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I plan on having a great time, thanks! I have heard wonderful things about the Spirit. My best friend and I have known each other for 30 years and have never had a "just girls" vacation so we should have a blast. We're actually going to be in Cozumel the same day as Egon, think he'll want to do the pub crawl with us? I thought about trying to meet up with him but our ship gets in much earlier than his. And since we are doing the pub crawl I might not be putting my best foot forward if we were to meet in the afternoon, :eek:.

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I plan on having a great time, thanks! I have heard wonderful things about the Spirit. My best friend and I have known each other for 30 years and have never had a "just girls" vacation so we should have a blast. We're actually going to be in Cozumel the same day as Egon, think he'll want to do the pub crawl with us? I thought about trying to meet up with him but our ship gets in much earlier than his. And since we are doing the pub crawl I might not be putting my best foot forward if we were to meet in the afternoon, :eek:.

I would look for him after your pub crawl. Maybe he will drag the two of you back in a wagon or on a Mexican blanket? lol

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Hi all,


I had the great pleasure of meeting Egon last week during my cruise on MSC Poesia. He is a very bright person and my friend Muriel and I did enjoy his company. We did appreciate the champagne and the chocolate covered strawberries on the first dinner but mostly his conversation. We went to see him play at the Atrium twice. Would have love to play scrabble with him. I met him seated near a Starbuck coffee with his computer in the Grand Cayman Island and loved seeing the Canadian flag on his scooter. I wish him complete recovery of his leg so that he'll be able to continue his cruise.

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You might say "it never rains but it pours" - I seem to be on a momentary down curve. Since a screw came off on my prescription glasses, I lost the lens somewhere and didn't notice because it's my right eye with macular degeneration which is anyway practically useless. Luckily I have another pair, while it'll do, it doesn't have photochrome which is very helpful. So tomorrow in Cozumel, I'll try and order a new pair from Zenni Optical in California, since I have the optician's prescription with me and I'll still be able to get it at Barbara's. My leg is now fairly painful and I notice that it is quite swollen below the bandage which the nurse applied (with several powders and a cream). The doctor is from Montenegro and so is his nurse. I also have found out that there is another doctor/nurse team, also from the same region and they work in shifts. Swimming is out until this is resolved - Doc says it takes a long time and warned me that this is a very serious matter and to keep the leg up, not always easy. I only hope that what at the moment is only a little hole does not erupt. I have no previous experience with an ulcer. I am not a happy camper. So I cry on your shoulders! These doctor/nurse teams are not in the employ of MSC but work on their own (and mine!) account.


To my "caseworker" at the MSC F.L. office:


Dear Erin, February 20, 2011


While I think you are cute and very likeable, this is not quite enough to satisfy my needs, because I am still waiting for a resolution with respect to my having to move to another interior cabin in May. I forget how many months this has been under discussion and it seems ludicrous that it could not have been achieved for me to stay put, since the required move was at least 8 months ahead. I now offer this alternative: move me into an upgrade (considering the fact that I have paid considerably more for the year's cruising than what it would have cost had I been able to book individual cruises at the discounted fares advertised, an upgrade should be very easy!).


The other question I need to discuss is this: when I had to leave the ship for 4 weeks last Christmas for medical reasons, I was officially "disembarked" and "embarked" again at the end of my stay in Cozumel and given a new cruise card which reads "21-01-11 to 30-11-11". While I can hardly believe in my luck and MSC's generosity to have added weeks to my scheduled end of cruise year to compensate for times absent in Cozumel and the Jam Cruise, I need some offcial statement of clarification, if you please.


If you come aboard once more before we go overseas, please say hello.




Egon Landsberg


Feb.21, at sea. The Fort Lauderdale exchange of passengers and US Customs was a real ordeal this time and took nearly 3 hours. At the table there are new faces of course, next to me Mary (New York) the Frank (Florida and his birthday), then Elaine, and on my right Harvey (Saskatchewan and a Singer). Of course the champagne was very welcome and required the usual explanation on my part, as did my bandaged nose. Oh well.

