicious. The waiters in the dining room put on a little show for us before dessert. They paraded through the dining room with things on their heads and then came to their tables. Karla, our waiter, only had two tables. When she came to our table, she made us all get up and do the Macarena. We were all doing it, even Buzz who does not dance at all. The other table that Karla had never even stood up. I say, get up and enjoy it, even if you can't dance. It was a lot of fun and Mike got all excited about it.


After dinner, David went back to the cabin again to change and go to the teen activities. The rest of us went to the Love and Marriage show. This is where we found out that our cruise director, Simeon Bake, was ill. But, luckily for him and us, his brother, Matt, was on this cruise, so he took over. He is very funny. On the advice of Kim, I will not go into detail about the show. Just know that it was hysterical and not to be missed. If you only pick one show to go to, make it this one.


After the show, we went up to the pool deck where there was a buffet. I was still stuffed from dinner, but managed to eat some dessert anyway. Dad, Buzz, and Nicole had taken off somewhere, so Mom and I got a drink while we watched the line dancing. We came home with 11 souvenir glasses. Mom thought she had seen David in the line dancing, so we got closer. Sure enough, there was my 15 year old getting into it! I never knew he could dance! We even got a brief glimpse of him on the Cruise in Review video. Of course, we didn't let him know that we were there. It was too funny.


After a while, we decided that it was time for bed. We went back to the cabin and turned in. Michael's behavior was excellent today. He was really surprising me with how good he has been.


On a side note, we had heard that there were many people that had gotten sick. RCI stepped up their cleaning. Our cabin steward was sick as well. There were a lot of people complaining about it.


Also, the one area that I wish RCI could work on is accessible excursions. I know that it really isn't their fault as they do not own the companies that do the tours, but, with so many more people in wheelchairs traveling, it would be nice if there were more tours that they could go on. Or, at least specify on the tour descriptions whether a wheelchair user would be able to go.


I am off this weekend, so I will finish up this review then.


Until then....NO PROBLEM, MON!

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Hi Kimberly! I saw that you are from Caroga Lake and that you will be on the March 27 cruise. My husband and I grew up in Gloversville and have a lot of family still there. We live in New Smyrna Beach, FL now. My husband's mother lives in Caroga Lake by Sherman's. Small world. Did you know there is a Meet and Mingle sign up for this cruise?

Jules: I love everything you have posted...you are fantastic with this review!


Good morning, Good morning, Good morning....I love that! Isn't Captain Johnny fantastic! When we boarded the Mariner on Sunday, Captain Johnny was the first person we saw...he was eating lunch in the Windjammer! He is the most visible Captain I have ever had on a cruise ship...and the most entertaining!


When you have a chance, would you please email to me the scavenger hunt list? I love that idea and we are going back on the Mariner in October this year. I would love for my gang to play a scavenger hunt during the week. My email is snowgirl771@yahoo.com



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Thanks for the informative and entertaining review. I love your style! We leave in 7 days for VOS. I always spend tons of time on the boards ahead of time and then never get around to a review of my own . . . Yours is like an old-fashioned serial: When will Buzz propose? Will David enter the talent show as a line dancer? Will Mom climb the rock wall? You have all of us hooked!

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When we got back to the ship after going to Island Village, there was a message on the phone in my cabin. It was from my friend Steph. She was looking after our dog while we were away at our house. She called because the night before, our furnace stopped working. Now, we live in upstate NY, about 40 miles north of Albany. It was dang cold here last week.


She had found someone to come out to the house, but she wasn't sure how much money we were willing to spend. It turned out to be a nozzle and she paid to get it fixed for us. Thank God we decided to leave the dog at home instead of putting him in the kennel. Otherwise, we would have come home to frozen pipes!


I called her back from the ship. We were on the phone for about 12 minutes before I remembered how much it cost to make a phone call. The final total was $87.00!!!


I'll be back later with Day 5.

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$87 is not a bad price for piece of mind. :)


This past summer, we left our dogs with a house sitter. We returned to find that the air in the main level of our house had been off since Thursday (this was a Monday) and our older dog looked like he was about to have heat stroke. The plants were all dried out as well. Our younger dog was able to go up and down the stairs so she followed the sitter to cooler areas. We have three levels and three different cooling/heating systems. I have never understood why the sitter didn't call someone to fix the air, or at least take the dogs to the vet and move out herself. :rolleyes:

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