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Got my final biopsy report this morning. Not cancer, thank God. It's called hyperkeratosis, which is basically a callous-like lesion from something rubbing (tooth). Thanks for the support. Now I can breath again.:)



Thank God. I know you are smiling from ear to ear.

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#30: May 17-22-2012


To drive into this big city with the Scooter was not one of my best ideas and after a while I had to give it up, frustrated und unclipped and returned to the Terminal Building in hopes to get internet again which before had ceased to function, probably because there were too many users for the broadband available, and I hadn't sent out # 29 in German. I hope it will work tomorrow in Corfu. Back on board I found out that today prices in the Musica Beauty Parlor where slashed 50% and after assuring myself that they knew to do men's haircuts, I had myself clipped by a girl from Honduras and now feel considerably lighter.


The day before I had occasion to go to the Medical Center and got to know the Doctor there, a nice guy from the Ukraine named Ivan (what else!), speaking fractured English with a thick Russian accent. I wound up inviting him for a drink of Scotch in my cabin and he came tonight, had three drinks, kissed me on both cheeks and forehead in an emotional farewell at 9pm. He seems to really have taken to me and we'll keep in touch by email. He'll be on Musica for 6 months but has an offer to settle with his wife and three sons (oldest is over 30, youngest is 5) in Angola to practice his orthopaedic speciality.


May 18, last time in Corfu and my favorite and best place for free WiFi anywhere:: in the Terminal there is a designated area hotspot with two tables and chairs accomodating at least 14 people with laptops and there are 2 electrical outlets as well, but there are also 4 "towers" with built-in computers which can be used. Of course the place is crowded with people, nearly all of them employees from several cruiseships, not only at the tables, but all around sitting on the floor as well with their laptops, many of them with earphones and attached microphone, talking a great length on Skype in all sorts of languages. So, after we moored at 1pm I spent almost 3 hours there and while the signal was strong. the operations were very slow because of the many users on line. But I managed eventually everything I had to do which, apart from sending the German report and dealing with emails, also included figuring out how to be able to cover my Credit Card debt with the formidable amount of Princess cruises come due time in June.


In Dubrovnik this 19. May, MSC Magnifica was parked right in front of Musica and I thought how much easier it would have been to make the transfer here. But the reason why I chose not to was that I hoped to see some of Venice in the two days there. But on reconsidering, by spending less than it costs me the way |I am doing it, I could have paid for an excursion when Magnifica gets to Venice May 22 and see something. Oh well. No use crying over spilled milk. Among the Indonesian waiters who milled around outside the Magnifica, I was already recognized by several wpart of the day driving througho had been on Poesia when I was. I spent through the suburbs (we were far away from the center), mostly on the road and with the traffic, faithfully trusting that the Canadian flag at the back of the Scooter will save me from being rear-ended! I had dinner with the new Guest Relations Manager who is from Tunisia, 31 years old, is a nice guy with a doctorate in language and named Oussama. He'll look after my debarkation tomorrow, which is nice and helpful because of all the stuff that has to be moved to the storage facility on land. Good to have connections!


20. May, Venice: The disembarking went surprisingly smoothly, after it had been delayed to nearly 10AM. My luggage was brought down and to the luggage deposit in the Terminal, where the three pieces (2 suitcases and the Scooter) will be kept and delivered to the ship on the 22nd - all for 24 Euros. I then took a taxi to the Piazza Roma which is sort of a hub unto which converges anf rom which radiates, all people traffic from the nearby cruise port, waterbus and railway station, as well as taxis and lots of buses from the airport and mainland. With directions from some shopkeepers found my way to the B&B in a side street and away from the hustle and bustle along one of the canals. Of course I had to negotiate two bridges over canals and was luckily offered by a young man to carry my suitase up and down. At the very plain looking old building I was let in by the young owner Nicola who turned out to be a really nice guy and was given the choice of a downstairs room which of course was not ready yet at this time. So I sat in their breakfast room with WiFi while I waited but also was briefed by Nicola about what I can do tomorrow. When the room was ready, I was very pleasantly surprised by it's appearance, modern bathroom with shower, telephone, air conditioning and flat screen TV, even a fridge and a safe, both cleverly concealed as part of the wardrobe - very nice indeed. After I rested up a little I went out for a walk in the neighbourhood but unfortunately have a hard time walking these days. Since I had brought a yogurt from breakfast this morning, I just bought a sandwich at a shop I passed and will tonight go and eat at the Trattoria Veneziana which is not far from the B&B, are befriended with the owners here and have been "primed" by them already! But it's not warm here and I have already asked for an extra blanket.


