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The Oil Has Made Landfall in Louisiana.


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The oil is coming ashore in Louisiana. Just thought I'd start a forum to discuss the effect this will have on the cruising industry, especially the Carnival Truimph.

Apparently this site will be spewing oil for approx. 90 days. Unfortunately my cruise leaves in 58 days. Oh the luck!

So, as the latest news rolls in about this catastrophe, here is a good place to keep everyone informed.


I live in the Mobile, AL area and this is the latest from a local news channel. The Gulf Shores area will also be effected in this spill and we are preparing for worst case scenario.




Let's hope it doesn't end up as bad as they are projecting.

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I really hope you don't like oysters like I do.


You may not see them again in your lifetime.






I love oysters and hope your comment doesn't come true.:eek:


You can comeover here to Galveston :D

and eat some with us out of Galveston Bay.

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I really hope you don't like oysters like I do.


You may not see them again in your lifetime.




I love oysters too. And recreational fishing. I'm headed out this weekend into the Gulf. Want to get fresh fish before disaster strikes. This is been extremely upsetting to me. Didn't we learn anything from Exxon Valdez spill?


I feel for all those with interests in the shell fish and fishing industries in the Gulf Coast areas. I hope FL will escape this mess.:(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok I have been thinking about this and decided to ask this question. :o With all the oil drilling around here, why don't they have a plan in place for in case this would happen ? I mean really, now that it's happened they are trying to figure out how to stop the leak. To me you don't wait until it happens and then go into panic mode, because you don't know what to do to stop the leak. This should have never gotten this bad.

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I had seen on the news ( how reliable I don't know because I have not reseached it myself) that after the Exxon Valdez incident, the US made it mandatory for us to have a oil disaster plan ready.

We were to have oil booms and other equipment on standby at all times.


This equipment was never made and now we are asking other countries for help in making the equipment because of our shortcomings.


This will probably be investigate later if true.

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Have any of the lines said what they intend to do now that the oil is actually coming ashore?:confused:


No, they haven't, but they will sail around it when possible and when they encounter oil and have to sail through it, they will have to stop and have it washed off before entering the ports. I seriously doubt that it will affect sailings other than possible delays for hull washing. You may wish to bring some Dawn dish soap and a long handled brush so you can help out with the hull scrubbing if need be. :)

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I have been reading that Triumph is trying to go around the slick, but has to do so in the daylight. It is not getting in until miday and leaving about 10 p.m. We are booked for the June 5th cruise. We usually get to the terminal about 10:30. but I don't want to spend the day there. I guess we will spend the day in New Orleans and head to the pier about 4.

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Ok I have been thinking about this and decided to ask this question. :o With all the oil drilling around here, why don't they have a plan in place for in case this would happen ? I mean really, now that it's happened they are trying to figure out how to stop the leak. To me you don't wait until it happens and then go into panic mode, because you don't know what to do to stop the leak. This should have never gotten this bad.


We, also, live in Mobile where the oil spill is practically all we hear on the news. This is according to news stories I've read/heard: BP claimed in their request for licenses that, in the event of a spill, they could clean up something like 6,000,000(?) gal. a day, but obviously that is not the case. What's so bad is that, as long as they admit fault, they only have $75,000,000 in liability + paying for the clean-up. If they denied fault, their liability wouldn't be capped. The government backed down from requiring some kind of cut-off valve when the oil companies screamed about it costing about $500,000 each. They have tried several different approaches to stop the flow, but so far have only managed to slow it down a little. They have more ideas which they'll be trying in the next weeks, but, until a relief well can be drilled - about 2 months, there is no guarantee that any of these will work better than the ones that already failed. As someone mentioned, the plans require ships that sail through the slick to be cleaned before entering our waterways. Unfortunately for wildlife, the dispersants they have been using are now recognized for causing more pollution problems that is harmful to the wildlife. Also, it sends the oil to the botttom where shrimp live. So USA shrimp may become a rarity. Birds are being cleaned and relocated to the Florida coast.

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This thread can't die here.


I'm departing from Tampa in August. I want to know what current cruisers are experiencing on their cruises through the Gulf to Mexico or Caribbean ports.

