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Unruly kids onboard


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I just got off the Pride during the school Easter break. I can't say how many kids were on the ship, I just know that because of the season, there were plenty. I can truthfully say that 99.9% of the kids were very well behaved and seemed to be having a good time in the pool and hanging out on the Lido deck eating pizza at midnight. But there were a small few that decided to run, I mean flat out run up and down the halls and up and down the stairs. Also there were the elevator runs up and down with all the buttons pushed. Parents no where to be found. They all seemed in the pre-teen age group - 10 - 13. I was more concerned about one of them getting hurt, than it bothering me. I noticed once my door was closed, I heard nothing but the sound of the ocean.

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Remember folks (parents and not) that these kids are on their vacation too. As much as we may need a vacation from from work and our own stresses they need their vacation and (time off) from school and their own pressures as well.


Like another poster said, as long as they are not endangering themselves or those around them, then relax, enjoy your cruise, and have another foofoo drink.




Of course they do. But what does that have to do with the subject at hand? Are you saying we must excuse bad behavior on the part of any passenger (child or adult) because it's "their vacation and time off from school (or work) and their own pressures?" That anything is okay as long as no one's safety is endangered?:confused:

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Guess what, folks? Unruly kids and bad parents are everywhere. If you run into them at the mall, you'll run into them on a cruise. And no, it's not an epidemic brought on by the on-going downfall of society. You were a kid once. Chances are at some point you were over-stimulated, or young-and-dumb or just a totally self-absorbed teenager.


Sorry LemurCat, but we would never have been allowed out of the house and into society if we couldn't act properly (grew up in the post WWII 40s and 50s, college grad in 60s) in a D.C. suburb, Arlington, if that explains it.


My memory isn't perfect, but I do NOT recall ANY misbehavior in public. Teachers corrected kids, too. We had to be perfect. ha All of that did not control our minds, of course, but certainly did control our behavior.


And any misbehavior in my own kids seemed to be confined to when they were in the house or small groups safely near adult supervision (born in the 70s).


Certainly a bored kid is going to be more apt to be mischievious than one who is occupied doing a group activity or even playing a video game. Are the ones getting in trouble not in the kids club on the ship?


There are many responsible teens who do not behave poorly and I'd like to give them and their parents a salute for a job well done. Teaching children how to amuse themselves constructively is one of the best things we can do for our kids. Read a book! Learn a craft or skill. Join a team, or a singing group and learn to cooperate. Thanks to those parents who encourage such good behavior.

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I just got off the Inspiration for Spring Break as well. It was packed with kids. Two very large groups of high school seniors plus every other age kid you can imagine. I thought they were great. Yes completely unsupervised and having a good time as kids do. My three had a blast. There were way more drunk obnoxious adults being a nuissance than kids. If kids arent your thing and your looking for a quiet relaxing vacation I dont think Carnival is the place for you.

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Most of these unruly kids learn by example. If the parents are not courteous and respectful of others then they can not teach their children to be. By the time they are teens it is engrained in them that is ok to think of themselves and their pleasure first because that is how their parents taught them by example. If you want someone to blame, blame the parents who allow their children to act that way. They are the ones who ignore the bad behavior because it is easier for them to deal with and they see nothing wrong with it.


Personally my children were brought up to respect and be courteous to others. They were lead by our example. When they see unruly teens, especially in public they are amazed at how immature kids their age (13 & 15) can act and they wonder why anyone would want to embarass themselves that way. They don't see those types activities as being something they would even want to do, let alone being "fun".


But I have known kids whose parents always have a excuse for their childrens behavior and never see it as wrong:


They are getting up and walking around the table because they can't sit long (Mom and Dad normally eat fast so they can get out of a restaurant when their kids are done because they know they can't sit still after they eat - kind of hard to do that with a multi-course meal on a ship - so wants the harm in letting them get up to stretch their legs).


They are being loud and obnoxious with the waiter because they are hungry (Mom & Dad always lose patience quickly when a server took a little longer than they thought was appropriate - lesson learned by example.)


They cut in line at the theater (Mom & Dad sent them ahead to get a good seat...They normally walk to the front of line and just walk in...lines are not meant for their family...they need to get a good seat-another lesson learned by example.)


They are playing with the buttons in the elevator or running down the hallway (Mom & Dad see nothing wrong with this...kids will be kids and it is their vacation too...let them have a little fun...besides they are not fighting when they are doing this so it must be ok.)