May 21. At the Trattoria I wound up only having a vegetable soup and half of the beer I ordered which turned up to be what looked to me like a liter! Got the blanket and slept well, alone in the "letto matrimonale". After the continental breakfast in the morning, stuck my nose outside only to find it was cold and rainy. Luckily I could borrow an umbrella and set out for the Waterbus Station Piazza Roma, not very far to walk but enough for me. For 18 Euros got a 12-hr tourist ticket and found my way to the stop for the number 1 line which goes all the way to the Lido, some 20-odd stops away. These waterbuses, and their operation, are really quite amazing, excellently organized, fast and efficient - and very crowded, understandably: not only is Venice one of the, if not THE prime tourist destination, but these waterbuses also serve the local population in their daily lives. They ply the Canale Grande, a waterway as busy as any major city artery. Apart from the waterbuses there are lots of taxis (large motorboats, some quite fancy), tour boats, boats carrying merchandise and still others hard to classify and while collisions do occur, they are relative,y seldom. I first went to Academia Station where I was told was a branch of the BNL Bank which is a correspondent of Bank of America, and where, using their ATM, I am not charged an extra fee for withdrawing money. I wandered around a bit and took the next bus to Piazza San Marco and by that time it was raining quite heavily. My photographic exploits were, because of the rain, quite limited and especially so from the waterbus as we passed landmarks, because of the crowds which didn't allow access to a viewing spot. Thousands of people, most of them with open umbrellas which often caused unintended involvements - all walking under the arcades on the sides of the Piazza. There I passed an outside cafe attached to a hotel, where a trio was playing the song "Smile" which I know and well like. I was going to sit down (the need for which I felt at this point) but then saw on their Menu that a cappucino would cost 9 Euros (about $ 12) - forget it. This, by the way, is what I paid in the Trattoria for the vegetable soup last night - prices here seem literally out of this world. On the other hand, not far from the B&B where I am staying, I found Panaderia Majer which not only has wonderful bread and cakes but also sandwiches and that's what I had for lunch: a roll with Salami and a cappucino, all for 3 Euro or so. As I write this in my bedroom, it's 6.20pm and I had my scotch and soda and potato chips which I had brought along and feel much better to face the elements and look for a likely place to eat. However, I just poured myself another drink and am thinking how nice it would have been to be able to share this whole experience. Sometimes, being alone gets to me, despite the many friends and acquaintances I have. OK, enough self pity.


Now I ate at a Cafe very close to my B&B and had liver as in Venice (small pieces of calf liver with braised onions and polenta). This was excellent, but the Creme Caramel was a disaster - nothing but a bland pudding. I had a glass of a very good "strawberry wine". But the bill! There's a charge of 2 Euros to start with for the tableset, and at the end a 12% Service Charge. The bill came to 28 Euros (CAD 37.50) - much too expensive for a daily meal! They sure take it from the Living!~


May 22: Skies are still cloudy, but it's not raining. Had a call last evening from an Italian family living here and fans of mine, whom I befriended on Poesia end of February last year and have been in touch with ever since; he, Luca will try to come to the port this noon to greet me. He is with the Venetian police, I believe.




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Venice Palace of the Doges (2)

Venice scene (13)

Venice Gondolas

Venice The bridge of sighs

Venice Rialto Bridge

Venice Waterbus
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[quote name='yellowbird23'][I][SIZE=3]Got my final biopsy report this morning. Not cancer, thank God. It's called hyperkeratosis, which is basically a callous-like lesion from something rubbing (tooth). Thanks for the support. Now I can breath again.:)[/SIZE][/I][/QUOTE]

Yeah!!!! Such good news, so good maybe you ought to book a cruise!! :D

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[quote name='bjbear']Yeah!!!! Such good news, so good maybe you ought to book a cruise!! :D

