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13.02-18.02 Poesia PO18 (Part) Cozumel-Pt.Everglades 5

18.02-25.02 Poesia PO19 Pt. Everglades-Pt. Everglades 7

28.02-10.03 " PO20 " " 12

10.03-17.03 " PO21 " " 7

17.03-02.04 " PO22 " Genoa 16

02.04-11.04 BERN - Genoa 11

11.04-22.04 Melody ME25 Genoa-Genoa 11

22,04-01.05 " ME26 Genoa-Katakolon (Part of ME26) 9

01.05-06.05 Musica MU21 Katakolon-Venice (Part of MU21) 5

06.05-13.05 " MU22 Venice-Venice 7

13.05-20.05 " MU23 " " 7


22.05-03.06 Magnifica MA18 Venice-Kiel 12

03.06-17.06 " MA19 Kiel-Kiel 14

17.06-24.06 " MA20 Kiel-Kiel 7

24.06-28.06 " MA21 Kiel-Stavanger (Part MA21) 4

28.06-02.07 Opera OP29 Stavanger-S'hampton(PartOP29) 4

02.07-10.07 " OP30 S'hampton-S'hampton 8

10.07-18.07` " OP31 " " 8

18.07-26.07 " OP32 " " 8


27.07-02.08 Queen Mary 2 Southampton-New York 6


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Yes, it was NCL's Spirit, and it's an amazing ship, I can't wait to get back on 'er!


Thanks so much for posting the schedule Pat, looks like we won't be docking at the same places at the same time as Egon, darn it! I'll certainly be watching this thread for updates from him (via you!) though. He keeps saying if only he was 30 years younger (when it comes to the ladies)...well, if only I was 30 years older, I might be hunting him down! He seems to be quite a character! :D

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There is a constant parade of different water craft in front of the beach, from jet boats and small catamarans wich you can rent, to passing yachts and other smaller ships; farther out there are 2, sometime three parasails high up in the air and occasionally a cruiseship passes. A little ways down the beach is a pier from which they start a glassbottom boat or others for half to full day fishing trips. But one of the big attraction is snorkeling -one can rent the gear- because there is ample life below.

I went by scooter to the fancier section of Sabor and on to Aura - all belonging to Wyndham but it seems that the place to be and where the action is, is right here. I think the age average here at this time is about 35, very few older people and certainly no one even approaching my my age bracket. The night before they had what they called a "Horror Show" at the theater; there were only maybe 20 people attending at 9pm - it was a valiant effort but nothing to shout about. And last night was Mexican night, this time the La Isla was on the square in front of it, there was a great array of Mexican food but most of the time you had no idea what you put on your plate because there were no name plates and in any event there would not have been enough light to read them. I did however recognize a chicken leg and everything else was very good. Dinner was followed by some Mexican dancers in colourful costumes, well done on a stage which was too small. Today I sat again in the afternoon and watched the waterball game, this time enhanced by four topless women - as usual there's a lot of screaming with the bar at the pool supplying lubrication for dry throats and removal of inhibitions.

I had dinner together with Jason and Suzette, and they told me of their plans of moving to Honduras. A big change in lifestyle and a big undertaking. I hope for them that it'll work out and be everthing they are dreaming about. I grew quite fond of these two - unfortunately they'll be leaving this morning.

Sabor is a "Green" Company, from water efficient shower heads to rechargeable batteries in remotes and biodegradable toilet paper. There are waterjugs in the apartments and the big watercontainers just outside to reduce the use of plastic bottles; towels are changed when you leave them on the floor after using them a few times and bed linen changed "according to a program", so they say, but so far mine has been changed daily.

I am very impressed with the buffet in La Isla.. There is always a great variety of everything, salads and fruit (cut up) are always fresh, varied and appetizing. Sure, there is room for improvement, such as printed indicators of the contents of the many covered rechauds at all meals; most of the time they are missing and it isn't easy to discern what you are getting, especially since the illumination is not bright. But all the food is very good and never boring because of the wide choices.

Two other couples befriended me: (their initiatives), but especially Richard and Alberta from Connecticut -- he seems to like me very much. I had mentioned once at breakfast that there always was only strawberry jam, never any orange marmelade which I love. Last night they came back from town and presented me with a jar of orange marmalade and another of blueberry jam as well as a little package of crackers! I still have one pair of MSC slippers which I'll give him tonight. There was a very animated discussion last night between them and the other couple who joined the table I was sitting at about the state of the US deficit crisis. I left about 9 pm.

