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Cruise 'Snobs'


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To those of you who mind that customer service personnel in stores greet you or smile (since you think it's phony) what would you have us do? Flip you off and tell you to get the heck out of the store???? I've actually felt that way towards a very few people who have come in over the years, fortunately a very few. You can thank the shoplifters for making store clerks watch you carefully, that is not our fault.


I can't stand it when I go into a store, like Macys or Home Depot for example and just try to find an employee in the store to help you, all you are to them is someone in line to pay for the goods. Or the slob who left the dressing room knee deep in clothes on the floor. Or the interruption because they have to work stock since the company has cut the staff to the bone and they cannot leave the store until everything is tagged and put on the shelf. So you should be happy when a store clerk is actually willing to help you out a bit.


If I put a smile on my face and say hello to anyone, it also brightens my day. I really do mean it when I ask a customer if he has questions or if I can help them in any way...that is why I'm there. I could do without this job, it's my second, part time work but I work there because I like it. I do have to say the majority of people are very kind and happy, especially after spending a few minutes in our store. Management tells us we have to try to look at one aspect of YOU and find the positive.


Since it is a luggage/travel store I have a great time there and have had some wonderful conversations with people excited about their upcoming trips.


To me, rude or snobby is pretty much the same thing.

Edited by Happy ks
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Has anyone ever noticed that most of the time, the rude "snobs" truly have nothing to be snobby about? They seem to be the people who are rude to the staff, disdainful about others' dress, disdainful about other's behaviour. Agreed that they are to be ignored.

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To those of you who mind that customer service personnel in stores greet you or smile (since you think it's phony) what would you have us do? Flip you off and tell you to get the heck out of the store???? I've actually felt that way towards a very few people who have come in over the years, fortunately a very few. You can thank the shoplifters for making store clerks watch you carefully, that is not our fault.


I can't stand it when I go into a store, like Macys or Home Depot for example and just try to find an employee in the store to help you, all you are to them is someone in line to pay for the goods. Or the slob who left the dressing room knee deep in clothes on the floor. Or the interruption because they have to work stock since the company has cut the staff to the bone and they cannot leave the store until everything is tagged and put on the shelf. So you should be happy when a store clerk is actually willing to help you out a bit.


If I put a smile on my face and say hello to anyone, it also brightens my day. I really do mean it when I ask a customer if he has questions or if I can help them in any way...that is why I'm there. I could do without this job, it's my second, part time work but I work there because I like it. I do have to say the majority of people are very kind and happy, especially after spending a few minutes in our store. Management tells us we have to try to look at one aspect of YOU and find the positive.


Since it is a luggage/travel store I have a great time there and have had some wonderful conversations with people excited about their upcoming trips.


To me, rude or snobby is pretty much the same thing.



Well said!

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Unfortunately we have to realise as British we are the worst mannered, behaved, tempered people on the planet (and a cruise ship is just a small just a smaller planet & we still think we rule it)

Whether it is the blue rinse brigade, the “Chav” or the Estuary English speakers we are all at fault and I apologise to the rest of the world for our attitudes

A lot of the latest British converts to cruising have in the past had the Benidorm experience, and instead of adapting to a new type of holiday, they have brought Benidorm on board

The blue rinse brigade need to learn that in the world today all are equal, not some more equal than others.

All of us in-between have to sit and cringe at our countrymen’s behaviour, or pretend we are American, Dutch or Australian

Rudeness, bad manners saving pool beds or tables are all unacceptable forms of behaviour, for goodness sake we’re on holiday!


As much as I want to disagree - one of the two experiences I had with rudeness on a ship was with a british family on a carnival cruise out of Barbados - everytime there were raised voices, it was them.


They even argued with the staff because they told them they had to leave the MDR to attend the muster drill. On the way to it, I saw the mother of the party flouncing back to her cabin with a glass of wine in her hand - again ignoring the staff telling her that she had to attend the drill. The one saving grace was that we were supposed to be on their table in the MDR but they were arguing with the staff that they wanted to be with another couple - luckily, the couples who eventually sat on our table were fantastic and made our cruise even more special!