I have seriously been looking at them. If I don't go next week or up to June 8th, I babysit all summer long for my daughter so would have to wait for fall. Of course, it would be something to look forward to. Thanks Sue.:) Right now, I'd settle for a 3-nighter just to get away by myself.
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[quote name='yellowbird23']I have seriously been looking at them. If I don't go next week or up to June 8th, I babysit all summer long for my daughter so would have to wait for fall. Of course, it would be something to look forward to. Thanks Sue.:) Right now, I'd settle for a 3-nighter just to get away by myself.[/QUOTE]

So do it - a 3 nighter right now (yikes, not long till June 8th) and then do a longer one in the fall after the kids go back to school!! :D Stick with me, Pat, I'll spend your money for you! ;)

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[quote name='bjbear']So do it - a 3 nighter right now (yikes, not long till June 8th) and then do a longer one in the fall after the kids go back to school!! :D Stick with me, Pat, I'll spend your money for you! ;)

I must have money. I have checks left! lol
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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid]Too bad Egon didn't have better weather when he was in Venice. His photos look like the ones I shot, because when I was there we also had drizzly weather one of the days. The ship stayed in port for two days, so we had a lot of time to sight see. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][I]# 31: May 22-June 28, 2012
[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 22: Yes, when I was about to give up waiting and return to the ship, there was Luca who had been very busy this day and had made 13 arrests -he said "Mafia". What a nice man he is! Of course I was sorry not to see his Monica and little Alice but sure appreciated the effort he made to come. I got preferential treatment when checking in on beautiful "Magnifica" and moved into an interior cabin for handicaps which is nice and roomy. However, I am at this moment still slated to move to a different cabin after this first 12 day cruise and then back to here for the additional 2 cruises. I am still hopeful to be able to avoid moving twice but will have to see in a day or two after I have made contact with the right people. The restaurant scene was straight out of Dante's inferno. I had no restaurant and table assignment on my cruise card, so tried to get to the maitre d' who was besieged by people. I finally got a table, only to find out that this was already fully occupied. To make the story short, while the first episode took 20 minutes, I still had to wait another 20 until I finally got a table for eight, occupied by three couples from Belgium. I never got to the actual Maitre d' but only to his assistant and sure gave him an earful. Judging from the very many people looking to be seated, this aspect of accommodating a new passenger list must have been very badly handled. I was thinking again, that had I transferred in Dubrovnik two days earlier, all this would not have happened (and I also would have had this sunny day in Venice rather than the misery yesterday). Sometimes you just can't win. [/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]Reconnoitering the ship in the evening before going to my cabin to do some unpacking, when I passed through one of the lounges, I was greeted, umarmed and kissed by the "Cantanapoli" Duo whom I had befriended on Poesia where they played Neapolitan songs in the Atrium; here they play for dancing. So nice to see these lovely people (he plays guitar together with midi music , she sings); I don't know whether they will actually also do the Neapolitan songs in the Atrium as they did on Poesia. And of course I met Pacek again, the waiter at my table on Poesia for nearly a year. Nice![/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 23: This morning at breakfast, more waiters, knowing me from Poesia, greeted me, and then, to my great surprise, two ladies from Brazil at an adjacent table, also greeted me, remembered me from Poesia and were looking forward to my playing the piano again. Amazing![/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]In Bari I did go out and a bit around the port area, but then returned to take a picture from an upper deck. Imagine the huge surprise when I entered the elevator; there was only one other person in it and it was the Captain of the Magnifica who also had been the Captain of the Poesia for several months! And it was he who immediately recognized and greeted me like a long lost friend; I had gotten to know him quite well at several dinners at his table. What a great coincidence! I expect to be invited to his table soon again. I am attaching two pics taken in May and June 2011.*) By the way: what are the chances on a ship with over 2500 passengers and 14 elevators, that I find myself in one of them alone with the captain?! After this I decided to go for a swim and did 10 laps together with an assortment of mostly very meaty older females. As a matter of fact, there are now mostly older couples on board and hardly any children.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]I was assigned a different table because I just couldn't stand being constantly bumped by passing waiters or people - it was in such a tight area. Now the Assistant Maitre d', who does not impress me much, has put me at a table for four, but I wound up eating alone, because the two people which should have been there, didn't turn up, the champagne in the ice bucket next to me, the plate with 10 chocolate covered strawberries on the table. Crazy! I'll now hunt down Luigi and see if a better solution cannot be found. I've never had such trouble before.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 24: Had a session with the very nice Customer Relations Manager, a young woman named Christania and presented her with my list: Having to move cabin after this trip and then back again, Water Package, Free Laundry, Opting out of the Gratuity Program and playing the piano on Sea Days. Well, we'll see what happens. I did play the piano at 4, because this was a Sea day, found the nice Yamaha Grand all opened up as if waiting for my performance and it went very well and, as usual, I was commended, not only then but later on at the Captains Cocktail Party where I also was greeted by an Australian couple who recognized me from when they had been on Poesia. And in the evening I was brought to another table in a perfect location where I was met by three couples from England. Finally I am settled and content and of course they were very happy seeing me, because it meant champagne and strawberries.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 25: 5 Laps in cold water at 7 am. Then, after breakfast, off the ship at La Goulette, Tunesia, but stayed in the harbor area which was like a Souk (Market) in several low buildings and took a few photographs. The town would be too far away for me because we have to be back at the ship by 12.30pm.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 26, at Sea. Magnifica has two swimming pools, like Musica and Poesia, but one of them is under a sliding roof, which makes the ambiance in the mornings shortly after 7am much more amenable. So today I tried it but the water was just as cold as the open air one so I did just 6 laps. At lunch time they had what they called a "Beer Fest" with Bavarian Music, Wurst, Sauerkraut, potato salad and Pretzel. There was a huge crowd on the open deck No, 13 where it happened. There were two sausages, a "Weisswurst" which was very good and a "Wiener sausage" which was not; the Sauerkraut was also very good, the Potato Salad lousy. And of course lots of beer which however you had to buy but I used a coupon given to me once from a passenger for mine. The (canned) music blaring from all the loudspeakers was authentic, covering many German folks- and drinking songs. The ever active "animation team" with funny hats got women to dance -er- hop around to the umpah but many others did too. I believe that half of the passengers are Germans. A real noisy but happy happening. When I came to play the piano in the afternoon, it was locked and it took a while for the right person with the right key to be found. But then the performance was a big success with many listeners and compliments. There are two more sea-days until Kiel and I must think of other German songs because there were a lot of Germans present for whom I played 3 selections and 2 for Australians whom I had met.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]*) Photos to follow - can't seem to attach them today.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/SIZE][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/FONT]
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Here's some more pictures for report #31