They are cranky and start throwing a fit (Their just tired...but their needs can wait until after Mom & Dad finish their dinner or until the show is done...Mom & Dad's needs come first...they are just tired after all.)


When you see kids behaving badly there is often a parent behind that behavior who also has little respect or courtesy for their fellow human being.

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I will when your kid stops kicking the back of my seat. ;)



Of course they do. But what does that have to do with the subject at hand? Are you saying we must excuse bad behavior on the part of any passenger (child or adult) because it's "their vacation and time off from school (or work) and their own pressures?" That anything is okay as long as no one's safety is endangered?:confused:

Well said. However, I don't feel kids today need a vacation from all the stresses or pressures they have. What stresses? Please!


Sorry LemurCat, but we would never have been allowed out of the house and into society if we couldn't act properly (grew up in the post WWII 40s and 50s, college grad in 60s) in a D.C. suburb, Arlington, if that explains it.


My memory isn't perfect, but I do NOT recall ANY misbehavior in public. Teachers corrected kids, too. We had to be perfect. ha All of that did not control our minds, of course, but certainly did control our behavior.


And any misbehavior in my own kids seemed to be confined to when they were in the house or small groups safely near adult supervision (born in the 70s).


Certainly a bored kid is going to be more apt to be mischievious than one who is occupied doing a group activity or even playing a video game. Are the ones getting in trouble not in the kids club on the ship?


There are many responsible teens who do not behave poorly and I'd like to give them and their parents a salute for a job well done. Teaching children how to amuse themselves constructively is one of the best things we can do for our kids. Read a book! Learn a craft or skill. Join a team, or a singing group and learn to cooperate. Thanks to those parents who encourage such good behavior.

Also well said.

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We recently got off the Carnival Freedom (3/27 sailing) which was over Spring Break and do not think that we saw a single "unruly" kid the whole week, and our 17yo DS was with us and hanging out with many his age all week till all hours. Never once did we get into an elevator with all of the buttons pushed (although we usually walk most of the time). Nor did we ever have any kids at all hours running up and down banging on doors. Sometimes there would be kids running to their own cabins, but it was never a problem.


Remember folks (parents and not) that these kids are on their vacation too. As much as we may need a vacation from from work and our own stresses they need their vacation and (time off) from school and their own pressures as well.


Like another poster said, as long as they are not endangering themselves or those around them, then relax, enjoy your cruise, and have another foofoo drink.


If you really want cruises with few kids, then enjoy a nice Cunard trans-atlantic cruise or even some of the other lines in the Caribbean. We know that Carnival will have passengers of all ages, we expect that, and have not had a problem to worry about ever.




OMG! You are one of those parents!


Yesterday at a restraunt that I work at there was few boys around 5 running around all the tables in the restraunt and screaming while the mothers sat there and ignored them. I do not care if it is the child's vacation or not they need to act appropriately. I would need about 10 foofoo drinks to ignore that kind of behavior.

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Sorry LemurCat, but we would never have been allowed out of the house and into society if we couldn't act properly (grew up in the post WWII 40s and 50s, college grad in 60s) in a D.C. suburb, Arlington, if that explains it.


Not sure how it does, but let's not forget that you were allowed out of the house at some point, and I'm sure at some point, you acted like a kid when your parents weren't around -- ran around, acted goofy, wrestled with other kids, etc. That's the difference ... the parents these days don't discipline their kids the way you were (and I was) and they sure as heck don't do it in public so these kids don't know how to act in public. The problem isn't the kids, it's the parents. They also don't teach them where running around, acting goofy and whatnot is appropriate and where it isn't. Kids are kids. It's the parents who are the problem, at least until the kid reaches the age where they can either decide to act like a civilized human being despite their parents or continue living like a savage because of it. This is not a blanket statement about all parents. Just the ones who don't have children but rather lifestyle accessories.

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Like another poster said, as long as they are not endangering themselves or those around them, then relax, enjoy your cruise, and have another foofoo drink.


That isn't what I said at all. I said "as long as they are not endangering themselves or those around them the crew won't interfere".


I fully expect the parents to keep their own urchins in line.

