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Pat - I hope things go easy for your baby. It's so hard to let go but easier when they don't suffer. Give yourself time to grieve, then by all means, get you another one. So many animals are never lucky enough to be loved by someone like you. It can be hard to put yourself out there again after knowing the hurt of loss, but if you hadn't suffered the loss, you would never have known the love. I'll be thinking of you every time I stroke one of mine.
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[I]Yeah! Got Lita to eat cooked chicken breast tonight. Maybe the prednisilone is working? I sure hope so. Not ready to say goodbye.[/I]
[I]Thanks (once again) from my friends here in CC. I need a cruise badly, but will have to wait until at least October.[/I]
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[quote name='Red State Sam']Pat - I hope things go easy for your baby. It's so hard to let go but easier when they don't suffer. Give yourself time to grieve, then by all means, get you another one. So many animals are never lucky enough to be loved by someone like you. It can be hard to put yourself out there again after knowing the hurt of loss, but if you hadn't suffered the loss, you would never have known the love. I'll be thinking of you every time I stroke one of mine.[/quote]

What a beautiful post. Those that have never had a pet won't know what you're going through. Those of us that have know exactly! Take care.
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Oh Pat, I'm [B]so[/B] sorry to hear about Lita, such heartbreaking news. When my last sheltie (my first "baby", had him from 9 weeks old) got cancer, I was driving him 300 miles away for radiation treatments. In the end it didn't cure him but it did buy me a few extra precious months with him. Mealtime got to be a big challenge, as he had never been a very aggressive eater anyway. Fortunately my boy didn't have any stomach/digestive issues so I was able to try a lot of different things. If Lita has historically not gotten an upset stomach, try some baby food, canned pumpkin (to put over kibble), try some different spices, boiled hamburger, turkey, canned dog food (especially Hills a/d from your vet), eggs, and different veggies (my boy loved carrots!).

We'll all be thinking about you as you go on this journey, and we'll be here to listen/support however we can!! Sounds like we have a lot of animal lovers on this thread.
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[quote name='3dogsrule']Oh Pat, I'm [B]so[/B] sorry to hear about Lita, such heartbreaking news. When my last sheltie (my first "baby", had him from 9 weeks old) got cancer, I was driving him 300 miles away for radiation treatments. In the end it didn't cure him but it did buy me a few extra precious months with him. Mealtime got to be a big challenge, as he had never been a very aggressive eater anyway. Fortunately my boy didn't have any stomach/digestive issues so I was able to try a lot of different things. If Lita has historically not gotten an upset stomach, try some baby food, canned pumpkin (to put over kibble), try some different spices, boiled hamburger, turkey, canned dog food (especially Hills a/d from your vet), eggs, and different veggies (my boy loved carrots!).

We'll all be thinking about you as you go on this journey, and we'll be here to listen/support however we can!! Sounds like we have a lot of animal lovers on this thread.[/quote]
She gobbled down boiled chicken yesterday, but turning her nose up at it today. Tried boiled hamburger, baby food, scrambled eggs, as well as the Hill's a/d and it runs in spirts. Mostly she doesn't want it. We are keeping a close eye on her. She sleeps a lot, which I guess is good. Tomorrow, I take my small yorkie (6 lbs., 10 years old) to the same vet to be examined. I know she has a collapsing trachea and seems she is getting worse. Couldn't catch her breath this morning and scared the livin' bejesus out of me. Thanks for all the kind words. She is now sleeping with my husband as he is her "Daddy" and loves him so much.
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[SIZE=3]I need a cruise, but not until this dilemma is over with. They hate when I go away anywhere.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Does anyone have cruises planned soon? I like to dream about them. I love the aqua waters. They are so soothing whether I get wet or not. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Happy trails![/SIZE]
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[quote name='yellowbird23'][SIZE=3]I need a cruise, but not until this dilemma is over with. They hate when I go away anywhere.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Does anyone have cruises planned soon? I like to dream about them. I love the aqua waters. They are so soothing whether I get wet or not. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Happy trails![/SIZE][/QUOTE]

I have one planned but too far away for you. I'm going on the 15 day circle Hawaii on Celebrity on 2/17/13. I can't wait, I love, love sea days and Hawaii. Planning for it will get me through this upcoming Chicago winter!! :eek: I love the aqua waters also, Pat. I'm thinking of you and your little sweeties! :)