The situation with my leg is so serious that I am forced to ponder drastic measures which could even include the necessity of abandoning my dream altogether. The next step will be an assessment by a specialist at the hospital in St.Thomas, where we'll be Feb.24. They will determine by tests which specific antibiotic should be used and will also be able to tell me wether staying and being treated on board will be alright.

Feb 23 at Philipsburg - I tried in vain to find an affordable WiFi in the Port area, but don't feel up to all the way into town. Tomorrow in St. Thomas I should be able to check my emails and send this out. There are again lots of French Canadians and children on board. On both sea days I played the piano in the atrium and yesterday, Harvey from our table sang two songs to my accompaniment (we practiced in the morning): "Let me call you Sweetheart" and "When I fall in love". He does this semi-professionally in retirement homes and the likes, walking around and singing directly to individual ladies and also hands out red roses at times. He has a CD, which he gave to me, and his "stage name" is "Skye Sterling". While he has quite a good voice, I think it's more his good looks and personality which makes him "the darling of all 75-year olds". There were a lot of pictures taken and I am sure that eventually I'll get copies to forward.

Feb 24. I have signed three copies of a document stating that I understand that medical examinations, transfer/ship/hospital; etc. are on my expense. From the Medical Center i am brought to the gangplank, where I a met by Leroy, MSC's representative in St. Thomas who then brings me to a Surgeon's office in a sort of medical Center, next to the hospital. This was obviously so arranged by the ship's doctor, but local time is already 12 noon, I am still sitting in the waiting room and am wondering what he'll be able to do in this short period except make recommendations (and charge a hefty fee). Turned out the surgeon (a black man) was very nice and we got along famously. There is no infection and he feels that a cut for drainage is not in the cards. As a precaution, he put me on more antibiotics which have turned out to be the same as the one I got on the ship; I bought them at the local pharmacy and just now found out that these cost more than what I had to pay on the ship (0.40 more each X 40! Darn it! Can't win). On the other hand, he suggested I buy a bunch of tube socks and just use those instead of bandage and just wash them, because the little discharge is almost like water and will stop eventually. In this way I would save the $15 charge for bandaging.

Best of all, the surgeon's charge was only $ 30!

OK, this is all for today. Hoping for the best.

































: http://home.cablerocket.com/~egon/index.htm








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I was searching on google to see if any solo disabled person had done a grand voyage or world cruise, and it brought me to this thread.


I stayed up until 1am reading about Egon's reports! What a truly remarkable, and adventureous man he is, to embark on such a journey. I was so sorry to read of his falls and I hope and pray he is feeling better, and won't have to disembark again due to medical reasons.


Needless to say I am now another female hooked on waiting for his updates!!


A huge thank you to Pat for starting this thread, and keeping us updated.


Also thanks to Neiner for posting the photos.


May God bless you Egon, and I am praying for smooth sailing from now on.



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Thought I'd chime in here, too. When I first came across this thread, I couldn't stop reading it. I was devastated when Egon experienced his medical issues. I had so hoped that his trip would be uneventful medical-wise. I love reading about his travels and hope that all his wishes for the rest of his trip come true. Please keep the updates coming. I'm sure there are many more of us who don't post but wouldn't miss the next chapter.


God speed, Egon.

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I am concerned because I have not heard from Egon since last week, not even his funny e-mails that he occasionally sends me. The ship is scheduled to leave Sunday March 6th for the transAtlantic and I am hoping that he is healed enough to continue on his journey. Will keep you all posted and thanks for the kind remarks.



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Hi Pat and other cruisers, just a short update to alleviate concerns which we all have had ... that he might not be able to continue... those fears are no longer with us. Here are some excerpts from various emails between us and I expect that healing will continue and Dad will make the journey overseas without complications.


" No, I am not concerned about going overseas. The surgeon thinks that in time and with the renewed 20-day antibiotic course, the ulcer will heal. Meantime, the little wound still leaks a bit of blood-tinged but watery liquid. I use a large bandaid-type cover and socks which I then have to wash out because it leaked through. Pain is minimal except for sudden "stabs", but the area around the little wound (a quarter-inch hole) is quite sensitive. So much for that. "


"Sure am glad for two things: the scooter and the printer - without those two things I would be in worse shape than I am at the moment. The leg still acting up, painful at times and the wound still oozing. I have it covered with a large adhesive patch and wear socks which always get stained, but it easily washes out with cold water in the sink.

