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Another Victory Review & Pictures May 16-23


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I told you I had fallen in love with this flower. It looks like a parrot’s head and one of our guides told us the flower is actually inside this colorful parrot head looking thing.

Told you I fell in love with this flower. cruisemay20st-lucia64_thumb.jpg?w=404&h=271

This picture was taken at the last stop of the Best Views Tour. It is taken from the deck of a private home. They are part of the tour, served drinks and snacks and allowed people to wander their home. They view is nothing less than spectacular. The back of the house faces the Caribbean Sea while the front of the house overlooks the Atlantic Ocean.


After the tour we wandered around the shops some and then headed back to the ship. A newly married couple was boarding just ahead of us. They had gotten married on a beach here in St. Lucia. She was in a formal ball gown type wedding dress and he was in a tux. They looked SO hot and miserable. Her veil was askew, her make up had sweated off and he was stripping as they boarded the ship. OUR bride and groom looked so much more comfortable on Sunday than today's bride and groom.

Tonight was the second Elegant Night. I opted for a little less elegant but still nicely dressed tonight. No tuxes this trip. I miss that.cruisemay20st-lucia113-1_thumb.jpg?w=404&h=349

Terry went to see Percy Crews’ adult show at 10:45. I was tired and opted to stay in the cabin.

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Great review....can't wait to read the rest. Congratulations to the bride & groom, what a wonderful way to begin their lives together!


We will be sailing in July. Do you remember a laundry special onboard?

I didn't notice one this time although I have seen them in the past.
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When we found out we were going to St. Kitts Katie talked to her BFF, Monica, who has been there. She recommended the St. Kitts Train. photo_traincayonbridge.jpgI had done enough research on Cruise Critic and the internet to have already been thinking about doing the train ride. Monica’s recommendation capped it for us and we bought the excursion well in advance of the cruise. The St. Kitts Scenic Railway takes passengers on a 3-hour tour that makes a 30-mile circle around the beautiful Eastern Caribbean island of St. Kitts, with 18 miles by narrow gauge train and 12 miles on sightseeing buses. Built between 1912 and 1926 to transport sugar cane from the island’s sugar plantations to the sugar factory in the capital city of Basseterre, today the “Last Railway in the West Indies” provides visitors an unsurpassed opportunity to experience the scenery and culture of this unspoiled country. They served drinks, had a choir which sang and gave a great narrative explanation of what we were seeing. And what we saw was some of the prettiest scenery of the entire trip.


Brimstone Hill Fortress The Island of Nevis


Mt. Liamuiga – Volcano which is the reason for the black sand beaches


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Loved, Loved, Loved this tour. Recommend it in a big way!








Sugar Cane growing right up to the beach



Mr. Atlantic meet Ms. Caribbean


Someone decided to plant a Banana Plantation. It doesn’t seem to have “taken off”.



After the tour we wandered in and out of shops some more, many of them jewelry stores and, no, I was not the one leading him into them. In 1976 my then boyfriend bought me an engagement ring/wedding set. He told me that one day he would make the diamond grow. Fast forward to 3 years ago the week before our middle child got married. My rings broke. The man who has dragged me in and out of jewelry stores for years and years decided not to repair the broken band and has continued dragging me in and out of jewelry stores. This trip has been no different. I bet we’ve looked at rings in every store we’ve seen on every island we’ve been to. I no longer think anything about it and seldom even try on the rings he shows me.


As I iced my thumb we shared our luncheon table (it was about 3:00 so it was a very late lunch for us) with 2 German ladies. They knew exactly where I’d been born and we discussed East/West relations and why some Germans in the former West Germany want to “bring back the wall.” It was very interesting. Our kids fuss because we talk to strangers. We contend we’re old enough to make those decisions for ourselves and besides, how else am I going to learn about other people and their opinions if I don’t talk to them. I wish we’d been able to talk to them longer but we didn’t want to bug them.

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As we sat on the balcony with Terry’s beer and my water watching the world go by he asked me when we were supposed to be back on the ship.


Um, honey? We are on the ship. Are you feeling okay?

It was then he said the words that caused me to keel over and have to be revived…"Do you want to go back and get those rings we looked at earlier?"


The answers to his questions were 4:30 and “Are you serious?”. I accepted before he was able to come to his senses and rushed him right off that ship and back to the jewelers.


They are too small and will need to be sized, I have no idea what he paid for them as he sent me to check on a tee-shirt for his best friend and they are so exactly what I’ve always wanted I cannot even believe I now own them.