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[quote name='bjbear']I have one planned but too far away for you. I'm going on the 15 day circle Hawaii on Celebrity on 2/17/13. I can't wait, I love, love sea days and Hawaii. Planning for it will get me through this upcoming Chicago winter!! :eek: I love the aqua waters also, Pat. I'm thinking of you and your little sweeties! :)

Are you going solo Sue? That cruise sounds fantastic! I had a friend who I met on a 12 day cruise a few years ago who died suddenly 2 years ago while we were planning our next cruise. She had a massive heart attack and I will never forget her. I had a medallion made with her name on it and the date she died and on that cruise I pitched it overboard between two of the islands in the dark of night. BTW...she lived in Chicago! Edited by yellowbird23
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Yikes, Pat, my mom was in that same boat with her toy poodle in her latter days, she wouldn't eat much of anything. She usually had a rotation of things she could use, one day the poodle would gobble something up and the next day she wouldn't look at it. At the end she was pretty much living on treats. But she did love canned pumpkin, which also helped with her digestive problems. Try the rotation again tomorrow, hopefully the pred will kick in and something will tempt her. And I'm so sorry about your yorkie, as far as veterinary medicine has come in the last couple of decades, one would think this would be a fixable thing!!

Well, I'll get my doggie friends to say some prayers for you all. My oldest sheltie is now 12.5 years old, has Cushings, hypothyroidism, arthritis and fatty tumors messing up her rear legs...I know my days with her are growing short and it rips my heart out to think about losing her!! It's just never enough time with our pets....
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Wow Sue, I look forward to hearing about how your Hawaii cruise was next year! I've got Alaska and Hawaii on my bucket list, hope to do Alaska in the next couple of years and Hawaii shortly after that.

Pat, I just got through planning a quickie Carnival cruise with a couple of girlfriends, coming up in November (anyone want to come to AR and dogsit?? lol) so I'm looking forward to that. I had thought about doing a solo cruise this fall (which is why I started looking at this board) but when my buds were interested, well, even better. It's just a 5 day to Progresso and Cozumel, but hey, it's a cruise! I've also got one planned in February on NCL with a big batch of fun people, it'll be my first suite (and an aft wrap at that!) so I'm pretty excited (western Caribbean). Then I have a southern Caribbean planned for 2014...I like to plan ahead! Edited by 3dogsrule
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[quote name='3dogsrule']Wow Sue, I look forward to hearing about how your Hawaii cruise was next year! I've got Alaska and Hawaii on my bucket list, hope to do Alaska in the next couple of years and Hawaii shortly after that.

Pat, I just got through planning a quickie Carnival cruise with a couple of girlfriends, coming up in November (anyone want to come to AR and dogsit?? lol) so I'm looking forward to that. I had thought about doing a solo cruise this fall (which is why I started looking at this board) but when my buds were interested, well, even better. It's just a 5 day to Progresso and Cozumel, but hey, it's a cruise! I've also got one planned in February on NCL with a big batch of fun people, it'll be my first suite (and an aft wrap at that!) so I'm pretty excited (western Caribbean). Then I have a southern Caribbean planned for 2014...I like to plan ahead![/quote]

They all sound fantastic. I won't give up on Lita. Guess pumpkin is next. She now has 7 doses of prednisilone in her so hopefully soon she will be the "pig" she used to be....Pets..you got to love 'em.
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[B][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorchid]Over my life I have had 5 different dogs and one cat. I cried like a baby and grieved everytime I lost one of them. But, I always thought it best to put them to sleep once their quality of life was compromised. I couldn't stand to seen anyone suffer, so I thought it was so much more humane the the way we treat our animals since we can give them a peaceful end, not like some humans who linger and suffer for so long. I really sympathize with all of you who have animals that are having problems now. After my last dog, we decided to be petless, and so far we haven't changed our minds.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
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Yesterday I began a Norwegian cruise aboard the MSC Magnifica and this afternoon I was amazed to find Egon playing the grand piano in the atrium. I've been following his adventures from the beginning but mistakenly thought he was already on a Princess ship. It was indeed a pleasure to listen to his music and speak to him when he finished. He's in great shape for his age but uses his little scooter to move around on the ship. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow at the McDonalds in Bergen where he goes for the free wifi.
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[quote name='Capricruiser']Yesterday I began a Norwegian cruise aboard the MSC Magnifica and this afternoon I was amazed to find Egon playing the grand piano in the atrium. I've been following his adventures from the beginning but mistakenly thought he was already on a Princess ship. It was indeed a pleasure to listen to his music and speak to him when he finished. He's in great shape for his age but uses his little scooter to move around on the ship. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow at the McDonalds in Bergen where he goes for the free wifi.[/quote]
If you see him, tell him Pat gives him a HUGE HUG!
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[quote name='yellowbird23'][SIZE=3]I am dreading tomorrow. I believe it is time for Lita to join Budha at Rainbow Bridge. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]