Nov. 22: There was another Dinner evening on the beach - apparently this is a weekly event and actually requires a great deal of preparation every time. It was again followed by the fire and Limbo dancers. I sat with Richard and Alberta and it was another nice evening finishing shortly after 9pm for which I was kind of glad because all the happening was just below my apartment.

Then on the evening before their departure, we had dinner together at Robertos and it was just excelllent. I noticed that Richard is a lavish "tipper" which has endeared him greatly to many of the waiters. And this morning after our breakfast, they left to return to cold Coonecticut after a terribly long trip home because of poor flight connections. I've grown very fond of both Richard and Alberta and I daresay the feeling is mutual. I'll miss them.

In the big Hotel reception hall they put up an enclosure with a beautifully feathered female turkey as well as a very plain looking tom, all tethered and with obviously a very limited lifespan; tonight will be a big Thanksgiving Day dinner at La Isla. The place is full of people because there is a huge Ironman Marathon going on for almost a week, with miles of swimming and biking and other disciplines - I don't know how many hundreds of people are involved, but it must be a formidable number from many countries because the whole town is also involved with special happenings.

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Thanks to all my friends here on CC. Hope your bellies are full and you had a wonderful day.




Thank you for the good wishes and hoping that your days was full of thanks also. Am so glad to see this thread is continuing on.


Barbara ;)



Previous Cruises:

Alaska - Westerdam - September 2009

Alaska- Rotterdam - September 2010

Mexican Riveria - Oosterdam - April 2011


Future Cruises – in planning stage:

September, 2012 - Alaska – Amsterdam - 14 day cruise

2013 Eastern Med - Prisendam- 28 day (includes cruising Black Sea)

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I'm very late to this thread (okay - more than a year late!), so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something somebody else may have already said. I've only read bits and pieces and recall somebody mentioning how Egon would be great in a commercial for the cruiseline. I disagree somewhat - I think this is an awesome commercial for McDonalds. Somebody traveling for a year, searching out McD's in each port to connect with family (of course, they would probably put a slightly different "taste of home" spin on it too). Egon really seems to be a character - somebody who's charismatic and defies people's conceptions of aging and old. I really see a commercial there - maybe a vlog on their website or in the restaurants where they have TV's.

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I'm very late to this thread (okay - more than a year late!), so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something somebody else may have already said. I've only read bits and pieces and recall somebody mentioning how Egon would be great in a commercial for the cruiseline. I disagree somewhat - I think this is an awesome commercial for McDonalds. Somebody traveling for a year, searching out McD's in each port to connect with family (of course, they would probably put a slightly different "taste of home" spin on it too). Egon really seems to be a character - somebody who's charismatic and defies people's conceptions of aging and old. I really see a commercial there - maybe a vlog on their website or in the restaurants where they have TV's.


What a great idea -- although I'm not sure McDonalds would be thrilled to know that he "nurses" a coffee during his hours of time in their restaurants and, from what we've read about his healthy habits (and disdain for overweight people eating too much), cannot picture him eating a Big Mac!:D

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I'm very late to this thread (okay - more than a year late!), so I'm sorry if I'm repeating something somebody else may have already said. I've only read bits and pieces and recall somebody mentioning how Egon would be great in a commercial for the cruiseline. I disagree somewhat - I think this is an awesome commercial for McDonalds. Somebody traveling for a year, searching out McD's in each port to connect with family (of course, they would probably put a slightly different "taste of home" spin on it too). Egon really seems to be a character - somebody who's charismatic and defies people's conceptions of aging and old. I really see a commercial there - maybe a vlog on their website or in the restaurants where they have TV's.

Thank you so much for reposting this link. When it was first on, for some reason my computer couldn't open it, and then I forgot about trying it again. This time it opened up beautifully and I really enjoyed the story.

I hope Yellowbird's posting partner comes back soon to post the pictures that Egon has been taking in Mexico.

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I need someone with the savy to post pics. Please send me your e-mail. Haven't heard from ladysail2 and lost her e0mail address...

p r o o s at w i n d s t r e a m dot net


# 6: November 2011 - February 13, 2011Â


There are 4 parasails in the air - it looks as if there would be a landing of parachutists! Last night, in honor of the US Thanksgiving, there was turkey and also pumpkin pie - apart from available fish, beef or pork, many veggies and salads and patisseries. The place seems to be pretty full because of the Ironman Marathon; there also are many Mexicans, participants and supporters. I have been told that there are 1600 people taking part. It's a big boon for the town, I'm sure.

