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bigger passenger


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I am a normal sized person although a bit shorter than average. However, nearly 18 months of having a really badly injured leg has taught me a great deal about how people behave (some badly) and how some are very kind. I also have learned to respect the various sorts of needs that people have.


My new motto is 'can we all be nice?'


I realized as I tried to do the everyday things of life that my injury had changed the rules I had to live by. I had to learn new coping skills. I am much more sensitive to the needs of others than I was pre-injury.


I learned a great deal from people who post on this topic on CC. Lots of wise folks post here. Kitty9 most especially helped me with travel issues. I was able to keep working though it all. Now that I am more or less back of 2 feet, I will pay it all back.


If we had a "like" button, I'd press it :D

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If we had a "like" button, I'd press it :D


hear! hear! It always warms my heart to hear that there are indeed kind and decent folks out there. I agree, many people do not think about it until they are put in the same situation or until it's brought to their attention. So thank you, for your kind words.



Someone should really forward these items onto the cruise lines. I tell you if they did start to make things more accessable can you imagine the money they could make?? I know if any line that was willing to treat me with respect and make a few accomadations ( I mean chairs, not ripping down walls!!) I would be a loyal customer.


I notice some other people also get physically disabled rooms. I found that it is the best way to go. I have never had a problem although one person on my last cruise commented that I seemed wrong I would "take up" a handicapped room and they are sick of people enabling fat people. Well I told her that it seems wrong that there are people like her taking up good air and I was sick of enabling ignorant people!!!! That shut her up.


I only really ask for respect and dignity. Everything else it is up to me to ask, as you don't really know unless you do. I am aware that some people just honestly don't think about arms, booths, toilets etc as they go about their lives. Once they are aware that there is that issue for other people at least be respectful of it. You don't have to love me, but dammit I am a person with feelings!!!!


Ok I'll get off my soapbox now!!!!!


I cruise for the experience, hell, I think I would happy if I didn't even get off the boat!!!! :) A bad day cruising is better than a good day at work!!!!!


I am in the process of booking flights now. Sigh... that part is depressing!!!!! Luckily my TA is awesome and I know we'll work it all out!!!

I'll let you know how it goes.


Say does cruise critic have a thread just for POS issues.... perhaps they should put one up.....I think it would be 'massively' popular. (no pun intended) ;)


Re: cruise lines changing out their chairs to make their cruises accessible to all.... If a cruise line did that, i would be a loyal customer of theirs forever. As i've already mentioned, I didn't book NCL Pearl cause i wanted NCL. I booked her cause of her lack of arm chairs. Problem is, i really think it'll never change. Style and design will always trump function.


Re: handicapped rooms. The purpose of these rooms, is to provide a space for anyone who cannot use the regular rooms. Period. Whether it's because you're in a wheelchair (most commonly thought) or a walker, or need to be able to actually use the bathroom, it should not matter. If they *thought* about toilet placement (along with chairs etc) when designing the ships, they could really expand their customer pool, that's for sure.


Re: enabling fat people. Sure, in an ideal world, I'm sure most people would prefer to not be overweight. But the fact of the matter is, we are. Right or wrong, for whatever reason, it doesn't change the fact that at this present moment in time, we are. There's zero reason to not be accepting of others. Like Penny experienced...she's not overweight but due to the situation she was in at the time, she got grief and disrespect. No one should ever have to go through that.


Re: CC having a thread for POS....nope. This is it. It's generally been the place ppl have gathered. I for one, am extremely grateful for it. I have met some very wonderful ppl here because of it.


Good luck with your Alaska Air flight. I really do love them.

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Well, thanks again. Yes, I did have some difficult people along the way but also some very kind ones.


But the things that really got my attention along my way to being back on 2 feet were the things that just didn't work at all such as extremely heavy doors on buildings and ridiculous difficulties with basic shopping.


We do need food and doors we can open.

Edited by PennyAgain
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although I am a normal size person, I am an amputee and I need a scooter to get around the shp. I can walk short distances is the ground is not moving LOL...I get many strange looks because I do not look disabled when I have my prosthesis on.

