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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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I will add my welcome to SilverG and make a few additional comments. I don't know what area you live in so I am going to tell you what unfortunately we have to do in our area. We had some of the same problems you had to start out with and were glad we were able to learn the basics from an instructor. Then we decided to do some learning on our own. We found basic, intermediate, advanced CD's, DVD's, VCR tapes on-line and at the local library on ballroom dancing and specific dance. Since we do not plan on competing more because our area does not lead it easy to do and our plan was to look like we knew what we were doing and were comfortable doing it. At times it is hard doing it on your own but we have found it to be very rewarding to us. The secret and I am sure all of the folks on this message board will agree - is to practice and dance. You will learn the beat for particular songs and you will learn to lead - but you have to practice regularly - use it or loose it.


So good luck and keep dancing (we have been only dancing for 3 years and love it). Life after kids!!!!!


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A party and dance last night at the Tai Chi Ballroom, a NASA couples home, where it's a dance room or a dojo. A great time was had by all at this high energy event. The couple and a lot of their friends really love the 1920s stiyle of dance, so even MsCurry put on her flapper wig and feather Boa for the event.

The highlight was about 30 people learning the "Shim Sham" in linedance fashion.

I did a lot of East Coast Swing and a couple of foxtrots, and had a wonderful time, as three of our cruise couples were there to start planning for Hawaii in March.


OTRlady, Riders in the Sky, Americas best yodeling cowboys, (great music and funny) mentioned Pokaholics and Whoopie John Wilfart albums. I thought they were kidding, but it's good to know he is real, and there are a lot of poka dancers. My parents were big Lawrence Welk fans, who Ole Lance claims he taught how to poka. He also tried to teach John Wayne, but had little success, back when he was "Lance of Hollywood".

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Smooth: did I read that you found a new instructor that you like??? glad its all falling into place for you!!


We just came back from a week in Orlando.... spent an evening at Pleasure Island... not really the place to go to dance... i finally complained to the DJ in one of the clubs... by 12:30 am all clubs were playing either rap or the modern disco... not one slow tune all night... I was told :"this is not a wedding"!! are weddings the only place COUPLES dance??!!

anyway,, I wish we had more time and opportunity to just go to some local clubs... would have loved to try out a local latin club..!! sometime the time flies and we look forward to getting back to the local venues we know!!

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Hi Tropical,

Yes we have found a new instructor... Two actually!... The second instuctor is a professional competitor herself, and our lessons with her are not all that consistant due to her travel. The first instructor is consistant. We just started lessons twice a week with him. The combo works.


It has been really interesting to see how each instuctor views the entire process, both picking to emphasise our lessons on very different areas... Anyway, we are happy with how it all worked out.


Yes, Pleasure Isalnd if a fun place to go and people watch but not much opportunity in the way of dance. Glad to see you back

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GCurry: We have seen the Riders in the Sky in concert more than once. They used to be popular guests on the Prairie Home Companion radio show out of St. Paul, MN, among other venues. They are probably among the best current yodeling cowboys, but there have been many others as I'm sure you know. My personal favorite cowboy ensemble is the Sons of the Pioneers (from the 30s & 40s). Utah Phillips is a current solo act who is a phenomenal yodeler. Anyway, you can probably tell old country music is our specialty (our record collection numbers over 40,000, a large portion of which is country.)


While cowboy bands yodel, and they play waltzes, their polkas aren't really polkas, IMHO. What we consider to be true polka has that eastern European oompah sound, or some evolution of it. Our favorite polka bands are the Romy Gosz orchestra (Manitowoc style), Lawrence Duchow and Whoopie John Wilfahrt (Minnesota style), and Bernie Roberts (Nebraska style). Most people only know Frankie Yankovic, which is Cleveland style; we don't care much for most of his stuff--the vocals are terrible. All of these orchestras are pretty much gone now, though I think Bernie Roberts is still out there; they were in their heyday in the late 40s. There don't seem to be any truly well known modern polka bands that have that old-time sound.


When we've been in Texas, we've found the most authentic sounding polka in the New Braunfels area. It's interesting to us that mariachi often sounds very much like old-time polka, which is our guess as to why Texas seems to be the only southern state that has credible-sounding polka bands.