And now I am in the garden and have WiFi - this is great, even though I have to work on my lap, have my leg propped up on the seat of the scooter, but it's a beautiful sunny day, not too hot, and life is good."


"My back is a continuing problem and I wish that I would have taken several back corset like items I had rather than storing them; I may buy one on Sunday in FL.




The back has been bothering for sometime before I left O. and has been getting worse since my accident. As for my energy level - it's so-so. I go to bed pretty early because I need to lie down. But otherwise, as you can see from the photo attached, taken at the Dining room table Feb 25, I'm OK. Only trouble is, I'm still waiting to be able to use my stash of ******! "


As you can see he retains his humour (and hope) as well ~ Steve


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Just got this from Egon and some of it may be a repeat of what Steve has already said.

This proves that old age does not preclude the possibility that one can be naive: When I got to my cabin yesterday and looked closely at the invoice from the surgeon's office, I saw that the actual cost of the consultation was $180. I suppose that the $ 30 they charged me is just to assure their costs have been covered, should they not be able to collect the balance from either the insurance or myself. And more: I have been presented with a new cruise card, showing that I will disembark October 15, 2011. I just sent the one where I thought they had added the time I had to spend away from the ship so that the disembark date read Novemer 30, 2011, to Steve as a souvenir. Just another impossible dream!

We are at sea, on the way to Nassau in the Bahamas and I played again in the Atrium and had quite a large audience. Started to take the antibiotics again (Cipro) and don't feel very chipper because my back hurts and the ongoing cough spasms get me down. Sorry for complaining (again).

In Nassau, I spent three hours on the computer reading and replying to emails. And this is, of course, no therapy for my aching back!

Feb. 27 in Fort Lauderdale I manage to get out by several devious ways early and am met by Dennis, my staunch supporter who had been in touch with Barbara and we all met at a little German restaurant, where I had Bratwurst and Sauerkraut - a welcome dietary change! Barbara had brought the mail Leda had forwarded and I should now be able to prepare my income tax return and have it mailed when we get back to FL for the last time.

Newcomers at the table: two ladies and two men from England and a young man from Australia. The champagne was flowing and every one was happy about that and the strawberries, of which I brought 3 to Angelica, who has a cold and coughs quite a bit.

Feb 28 in Key West, a place I like very much. Lots of chickens and roosters running around everywhere - they belong to the scenery like the cows in India. I first scooted to the Postoffice to mail things, then to the paradisic gardens of the oldest house in town, and sat in this peaceful oasis for several hours doing my thing, not too comfortable with the computer on my lap and the bad leg propped up on the scooter seat. Once again I realize that without the scooter and without my printer I would have been pretty badly off. at sea.

March 1 -at sea. I try in vain to prepare my Income Tax return but am stymied by the fact that I don't have all T4 etc

slips and the Tax Form I received I cannot use because I have a capital gain from the sale of investments to finance this cruise. I have no idea at the moment how to handle this situation since we'll be leaving for overseas on Sunday.

The big coctail party tonight and I have 3 olives with dry martinis attached, antibiotics be damned. I dance with Olive, who sits opposite me after the first, and after the third suggest to Carol, who has joined us, that we make love, but she declines and doesn't even have a headache. Darn it, the ****** are burning a hole in my pant pockets. Dinner is only at 9pm. (Folks...I think Egon is his old self again!)

March 2, Ocho Rios. I have decided to just wait with the Tax Return until I am back in Canada in October - it's just not feasible any other way. Whatever.



























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# 39 March 2-6, 2011 My last report from this side of the ocean.


Here's to a painless TA to Europe Egon! Happy trails to you.....Pat...


Ocho Rios was a sweltering 105F and while I was sitting on a balcony in the shade, on a sort of a barstoool with the computer on a small and rickety table -all belonging to the ice cream parlor inside- and my legs propped up on the Scooter seat on the other side of it, after a few hours I gave up, having sent out # 38 nm , to both groups and done some emailing. Oh my aching back! I'm sure it's worse after each WiFi session. But that's what I want to do.