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Not sure how it does, but let's not forget that you were allowed out of the house at some point, and I'm sure at some point, you acted like a kid when your parents weren't around -- ran around, acted goofy, wrestled with other kids, etc. That's the difference ... the parents these days don't discipline their kids the way you were (and I was) and they sure as heck don't do it in public so these kids don't know how to act in public. The problem isn't the kids, it's the parents. They also don't teach them where running around, acting goofy and whatnot is appropriate and where it isn't. Kids are kids. It's the parents who are the problem, at least until the kid reaches the age where they can either decide to act like a civilized human being despite their parents or continue living like a savage because of it. This is not a blanket statement about all parents. Just the ones who don't have children but rather lifestyle accessories.




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Not sure how it does, but let's not forget that you were allowed out of the house at some point, and I'm sure at some point, you acted like a kid when your parents weren't around -- ran around, acted goofy, wrestled with other kids, etc. That's the difference ... the parents these days don't discipline their kids the way you were (and I was) and they sure as heck don't do it in public so these kids don't know how to act in public. The problem isn't the kids, it's the parents. They also don't teach them where running around, acting goofy and whatnot is appropriate and where it isn't. Kids are kids. It's the parents who are the problem, at least until the kid reaches the age where they can either decide to act like a civilized human being despite their parents or continue living like a savage because of it. This is not a blanket statement about all parents. Just the ones who don't have children but rather lifestyle accessories.



I see it as one of 2 things or a combo of them.

1. The "Parents" are too lazy or self centered to parent. They either don't, can't, won't, put out the effort EVERY time they need to do it. Which is EVERY time the child IS out of line. Not the 3rd time or the 5th time or when the parent can't stand it anymore, but the FIRST time. Whatever the parent is doing, wants to do, is enjoying, whatever. MUST be interrupted to BE A PARENT when the child shows parental direction is needed.

[it ain't easy, but that's the job!]


2. The parent wants to be a friend and wants the child to like them so they don't give the kid the direction they must have.

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Just off the Valor 4/11, Easter week and April vacation for some schools. It was my 4th cruise on Carnival and had the most kids I've ever sailed with.


I never once witnessed any elevator shenanigans and the only kids I saw "blocking" the stairs was one group of about 4-6 tweens just hanging out, laughing near the stairs...not blocking or bothering anybody. I think some adults forget how many places we have to go hang out vs where the teens do.


Only kid-related negative I saw were two boys running on lido down the gradual stadium stairs. The never bumped anyone, I just remember thinking I hoped they didn't take a header into a railing. The reminded me of when I was young and fearless...


I think the kids get a bad rap... I had a few interactions during the week with some and they were all polite.

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I see it as one of 2 things or a combo of them.

1. The "Parents" are too lazy or self centered to parent. They either don't, can't, won't, put out the effort EVERY time they need to do it. Which is EVERY time the child IS out of line. Not the 3rd time or the 5th time or when the parent can't stand it anymore, but the FIRST time. Whatever the parent is doing, wants to do, is enjoying, whatever. MUST be interrupted to BE A PARENT when the child shows parental direction is needed.

[it ain't easy, but that's the job!]


2. The parent wants to be a friend and wants the child to like them so they don't give the kid the direction they must have.



I agree, however 7 times out of 10 the parents aren't around. THAT is the problem. Granted, you can't be with your children 24/7 but if a child has behavior issues, they had them before they boarded that ship. And most parents know how thier children act. Granted, some pretend not to kow but they know.



Some of the demon children I have been around, 10 FooFoo drinks wouldn't even come close.

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Most of the kids are well behaved. The only time they become kids is when they are bored. I know. I was a young kid at one time. Most times they don't realize that they are annoying. They are just doing what they think is fun. And that is the problem. Some people just can't stand to see others have a good time. That is why a lot of people think that Carnival is a bunch of low lifers, too many people having a good time and disturbing them.


The last cruise I was at the pool area and going on the slide. There was only me and some young girl about 7. About the 3rd time down she asked if I wanted to play chess on that big deck board. My wife laughed and said looks like you made a new friend. Don't know where her parents were. Played for a while and then told her that I had to leave. She didn't know how to play but just wanted someone to be with.


Yes I get irritated by kids especially those crying babies on the air plane. But they are not to blame it is the parents. Don't take the kids on a plane to Vegas. Adults only.


But don't complain about kids on a cruise especially if it is Disney. Stay off of that cruise.


The worse are the grandparents that take their little angels on a cruise. Leave them home and let the parents put up with the brats.