On Sunday is the big event: Bicycle race 180 KM, Swim 3.8 KM and Marathon 42.2KM - a total of 226KM. There'll sure be a lot of sore bodies at the end of it. On Monday are the Reward and Closing ceremonies in town. I understand that most of the partcipants and their families or supporters will stay on at least until Wednesday to recuperate.

December 1: Things have calmed down considerably with practically all participants and their supporters having left. But the place is by no means empty! I got to know a nice family from Boston with two daughters and one son (who participated in the Ironman) - his name is Angelo and it seems as if his whole body is coveed with ornate tatoos. His family left two days ago, he goes tomorrow.

In the Hotel lobby there is a huge decorated but artificial Christmas tree and already they play Christmas songs but thankfully very subdued. However from what I heard so far, they are all rocked-up versions, including "Silent Night" - not to my liking!

The woman who usually makes up my room is Beatriz, known as "Betty", is married and has several children. She also is quite an artist creating animals with towel-art and has already produced a little Zoo for me (see pics!). Reallly very clever. Since I found out that she goes home every evening, I asked whether she has a washing machine and whether she would do my laundry once in a while. She would be happy to do this and earn some extra Pesos and this would relieve me of a major logistical problem since I would not have to go into town to a laundrymat. Laundry here at Sabor would be very expensive (e.g. US$ 2.50 for a shirt).


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I just discovered this thread a couple of days ago, and really enjoy reading Egon adventures on his "Year On A Cruise Ship". And am looking forward to his new adventure for 2011~2012. Thank you so much for posting here :)

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I just discovered this thread a couple of days ago, and really enjoy reading Egon adventures on his "Year On A Cruise Ship". And am looking forward to his new adventure for 2011~2012. Thank you so much for posting here :)


Thank you very much Joyce. Love your Webshots...You look like a fun person.

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I am sorry that I am not a computer whiz to help out witht he photos, but I know you can foward them to e mails and I would love to see them. Also, if Egon wouldn't mind sending e mails directly to some of his supporters mine is CAC104 at aol dot com

I would love to know if he is liking staying in one spot compared to this same time on the ship last year?

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Hi Pat and thank you and all who contributed to this wonderful adventure. I have been laying low with a terrible cold for three days; found this blog by chance and have read EVERY LINE from beginning to this morning.

Egon is living every day of my dream....The only thing I am missing is about a million dollars!!

He is amazing and you guys are really good friends; supporting him and caring the way you do. I am not much for posting but I cannot get enough of CC and the boards...I am addicted (could be worse!). So, I would like to join you all in cheering Egon on for many cruises to come.


Pat, I live in Phoenixville, Pa (near King of Prussia)...I was just in Lancaster a couple of weeks ago...We ate at a great little crepe place in town.

Hope you are well and actively planning your next cruise



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Hi Pat and thank you and all who contributed to this wonderful adventure. I have been laying low with a terrible cold for three days; found this blog by chance and have read EVERY LINE from beginning to this morning.

Egon is living every day of my dream....The only thing I am missing is about a million dollars!!

He is amazing and you guys are really good friends; supporting him and caring the way you do. I am not much for posting but I cannot get enough of CC and the boards...I am addicted (could be worse!). So, I would like to join you all in cheering Egon on for many cruises to come.


Pat, I live in Phoenixville, Pa (near King of Prussia)...I was just in Lancaster a couple of weeks ago...We ate at a great little crepe place in town.

Hope you are well and actively planning your next cruise



Thank you Eileen for your nice comments. I will forward them on to Egon. My sister lived in Phoenixville years and years ago. My middle name is Eileen. Where is the crepe place BTW?? Sounds wonderful for somethiing different to do.

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# 3Â to November 12 +++ 2011

I had been with Steve at his place www.torbay.net for almost one entire month, lovingly pampered by both him and Joyce, not to speak of tailwagging Brandy. While I ttaught them bad habits, having brought a bottle each of Crown Royal and Bayley's which meant nightly drinks and laced deserts, I was treated to nightly specialities laden with a great variety of steamed veggies (Steve's speciality), some wonderful trout, salmon, chicken etc. Sundays were McCafé and Egg McMuffin days - Tradition! Two days before I left I treated them to Dinner at the Ram's Head in Callander and it was an excellent choice. Next day had me packing and I barely made it, with both suitcases bursting at the seams and weighing tons. Steve was able to store them, as well as the packed-up Scooter plus some other items in the enormeous trunk of my Buick. Steve had offered to drive me to the Toronto airport (a 4-hour trip) which meant that we would have to leave around 4.15am, but the alternative would have been a flight out of North Bay at 6.30am or so, which would also mean getting up at about the same time and would be much more inconvenient for me. The Westjet flight to Cozumel was to leave at 10am.