Of course I never received a reply to my letter to Erin. Neither did I ever get a ruling about the organ - the thing just died in it's tracks as I figured it would. I sure am not impressed with MSC's handling of their "VIP Guest" from the start (yes, Jim Henwood!). With the exception of free laundry, which is the gift of Antonio, he hotel Manager, they have not shown any appreciation of the fact that I am their unwitting advertisement and ambassador, from Cruise Critic to playing the piano to giving my story to the many many people who ask. They have not reacted to either my original complaint that my cabin is either next or over what sounds like a machine room (even though I am on deck 11) with repetitive loud mechanical noises, mostly before leaving or getting into a port, but also at other times. I usually get woken up by this at 6pm and have taken to wear ear plugs. OK, I should have been more forceful about this -as now about an upgrade- but I guess I am relying too much on the company's integrity, Apart from this, I am frankly too tired because of my leg and back and effects of the antibiotics, to feel like fighting the system.

The ship hosts some 900 Vegans who have completely upset many functions, as for instance our second dinner sitting, instead of 8pm, is now 9 or 8.30 pm; the library is closed and the theater times had to be adjusted to fit.

I've lost my "VIP Guest" Badge last Gala night (maybe because of the 3 martinis I had?) but will get a new one. And, just to be sure, I checked whether my cabin had been occupied during my Dec/Jan 4-week absence - it was not, so any extension of my year can not be legally claimed (but generously given -haaha). Also found out that as a Black Card holder, I am entitled to eat at the Kaito Sushi restaurant with the person sharing my cabin; being solo I am not allowed to take anyone else instead. But maybe I'll check this one out with Stefano - sure don't want to do this alone.

Mar 4. I am in Cozumel, sitting in the hospital, waiting to see a doctor. I decided to show this situation and get a second opinion because I do not see any betterment and the skin has produced a few blisters. Since the time here is one hour behind ship's time, it is only about 9.20 in the morning and I can't find out when the doctor comes. So I'll wait.

But surprisingly, I only waited about 10 minutes and would p seeing the same lady doctors as I did in December. He only confirmed the antibiotic and prescribed Pentoxifilina, the same as before which increases blood circulation in the legs. Before the hospital, I had gone to the big store and bought 3 more liter bottles of Schweppes Ginger Ale at 8 pesos each and now have a stash of 8 of these in my cupboard. Now that I have this new prescription and information that the two Walmart-like stores have cheaper pharmacies, back I go to where I got the Ginger Ale and pay an astounding $Peso 350+ for 2 bxoes of 30 (and I need 4) but they have noore. So I go to the other one, where I pay only $Peso 98 for 2 boxes -different brand and they, too have no more. So back to the first where I fight for, and get, a refund - I figure I try other Pharmacies in town on my way to the Flamingo hotel, but none of them seem to have them for less than around $Peso 125. I drive the long way to the Flamingo Hotel where I find out that Thomas and Shirley have gone to Playa Carmen on the mainland and won't be back until late afternoon; also, that the internet connection is out.

So I drive to Sabores, even though it's much too early for lunch, but I sit there and reply to numerous emails because they have WiFi . I am also in touch with Thomas who says they'll back around 3pm, but this is local time and i am on ship's time one hour later - too late to see him. Eventually I have soup and Chile rellenos (stuffed pepper) and am off, first in search of other pharmacies with negative results and then of a bank where I change all the Pesos I have back into US$. And back to the ship around 3.30pm. I figure I must have done 4 or more KM this day - certainly the longest distance I've used the battery power so far and I am impressed for it stil shows a good charge.

March 5: As I now appear on the daily flier as "your special guest Egon plays for you" on sea days, I had a good and grateful adience this afternoon (always from 4-4.45pm). I was afterwards invited for a drink by Steve and Pam Smith who permanently live in Puerto Rico, are awfully nice people and were my Scrabble partners in the forenoon. Next to me sat a man by the name of Dale Bell, who lives in Palm Beach, FL and said that I was "his hero". He also spoke of having two pianos and a $ 60,000 Roland Theater Organ, which immediately turned me on. To make a long story short, if Dennis, whom I meet tomorrow at 10.30, is willing, we drive to Dale's house to try out the Theater Organ. Dale is pretty excited at this prospect, as I am.