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I see it as one of 2 things or a combo of them.

1. The "Parents" are too lazy or self centered to parent. They either don't, can't, won't, put out the effort EVERY time they need to do it. Which is EVERY time the child IS out of line. Not the 3rd time or the 5th time or when the parent can't stand it anymore, but the FIRST time. Whatever the parent is doing, wants to do, is enjoying, whatever. MUST be interrupted to BE A PARENT when the child shows parental direction is needed.

[it ain't easy, but that's the job!]


2. The parent wants to be a friend and wants the child to like them so they don't give the kid the direction they must have.

That's it in a nutshell. So sad. I wish we could jump back to the 50's when #1 hardly occurred and #2 wasn't thought of.

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Spirit for easter Sunday cruise..was not looking forward to the "Easter Crunch" of kids..having a DD 10 yrs. old we try very hard to have her be respectful..anyway..HOORAY!! I can honestly say that the hot tubs were not overun.. MY first cruise out of 10 that I did not hear running and screaming in the halls late at night...only one time were all elevator buttons pushed of the many rides we took...Can you believe this one, and I have NOOO Patience for screaming kids.. none... I heard no screaming kids at bingo, shows or dinner!! I did hear screaming in the buffet areas and in some of the mid ship pool areas. So I am willingt to do another Spring break cruise and remain hopeful for good results.

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We haven't seen many unruly kids on cruises, we have only taken two when kids were out of school.


On one cruise we were headed to the elevator and about 6 or 7 kids came running down the stairs and yelling and I yelled "Knock it off!" I never saw kids stop in thier tracks so fast and most of them actually blushed. They walked quietly away. They were about 10-11-12 year olds and I think they were really good kids that got carried away for a minute. I saw the same kids after that and they were well behaved.

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Yes I get irritated by kids especially those crying babies on the air plane. But they are not to blame it is the parents. Don't take the kids on a plane to Vegas. Adults only.


Please keep in mind that some of us do live in Vegas... which means we might be flying on an airplane to return home (with our kids)!


FWIW, every time I have flown with my 22 month old daughter (she has been on 10 flights) I have received multiple compliments (from flight attendants & passengers) on her behavior and often the people in the row in front of us have stood up to leave the plane and been surprised to see her behind them and said they didn't even realize there was a child sitting there. But then again, one of my pet peeves is crying babies on an airplane so I know where you are coming from. This means I work my A$$ off to keep her happy and entertained the entire flight which is not easy since she is a very active & energetic toddler.


OK, rant over... just irks me that people forget that Las Vegas has locals w/ families and not just hotels, casinos, & strip clubs... And there really is plenty to do there for the whole family, so why not bring the kids along for a visit?

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We had to divert to Grand Cayman for a kid on roller shoes who ran into a glass door and did serious injury - never did hear how he was doing. These are banned in every store in our town - actually had to tell a parent their kid could not use them in a liquor store here - DAH. One person in our group found out where the cabins were for a couple of kids who ran around all night - she would call the parents every morning at 2 am and ask them if they knew where their kids were - after the 3rd morning had no problems.


I have to admit that althought I would not want to be awake to call (I guess the kids banging on the door were the alarm clock), this is the best idea I have seen.


Our upcoming cruise will be our first Carnival cruise, but we took a Disney cruise two weeks before Christmas. There were a good number of kids, but they were well behaved. Our second Disney cruise was over Thanksgiving. It was more crowded with many more kids. I knew to expect that, but as a school teacher, I took a vacation to get away from having to fuss at misbehaving teenagers. I doubt would ever take a cruise over a big holiday break again. It wasn't as bad as what some of you have described, but the behavior of kids in the pool, the hallways, and on the elevators was just not relaxing when I deal with that in my job. My husband was not that bothered by it. To me, it seemed like too many kids had little to no parent supervision. My DS was 5 and I knew where he was at all times. I saw younger kids that I know their parents could not say the same.


Oh, I do use my school teacher voice, and I do say something if things appear dangerous. My DH swears I am going to get myself or him beat up one day. I am only 37, so I am not that old. I don't like heelys either. My son will NEVER have a pair.

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^^^^I can't imagine there would ever be a time when a Disney ship wasn't filled to the gills with children. I used to teach school and love children. But I would never have taken a Disney school on break, lol.


We did do a Disney cruise when our kids were 6 and 10. We had an absolute blast.

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