At 3.30am the telephone rang a few times - Joyce checking from her home in N.B. that we were up. We found the car partly covered with snow and I took a couple of photos before Joyce had finished cleaning the windshield, and also one of the impressively packed trunk. And off we went with only one stop en route, to arrive at the airport around 8am. I had of course requested wheel chair assistance which worked beautifully and bypassed me through crowds of people in line to check in and I was mighty glad for Steve attendance and strength to handle the luggage. After paying a reasonable $79 for excess baggage, the scooter was deposited somewhere else because it was oversized and we went on to the security area where there was a somewhwat weepy leavetaking. I was amazed at the stringent security which had me to give up my toothpaste (aftewards I berated myself for not arguing the fact that quite a bit of the 150ml tube had already been used so that the excess over the allowed 100ml was minimal. Too bad. Afterwards I biught a sample size (20ml) at the airport store for "only"$ 2.25. You can't win).

The less than 4hr flight was uneventful and I treated myself to a turkey and Brie sandwich. We got to Cozumel almost 1/2 hr early; I had wonderful help from a young woman handling the wheelchair and hefting the luggage off the carousel and onto the Scanner and once through immigration and customs, I found the representative of the transfer company I had booked with on line and after only maybe 15 minutes wait my luggage and I were in a van shared with other passengers and off we went. I guess it took 25 minutes of steady driving until we came to the Sabor Resort, some 13km South of the center of town - I was privileged in that mine was to be the first stop. It says "we like tips". Of course.

And here I was received with almost open arms and after checking in brought to my new home for the next 3 months - it was quite a long way for me to walk in a labyrint-like but very pleasant environment and I gratefully collapsed on my bed.

So much for today! Now I will have Google translate this into it's fractured German and then edit and correct it -often with a laugh! Still have to decide whether it would be faster to write the whole thing again in German.


Here's the pictures that belong with this post...



Nov 12 2011 4 am



Nov 12 2011 4 am



Nov 12 2911 4am



Nov 12 2011 em route

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My room is in one of the many villas -this one a two storey building- and in location which for me seems very good. I have a view towards the pool on the left and the ocean on the right. The room contains two double beds, a table with two chairs, a cabinet with a large flat panel TV (but there are only two English channels, CNN and FOX). So it actually is rather small but rated at 350 sqft because of the washroom, and toilet/Shower; the latter is a large walkin. There is silent airconditioning, remote controlled like the TV and it works very well and of course it has a ceiling fan which I don't use because I find it too drafty. There are large drawers below the TV and in the equally large built-in wardrobe an electronic safe. There is a coffee maker, hair dryer and ironing board, a digital clock and telephone on the nightstand. Of course you are not expected to spend a lot of time in your room in a place like this which has many public areas apart from the 2000 ft beach front. There are several pools but they are more for playing in and having drinks at the poolside bar while standing in the water since they are only 2'7" deep. This I found very disappointing, because for me to get into the ocean is tricky - the entire coast has lots of rocks and while the beach is sand, going into the water means negiciating rocks at the bottom between sandy areas while steadying yourself against waves and keeping your balance; I tried but just can't do it any more, I am too unsteady on my feet. But I found out about another pool which I can use in another area reserved for members of the "Regency" club and half of it's good size is more than 6' deep. Once again I am glad for the scooter, because it would be too far for me to walk there. But very close to me is La Isla, a large buffet-style restaurant for all meals where I have been going to and where I am already known amongst the waiters as "Senor Egon". Word gets around. One can sit on the terrace facing the ocean and it's just gorgeous. There are palms in front with the trunks girlamded with lights in the evening and there are of course the famous Mexican blackbirds looking for handouts and not taking "no" for an answer. I have found the food very good - there is great and generous variety and I regret at times that I have only a small apetite (just as well!). There are other restaurants to be checked out, two of them where reservations have to be made. When I was sitting down for Dinner at La Isla the second evening here, two young ladies approached me, introduced themselves and invited me to share their table - how nice! They were from Texas, the older one (maybe 28) originally from South Africa and it turned out a delightful evening. Unfortunately they left Sabor the next day. All employees are very solicitous and helpful, especially the waiters who bring you coffee or drinks and I am just wondering whether or not I did read somewhere that gratuities are part of the all inclusive price.