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Egon's schedule for 2011 remaining:

Sun, Mar 06, Wed, Mar 23, 17-day Port Everglades, San Juan, St. John's, Castries, Funchal, Malaga , Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Wed, Mar 23, 2011 Thu, Mar 31, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Thu, Mar 31, 2011 Fri, Apr 08, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Fri, Apr 08, 2011 Sat, Apr 16, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Sat, Apr 16, 2011 Sun, Apr 24, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Sun, Apr 24, 2011 Mon, May 02, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Mon, May 02, 2011 Tue, May 10, 2011 8-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Alicante, Barcelona, Genoa

Tue, May 10, 2011 Fri, May 20, 2011 10-day Genoa, Malaga, Cadiz, Lisbon, Vigo, Southampton, Zeebrugge, Kiel

Fri, May 20, 2011 Mon, May 23, 2011 3-day Kiel, Oslo, Copenhagen, Kiel

Mon, May 23, 2011 Fri, Jun 03, 2011 11-day Kiel, Bergen, Tórshavn, Akureyri, Isafjordur, Reykjavík, Lerwick, Kiel

Fri, Jun 03, 2011 Tue, Jun 14, 11-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Trondeim, Honningsvag, Tromso, Hellesylt & Geiranger, Bergen, Kiel

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 Sat, Jun 25, 11-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Trondeim, Honningsvag, Tromso, Hellesylt & Geiranger, Bergen, Kiel

Sat, Jun 25, 2011 Sat, Jul 02, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Jul 02, 2011 Sat, Jul 09, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Kiel

Sat, Jul 09, 2011 Sat, Jul 16, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Jul 16, 2011 Sat, Jul 23, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Kiel

Sat, Jul 23, 2011 Sat, Jul 30, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Jul 30, 2011 Sat, Aug 06, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Kiel

Sat, Aug 06, 2011 Sat, Aug 13, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Aug 13, 2011 Sat, Aug 20, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Kiel

Sat, Aug 20, 2011 Sat, Aug 27, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Aug 27, 2011 Sat, Sep 03, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Kiel

Sat, Sep 03, 2011 Sat, Sep 10, 2011 7-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Olden, Bergen, Kristiansand, Oslo, Kiel

Sat, Sep 10, 2011 Wed, Sep 28, 2011 18-day Kiel, Copenhagen, Zeebrugge, Southampton, Vigo, Lisbon, Ponta Delgada, King's Wharf, New York City

Wed, Sep 28, 2011 Sat, Oct 08, 2011 10-day New York City, Sydney, Charlottetown, Quebec, Halifax, Newport, New York City PO03

Sat, Oct 08, 2011 Sat, Oct 15, 2011 7-day New York City, Halifax, Sydney, Charlottetown, Quebec

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I know I have said this before - but want to say it again. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful go between for Egon and all of the rest of us.


Hopefully with the Atlantic crossing, he will have a chance to relax and his leg will heal. Am so looking forward to later postings.


Again - Thank you.

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I know I have said this before - but want to say it again. Thank you so much for being such a wonderful go between for Egon and all of the rest of us.


Hopefully with the Atlantic crossing, he will have a chance to relax and his leg will heal. Am so looking forward to later postings.


Again - Thank you.

Thank you (once again) Okie for your kind remarks. I do this because he is such a wonderful person who I have gotten to know since June of 2010 just through Cruise Critics and many, many e-mails back and forth. I, too, wish him the best. I can't really blame him for continuing on, even with his leg problem, to Europe. What else would he be doing if he wasn't cruising, right? Sitting at home doing nothing, so more power to him!

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Managed to hunt down and find Egon during my short week on board the Poesia. I introduced myself and he seemed surprised that I had heard all about him on the internet. It was the day before visiting Cozumel and he explained that he would be hunting down the doctor again.


What a courageous adventure he has taken on. I just hope the staff are being extra nice to him as we found lots of staff not very helpful at all.