La Goulette (Tunesia)

La Goulette (Tunesia) (4)

La Goulette (Tunesia) (5)

La Goulette (Tunesia) (8)

The Captain (2)
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[quote name='PartyOfOne']


Wow, that photo has something in it for everyone - beautiful ship, beautiful girl, beautiful bird. :D
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[I][SIZE=3]Just to let you all know I'm happy about my biopsy report, but unfortunately, our 10 year old Llasa Apso got a horrible report. She has mammary cancer and it is a very aggressive type. Prognosis is less than 6 months. Problem is she doesn't want to eat and that is the key to keeping her quality of life good. Husband cried the whole way home because this dog adores him.:([/SIZE][/I]
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[quote name='yellowbird23'][I][SIZE=3]Just to let you all know I'm happy about my biopsy report, but unfortunately, our 10 year old Llasa Apso got a horrible report. She has mammary cancer and it is a very aggressive type. Prognosis is less than 6 months. Problem is she doesn't want to eat and that is the key to keeping her quality of life good. Husband cried the whole way home because this dog adores him.:([/SIZE][/I][/quote]

So sorry to hear about your dog. Many of us (like Doug) know exactly how you are feeling.

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[I]My dogs have never been in a kennel. Like you, they are my children and it's so hard to let go when it's time. I have a little yorkie the same age as my llasa (age 10) and she is deteriorating with the same thing my Budha had before I had to have him put down before Christmas. Heartbreaking for sure![/I]
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Pat my heart aches for you, I know how you feel. At my age, I've had several dear pets go to the Rainbow Bridge and I still cry for them. It really is losing a member of your family!

God Bless, Sue
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