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OTRlady. Welcome. Square dancing and New Vogue are nothing alike :-) New Vogue is set steps in a 16 bar routine (say for some of the Foxtrot rythems). The steps are taken from the ballroom syllabus for the most part and the steps don't change within the dance. They are all standard whereas in square dancing you can put any steps in and the caller just tells you what is coming up. Also (its my understanding as I have never done it) with square dancing you change partners within the dance and you have a set number of dancers in each square - New Vogue you have the same partner. Also the number of dancers is limited only by the size of the floor. In some major competitions, you can have up to 20 - 25 couples on the floor at once. Gayle.

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OTRlady, sorry for misspelling Wilfhart, I'm a victum of a phonetic education! Is Frankie the same as Weird Al Yankovic? I too have seen Riders in the Sky more then once, and used to play guitar and "Tumbling Tumble Weeds"(State Law).

Every Saturday at 5 before the events of the evening, I settle back on the couch, peer into my radio at you Midwesterners, and listen to Garrison Keiller and Prairie Home Companion. What a wonderful show, and wonderful music and humor.

New Braunfels was an original German Colony in Texas, one of many, as well as Czech and Polish settlements. The reason you related to the Mariachis is that Mexico had many Germans at one time, so the pokas and their beers reflect that. Try Bohemia & Negra Modelo as two great examples of the German influence, and the music of the State of Chihuahua has many pokas.


Tropical - not only Pleasure Island but most clubs only play upbeat. You don't sell drinks to people not working up a thirst with aerobic dancing, sorry to say.


Smooth, glad you regrouped and got serious again, I always enjoy your perspective, as well as Mummsie of OZ.


Dreamscometrue2, we'll try to watch Bootcamp tonight.


Anyone have any info on dancing on NCL especially the Wind?

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Interesting but, young people working through self-esteem issues, and ballroom dance is the vehicle. A well done show, a little bit of DWTS, it does give a good look at buffing them up for competition, hair, clothes etc. The plot, five weeks to learn to Cha Cha, with no prior experience.

They are flown from Calif. to be part of the Yankee Classic competition in Boston; bet Smooth can tell us about that one, but only against each other. There's more to it, but it's not a how to Cha Cha video. Next program, a stay-at-home mom and others have five weeks to learn to Tango! Hell ole Lance could have em competing in three, as your self-esteem isn't an issue with him.


Smooth thanks for the dance on NCL info, I sure wish this was going to be a big band cruise.

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Well only 12 days to our next comp. The new ballgown is almost done. Just have to try and tie my coach down so she can cut the hem straight so I can sew it. Am starting the stoning today in my lunch break at work. Always good relaxing therapy. :-) This will be my son's first comp with his new partner so we are all anxious to see how she will go. She is a very basic beginner and my son has some quite good experience behind him. Bit hard on her as she has to dance up a level as he is level 2 and she just starting out is level 1. She has done a few medal exams up to gold but nothing competition. Always interesting to see how they go when the lights go on and there are lots of people looking at you. This will be their only comp before they compete in "The Australians" in December in Melbourne. Nothing like getting thrown in the deep end to see if you will sink or swim. They are only doing 2 styles - standard and new vogue so at least they don't have to do any costume changes. - Gayle

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Mummsie- Thanks for explaining about sequences. I haven't done that much square dancing, and one of the ones I did the most was really more like a sequence. It had the same steps, performed over and over again until the music was done. There could be unlimited couples in the formation, but I expect that formal dances or competitions limit the couples to 8. Basically, the couples face each other in two long lines; the steps work in such a way that the couple at one end of the line advances to the other end of the line at the end of each repetition of the steps. Depending on the music and the number of couples, it usually works out so that each couple dances through each position in the line once. In those square dances that I learned for informal occasions (e.g. barn dances), there would be no caller, since everyone knows the steps for the specific dance. Guess that's why I thought there was a similarity. Luck to you and your family in the upcoming competition.