The other time was with a French family on a Costa - but I won't go there with the French and will never go on a Costa cruise again!


FYI - for the person who asked what Benidorm was - think of the lowest rent seaside resort you can think of - and then lower the standards by another 100% and you have Benidorm (it's actually a resort on the Costa Blanca in Spain).

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My son was pushing the Door Close button on the elevator whenever someone left, and a man actually slapped his hand and growled not to touch the elevator buttons. I was so shocked and horrified that I couldn't really react until after he left.



Totally OT-I don't have a lot of kid "skills" so when I had a friend's 2 year old, (this was NOT on a cruise & we were the only ones using the elevator) I thought he might like to push the button. Did you know that the lowest button sounds the ALARM! I do NOW! (it was really kind of funny!)

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  • 2 months later...
Ok where do I start. Today's value tor younger families and kids are in general but not always the case, a bit looser or bluntly put rude and selfish. Boisterous behavior and running around in places where other folks the same age or there senior in many folks opinion not approximate behavior. Sound like Disney should have been the cruise line of choice. Folks there are having a ball and most everyone could care less. When your closer to retirement please place another post with a copy of this post on CC. It will be interesting to see if your values have changed.


Be Happy Try Disney



where did I say I wanted a boisterous ship? My wife was having a pleasant, quiet conversation with someone and was told to shut up. That's unacceptable in any circumstances. How does that make us in the wrong for 'choosing the wrong cruise line'?

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I have to agree with Happy KS. I did my time in retail and as a waitress. The number of people that are rude to the "help" is astounding. I try to let that sort of thing bounce off me. Most often it is because they have asked for or done something that isn't allowed. Now they feel stupid, and they can't deal with that, so it must be someone else's fault.


Best lesson I was ever taught was by a customer. They returned to the store to tell me, and my manager, what a great job I did. He pointed out that we often complain about people, and make sure the bad stuff is pointed out, but we don't often make that same effort when someone does something good. We need to tell people more often they were helpful/polite/make our day.


When was the last time you told the parents sitting beside you at dinner that their kids were well behaved? We need to make more compliments and less complaints.


That's my pollyanna comment for the day.

My husband and I do this all the time. Not too long ago I was at the drivethrough at the local McDonalds. When I ordered something that had been on sale, the voice on the other end informed me that it was no longer the special and offered a suitable substitution. I couldn't believe that service was coming from a fast food rest. Fortuantely I know the owners and gave them a quick call. It just so happened that her performance was being evaluated that week and she recieved a promotion and raise based on my call.


One other time we were observing a table of children at dinner on a ship. Each evening an adult from the group at the next table sat with the kids and one of the kids was allowed to sit with the adults. About halfway through the cruise we stopped by the adults and commented on how well behaved their kids were and they were totally shocked. They told us that had nevervheard of anyone making a positive comment toward kids, only negative ones and ugly stares. Their kids got to go on a special tour the next day.


It makes us feel good.

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I am really tired of being grouped, I am 82, white hair (since my 30's) and must use a walker. We love cruising and all of the amazing people we have met over the years.Yes their are annoying people in any group situation and some of them really tick me off but you should not tar us all with the same brush. Last week on the Radiance a toddler left his stroller and walked into our room, his Mom was horrified but I told her not to worry he knows a Grandma when he sees one. Just because we are old doesn't mean we have all lost our sense of humor or ability to have fun and laugh at ourselves. sometimes the groups of teens annoy me with their siliness but I have been there, done that thru several generations, this to shall pass.


Until you reach perfection for your age group give us a break and stop labeling all older people into a deragatory group called blu-hairs.