Terry went to see a show. I was tired and opted to stay in the cabin and admire my new rings.

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We were up early so we watched the ship go past El Morro and slide into port this morning.

We talked to Chris and Tasha several times but decided to forgo breakfast elsewhere and stuck to coffee and hot chocolate and bananas on the balcony.cruisemay23sanjuan595_thumb.jpg?w=184&h=244 Actually, we had some leftover wedding cake, too. It was pretty darn tasty even a week later.

We all had Zone 1 luggage tags and Terry and I headed down to Deck 0 about 8:30. Chris and Tasha had the same idea and arrived a few minutes after we did. The line began moving within minutes of their arrival and we were hearing the precious “bing” of the security machine as they ran our cards one last time cruisemay23puertorico10_thumb.jpg?w=244&h=133and we were in the terminal in no time. I got a porter who gathered up all our stuff and got us through customs in about 15 minutes, he got us a cab and we were headed to the airport by about 9:15.

Our taxi driver gave rude taxi drivers a bad name, by the way. The porter told him Avis Rent car and American Airlines, Tasha told him, I told him and when Terry told him (because he’d passed Avis, gotten us to the AA terminal and wanted us to all get out) he got all bent out of shape and fussed at us for not telling him in advance. He took Terry and I to Avis and when Terry tried to pay him he demanded almost twice what it should have been. Terry is nicer than I am as he paid the guy the $40. According to their website and all the information I can find (and what we paid from the airport to the Sheraton last week) Pier to airport is a preset price of $19 + $1 a bag. I assure you we did not have 21 bags. Oh well.

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We got to Avis, got a nicer car than we’d reserved for the same price and we headed off on our day to exploration. A school friend who is from San Juan told me we had to go to El Yunque Rain Forest…a National Forest…so, Maggie our GPS in hand, we headed there first.

El Yunque was sublime. Plant life, birds and various animals, waterfalls, and gorgeous weather. What more could a person want?

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We stopped somewhere at an Atlantic Ocean side beach. Near the beach was this baseball field. Note that the third base line is the Atlantic Ocean. If you hit a foul ball there it’s really gone.











Once back in San Juan we went to San Cristóbal, another old fort and National Historical Site. This massive fortification which covers 27 acres and has 4 or 5 levels, 3 tunnels, a set of “secret” stairs and is just a wonder of a place.















I see why no one got up here to attack…




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Terry navigated through the narrow streets of Old San Juan and I happily took pictures.





I have driven Suburbans for 22 years and have maneuvered in and out of lots of tight places but this Expedition which turned in front of us had even me wondering if he would make around the corner in 1 piece. As the vehicle and the street were just about the same size it was a close fit but I’m happy to report no buildings or car bodies were damaged in the making of this film.




Once again back at the Sheraton we were greeted like old friends. We got our luggage up to our room (again a room with a view and not on the lowest levels) and took off on foot to wander some more. I am a cheap date; I passed up the chance at a real restaurant to eat another Tripleta.

Early to bed tonight. We have to be at the airport about 6 to turn in the car tomorrow and our flight is at 7:30.

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Up early and at Avis at 5:30. We got the car turned in and the shuttle had us at the USDA line by 5:45. The line through security took almost 45 minutes but we got to the gate in plenty of time. The flight home was full so we had someone sitting in between us – unlike the 3 seats for the 2 us on the way to San Juan. My system works 80% of the time, though.


I took pictures of the flight home through the window of the airplane beginning with San Juan and Puerto Rico and continuing as we flew over the Turks and Carcos Islands, The Bahamas,


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across Florida and out over the Gulf of Mexico

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and then back over land at about New Orleans, over East Texas and then, finally,

home to DFW cruisemay24_headinghome34_thumb.jpg?w=244&h=164 where Katie picked us up.

We took her to lunch and then picked up Colton from preschool (who, as always, was delighted to see his DadDo and could not have cared less about seeing his Mutti) and took them home. She’s been driving our truck this week.

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!



Would I do this itinerary again? Yes, if we were going with others who we'd actually be seeing during the cruise. But it was definitely tiring and I think our original idea of several beach days was a good one. I would also do this cruise in the winter if I were doing it again. It would be a good cool/cold weather reprieve.

The ship was nice although I admit we both like Conquest better and the staff we encountered were all wonderfully polite and helpful. I definitely recommend the Sheraton, I suggest extra time in Puerto Rico for exploring like we did either before or after (or both) and Puerto Rico and San Juan are better than The Flying Nun and the Happy Hollisters ever lead me to believe.