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According to the Times Picayune newspaper today there have not been any problems with the cruise ship sailing in/out of New Orleans and it has not had to be cleaned. New Orleans is a very large & busy port and so far only 3 cargo ships have needed to cleaned of oil so far. No ships have been diverted at all.

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According to the Times Picayune newspaper today there have not been any problems with the cruise ship sailing in/out of New Orleans and it has not had to be cleaned. New Orleans is a very large & busy port and so far only 3 cargo ships have needed to cleaned of oil so far. No ships have been diverted at all.


Only one ship has been cleaned in Mobile, and it was a Mobile based ship that had been working in the middle of the spill on the cleanup. It was a mess, and they say it had already been pre-cleaned prior to arrival back in Mobile. The national media made a big deal of it showing video of the cleaning process, but, they failed to mention that it was working on the cleanup, and not just a random ship that trekked through the slick.

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Seeing that BP has has over 780 major infractions they have been nailed with in the last 3 years and the next closest perpetrator in the oil industry had less than 10, I'd say there should be criminal negligence here. Their spill plan was obviously a big lie. If BP's CEO's had to face the Chinese government, they would be tried and put to death.


I am so sickened by the lack of conscience of this company and most likely many of the other companies where the only bottom line is money. We now have to face one of the biggest and worst environmental catastrophes ever in this country. I hate to think how long it will take for the Gulf to recover; most likely not in our lifetime. I'm on a soap box I guess, but I just found out that the Top Kill attempt has failed.


I want to send my deepest apologies to the people of the Gulf Coast as we are all guilty of gulping oil (some more than others). We need the oil and we need the jobs, but I do hope that this at least serves as a big wake up call for all companies. We have 1 planet and our oceans are the roots of all life.


As long as big business has so much power, and the tidal wave of greed impowers them, I don't think we have to worry about an asteroid coming from the skies.

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BP's attempts at containment have been, at best, a cluster {expletive deleted} from the very beginning. The old military term FUBAR comes to mind. The whole culture of the gulf states is likely to change right before our eyes in the next few weeks. I truely feel for those people as well as for the wildlife affected. :mad:


Now, that being said, I still can hardly wait for our June 12 trip on the Triumph!


1955 USS Randall NY to Bremerhaven

1958 USS ???? Bremerhaven to NY

2000 Imagination (Miami, GC, Ocho Rios)

2006 Holiday (Mobile, Costa Maya, Coz.. best food)

2007 Triumph (Miami, HMC, San Juan, Grand Turk)

2008 Destiny (San Juan island a day cruise)

2009 Spirit (Alaska is cool, but I didn't need winter clothes.)

2010 Triumph (NOLA, Progresso, Coz if it's not too oily)


Cruisn for Platinum and Warm Chocolate Melting Cake

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I have been reading that Triumph is trying to go around the slick, but has to do so in the daylight. It is not getting in until miday and leaving about 10 p.m. We are booked for the June 5th cruise. We usually get to the terminal about 10:30. but I don't want to spend the day there. I guess we will spend the day in New Orleans and head to the pier about 4.


I'd be careful with that arrival. The Triumph has only had one delayed departure, a couple of weeks ago, and the latest arrival I've seen in the last month was actually this morning, 5:30am. We will have to see what time they depart today given the winds have been pushing oil toward the pass lately.

Friday and Saturday winds are projected to be SW which hopefully will help. Prolonged S, SE winds are what effects the pass the most.

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The old military term FUBAR comes to mind.



FUBAR is the correct term.

I have been working a few days straight and haven't had a chance to get online much to post. However, I'm extremely upset with BP at this point. After watching BP's C.O.O. on tv the other day state the he's proud of the way BP has handled the situation of reducing the amount of oil being spilled into the Gulf. Uh, where has he been? On the "Good Ship Lollipop"?


I have probably waited too long to stop using their stations. But as of yesterday I refuse to buy anything from their stores. I had faith in them and thought they would come out looking more credible. What a fool I have been!


Unfortunately, I alone will not have much of an effect and am not asking anyone else to do so as well.


I felt almost like a traitor to my country last week when I stopped at the deserted gas station. I felt as though the passing cars were looking at me. Almost blurting out "Shame on you!" as they paused at the stoplight.


