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Anyone doing the HCG diet?

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Hi all - I ordered HCG1234 drops and have started the process. P1 was Sat and Sun. I started P2 yesterday and had some hunger, but nothing that I could not deal with. When I weighed in this morning I am down 1.2 lbs. I plan to follow the VLCD as closely as I can. I am leaving for our cruise on the 18th of May and would love to loose 10-15 lbs between now and then. I am sick of going to the store and buying bigger clothes. I am excited to see this thread. I know I will need to be careful on the cruise, but I know Ican do it.


Grats on getting going! I'm not sure how the drops work, but when you take the actual HCG shots you need to stabilize after you stop taking the HCG, which may not be something you want to do while on a cruise.


First, you continue to eat VLCD for 3 days after you stop taking the HCG. Then, you transition to P3, where basically you eat the same types of foods as in P2 only in larger quantities. You can add in fats at this point, but still no carbs. You follow that for 3 full weeks before transitioning to P4.


Many people have found that skipping P3 is ineffective and they gain it back quickly. Just something to think about since your cruise is just over a month away. I don't mean to discourage you from doing the diet, it just may burn you with your timing right now.


If you haven't already, I would *HIGHLY* recommend reading "Weight-Loss Apocalypse" by Robin Phipps Woodall .. it is a motivational and informative book specifically designed to go along with the HCG diet.


Good luck!!

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Congrats on your weight loss, but I just had to mention HCG drops really cannot work orally. Your loss is due to the drastic cut in calories. You must have amazing willpower.


My daughter was on HCG shots, brand name Humatrope. It is waaaay expensive, several thousands of dollars a month, but covered by insurance for idopathic short stature. Without the shots she would have only been 4'7. We eventually got her to 4'10. She hated the shots at first, so I asked if there was an oral type. The endo. laughed and said the diet people would have you believe there is but taking the hormone orally means it is digested and never makes it to your blood stream. Shots were the only way to get it.


I think you are thinking of HGH ( Human Growth Hormone), not HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Easy to get confused by the two.


BTW, I have also done HCG 2 times. The first time I went to a MD and got the prescription drops called Releana. I lost 20 lbs in 28 days. My scale showed fat loss, not muscle mass. The second time I did it, I lost 22 lbs in 4 weeks using homeopathic drops from "TheofficialHCGdietplan.com.


I truly believe it works. I have tried 1200 calorie Nutra System with intense cardio daily, and only lost 1 pound a week. I tryed 1000 calorie a day and jogged 3 miles a day and again only lost a pound a week. I was even 10 and 15 years younger then.


If you do the math, it doesn't add up any other way. If you need 1400 calories per day, and you are only eating 500, that is a deficet of 900 calories. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.


The skeptics can say what they want, I know it works for me. I have met several people that have also had great results.


BTW, when I cruise, I eat and drink whatever I want. It's my vacation.

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I think you are thinking of HGH ( Human Growth Hormone), not HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin). Easy to get confused by the two.


BTW, I have also done HCG 2 times. The first time I went to a MD and got the prescription drops called Releana. I lost 20 lbs in 28 days. My scale showed fat loss, not muscle mass. The second time I did it, I lost 22 lbs in 4 weeks using homeopathic drops from "TheofficialHCGdietplan.com.


I truly believe it works. I have tried 1200 calorie Nutra System with intense cardio daily, and only lost 1 pound a week. I tryed 1000 calorie a day and jogged 3 miles a day and again only lost a pound a week. I was even 10 and 15 years younger then.


If you do the math, it doesn't add up any other way. If you need 1400 calories per day, and you are only eating 500, that is a deficet of 900 calories. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories.


The skeptics can say what they want, I know it works for me. I have met several people that have also had great results.


BTW, when I cruise, I eat and drink whatever I want. It's my vacation.

we like it hot...i also got my hcg from official...was sceptic at first because tested drops on pregnancy test and came up negative..decided to try because of money back guarantee and on first round lost 45 lbs(56 m started at 325) i am two weeks into round 2 and lost all weight gained during maintenance and gorge days for round two AND another 10 lbs!(270 now) 55 lbs lost since jan. 7 and still 4 weeks to go in round 2. i LOVE this diet and looking forward to the DREAM in september!! may do round 3 and go for over 100LBS !!!!

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we like it hot...i also got my hcg from official...was sceptic at first because tested drops on pregnancy test and came up negative..decided to try because of money back guarantee and on first round lost 45 lbs(56 m started at 325) i am two weeks into round 2 and lost all weight gained during maintenance and gorge days for round two AND another 10 lbs!(270 now) 55 lbs lost since jan. 7 and still 4 weeks to go in round 2. i LOVE this diet and looking forward to the DREAM in september!! may do round 3 and go for over 100LBS !!!!


CONGRATS!!! Fantastic results!!