Note to Kitegirl and others who use a scooter...get on the elevator NO MATTER which way it is going...'what goes up, will go down'...I also find some people are very rude and push in in front of me (most are very nice). I just say in a loud voice 'Watch your toes', that usually gets their attention.

Everyone has the right to simple consideration and courtesy, Life is to be enjoyed! Especially on a cruise.

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My husband laughs because I have a bell on my scooter and I'm not afraid to use it LOL! And if they don't or can't hear then I have an even louder tongue in my head, and I'm not afraid to use that either! :D


I'm not rude I do say "Excuse me please" and depending on my mood of the day I may add "Fat person coming through" or "I'm not as skinny as I used to be" or more usually "Big Beautiful Woman coming through, mind your toes" anything really. I'm not rude until they are, then lookout.

Edited by Gairy Fodmother
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Hi all


Thankyou for this thread, very much appreciate the wealth of information on here.


I am heading off on my first cruise at the end of the year and whilst the cruise itself is not worrying, the getting there is.


I hate to fly and have read with interest what many of you have said about flying, buying 2 seats etc etc.


My question is, how do you know if you need 2 seats? I have flown once in the last 20 years (last year), on a tiny 18 seater plane. The seats didn't have arms. I did need to ask for a seatbelt extension.


My main worry at the moment is the fact that I am flying for work tomorrow and this has been on my mind alot. What if I get to the airport and they say I need to get another seat? How can I determine if I need to buy another seat before even getting there?


FYI, I live in Australia, will be travelling Jetstar one way and Qantas return.


Am dreading the whole thing..........



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Hi all


Thankyou for this thread, very much appreciate the wealth of information on here.


I am heading off on my first cruise at the end of the year and whilst the cruise itself is not worrying, the getting there is.


I hate to fly and have read with interest what many of you have said about flying, buying 2 seats etc etc.


My question is, how do you know if you need 2 seats? I have flown once in the last 20 years (last year), on a tiny 18 seater plane. The seats didn't have arms. I did need to ask for a seatbelt extension.


My main worry at the moment is the fact that I am flying for work tomorrow and this has been on my mind alot. What if I get to the airport and they say I need to get another seat? How can I determine if I need to buy another seat before even getting there?


FYI, I live in Australia, will be travelling Jetstar one way and Qantas return.


Am dreading the whole thing..........




Kirra -- Most airlines have a policy that states that if you cannot be seated "comfortably" (by their determination, I must say) in a seat with both arms lowered, then you would need a second seat. However, it must be said that the policies for each airline differ and enforcement is spotty at best. I wish I had better news, but you probably won't know if you'll be required to purchase a second seat until you arrive at the airport. Do you know if the flights are full?

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Well I got notice that NCL wants a letter to support my reservation of a handicapped room. Strange, I wouldn't think it would matter as I'm sure I know if I need it or not, but I sent them in a nicely worded letter about my needs and a nicely worded "my staying with your cruise line is dependent on this" statement. Really as if I would take if I didn't need it!!!!

Had another great experience with Alaska Airlines when I made a phone call about seating in first class. Turns out the arms don't lift there, so I'm glad I just booked the xtra seat in coach. They are so nice, I'm not sure what they think, but they sure seem to go the extra mile and didn't even pause when i asked on the policy for "plus size" passengers. They are quickly becoming my new best airline!!!

I thought I should start a new airline. Call Fluffy Flyers and only cater for plus size people. Large seats, large bathrooms, wider aisles. I may not be able to take as many passengers and it may be a bit more expensive but I think people would appreciate it!!! Then I could ask skinny people to send in a letter as to why they "need" plus size seating!!! Think I could make a go of it?? :D I know I might be my own best customer.