GCurry- It's state law here that everyone drinks beer, so I should know what you're talking about in Mexican beer, but sshhhh, don't tell anyone -- I don't drink beer. So I can't tell you anything about German vs. any other kind. We have several of those breweries/restaurants that have 100-200 different types of beer. There are several people that claim to be able to tell them all apart, but I would not be one of them. Oh well.


Weird Al Yankovic is Frankie's son, I believe.

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Janet- I believe you know our instructor.. Sahra.... she had on a beautiful diamond ring tonite!! and is planning on marrying in June of '07.... !!! she and her fiance are renovating a home together... so that is why she was not at the Constitution Classic...


We struggled with some new steps in East Coast Swing tonite..... usually our favorite dance but then when the mental block sets in.....:(


I saw the Ballroom Bootcamp the other night...I could just picture Sahra coming to my house and cleaning out my refrigerator....!! :eek:

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Thats wonderful news for Sahra. I cant think of a better reason not to attend a comp! Attendence was low again this year.


Yes, I am familiar with the Yankee Classic. I myself have not competed at this comp but I have attended to watch the pro's. This is in the center of Boston, and a really large comp. The dance floor is unbelievably big. Dancers (the professionals) travel from all over the world to attend this comp. A lot of the dance video's of the professinals are taped at this event. The videos are pretty expensive too. I am quite comfortable in a competition setting, yet I find this one intimidating. Still I can understand the reason that Ballroom Bootcamp picked this one. Still have not seen the show yet and we are competing and traveling this week-end so I am going to miss it again.


Mumsie, I too am coming up on a competition. We leave tommorrow for the the regional comp in Atlanta, Ga . This is also a big comp and last I heard dancers from 30 states and UK are registered. This comp however is limited to amatuar couples. Unlike you I have zero sewing ability and my gowns are profesionally made. I cant change them up too often because I just cant afford it.


OT, the large comps here dont limit the comp floor to 8 couples. Sometimes there are 20 couples on the dance floor at once. They judges start by eliminating. At first they are not looking for placments but just who will not be called back to the next round. The final round has six couples, and they are then placed in 1-6th place. The key in the initial rounds is for the man to have very strong leading abilities, and the lady a strong command in following.. It is close to impossible to dance routines early on. It all about danceflight, posture, dancing in time to the music and grace.


Due to our change in coaches, and no where near enough practice time we more than likely will be eliminated early on, but thats OK. Just being in the initial rounds of the comp of this size is challenge enough!


Wish me luck everybody!

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I would say break a leg smooth, but I don't think that is a dance term! Anyway, best of luck in the comps for both you and mummsie.

An interesting difference between DWTS & Ballroom Bootcamp is that they don't compete with their instructors, but are provided partners in the latter part of the five weeks. Their partners are excellent, of course, and the instructors are at the comp to coach.


Tropical - 81 degrees on our old Galveston Seawall today, with a regatta of sail boats offshore for a little color out on the gulf.


We worked on the Tango with Ole Lance Tues., and are having a club Halloween dance Sat., which is usually a lot of fun.

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It has been a while since I have posted here. We just got back from a cruise of the Eastern Med onboard the Galaxy. It was a great cruise. Interestingly there was a fairly large group of Argentine Tango dancers onboard the ship. They are a club with members from several different countries who meet periodically to dance ArgentineTango. They brought their own music and played it to dance whenever they found a dance floor not being used. We even ran into them on the streets in Mykonos where they had their boom box and were dancing near the windmills. It is beautiful to watch.

We did have the opportunity to do some dancing onboard ship. We usually had a choice of two different bands to dance to each night.

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Thanks for the good wishes GCurry. Somebody once said break a leg before we went on the floor and I fell down. We still managed a second place so I didn't complain :-) The gluing is going slowly but its probably nearly enough for next week if I don't get too much more done. My dresses are usually 'works in progress'. Hem is being straightened tonight. Tomorrow night we have a fundraiser for our travel club to send our dancers to Melbourne in December for 'the Australians'. (We won't be going this year as well will be on the Pacific Princess). Its a progressive dinner. Lucky me, I get to cook one of the soups and also the chili con carne. Should be fun though - they usually are. We run about 3 functions a year - usually a couple of dinner dances as well. They are amazingly profitable. :) Life is pretty full on at the moment. Also doing my dance theory to become a teacher so hitting the theory books whenever I can spare 10 minutes or so. Its amazing how much is involved even with just a closed change in a waltz for example. Hope everybody has a good weekend. - Gayle

