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No More Bon Voyage Liqure


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I ordered a bottle this morning, with no problems.



Yes, you must have before the email was sent out to the BV dept... Many have confirmed the new rule.. You got very lucky though.. They seem to have stated that if the order was placed before all of this you are ok...

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This is insane. I am really curious about how high up the management was this decision made -- was it Paul Shae, VP of food & beverage services, or someone higher up? Is it just a matter of a VP making a bad call or does the decision come from the top, like the CEO.


It's a huge difference because the VP of one dept. looks mostly at his/her piece of the puzzle. The top management looks at the entire big picture.

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OK....I was almost convinced before that the beards at Carnival were smoking something other than the legal stuff. Now I am 100% convinced. WHY in God's name would you stop this when you are making a zillion percent markup on the item you are doing away with?????? And they want us to not smuggle????? Yep, someone is smoking something that goes even beyond the wacky weed.


My guess is risk management...there was probably some drunken incident and thus the need for further crack down on the availability of alcohol. Bartenders can cut you off...a bottle in your room...you can have as much as you want. So once again people who abuse a privlege ruin it for the rest of us.


Sorry still trying to read all the pages...but another thought...is it just that BV is no longer taking the orders...and you must order through room service once you are on board???

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If this is true, its terrible! If anyone needs me I will be boiling Listerine bottles......



I'm reading the posts getting a little bent outta shape. :mad: Read this one and visual image popped in my head .......almost spewed pop on the monitor. Thanks for the lol after a long evening of storms/tornado warnings. I needed that! :D


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Thanks for the lol after a long evening of storms/tornado warnings. I needed that! :D





Those sirens were fun tonight weren't they???


I like you, have been a few cruises. I am not a huge drinker and did enjoy the DOD card during the short time it was offered. Since then I noticed that drink prices went up on my last cruise and I can say that I ordered only one drink the entire week. I refuse to pay $10 for a daiquri...


So I think that their profits have gone down with the price increase and that Bon Voyage orders went up so rather than reduce prices they will do away with the thing they think is costing them money.


I have never really wanted to do an "All Inclusive" Land vacation but all the new rules and regulations are making it seem pretty appealing.


I will send in my email now!

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Boo Hoo. I was going to be a good girl this cruise and order a bottle of Amaretto for myself and a vodka for my BF from BV and order a wine package. (He drinks a lot, but stays a good boy. Lots of practice, I guess.) We were looking forward to a lot of R&R, relaxing in the cabin and on our balcony. I have a major problem with this change in policy coming after we booked and paid our nonrefundable deposit. Shouldn't those already booked be able to sail with the terms as they were when we booked? If we were on a land vacation, we could have any alcohol in our room we wanted, no matter whether we bought it from the hotel or otherwise. We are adults on vacation! Going to send my e-mail now.

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Okay, Here's what I sent them. I pasted some of what I wrote in my last post here, plus added an option.


"Hi, I just read about the change in policy regarding buying liquor from your department, and want you to know it is very upsetting. I have a major problem with this change in policy coming after we booked and paid our nonrefundable deposit. Shouldn't those already booked be able to sail with the terms as they were when we booked? If we were on a land vacation, we could have any alcohol in our room we wanted, no matter whether we bought it from the hotel or otherwise. We are responsible adults on vacation who would like to enjoy some R&R on your ship, especially in our cabin and on our balcony. I think you should either allow already booked passengers to be able to purchase liquor from your department or give us the option of cancelling our travel plans with you with a full refund of our deposit. Thank you."

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Well and feel free to blacklist me, never respond to my post etc. However this change is an ok change by me and I havent even cruised yet.


To see how "adamant" some of you people get is quite scary. Its like you cant live without it and or over indulging.


Which is your choice. Dont get me wrong.


I would like (out of curiosity) know what brought this along as it WILL increase smuggling.


It seems I missed what a cruise has become from the "old" days to now a days (from observations or maybe it was a fallacy). Just seemed like a way to get away and relax, mingle and lounge at your liesure without having to really worry about anything. No traffic, food provided, entertainment, travel, etc.


Now it seems all it is to people is a booze cruise. Cant that be done at home?


Please notice I am not singling anyone out. Nor am I saying you are a heathen and shouldnt drink.