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I loved your review and pictures. We are also from the DFW area. Our last cruise was on the Conquest in March. While on the Conquest the future cruise desk told us about the Victory, so we decided to try it out. We still have about a year until we leave. I can't wait! We're going down on the Friday before and coming back the Tuesday after because it is cheaper for the flight even after paying for the extra hotel days, plus it will give us a chance to enjoy San Juan. About how much was the Sheraton, if you don't mind me asking? We plan on doing a few beach days, some snorkeling, and maybe even spend a day on the ship. I can see how the itinerary can be exhausting.

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I loved your review and pictures. We are also from the DFW area. Our last cruise was on the Conquest in March. While on the Conquest the future cruise desk told us about the Victory, so we decided to try it out. We still have about a year until we leave. I can't wait! We're going down on the Friday before and coming back the Tuesday after because it is cheaper for the flight even after paying for the extra hotel days, plus it will give us a chance to enjoy San Juan. About how much was the Sheraton, if you don't mind me asking? We plan on doing a few beach days, some snorkeling, and maybe even spend a day on the ship. I can see how the itinerary can be exhausting.


We paid two different prices at the Sheraton; different rates each weekend. I wondered if it was since one weekend was only one night ($179) while the first was two ($149). I had found it at $119 but I didn't book it - some kid needed something and we loaned them money. By the time I looked again the price had gone up. :mad:


Just drove through Waxahachie twice this weekend. Our lake house is on Navarro Mills and we get there via Italy. Love Conquest. We have another cruise booked on her in late December.

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Enjoyed the review....but what about my favourite island - St Maarten??
How bizarre. I put it on here but I guess it didn't take.


Let's try again.


Can you say Exhausted???








We got off the ship, saw Chris and Tasha, sat with them and shared some stories of our week (haven’t seen them much) and then they went back to the ship.









We wandered around town for a while (bought Katie a gift), took a few pictures and then we headed back to the ship as well. Pretty much this was our trip to St. Maarten. Not terribly exciting but exactly what we needed.








We enjoyed a quiet day of reading on the balcony, eating one last turkey sandwich, enjoying the hot tub, taking a nap, leisurely packing and then going to dinner and the Legends show.

Tomorrow, once we get Chris and Tasha to the airport, we have a car reserved to do some more site seeing in Puerto Rico.

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Loved your review. Can't wait until we get on the Victory in Dec. Your family is a very good looking family. Sorry about your thumb. Congrats on getting son married. We just got our middle son married off in Oct.. I do know about the stress of getting a son married. Never a dull moment. Thanks a bunch for the review. Doxie:)

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How bizarre. I put it on here but I guess it didn't take.


Let's try again.


Can you say Exhausted???









We got off the ship, saw Chris and Tasha, sat with them and shared some stories of our week (haven’t seen them much) and then they went back to the ship.












We wandered around town for a while (bought Katie a gift), took a few pictures and then we headed back to the ship as well. Pretty much this was our trip to St. Maarten. Not terribly exciting but exactly what we needed.










We enjoyed a quiet day of reading on the balcony, eating one last turkey sandwich, enjoying the hot tub, taking a nap, leisurely packing and then going to dinner and the Legends show.




Tomorrow, once we get Chris and Tasha to the airport, we have a car reserved to do some more site seeing in Puerto Rico.


OMG! What beach was this in St. Maarten? Beautiful!!:)

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Great review.... great photos!


Still chuckling here about the "Happy Hollisters".... too funny! I read every one of them, that is before discovering the even-better-mystery solver Nancy Drew! :p:)

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Great review.... great photos!


Still chuckling here about the "Happy Hollisters".... too funny! I read every one of them, that is before discovering the even-better-mystery solver Nancy Drew! :p:)


What a Hoot!


I am so impressed to find someone else who knew Pete, Pam, Ricky, Holly and little Sue, I can't hardly stand it! My mom ordered those books for us like a book of the month club and my dad would read them to us before bedtime (one cliff hanger chapter at a time) until we got old enough to read them ourselves.


I still have some of the books but my cousin has the entire 33 book set. :)


Glad you liked the review. We had a ball but it took the 3 day weekend to recover from it.

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Great review Kathy! We cruised on the Victory in July and reading your review with photos brings back many, many fond memories. It is also very interesting to see what you did at the different ports.


Sorry to hear about your thumb. Inspite of your injury, it is good to see that you were still able to enjoy a most wonderful time on your cruise.


Thank you for sharing your vacation with us!

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