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PANBEAR , actually this isn't strange at all. Although you know you need the HC cabin, more and more people who have no special needs book HC cabins because of the extra space. This way they get the extra space without having to upgrade and pay more for larger non HC cabin. Happens everyday. Just read the boards. Since there are so few HC cabins on a ship, I give kudos to NCL for attempting to validate the special need and that the cabin is not just being booked by someone that who wants the extra space to store their scuba gear. If indeed you need the HC cabin , you shouldn't take offense in NCL's request. After all they're just trying to insure that it goes to someone who actually needs the cabin. We can only hope that this becomes standard practice with all cruise lines.

Edited by xxoocruiser
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PANBEAR , actually this isn't strange at all. Although you know you need the HC cabin, more and more people who have no special needs book HC cabins because of the extra space. This way they get the extra space without having to upgrade and pay more for larger non HC cabin. Happens everyday. Just read the boards. Since there are so few HC cabins on a ship, I give kudos to NCL for attempting to validate the special need and that the cabin is not just being booked by someone that who wants the extra space to store their scuba gear. If indeed you need the HC cabin , you shouldn't take offense in NCL's request. After all they're just trying to insure that it goes to someone who actually needs the cabin. We can only hope that this becomes standard practice with all cruise lines.



ITA. It's good to see NCL being on their toes on this one. With so few cabins, it is crucial that they only be used by people who are unable to use the regular cabins.


Panbear, didn't you have to fill out a Special Needs form when you first booked the handicapped cabin? If you did, i'm surprised they asked for a letter as well.


As for Alaska Air, I only wish they weren't so expensive. They're not reallly spendy, but when you're buying 3 seats (for 2 people), that extra 50-100 bucks a seat can add up. Also it appears there's some kind of conflict with Alaska and other airlines as expedia doesn't like to mix and match other airlines with Alaska. Very odd.

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I perhaps should have been more clear. I also think the lines should be careful about the HC rooms, but as was stated I have sent one letter in and a form. I just feel that it is a bit of overkill. But yes they should be diligent in this matter. And I think that if people want to have a HC room without needing it they should have the option but pay more for it and be aware that they may need be bumped to a regular room if necc. Sorry if I offended anyone.

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I perhaps should have been more clear. I also think the lines should be careful about the HC rooms, but as was stated I have sent one letter in and a form. I just feel that it is a bit of overkill. But yes they should be diligent in this matter. And I think that if people want to have a HC room without needing it they should have the option but pay more for it and be aware that they may need be bumped to a regular room if necc. Sorry if I offended anyone.


you sent a letter and filled out the special needs form and they still want another letter? That does seem like overkill.

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It's ok for them to be thorough. I also told them that if I could get some exact information on the cabins I may be able to make another room work. They are going to get back to me.

I'm not going to worry about it either way. Either I go or I don't. We all have too much in our lives to be stressed out about our holidays that are suppose to destress us!!!! :)

Edited by panbear
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Well, I just got off the 29 August-5 September Emerald Princess Western Caribbean cruise and it happened again. I requested a 2-person table, close to the entrance. They gave me a 2-person, all the way up against the far wall. I went to see the maitre 'd before the first meal and they moved me completely out of the original dining room and moved me down one deck to Michelangelo. When I went to the Tuxedo people, I was informed they had nothing to fit me. I explained this to the maitre 'd and he told me in no-uncertain-terms that there would be no exceptions to the formal nights and I could just go to the Horizon or Caribe or the hot dog place. I was informed that the formal nights were for the benefit of the Europeans who enjoy the formal activities, and they do not wish to be around others who are not dressed appropriately. It's not like I didn't try to get a tux.


BTW, I called room service and got a very nice club sandwich and a chefs salad. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I also ordered a hot dog, sat there with my Beck's beer and watched baseball on ESPN.


Freaking amazing.