Nov. 15 I had the visit of Tom and Shirley, owners of the Flamingo Hotel in two where I stayed last December /January for almost a month and they came with Brian and Barbara whom I also got to know at that time. Unfortunately, this being an all inclusive place, one is not able to buy a drink or a meal, but I was able to sbeak at least a \margarita for Tom. It was a nice visit. And then I discovered in the evening that they had moved the entire La Isla restaurant down to the beach just below my house and it turned out to be a kind of beaqch party with very impressive fire dancers and then the every decreasing height Limbo, which was won by a young and lithe woman from Argentina. I had i real grandstand view and took quite a fiew pictures.

Nov. 15 Another visit! This time from Cheryl, tablemate on Poesia last December with whom I never lost contact. She was staying at the Hotel Resort Cozumel near the center of town and I felt bad that she had to spend $ 30 in taxi fares to come to see me. But we had a wonderful visit and after I succeeded in not only getting her a drink but also a quesodilla for lunch (entirely illegal!), we both had a siesta in my airconditioned room (with to beds, affter all!) and I told her that now she could brag that she slept with a 94-year old guy! Then we lounged at the pool and watched the antics of a waterball game in front of us, with many of the players feeling no pain from the refreshments served at the poolside bar. She left after 5pm, but will be back Feb.8 at her hotel and come here to celebrate my 95th.

While I do have WiFi in my room, it's a sporadic affair, cutting out or not allowing internet access at times and the strength is hardly ever "good". But from what Cheryl tells me, also at her hotel she finds the same situation and I guess this may be a satellite signal and thus is unpredictable. This evening (it's now 6.30 pm) I have been waiting 1-1/2 hrs to get internet access, although I am connected. When I am connected, the reading is "good" but no internet access; the moment I disconnect, it drops down to "fair" but shows again as being "good"when I reconnect and always without internet. Go figure.

I am just back from dinner and nice people at the next table started talking with me -they are Suzette and Jason -he a former Marine- from Idaho. We will have dinner together on Friday at Robertos, the Italian restaurant where you have to make reservatio ns. It's after 8pm and while I am connected, have no internet access.


These's pictures belong to this post...





No. 1913



No. 1913



No.1913 View to the right



No.1913 View to the left



The Regency pool

Edited by PartyOfOne
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And more pictures...



Nov 14 2011 Beach party firedance



Nov 15 2011 Beach party firedance



Nov 15 2011 Beach party Limbo



Nov 15 2011 with Tom, Shirley, Barbara & Brian



Nov 16 2011 Cheryl visit



A passing cruiseship at sundown

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# 6: November 2011 - February 13, 2011Â


There are 4 parasails in the air - it looks as if there would be a landing of parachutists! Last night, in honor of the US Thanksgiving, there was turkey and also pumpkin pie - apart from available fish, beef or pork, many veggies and salads and patisseries. The place seems to be pretty full because of the Ironman Marathon; there also are many Mexicans, participants and supporters. I have been told that there are 1600 people taking part. It's a big boon for the town, I'm sure.

On Sunday is the big event: Bicycle race 180 KM, Swim 3.8 KM and Marathon 42.2KM - a total of 226KM. There'll sure be a lot of sore bodies at the end of it. On Monday are the Reward and Closing ceremonies in town. I understand that most of the partcipants and their families or supporters will stay on at least until Wednesday to recuperate.

December 1: Things have calmed down considerably with practically all participants and their supporters having left. But the place is by no means empty! I got to know a nice family from Boston with two daughters and one son (who participated in the Ironman) - his name is Angelo and it seems as if his whole body is coveed with ornate tatoos. His family left two days ago, he goes tomorrow.

In the Hotel lobby there is a huge decorated but artificial Christmas tree and already they play Christmas songs but thankfully very subdued. However from what I heard so far, they are all rocked-up versions, including "Silent Night" - not to my liking!

The woman who usually makes up my room is Beatriz, known as "Betty", is married and has several children. She also is quite an artist creating animals with towel-art and has already produced a little Zoo for me (see pics!). Reallly very clever. Since I found out that she goes home every evening, I asked whether she has a washing machine and whether she would do my laundry once in a while. She would be happy to do this and earn some extra Pesos and this would relieve me of a major logistical problem since I would not have to go into town to a laundrymat. Laundry here at Sabor would be very expensive (e.g. US$ 2.50 for a shirt).



And finally the pictures for this post...



Dec 1 2011 In the Hotel Lobby
















Edited by PartyOfOne
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