See you on the Voyager in Dec, the Radiance in Feb. or the Equinox in April, God willing, I will be the white haired lady in the pool since I don't dance so well anymore with this leg brace. In case you feel the urge you may buy me an extra dry martini,Bombay Sapphire, please.LOL

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I think it is a by product of the bigger ships. With more passengers on board you have a greater chance of running into rude people. I have run in to plenty of rude people on cruises and not one of them was over 50 (unless they aged like Dick Clark) With thousands of people on board you are bound to find some that are moody, just look at the reviews some people post, you read some of them and wonder why they went on the cruise in the first place. I swear some of the people have to punch themselves in the gut every morning to be that angry at the world.

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I am really tired of being grouped, I am 82, white hair (since my 30's) and must use a walker. We love cruising and all of the amazing people we have met over the years.Yes their are annoying people in any group situation and some of them really tick me off but you should not tar us all with the same brush. Last week on the Radiance a toddler left his stroller and walked into our room, his Mom was horrified but I told her not to worry he knows a Grandma when he sees one. Just because we are old doesn't mean we have all lost our sense of humor or ability to have fun and laugh at ourselves. sometimes the groups of teens annoy me with their siliness but I have been there, done that thru several generations, this to shall pass.


Until you reach perfection for your age group give us a break and stop labeling all older people into a deragatory group called blu-hairs.


See you on the Voyager in Dec, the Radiance in Feb. or the Equinox in April, God willing, I will be the white haired lady in the pool since I don't dance so well anymore with this leg brace. In case you feel the urge you may buy me an extra dry martini,Bombay Sapphire, please.LOL


I am not quite as old as you but am closing in fast. You sound exactly like the kind of person we like to meet when travelling. With an attitude like yours, you'll never have to worry about getting old because you aren't. You go girl! :D

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On a Brilliance cruise we had these people at our table inform us they were all in suites, at dinner brought their chocolate covered strawberries under a napkin covered plate and proceeded to eat them in front of us, sent back every meal and berated the waiter because one of them had waited every night for Key lime pie and it just wasn't good enough after the poor waiter brought her 4 plates of it. Ruined my dinner every night ,we should have moved, next cruise had great companions

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On a Brilliance cruise we had these people at our table inform us they were all in suites, at dinner brought their chocolate covered strawberries under a napkin covered plate and proceeded to eat them in front of us, sent back every meal and berated the waiter because one of them had waited every night for Key lime pie and it just wasn't good enough after the poor waiter brought her 4 plates of it. Ruined my dinner every night ,we should have moved, next cruise had great companions

I would have moved in a heartbeat!

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I am really tired of being grouped, I am 82, white hair (since my 30's) and must use a walker. We love cruising and all of the amazing people we have met over the years.Yes their are annoying people in any group situation and some of them really tick me off but you should not tar us all with the same brush. Last week on the Radiance a toddler left his stroller and walked into our room, his Mom was horrified but I told her not to worry he knows a Grandma when he sees one. Just because we are old doesn't mean we have all lost our sense of humor or ability to have fun and laugh at ourselves. sometimes the groups of teens annoy me with their siliness but I have been there, done that thru several generations, this to shall pass.


Until you reach perfection for your age group give us a break and stop labeling all older people into a deragatory group called blu-hairs.


See you on the Voyager in Dec, the Radiance in Feb. or the Equinox in April, God willing, I will be the white haired lady in the pool since I don't dance so well anymore with this leg brace. In case you feel the urge you may buy me an extra dry martini, Bombay Sapphire, please.LOL


Wish we were cruising with ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would ask the Bartender to bring you

the amazing lady with white hair

an extra dry martini, Bombay Sapphire!

Wish we were cruising with ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am considered a "senior citizen",at 62 and I hate to say but more people today of all ages, seem to forget what POLITE means or the Golden Rule.. "Do unto others as you would have them do"! At my age I still say yes ma'am and no ma'am, i also have no patience when it comes to rudeness and being Irish, Scots and American Indian have a temper. I have been known to say something to an obnoxious person for being rude in as a polite manner as possible.