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Ok Mummsie, now you've stopped preaching and gone to meddling, mentioning Chile to a Texan. Chile just happens to be our contribution to the world cuisine. My easy current version uses Wick Fowler's 2 Alarm and a tablespoon or two of Chipotle in Adobada sauce for heat. Of course that's just the red (Chili Colorado). As I've lived cheek to jowl with Mexico for a lot of years; El Paso, and Albuq., I also do Chili Verde (Green).

Ah might not know Comp. but Ah damn sure knows Chile.


We had our Halloween 2lftft dance last night, taped ballroom, 60 members, and a good time was had by all.


Beautiful mid 80s weather here on the Texas Gulf Coast, my Plumeria continue to bloom, changed the front to a fall look with cortons and a scarecrow on the porch, and mums out in the mailbox planter.

Tropical looks like your Pumpkin People are getting mildewed!

How did the comp. go Smooth.

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Ok Mummsie, now you've stopped preaching and gone to meddling, mentioning Chile to a Texan. Chile just happens to be our contribution to the world cuisine. My easy current version uses Wick Fowler's 2 Alarm and a tablespoon or two of Chipotle in Adobada sauce for heat. Of course that's just the red (Chili Colorado). As I've lived cheek to jowl with Mexico for a lot of years; El Paso, and Albuq., I also do Chili Verde (Green).

Ah might not know Comp. but Ah damn sure knows Chile.


We had our Halloween 2lftft dance last night, taped ballroom, 60 members and 4 quests, and a good time was had by all.


Beautiful mid 80s weather here on the Texas Gulf Coast, my Plumeria continue to bloom, changed the front to a fall look with cortons and a scarecrow on the porch, and mums out in the mailbox planter.

Tropical, looks like your Pumpkin People are getting mildewed!

We are watching Wanda out in the Caribbean, we've had storms in Oct., but, they usually aren't much. Either way, we are not leaving!!

How did the comp. go Smooth.

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Hi GCurry. Well the chile I made probably wouldn't compare. :) I had to make it last year as well and people complained it was too hot - most people here have their food fairly mild so this year I made a very mild version. Everybody enjoyed it and no complaints. By the way we don't have any of those spices here (Wick Fowler's 2 Alarm and a tablespoon or two of Chipotle in Adobada sauce) :D- Only had about 30 people all up but at $20 a head not bad money. Dress almost finished. My daughter helped me glue last night - its amazing how quickly it goes when there are two doing it :-) Its probably about half done so another couple of hours tonight should see it done enough to wear on Saturday. We don't have haloween here in Australia although with all the American TV it is sort of gaining some acceptance. We tried to run a Haloween dance last year but it was a bit of a flop as nobody here dresses up. Gayle

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My mistake, it's Wilma not Wanda in the Caribbean, there is a problem for the weather service this year, they are about to run out of names.

The Carnival Elation is in Port this morning, we drive by the terminals on our way to work. Hopefully, we'll get more itineraries out of here, as it is so great to cruise without having to fly somewhere.


The Port of Galveston is now ranked as the twelfth largest cruise port in the world, once again figuring prominently in Lloyd’s Cruise International’s annual Top 20 Cruise Ports issue. The distinguished international ranking allows for the second distinctive rating as #1 cruise port in the Gulf of Mexico.

Mummsie, I always had the impression the Australians and Texans were a lot alike. Outgoing lovable sorts who enjoy partying, dancing, and the outdoors. I guess that does not extend to spicy foods. These links show you what to look for, and, as this is a dance thread, you can email me gcurry@utmb.edu for details, as I would hate for you to hurt yourself with too much of the wrong thing.



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Hi all, can anybody give me an insight into the Ballroom Bootcamp program. Sounds interesting. We are into week 7 of series 3 of DWTS and its the highest ranking program on TV at the moment. This series the quality of dancing has been absolutely amazing. They are doing steps I would never attempt to do. :) Thanks - Gayle

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