This stuff is great. I know there are skeptics out there. Usually if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Not this time. I first heard about it from a lady I met at a function. She said she lost 30lbs in 30 days! She had no reason to lie to me. She was right. I know if I hadn't cheated a little, I'm sure I would have lost more.


My daughter lost 20lbs on it also in 4 weeks. It's funny that after watching Dr Oz, she is telling me it doesn't work because he said so on his show. Amazing she could get brain washed by watching TV even after she experienced the wonderful results she had.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Days 1-2


“Loading days”



Days 3 up to 40:



1 Tea, coffee, herbal tea or water.

1 Tbsp. limit of milk each 24 hours.

(Saccharin or Stevia may be used.)

Drink plenty of water.


1. 100 grams (4 oz.) of veal, beef, chicken

breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab or

shrimp. Remove all visible fast and weigh

meat raw before broiling or grilling. Drink

plenty of water. Avoid: salmon, eel, tuna,

herring, dried or pickled fish.

2. One type of vegetable at each meal: 2 cups of

spinach, chard, Chicory, beet greens, green

salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions,

radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage-2

cups each; 1 cup tomatoes or onions.

3. One breadstick (grissino-Italian) or one Melba


4. An apple or a handful of strawberries (10

med.), or one-half grapefruit.


Consume the same four food categories eaten

for lunch; water.

Other items for consumption:

Lemon daily, salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard

powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme,

marjoram, may be used for seasoning, but

avoid oil, butter or dressing. Fruit or a breads

tick may be eaten between meals.


I want to lose 40 pounds for more than 2 years and although I try to eat healthy and exercize three times a week I"m not able to make any progress, I want something more dramatic and just maintain after I reach my goal.


I quoted the post above just to have a starting point for my questions. We are going on a Panama Canal cruise in September, so I have enough time to lose and do the maintenance and maybe do a second round but before I start I would like to ask you guys some more questions:


1. I am currently taking Suplements (pills) such as: Omega3, multivitamin, Vit D, Resveratrol, CoQ10, Calcium. Should I stop taking them in Phase 2? All of them or just some of them?


2. i am doing cardio 3 times a week for 1 hour, not very strenuous but enough to break a sweat. Should I stop or should I still do-it. I am not necessarily exercizing for weight loss but more to improve my mood.


3. In the food plan I quoted above it said "one type of vegetable at each meal". Can I combine let's say, a cup of tomatoes with one cup of lettuce? or is it that essential to follow the plan letter by letter.


I am pretty sure I have other questions but so far those are the ones that I can think off.


Thank you very much for your answers, I will start my diet on Monday and I will keep you informed of my progress.



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Today I hit the 40 lb mark...whoo-hoo!


Question - is anyone still able to order the hcg even though the feds have made retailers stop selling it? Otherwise, I am going to have to switch over to the hcg w/amino as the replacement drops (liquid amino diet . com) Anyone tried this version?

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Mee, you can take the supplements (at least we still did). They did recommend stopping Fish Oil though. You will not have enough energy to do any cardio. Walking will work but with only 500 calories you won't have the energy


Good luck!

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I am in day 7 of Phase 3...though I didn't have much to lose, I have lost 10 lbs. and the clothes feel much better. For those that are only trying to lose 10-20 lbs, don't be discouraged if your numbers aren't high, or you stay the same for a few days. It just means that you have less abnormal fat cells than somebody that might need to lose 50+.


On a couple of days, I treated the tomato as a fruit, which it really is. So, I felt that I could at least have a salad. I think I honestly was below 500 calories on a few days, because I just never felt hungry.


I also made a great Chili several times with hamburger and fresh diced tomatoes. It always looked more appealing than a chunk of meat and some veggies...LOL!


I have gotten several of the flavored Stevia drops now, and since I can now have dairy in Phase 3, I love the Chocolate or Vanilla Cream in my plain greek yogurt, or in my coffee with half and half...I have broken the flavored creamer habit...hahaha


I have really lost my craving for sugar or carbs. I honestly believe I eat better now, since I'm eating more fruits and veggies than I was before. Plus, I'm drinking more water!!


Good luck to all the everyone.

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Today is my first day of LCD, my weight this morning was 175lb. I planned my meals for today and I feel very motivated. Tonight I will put together a groceries list and a meal plan for the rest of the week. Wish me luck please!

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Good luck Maria!!! If you have any trouble, check in here and I can give you some options. Mustard and Apple Cider Vinegar became my friends during Phase 2....I am in the second week of Phase 3.


Pick up some packs of Stevia if you need a sweetner for anything, like dressings or coffee...




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It is important to stay away from any kind of fat, including Omega 3 pills. I was told by the clinic not to use and body lotions either. There really isn't any cheating allowed. When I would cheat, even a little, I noticed that my weight loss would only be 4oz or less. The water is very important. Try to drink atleast 2 liters or more a day. That's really not too hard. Good luck to those that are on it.