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Well speaking of cruising snobs I have experienced one when I was in line after check in to get on the HAL Ryndam in Seward Alaska getting ready to take my first cruise. The family behind us thought that they did not have to go through security since they were doing a B2B (Van - Sew; Sew - Van). I did not let it deter my eagerness for my upcoming cruise on the Ryndam, and now I am hooked

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On a Brilliance cruise we had these people at our table inform us they were all in suites, at dinner brought their chocolate covered strawberries under a napkin covered plate and proceeded to eat them in front of us, sent back every meal and berated the waiter because one of them had waited every night for Key lime pie and it just wasn't good enough after the poor waiter brought her 4 plates of it. Ruined my dinner every night ,we should have moved, next cruise had great companions


After they were finished didn't u ask them if they enjoyed the strawberries and the 'worms' u heard were usually in them :D...


Actually, as u know, these folks were very insecure by their actions and remarks (' are all in suites')..sad and I feel sorry for them..Their crudeness (eating something brought from their cabin in front of tablemates) is actually either 'ignorance' - probably weren't taught that is unacceptable behaviour or 'oneupmanship - see what we have and u don't' type of childishness..!


U see this a lot with self important people who actually are anything but and they prove it with their words & actions..


U behaved with patience - I am sure u were tempted to rub their faces in the strawberries :D and proper decorum - wanting to but not getting up mid-meal and leaving with a few 'choice ripe' words for them. Of course, staying & smiling at their antics probably wld frustrate them that u weren't impressed, just amused, with their shenanigans... :D


Please take a bow for being classy when they weren't!! :)

Edited by cruisecrasy
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You want to see rude,,go to Disneyworld!!!! Never in my life have I encounted what we do everytime we go....Try very hard to control myself but sometimes I just can't...

I love Disney,,like to go a few times a year,,,just not the happy place it used to be.:mad:

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My son was pushing the Door Close button on the elevator whenever someone left, and a man actually slapped his hand and growled not to touch the elevator buttons. I was so shocked and horrified that I couldn't really react until after he left.


That poor man.


I could not imagine what I would have done to him.

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After cruising numerous times, the only "rudeness" I have seen (and I have been on all of the Freedom class ships) were people who spoke foreign languages loudly, or were at our large table and wouldn't speak English, even though they are our Canadian neighbors.

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I am really tired of being grouped, I am 82, white hair (since my 30's) and must use a walker. We love cruising and all of the amazing people we have met over the years.Yes their are annoying people in any group situation and some of them really tick me off but you should not tar us all with the same brush. Last week on the Radiance a toddler left his stroller and walked into our room, his Mom was horrified but I told her not to worry he knows a Grandma when he sees one. Just because we are old doesn't mean we have all lost our sense of humor or ability to have fun and laugh at ourselves. sometimes the groups of teens annoy me with their siliness but I have been there, done that thru several generations, this to shall pass.


Until you reach perfection for your age group give us a break and stop labeling all older people into a deragatory group called blu-hairs.


See you on the Voyager in Dec, the Radiance in Feb. or the Equinox in April, God willing, I will be the white haired lady in the pool since I don't dance so well anymore with this leg brace. In case you feel the urge you may buy me an extra dry martini,Bombay Sapphire, please.LOL


Stay Cool!!!


Two of my favorite clients, and longer term clients are about 5 years older than you. They could be my grandparents...and are some of the nicest friendlies folks I know...treat me like a friend instead of a youngster etc...


In fact when I hosted an event at the ranch for sick kids, both of these folks made sure to come and volunteer to help at the event. From their house it was probably 100-120 minutes each way...but then again they do a 15 mile trek several times a week to volunteer nearly full time at a hospital...keeps them young. Best part when I first met them a few years ago, I'd have never guessed their age before they rattled off the DOB.


Oh, they love cruising as well...that came up on a recent conversation. I'd love to cruise on the same ship as them...I know they would be great to see every day!!! DD would love visiting with them as well.


Hope you enjoy a nice drink by the pool on your next cruise!!!

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Once we got on the ship we got in a lift and she came running, saying "hold the lift." We let the doors shut on her. *shrug*


Love it, absolutely love it - Yorkshire tea for Yorkshire folk. Bet they wrote about "Some ignorant Foreigner" as well..........:D

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