With the BV gone do you think (if smuggling would subside) they would/could lower drink prices at the bar? Would that help?


I hope they change it back in a way. Im not a prude... but I can live without it.


I'm on vacation to chillax and have a good time. Part of that is being able to put away a couple of adult pops when and if I choose. We used the Bon Voyage on our first (and only) cruise to order a bottle of Stoli for the stateroom. The beauty of the stateroom liquor was in being able to get up, put on my robe, make a screwdriver, and head for the balcony to watch the morning get kicked off. No need to get dressed, brush my teeth or leave the cabin. It was something i truly enjoyed on my cruise and it bums me out to see that option go away unless I choose to break the rules and smuggle on a bottle.


It was one of the talking points I've been using in hyping my cruise to my friends and family that I'm trying to get on their first cruises, thats how nice I thought it was.


I'm not really that keen on smuggling as it just adds an unneeded worry to a week in which my goal is no worries. Bon Voyage was the perfect solution to that. Oh well, I'll be sending my email here as soon as I'm done reading the thread.

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I'm on vacation to chillax and have a good time. Part of that is being able to put away a couple of adult pops when and if I choose. We used the Bon Voyage on our first (and only) cruise to order a bottle of Stoli for the stateroom. The beauty of the stateroom liquor was in being able to get up, put on my robe, make a screwdriver, and head for the balcony to watch the morning get kicked off. No need to get dressed, brush my teeth or leave the cabin. It was something i truly enjoyed on my cruise and it bums me out to see that option go away unless I choose to break the rules and smuggle on a bottle.


It was one of the talking points I've been using in hyping my cruise to my friends and family that I'm trying to get on their first cruises, thats how nice I thought it was.


I'm not really that keen on smuggling as it just adds an unneeded worry to a week in which my goal is no worries. Bon Voyage was the perfect solution to that. Oh well, I'll be sending my email here as soon as I'm done reading the thread.


See (and dont take this the wrong way) you can "chillax" at home for a few days and drink your adult pop looking out your window and I dont have to worry about bumping into you. My pitch (im kidding here) to my friends is they can go on a cruise and not have to worry about someone that may appear to have liquor on their breath bump into them (accidently) somewhere else on the ship first thing in the morning.


There is no prerequisite to have alcohol on a cruise ship. A cruise ship is a city unto itself and must attempt to cater to everyone to include the cities best interest.


Do other cruise lines have this feature? I think I read where they dont. They have been doing fine.


As someone stated earlier something probably happened to force this change.


Im dissappointed to see that you cant order it from room service a day or 2 after the start of the cruise. Enough to throw my arms up and never cruise Carnival again? meh dont know, Alcohol plays a very little part in my ability to enjoy myself on a vacation. Who knows it could be the end of the begining but I doubt it.

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That is the million dollar question. It could be answered by a few answers meanign there is not one answer but a cumilation of answers that created the decision.


Logic (yes im giggling) would dictate you would see an increase in drinking at the bar.




You would see a decrease in attendence.




You would see a decrease in attendance only to see it return as more people cruise because of the "family friendly" aspect.


Or... etc.


The only way to find out is after a short term test evaluation. I would think 2 to 3 months if they are serious about this change. Any longer in finding out would probably have a bearing on their bottom line.


From what people say Carnival (even without the booze?) is still dollar for dollar you best choice for a cruise? Why would this change? At least this is what I surmize from my short time here.


You seem to keep coming back to this "family friendly" environment as reasoning for this change, when it's simply not true. I have two kids and was a group leader of 50 people on my last cruise, with plenty of kids/families included in that. It was not a "booze cruise", I didn't witness one drunk person (granted, I was in my cabin by 11:00-midnight each night, but so were my kids)...so it all ready *IS* a "family friendly" vacation, when people were allowed to have a drink in their cabins. Come to think of it, I have probably only witnessed maybe a dozen drunk people on all THREE cruises I've been on (and two were without kids and visited the disco and later evening bars and activities).