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Managed to hunt down and find Egon during my short week on board the Poesia. I introduced myself and he seemed surprised that I had heard all about him on the internet. It was the day before visiting Cozumel and he explained that he would be hunting down the doctor again.


What a courageous adventure he has taken on. I just hope the staff are being extra nice to him as we found lots of staff not very helpful at all.

I'm glad you got to meet him. I went the week he got off in Cozumel, so didn't get to meet him. It was the only reason I booked the cruise in the first place. I agree with your impression of the ship. It was a very disappointing cruise, but I made the best of it. I definitely would not rebook for that reason.

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As a side note, I think he should get some sort of compensation for playing piano in the atrium daily, but it is very dismaying that he has to literally beg them, it seems to me, for anything and probably unlikely that they will give him better accommodations. I sure hope the docs can keep his ulcers intact and that he can enjoy Europe.

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I also have been folowing Egons adventure. I also was conserding going on a grand cruise simular to Egons. After reading of Egons problems I dont think ill do it. I think MSC is poorely treating him . Ive watched MSC prices and it seems like Egon way over paid. They should have given him a suite for what he paid . I think insted of going on same ship for a year I would find deals like HALs 105 day trip and add on other cruise lines long trips . For what he paid and what little perks hes getting I would definatly cross MSC off my lists of a cruise co. If we all complain maybe MSC will do something for Egon. I sent an email to MSC home office telling them so. If others do the same maybe they will do something for him . I think they could do much more in perks for Egon . CARL

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One thing I dont think I like is the way Egon did it this trip. His ship goes to same ports for months at a time. I think I would get tired of that real fast. By going on a world cruise the ship goes to a diferent port each day . The other thing is what Egon has found is passengers are on ship for 1 to 2 weeks and get off. You just get to know someone and then they are gone. On a world trip the majority on people are on ship for most of the trip. Ive learned a few things from Eagons trip of what not to do. This sofar has been a learning experence . I think combining a few 40 to 100 day cruises would make more sence . Plus maybe doing a couple of diferent cruise lines so you can see what each offers . CARL

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For Egon's next l-o-n-g cruise, he should sign up for Costa's round the world cruise in 100 days. Since that only makes a third of a year, he could sign up for three of them!

I agree that MSC should upgrade him to a better cabin. I could never do a one week cruise in an inside, let alone a one year cruise...

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My main concern for Egon is the additional ulcers he said he has on his leg. I sure hope they begin healing soon so that he can enjoy his venture w/o all the pain. Being on Poesia in January sure opened my eyes to the choices in cruiseships out there. I would never go on it again and I was only on it for 1 week. That was enough!

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# 40 March 6-23, 2011

Got through US Immigration and met Barbara at 10.40 who had my new glasses and a drive-by and good-bye kiss, then met Dennis who was only too happy to drive the 50 Miles to Palm Beach Gardens to see/play the organ Dale was tallking about yesterday. What an experience this turned out to be! Dale, with his wife Vera live on a beautiful estate in a large house. And he has two pianos and this magnificent Roland organ which I did play - sort of, because it would take a lot of time to get to know the instrument. Then there was their good friend Robert who is a professional musician and also sings and has a vibrant personality.Finally a beautiful Golden Retriever with whom I immediately fell in love. And: Dale has not only a gorgeous 1963 Thunderbird in pristine original condition, but also several other antique cars - all of this in a beautiful semi-tropical setting. Dale later took us to lunch and Dennis and I arrived back at the ship only at 4.30pm which however still allowed me to look after reports and email. I was pretty bushed at this point and my leg was quite painful.

One newcomer at the table is Penny, also from England, who drank three glasses of the champagne pretty fast and I again took some of the strawberries to Galya at the wine bar and Angelica, who is still coughing.