Oh Pat, my thoughts are with you. I've had 6 or 7 dogs and 1 cat over my life and grieve all of them still. Knowing that they are happy now and waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge is comforting.

To answer your post (several back) yes, I'm going solo on the Hawaiian cruise. My first solo and I'm looking forward to it. None of my family/friends can cruise so I'm doing it. I have been alone for about 20 years and done land vacations but this will be my first cruise. I'm in my late 60's and figure I better start while I'm still able!! ;) I love love your making the marker for your friend and throwing it overboard. I may do the same thing for a dear friend of mine from the past! :) What a special way to remember them.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.
God Bless, Sue
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Chuck, please tell Egon that his Cruise Critic fan club looks forward to the next installment and please let him know what an inspiration he is to all of us!!

Ohhhh Pat, I'm so sorry about Lita. I'll be thinking of you, please check in tomorrow and let us know how you and your husband are doing if you feel up to it. I'm so sorry.
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[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]# 32: May 28-Jun 28, 2012 [/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]In Lisbon we docked at a different spot than when I was here on Poesia last (on our way back to NY in September 2011, when my passport, camera and 2 checkbooks were stolen) so I had to find a WiFi spot other than McDonalds which I now avoid here and eventually found a very small shop which sold internet access but had to work with the computer on my knees until there was a spot free where they had their own computers and I spent almost 3 hours "doing my thing" and dealing with over 30 emails. People have forgotten that I asked them not to send me "stuff" because of my limited access possibilities and of course I can't resist looking at them and even forwarding some. - When I got back to the ship towards 1pm, I went and swam 15 laps in a pleasant pool with only a few others plowing the water. Lunch: a yogurt, a banana, some grapes and a piece of chocolate. See my halo?[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 29: At 7am I cringed at the cold water in the pool as well as low temperature and opted for the jacuzzi, but at lunchtime, back from an internet session in a cafe on the third floor of the big shopping enter building in front of the Cruise Terminal in Vigo, I did 20 laps and felt very virtuous. Because I cannot access my account with DT Waterhouse, I have to reset my password. Problem is always the time difference - Ontario is always 6, sometimes 7 hours behind, which means that 8am there, when they open, is 2 or 3pm for me, when I rarely can be on line. I also have to reset my password with the Bank of Montreal, because for some reason neither my Mastercard nor my checkcard work any more as I found out when I wanted to pay for my hotel stay in Venice. In Kiel I'll get to an ATM and withdraw some money and thus create a new password - at least that's what Ihave been told when I called them. Never a dull moment![/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 30: At sea and a very successful piano performance. My request for a water package (coupons for bottles of mineral water which, being the only water available at meals, one has to buy) and free laundry, have been refused. Asking the Guest Relations Manager who makes the decision, I am told "the hotel manager". I make an appointment with him but wind up with the Chief Purser. I say to him, "In the last one and a half years, I have been on no less than 60 MSC cruises, for which I paid more than $ 90,000. I've never asked for, or have been offered an upgrade. I feel that I should not be put into a position where I have to beg for these insignificant perks on every ship". I really should have added, "What exactly does my MSC badge with 'VIP Guest' mean?". Anyway, he says that it is not up to him, but to the head office in Naples to whom he had sent a email about my request and they denied it. Now he will actually call them and explain my situation. Keep tuned.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]May 31: Zeebrugge/Blankenberge (Belgium). I had forgotten that I had been here with Poesia last September, but that wasn't all I had forgotten: my wallet! However, I met someone on the bus trip to Blankenberge who recognized me and said how much he had enjoyed my piano playing so I promptly borrowed some money from him because I wanted to go and find a cyber- cafe. As I now remembered, driving along the very busy shopping street, there was only one place which last time had been closed. This time it was open and I opted for 1 hour WiFi @ 3.50 Euros but try as the attendant and I did, it just would not give me the opportunity to enter the password and eventually I had to give up. Zeebrugge is a huge industrial port with enormous mountains of containers, and Blankenberg is maybe 10 KM from where we had moored and is a wellknown holiday resort. But 10KM further on is Bruges, a famous 18th century city with many historical edifices. I was tempted to take the tram (more of a city transit) to go there, but didn't have enough money. So back to the ship, where before leaving I had a swim at lunchtime.