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See (and dont take this the wrong way) you can "chillax" at home for a few days and drink your adult pop looking out your window and I dont have to worry about bumping into you. My pitch (im kidding here) to my friends is they can go on a cruise and not have to worry about someone that may appear to have liquor on their breath bump into them (accidently) somewhere else on the ship first thing in the morning..
I wouldn't know why this would be a "selling point", kind of strange. Do your friends have lots of problems with that during other vacations? Where the heck are you hanging out? ROFLMBO ;) As a group leader myself, I have two pieces of advice for you. A.) You shouldn't have to "sell" someone on a cruise, bc otherwise they will come to you the moment your "sales pitch" goes awry, and B.) You shouldn't promise people something you don't have 100% control over (not that I myself have had anything of the kind happen, it's just that it isn't out of the realm of possibility).


There is no prerequisite to have alcohol on a cruise ship. A cruise ship is a city unto itself and must attempt to cater to everyone to include the cities best interest.


Do other cruise lines have this feature? I think I read where they dont. They have been doing fine.



I've never heard that. I'm curious as to which line that is. Where did you find this information?

Edited to add: According to this travel website/expert, there aren't any cruiselines that don't serve alcohol. http://en.allexperts.com/q/Cruises-2541/Christian-Cruises.htm


Alcohol plays a very little part in my ability to enjoy myself on a vacation. Who knows it could be the end of the begining but I doubt it.


I'm the same way, but that doesn't make this OK with me. This isn't the first thing that's come down recently that's way out of left field, and who's to say that they're done with these "sweeping reforms"? Next time it could be something they change or take away that does effect me personally. I'd hope someone would assist me at that time and make their opinions known.

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You seem to keep coming back to this "family friendly" environment as reasoning for this change, when it's simply not true. I have two kids and was a group leader of 50 people on my last cruise, with plenty of kids/families included in that. It was not a "booze cruise", I didn't witness one drunk person (granted, I was in my cabin by 11:00-midnight each night, but so were my kids)...so it all ready *IS* a "family friendly" vacation, when people were allowed to have a drink in their cabins. Come to think of it, I have probably only witnessed maybe a dozen drunk people on all THREE cruises I've been on (and two were without kids and visited the disco and later evening bars and activities).



No it is only one of few options and or areas I have pointed out and you singled out. Ive also mentioned money and liability (in other threads). I just used that one as it seemed to flow with my post.


However 12 "drunks" in three cruises. Thats an average of 4 (visibly there could have been ones that you didnt see or carry themselves well) drunk people every 7 days in a "closed" environment. Were they all in the bar/disco area? Were they all after hours? Did they all make it back to their rooms without incident?


The probability (again im just using probabilities as there are just to many people on a cruise ship) of you seeing the only 4 drunk people and there not being more are low. Im also not saying you cant turn around without bumping into a drunk.


However something had to have happened to facilitate this change.. Especially since they have cut out room delivery (bottle) all together. Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to assume it was something bad. Either bottom line money wise, someone being hurt (or a close call), or someone being the innocent bystander. The reason couldnt have been everyone was enjoying themselves in an orderly manner taking advantage of the bar drinks and or tended bar environment.


Did this something had to have happened recently? Not the big one but something that "broke the camels back". Maybe it was part of a 3 month study of all incidents in general.


Dont know, however someone high up the food chain decided based on something it was a good idea at the time.

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I'm reading the posts getting a little bent outta shape. :mad: Read this one and visual image popped in my head .......almost spewed pop on the monitor. Thanks for the lol after a long evening of storms/tornado warnings. I needed that! :D




That mental image was probably accurate:) Hope you got thru the storms and that wasn't your pool with hail in it:o

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I wouldn't know why this would be a "selling point", kind of strange. Do your friends have lots of problems with that during other vacations? Where the heck are you hanging out? ROFLMBO ;) As a group leader myself, I have two pieces of advice for you. A.) You shouldn't have to "sell" someone on a cruise, bc otherwise they will come to you the moment your "sales pitch" goes awry, and B.) You shouldn't promise people something you don't have 100% control over (not that I myself have had anything of the kind happen, it's just that it isn't out of the realm of possibility).




I've never heard that. I'm curious as to which line that is. Where did you find this information?

Edited to add: According to this travel website/expert, there aren't any cruiselines that don't serve alcohol. http://en.allexperts.com/q/Cruises-2541/Christian-Cruises.htm




I'm the same way, but that doesn't make this OK with me. This isn't the first thing that's come down recently that's way out of left field, and who's to say that they're done with these "sweeping reforms"? Next time it could be something they change or take away that does effect me personally. I'd hope someone would assist me at that time and make their opinions known.