Mar 7: In the morning went into the Wine Bar to write reports; at the other end, a group of maybe 40 people and a woman preparing to talk to them with a microphone; the moment she opened her mouth, I knew she was Swiss. Turned out to be a group of Swiss, who were on the cruise to Genoa organised by a Travel Agency. Surprise! In the afternoon, a successful piano session and it sure was gratifying that later on some people who had listened to me on one of the balconies, stopped me to say how much they enjoyed it. What irony: on March 19, 2010, in my negotiations with MSC, I sent a letter to MSC offering my services as a musician, which however was rejected - now they get it for free! Here it is:

"I intend to cruise for an entire year starting Oct 9 2010 and ending with the Oct.8.2011 sailing, on the "Poesia", but am at the moment actively iinvestigating several other ship's itineraries. I am a Senior, Canadian citizen and a musician (piano, organ, keyboard) and have performed extensively in the US and Mexico and European countries, including US military bases in Morocco, Spain and Greece. My repertoire of over 1200 songs from the 30s onwards caters mainly to the 50+ crowd with its emphasis on music by such as Berlin, Gershwin, Porter, Kern, Carmichael , but there are also many songs available indigenous to countries like England, Germany, France, Italy, Mexico. For this reason I have been billed as "Egon's piano stylings of international favorites". While I do not sing, I easily connect with listeners, am outgoing and personable. Fluent in English and German (I am of Swiss/German descent) and get by easily in Italian, Spanish and French. On my last HAL Panama Canal cruise (Dec.23/09) i often used to play the piano in the Explorer's Lounge after the last show finished around 11pm and always had multiple enthusiastic listeners (initially just passers-by, since my playing was not advertised) who often returned with additional folks on other evenings. I usually played about one hour and was able to play most of the requests.


Since there is a large segment of older guests on your cruises, I feel that I would be able to contribute to their enjoyment, be it at cocktail hour or in the evening.


If MSC is interested, I have the following proposal: that I would play for say 2 hours 6 days a week in either bar or lounge at a time to be set during the entire booked cruise year. In return, the quoted price would be reduced to $ 50K and I would be granted free 24/7 internet access. If, within the first two weeks my service should not be found satisfactory, the price would revert to the original one and the contract anulled. If I should fail to meet my obligation (i.e. not be able to play) for an extended period, the $ 50K price would be increased by $ 200 per week remaining in the contract which I would be willing to sign with the above conditions."


Oh well, whooppee for free laundry...









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I have a dear friend, Mr. Egon Landsberg, who is traveling and performing on your cruiseship since October of 2010. I think it is disgusting how you have treated him.

First off, he is playing for you for nothing and the patrons on your ship thoroughly enjoy those sessions.

What does he get in return? Free laundry???? What cheapskates you are!! Shame on you!

As he is 94 years old and he chose Poesia versus a retirement home to enjoy possibly the rest of his life and you can't even upgrade him to a room with an oceanview?

I travelled in January of this year on Poesia and I will NEVER be on it again. I have friends on Cruise Critics who feel the same about how he has been treated. I pity Egon having to endure this stinginess for 8 more months.



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I have a dear friend, Mr. Egon Landsberg, who is traveling and performing on your cruiseship since October of 2010. I think it is disgusting how you have treated him.

First off, he is playing for you for nothing and the patrons on your ship thoroughly enjoy those sessions.

What does he get in return? Free laundry???? What cheapskates you are!! Shame on you!

As he is 94 years old and he chose Poesia versus a retirement home to enjoy possibly the rest of his life and you can't even upgrade him to a room with an oceanview?

I travelled in January of this year on Poesia and I will NEVER be on it again. I have friends on Cruise Critics who feel the same about how he has been treated. I pity Egon having to endure this stinginess for 8 more months.




Pat, I couldn't agree with you more. I only cruise with Celebrity and Holland and was actually considering some segment of this cruise just to meet Egon but you couldn't pay me to sail with Poesia now. I have the utmost admiration for this man and can't believe how nasty they have been.


I know people who have done world cruises on Holland and they get all kinds of perks and upgrades for a 110 day trip such as free laundry, free internet, gifts etc. I agree that he should, at a minimum, get at least an oceanview and/or a balcony cabin for his entertaining. I mean we're talking a whole year for heavens sake, give me a break Poesia. The publicity alone is/should be worth a huge reduction in price to them. Did you send the above to Poesia and, if so, how?


Again, I really appreciate you keeping us in the loop. I just wish he could do this again next year on another cruise line.



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