I am not buying from them until the oil is stopped, every drop is cleaned up, and our fisherman and others that depend on the Gulf for their livelihood are compensated fairly for their losses. If the company that I used often folds and becomes extinct before then, I will assure you, no love lost.


My cruise leaves in 26 days now and will post pictures when I return.

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FUBAR is the correct term.

I have been working a few days straight and haven't had a chance to get online much to post. However, I'm extremely upset with BP at this point. After watching BP's C.O.O. on tv the other day state the he's proud of the way BP has handled the situation of reducing the amount of oil being spilled into the Gulf. Uh, where has he been? On the "Good Ship Lollipop"?


I have probably waited too long to stop using their stations. But as of yesterday I refuse to buy anything from their stores. I had faith in them and thought they would come out looking more credible. What a fool I have been!


Unfortunately, I alone will not have much of an effect and am not asking anyone else to do so as well.


I felt almost like a traitor to my country last week when I stopped at the deserted gas station. I felt as though the passing cars were looking at me. Almost blurting out "Shame on you!" as they paused at the stoplight.


I am not buying from them until the oil is stopped, every drop is cleaned up, and our fisherman and others that depend on the Gulf for their livelihood are compensated fairly for their losses. If the company that I used often folds and becomes extinct before then, I will assure you, no love lost.


My cruise leaves in 26 days now and will post pictures when I return.



I'm from Louisiana and share your anger. However, I have thought that my boycott on BP would just hurt my fellow neighbors. They are the one's that own the stations. It's definitely a delima for me.

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FUBAR is the correct term.

I have been working a few days straight and haven't had a chance to get online much to post. However, I'm extremely upset with BP at this point. After watching BP's C.O.O. on tv the other day state the he's proud of the way BP has handled the situation of reducing the amount of oil being spilled into the Gulf. Uh, where has he been? On the "Good Ship Lollipop"?


I have probably waited too long to stop using their stations. But as of yesterday I refuse to buy anything from their stores. I had faith in them and thought they would come out looking more credible. What a fool I have been!


Unfortunately, I alone will not have much of an effect and am not asking anyone else to do so as well.


I felt almost like a traitor to my country last week when I stopped at the deserted gas station. I felt as though the passing cars were looking at me. Almost blurting out "Shame on you!" as they paused at the stoplight.


I am not buying from them until the oil is stopped, every drop is cleaned up, and our fisherman and others that depend on the Gulf for their livelihood are compensated fairly for their losses. If the company that I used often folds and becomes extinct before then, I will assure you, no love lost.


My cruise leaves in 26 days now and will post pictures when I return.



BP likely does not own the stations carrying their brand. It is probably independently owned and operated. They get some financial aid for start up from the brand, to carry their logos. Most independent stations get their gas from a generic depot that carries gas from who knows. Ask at the station if it is BP owned or independent. You may be cutting the legs out from under your neighbor. I look for most BP branded stations to be rebranded soon.

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I have been reading that Triumph is trying to go around the slick, but has to do so in the daylight. It is not getting in until miday and leaving about 10 p.m. We are booked for the June 5th cruise. We usually get to the terminal about 10:30. but I don't want to spend the day there. I guess we will spend the day in New Orleans and head to the pier about 4.



5/15 still the only day Triumph has deviated from schedule.


Triumph left on time again today, 4:30ish.

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I'm from Louisiana and share your anger. However, I have thought that my boycott on BP would just hurt my fellow neighbors. They are the one's that own the stations. It's definitely a delima for me.


You definetly have a point. My mother used to help manage a Shell station in the 90's. I remember her telling me that the stations made little money on the fuel and most of the profit was the merchandise inside the store. I usually pay at the pump, so maybe if I buy my gas at other stations and stop in for a drink or snack occaisonally, that might help the workers at the station. However, eventually if BP closes the station, the workers have to move on.

I know it's not the workers fault for the oil but you have to be thinking in the back of your mind that the job may end soon. Hopefully they have a better back up plan than British Petroleum.

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Did anyone catch the BP CEO's statement that he wants it stopped up as badly as we do here on the Gulf Coast? He wants to get back to his life! At least he'll still have a life to go back to. He's not in the same boat as our local citizens.

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