That was meant as tongue in cheek. I really havent told anyone about it. Heck I havent even cruised yet. I may totally dislike the complete experience. ;)


The link you reference is a complete removal of alcohol. All I said was:

"There is no prerequisite to have alcohol on a cruise ship" meaning the selling point is not come get on my boat and drink. As for the "other cruise ship comment" I was referring to the BV. Im not saying cut out alcohol completely. We are discussing the ramifications and reasons the BV alcohol option was removed.


Im ok with it. If I want a drink I can go get one. I dont ever feel the need (not that others dont) to drink at all/any hour. If I want a drink I go get it, if it is not available "oh well". It was a "perk" they had and now it is gone. I (again just me) dont see the big deal.

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Boo Hoo. I was going to be a good girl this cruise and order a bottle of Amaretto for myself and a vodka for my BF from BV and order a wine package. (He drinks a lot, but stays a good boy. Lots of practice, I guess.) We were looking forward to a lot of R&R, relaxing in the cabin and on our balcony. I have a major problem with this change in policy coming after we booked and paid our nonrefundable deposit. Shouldn't those already booked be able to sail with the terms as they were when we booked? If we were on a land vacation, we could have any alcohol in our room we wanted, no matter whether we bought it from the hotel or otherwise. We are adults on vacation! Going to send my e-mail now.


Thats why they make sure to add "rules and regulations subject to change without warning." in the small print......

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No it is only one of few options and or areas I have pointed out and you singled out. Ive also mentioned money and liability (in other threads). I just used that one as it seemed to flow with my post.


However 12 "drunks" in three cruises. Thats an average of 4 (visibly there could have been ones that you didnt see or carry themselves well) drunk people every 7 days in a "closed" environment. Were they all in the bar/disco area? Were they all after hours? Did they all make it back to their rooms without incident?


I don't know.


The probability (again im just using probabilities as there are just to many people on a cruise ship) of you seeing the only 4 drunk people and there not being more are low. Im also not saying you cant turn around without bumping into a drunk.


However something had to have happened to facilitate this change.. Especially since they have cut out room delivery (bottle) all together. Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to assume it was something bad. Either bottom line money wise, someone being hurt (or a close call), or someone being the innocent bystander. The reason couldnt have been everyone was enjoying themselves in an orderly manner taking advantage of the bar drinks and or tended bar environment. Did this something had to have happened recently? Not the big one but something that "broke the camels back". Maybe it was part of a 3 month study of all incidents in general


I don't doubt that there are "incidents". That's why Carnival has an army of lawyers who make up the ticket contract and why there are very few lawsuits won by passengers. If there was any kind of major "incident", you can bet we'd have heard about it here. Here on CC we hear about it if the roast beef was cold on the lunch buffet at 3:00 on the 2nd to last sea day or the joke told by the CD during the Welcome Aboard show after the late dinner seating was out of line. In addition to the people on CC who either work for Carnival or are close personal friends with people who do. I realize there were probably more, I'm just pointing out that noone is swimming through a sea of drunks at all hours of the night and day. They're adults, who paid for their cruisefare, and are not my (nor the cruiseline's, to my knowledge) responsibility. There are a LOT of things that people agree to in the "cruise contract" and I'm SURE it's to (rightfully so) limit the cruiseline's liability. It's not my job, nor Carnival's, to make every decision for every passenger.



Dont know, however someone high up the food chain decided based on something it was a good idea at the time.


Yeah, the same person who decided it was a good idea to randomly raise fares across the board and put some more coin in Carnival's pocket.

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No it is only one of few options and or areas I have pointed out and you singled out. Ive also mentioned money and liability (in other threads). I just used that one as it seemed to flow with my post.


However 12 "drunks" in three cruises. Thats an average of 4 (visibly there could have been ones that you didnt see or carry themselves well) drunk people every 7 days in a "closed" environment. Were they all in the bar/disco area? Were they all after hours? Did they all make it back to their rooms without incident?


The probability (again im just using probabilities as there are just to many people on a cruise ship) of you seeing the only 4 drunk people and there not being more are low. Im also not saying you cant turn around without bumping into a drunk.