Edited by Bearcat1946
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Well, I just got off the 29 August-5 September Emerald Princess Western Caribbean cruise and it happened again. I requested a 2-person table, close to the entrance. They gave me a 2-person, all the way up against the far wall. I went to see the maitre 'd before the first meal and they moved me completely out of the original dining room and moved me down one deck to Michelangelo. When I went to the Tuxedo people, I was informed they had nothing to fit me. I explained this to the maitre 'd and he told me in no-uncertain-terms that there would be no exceptions to the formal nights and I could just go to the Horizon or Caribe or the hot dog place. I was informed that the formal nights were for the benefit of the Europeans who enjoy the formal activities, and they do not wish to be around others who are not dressed appropriately. It's not like I didn't try to get a tux.


BTW, I called room service and got a very nice club sandwich and a chefs salad. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I also ordered a hot dog, sat there with my Beck's beer and watched baseball on ESPN.


Freaking amazing.



I'm so sorry that they gave you a hard time, yet again. In some ways though, based on the maitre'd's snooty response to you, maybe it's a good thing you didn't hang around the upper crust and their belittling attitudes for those not properly dressed. That comment really surprised me.

Edited by MissRabbit
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Unreal! On our last cruise on the Emerald,even on formal night there were people dressed like they were going to the local pizza place. To turn you away because you didn't have a tux, well I would have been doing a lot of complaining. Sorry to hear that you were treated that way.

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When I went to the Tuxedo people, I was informed they had nothing to fit me. I explained this to the maitre 'd and he told me in no-uncertain-terms that there would be no exceptions to the formal nights and I could just go to the Horizon or Caribe or the hot dog place. I was informed that the formal nights were for the benefit of the Europeans who enjoy the formal activities, and they do not wish to be around others who are not dressed appropriately. It's not like I didn't try to get a tux.


BTW, I called room service and got a very nice club sandwich and a chefs salad. Just for sh*ts and giggles, I also ordered a hot dog, sat there with my Beck's beer and watched baseball on ESPN.


Freaking amazing.



Just wondering why you don't contact the Tuxedo people before the cruise and arrange for the tux to be in your cabin when you embark? We do this with my DH (who is large as well) We have learned to bring extra shirt that we know will fit as that is the one piece of the rental we have had problems with. That would solve the no tux problem if you really want to attend the Formal nights.

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Just wondering why you don't contact the Tuxedo people before the cruise and arrange for the tux to be in your cabin when you embark? We do this with my DH (who is large as well) We have learned to bring extra shirt that we know will fit as that is the one piece of the rental we have had problems with. That would solve the no tux problem if you really want to attend the Formal nights.


I thought I could do it on-board. They had nothing in big sizes to choose from. I will bring a suit with me next time (I still see no reason to formally dress on a vacation, but I do not get the meals if I don't). I will ride around on my scooter, with my suit on, and my soft cuddly shoes used because of swollen feet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone know if it is possible to request that a larger wheelchair be available for embarkation and disembarkation? The only ship I have cruised that had larger wheelchairs available was the Carnival Miracle. I will be cruising with Celebrity soon and the wheelchairs they had available when I last cruised with them were basically built for 150 lb people max., which I am not.


I don't need a wheelchair often enough to bring one or rent one. I get around the ship fine with a cane and do also have a rollator if need be. It is just that I have found that there is more standing and walking than I can tolerate when getting on and off the ship, including some ports. I am happy to tip the pusher generously, but hate to have to cram myself into a small wheelchair and then worry that it will break in an embarrassing incident.


Has anyone called special needs with a request like this or will I be laughed at?

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Hey folks,


I have a question for those who have visited the Southern Carribbean recently. Last April I took a cruise that included Jamaica and Grand Cayman. The ship excursion bus for each of those places was uncomfortably small. I was expecting a full size bus. Do you know if that is the case for all the Carribbean now? I will be visiting St. Croix, St. Kitts, St. Lucia,

Dominica, Barbados, Grenada, Curacao, and Aruba next month.


Also, any suggestions, information regarding the Celebrity Millennium is appreciated.




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After seeing pics of Johnny Rockets on Royal Carib Voyager of the Seas, it looks like it's just booths, not user friendly for plus size folks. Does anyone have any experience?



I think i went into Johnny Rockets on the Enchantment in 2005. I can't remember but I think it was a tight squeeze.

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