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]I never mentioned that I was finally put at a table I can live with, and the champagne found three happy couples from England who where my tablemates until today. They were part of a group of 40 on a European tour and from here, Zeebrugge, go by bus through parts of France, Luxembourg, Switzerland to Italy. So tonight I first sat alone at the table for eight, but then 2 Belgian couples were added, but only for this night, for which I am quite glad, because they are very loud and only talk Flemish. While quite a lot of people disembarked here, I think that there were also many new passengers. [/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]June 1 at sea and another very successful piano playing, buoyed by a large group of Australians who have been my staunch supporters from ther first time that I played on this cruise.They'll all stay for the next 14-day cruise to Norway. The ship, on the way to Copenhagen, often lurches violently in gale force winds to over 90 Km/hr and the temperature outside is less than 10C.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]June 2, a cold and rainy Copenhagen and on my way in search of WiFi I got nicely drenched before I could put on the plastic raincover I had brought along. It was a relief to finally find McDonalds at a location I never had been at before and I sat there, dried out, had WiFi and even was able, despite the very noisy surroundings, to call TD Waterhouse with Skype to set up a new password. Once again I marvel at my Travelscoot which took me over what seemed to me many kilometers today. Without it I never could live as I do or do what I do (how's that for language?)[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]It has never let me down despite many adverse conditions, and after two occasions where it taught me to be aware of it's peculiarities, we have become staunch friends.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]June 3: Last evening my room steward told me that I am expected to move today to #9001, which is also a handicap cabin but an outside one. And here I thought that this had been straightened out since I received a new cruise card showing my final disbarkation date of June 28 and my cabin number as 9030. When I got this, I even got confirmation from the Reception that this was shown like this in the system. So last evening I went down to Reception which was a hum of activity with peope disembarking today, waited around a long time to talk to Christiana about this, eventually was told that she would check and call me back which did not happen. Then there was a notice under my door to contact Reception which I did next morning and finally talked to Christiana who is either overworked or not very capable, for she had not dealt with the main point of our meeting almost a week ago, namely the prospect of my having to move for the next cruise and then back again. She thought I was talking of the water/laundry question and reiterated the decision on these items made a few days ago and already dealt with by me with the purser. So now I had again to talk to her about it; I had to wait around another 20 minutes until she came back to tell me that only if the people slated for #9030 will accept # 9001 instead, can I stay. Since #9001 is an outiside cabin at the very front of the ship and constitutes an upgrade from category 2 to 6, chances are the new passengers will be happy with it, but I have to wait in limbo until they get on board and can be asked. Contacting them months ago about this would nave been the thing to do and would have saved me literally hours of frustration and bother. [/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]1pm: Christiana just phoned me. The new passengers have accepted # 9001 and I can stay. UFF![/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

[I][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4]In the morning I went ashore in Kiel, took the shuttle to the Railroad Station, but the big Shopping Center where I used to be many times last year in the cafe attached to the bookstore is closed on Sundays. So I scootered down to where I knew McD and Starbucks were, through a huge streetlong fleamarket. But It was a cold and blistering morning and I was glad to settle down at Starbucks, where I was joined later on by my friend Jerry whom I had last seen a year ago at the cafe. He later walked with me back to the ship and we'll see each other again in 2 weeks - another Sunday.[/SIZE][/FONT][/I]

In the Casino

In the Casino (2)

Kiel June 2012

Kiel June 2012 (2)

Kiel Fleamarket

Kiel Fleamarket (2)
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Have you a dog in Heaven, Lord?

Is there room for just one more?

Cause my little dog died today;

she'll be waiting at your door.

Please take her into Heaven, Lord.

And keep her there for me,

just feed her, pet her, love her, Lord,

that’s all she'll ask of Thee.

In memory of our Lo"lita"


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