However something had to have happened to facilitate this change.. Especially since they have cut out room delivery (bottle) all together. Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to assume it was something bad. Either bottom line money wise, someone being hurt (or a close call), or someone being the innocent bystander. The reason couldnt have been everyone was enjoying themselves in an orderly manner taking advantage of the bar drinks and or tended bar environment.


Did this something had to have happened recently? Not the big one but something that "broke the camels back". Maybe it was part of a 3 month study of all incidents in general.


Dont know, however someone high up the food chain decided based on something it was a good idea at the time.

Do you work for Carnival? You seem awfully hell bent on arguing their position. Since you haven't cruised before, you're making alot of assumptions based upon no facts.


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See (and dont take this the wrong way) you can "chillax" at home for a few days and drink your adult pop looking out your window and I dont have to worry about bumping into you. My pitch (im kidding here) to my friends is they can go on a cruise and not have to worry about someone that may appear to have liquor on their breath bump into them (accidently) somewhere else on the ship first thing in the morning.


There is no prerequisite to have alcohol on a cruise ship. A cruise ship is a city unto itself and must attempt to cater to everyone to include the cities best interest.


Do other cruise lines have this feature? I think I read where they dont. They have been doing fine.


As someone stated earlier something probably happened to force this change.


Im dissappointed to see that you cant order it from room service a day or 2 after the start of the cruise. Enough to throw my arms up and never cruise Carnival again? meh dont know, Alcohol plays a very little part in my ability to enjoy myself on a vacation. Who knows it could be the end of the begining but I doubt it.


Two points: 1. This will not cut down on how much people drink, if that's the point you're after its not a valid one. People will either spend more money at the bar or smuggle more. 2. Perhaps you would enjoy a Disney Ship more than Carnival, family freindly, no casino, less drinking, no hairy chest competition.

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No it is only one of few options and or areas I have pointed out and you singled out. Ive also mentioned money and liability (in other threads). I just used that one as it seemed to flow with my post.


However 12 "drunks" in three cruises. Thats an average of 4 (visibly there could have been ones that you didnt see or carry themselves well) drunk people every 7 days in a "closed" environment. Were they all in the bar/disco area? Were they all after hours? Did they all make it back to their rooms without incident?


The probability (again im just using probabilities as there are just to many people on a cruise ship) of you seeing the only 4 drunk people and there not being more are low. Im also not saying you cant turn around without bumping into a drunk.


However something had to have happened to facilitate this change.. Especially since they have cut out room delivery (bottle) all together. Now you dont have to be a rocket scientist to assume it was something bad. Either bottom line money wise, someone being hurt (or a close call), or someone being the innocent bystander. The reason couldnt have been everyone was enjoying themselves in an orderly manner taking advantage of the bar drinks and or tended bar environment.


Did this something had to have happened recently? Not the big one but something that "broke the camels back". Maybe it was part of a 3 month study of all incidents in general.


Dont know, however someone high up the food chain decided based on something it was a good idea at the time.



Its green, all green. No incident. People go over the side more often than you think and there have been PLENTY of incidents over the years many fueled by alcohol. But none of those account for this change. This change has been made to see if the F&B department can increase it's revenue starting this fiscal year.

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Do you work for Carnival? You seem awfully hell bent on arguing their position. Since you haven't cruised before, you're making alot of assumptions based upon no facts.



And your point is? Does it make my views or expressions any less valid? I haven't seen the inside of a crocodiles mouth yet I know I dont want to.


I can "assume" all I want based on what I read. Is there something constructive you wanted to bring to the conversation?

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Two points: 1. This will not cut down on how much people drink, if that's the point you're after its not a valid one. People will either spend more money at the bar or smuggle more. 2. Perhaps you would enjoy a Disney Ship more than Carnival, family freindly, no casino, less drinking, no hairy chest competition.


Im not after any one point. Do any of you actually read the messages or do you just grab little bits and pieces and run with it. I have mentioned liability, "drunks"/image and money.


My quote you took was in response to a direct mention of how many drunks one person saw on board. No hidden agenda.

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And you have such strong feelings on the change in the BV department ~~ why??? :D


Actually if you read (and another thread also) im curious as to why the change and how it came about and that is what I am discussing. The only personal mention of it was I can live with it. Its not big deal to me. Other then that it has all been maybe this is why.


My other post mentions people should be more concerned over the "knee jerk" changes and not what the changes are.

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