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:) Day 3 of Phase 2, and not only I am not hungry, I had to make an effort to eat my lunch today. I am however thirsty all the time, I already drank more than eight 8oz glasses of water since this morning. I hope that's normal. As far as weight loss, I dropped 6lb in 3 days but I'm afraid it's just the weight I put on in the 2 load days. Feeling good in general, and I am very motivated to do it right.

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Shellgoodman, the story you report is identical to many people I know. It amazes me. Many of the folks I spoke to had completely given up. After seeing people who hadn't lost a pound for 30 years finally start to believe in their ability to control their weight, all I can say is, where did you get those drops!


The folks I know did injections with their doctors.


Best of luck on the cruise. Congratuations on your success, it is inspiring.


I buy my drops at a health food store they are made by AnuMed International they are E-HCG drops. I have tried everything else in the world, these drops help with hunger, i have a hard time losing since I take insulin but since I started them I have been able to cut my insulin intake from 190 units a day to 90 units a day and have lost 28 lbs in 3 mos. i am doing it slowly along with exercise, but I cant consume the 500 cals a day due to the diabetes, so I do 900 cals a day and I have even gone off the drops and not gained the wieght back. I am on my 3rd set and have no problems. I am still trying to cut back on insulin. But I never ate a lot anyway and I have also changed the way i eat. So thats how I am doing it and trust me its not easy living with 2 junkfood junkies who are thin ! My husband is a normal weight and eats whatever whenever and he eats ice cream everyday.

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I buy my drops at a health food store they are made by AnuMed International they are E-HCG drops. I have tried everything else in the world, these drops help with hunger, i have a hard time losing since I take insulin but since I started them I have been able to cut my insulin intake from 190 units a day to 90 units a day and have lost 28 lbs in 3 mos. i am doing it slowly along with exercise, but I cant consume the 500 cals a day due to the diabetes, so I do 900 cals a day and I have even gone off the drops and not gained the wieght back. I am on my 3rd set and have no problems. I am still trying to cut back on insulin. But I never ate a lot anyway and I have also changed the way i eat. So thats how I am doing it and trust me its not easy living with 2 junkfood junkies who are thin ! My husband is a normal weight and eats whatever whenever and he eats ice cream everyday.


Plus my Dr. was so impressed he gave me the okay to continue with what i'm doing. My b/p dropped 20 pts, sugars are staying lower than they ever have before. and I feel better and go to the gym 4 days a week at 630 am, of course having a workout buddy helps with that part cuz we motivate each other.

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I'm just about out of my homeopathic hcg drops - who is still selling off their supply? I know the FDA is making everyone stop selling it for dieting purposes, so what is everyone's back-up plan? Mix it up ourselves? HELP!!:eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 20 and I'm down 15lb. Happy and even more motivated than before. I have 20 more days to go in P2, then the 3 days of low cal and no Hcg, and then maintenance. I have a quick question because I found conflicting informations on the net: should the maintenance be 40 days or three weeks only?



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I'm just about out of my homeopathic hcg drops - who is still selling off their supply? I know the FDA is making everyone stop selling it for dieting purposes, so what is everyone's back-up plan? Mix it up ourselves? HELP!!:eek:


officialhcgdietplan.com still sells it. That is where I buy mine.


The company is fast and even sent me a $15 check when my niece mentioned I had referred her :)

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  • 1 month later...

I'll be starting my next round on 6-30-12... well, actually a couple days before... I do injections and have been very successful. I'm on one of the hcg diet forums who support me. The people who have never tried this have no right to comment on this diet. Yes, it is low calories, but the inches just melt away... I lost almost 3 inches off my waist in three weeks and the same for my abdomen. You just don't get hungry when you use hcg. I've been a yo yo dieter my whole life and at least we get meat and veggies on this diet.


I've tried the gym routine, the 1200 calories, Weight Watchers three times and barely lost 10 pounds and journaled and followed their plan, so if you have never tried this plan... bud out... it's not for you.


Hip Hip Hooray for hcg and the success we get!

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Mee&Dee: Maintenance.... should be a minimum of three weeks. Those first three weeks are no carbs and starches in order to reset your hypothalmus to stay at your lowest injection weight. Six weeks is actually better for maintenance to stabilize at your new weight.


It's up to you, though. Will you be doing another round?

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Even though Dr. Oz said that... have you ever tried anything on this program that has worked? I've bought a number of products he recommended and none of them worked... I also tried a number of weight loss plans he has promoted on this show and..... none of them worked. I think he gets paid to endorse those products and people...


He has a "new" diet plan on the front cover of a weekly magazine EVERY week... so... doesn't that tell you that the plan from the previous week doesn't work?


He's kinda fun to watch but unless you live where his practice is and he is your physician, I wouldn't commit to any of his "weekly" miracle plans.


It's hcg for me...


The other diet that has shown results for me is the old "Dr. Stillman's Water Diet". All lean protein and eggs and low fat cottage cheese. Pretty good results in a couple weeks, then get off and stablize.

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