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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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Well OK, maybe chili and ballroom dancing will never meet... but then again maybe so....


Few years back we went to a comp in New Orleans...... After the comp they had a mask dance..... So Nick and I went out on the town to find masks......


Went to the mall.....Found a cool mask, and in our travels came upon a stand with samples...... I dont do hot real well, and my better half did not warn me to be careful.......Large scoop later, damn near died, better half lauged his ass of at me......


So we bought a bottle..... Been sitting in my cabinet for about 2 yrs now....McG..... how do I get the courage to open this bottle?????


Anyway... We bombed pretty bad at the comp.... Still on thier website they put up pictures of the winners..... Lo and behold, we were on the site... go figure....


It was fun to see us in front and center... There is hope yet guys.....

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Interesting comment Tropical, "strong foods" I don't think I've ever heard that term. I have had some I had to force myself to eat with the sweat poring off my head, but it was good!! You are right, however, I would never have a bowl of "Hell on the Red" or "Buzzard's Breath" chile, or any number of Mexican dishes I can name, and expect to go dancing. The heartburn alone would kill me, even if my wife didn't.


Smooth, y'all probably won the best looking couple competition.

If that is a bottled hot sauce like Tabasco or Pickapepper, it's probably still good, so you can add a few drops to cocktail sauce, stews, dips etc, to give em a little bite. Gumbo down here is always served with a bottle of Tobasco Sauce so you can adjust it to your individual preference. As MsGCurry is from Tennessee, I have toned down a lot of my recipes, but, El Paso habits die hard, so I had a green chili burrito for breakfast this morning.


Has anyone seen any more of the Ballroom Bootcamp program?

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McG.... You do great stuff for my confidence!!!. The most difficult aspect of comp is to keep your chin up when all turns to ****!!...... You have to remember what it is all about.... Not about a judge that saw you for, yea .05 seconds, but how you felt dancing on the floor.... Sometimes it is hard, most often it is not....


As I told you all, we have switched studio's.... Tonight had our lesson and after, a new couple approached us to tell us they loved to watch us dance... They said you look like you love to dance with each other so much.... We chatted a bit and wecolmed them to the joy of dance....We walked away and I thought how cool that they saw that as much as the coaches push us, it all comes down to enjoyment.... I am glad they saw in us the complete joy of partnership dancing.... Comps keep us motivated, but nothing in the world compares to I dont know, just danicng together..... After all these years we still learn from the new dancers....



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Hi Smoothdancer, yes it all comes down to enjoyment and if you do well that's a bonus. We did very well on Saturday - we won both our graded events - yahoo. What a buzz. :D Considering last couple of comps we have bombed out really bad in the standard. We have been placing in our New Vogue for a while so that was not as big a surprise even though we were delighted. One elevation point to go to go up to the next level. :eek: Now I just have to finish my dress - still have lots of stoning to do. I hope you enjoy your new studio and teachers. Sometimes a change is as good as a holiday so they say :) - Gayle

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this has been a bad month for us...lesson wise... our instructor was sick a couple weeks.... then this weekend my back started acting up.... and next week she is on a cruise!!!!! one of the young women I work with just started dance lessons with her boyfriend... here in town... its a large group class.... she and I have been going over steps during lunch!!


I watched the Ballroom bootcamp friday night... interesting that they chose Jive instead of Swing... ... do they have Swing comps at the competitions?? or hustle... Each show it seems one competitor has a little attitude... if it were sooo easy.... we wouldn't pay so darned much bucks for years of lessons!!!

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I am with you.... How can a non dancer be transformed in 5 weeks?? I mean just watch a new student come in, and even with priviate lessons, they are no where near that level of dance in 5 weeks. I dont get it either. I think what also happens is the more lessons you take the more you understand what you dont know!


There are two types of dance styles done in comps, American and International. The international division dances the jive while the american dances compete east coast swing. The comps we attend, there is equal people doing the divisions. I guess the show chose the international style.


Usually the comps are done in a group of dances. In American it is Rumba, Cha-Cha, Swing and Mambo. They also offer competition in single dances which are Hustle, West Coast Swing and Bolero. I think they do it this way because there is less people who do the three aforementioned dances.

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We got our weekly dose of Ole Lance last night, and worked as a couple on the Cuban Combo and the Wraparound in Rumba, nothing too complex. There weren't many there, so I received my usual attention and a lot of somebody elses. "No, no, no, you move forward and back turning in a semicircle, you do know what that is don't you?" "Sir, you lift your feet too high when you are dancing, you need to work on that!" Jeeze, I've got size 12s, you need a little clearance with feet that big.


I agree, shows like that kill a lot of potential dancers, as they come with an unrealistic expectancy as to how quick you become a good dancer. From what I can tell, the people on the show are doing little else but dancing for 5 weeks, and only one dance.

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We had our first latin lesson in about 3 months Tuesday night. My ankle has only just started to feel strong enough to tackle samba and cha cha. What an interesting experience !!! I didn't realise how much we had forgotten and our hip action had all but disappeared. I guess we won't be dancing it in 4 weeks in our next comp. Never mind - there is always next year. We basically had to relearn our routines from scratch. Lucky Elizabeth writes it all down for us.

I have been reading about the ballroom bootcamp - what is it exactly. Could somebody please enlighten me ? :) - Gayle

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Ahhh... Ballroom Bootcamp is the latest thing here in the states. This is a weekly show on our learning channel. Top professionals work with your normal "joes" with no dance expereince, and prepare them for one dance in a dance competition. The show goes through this transformation of a non dancer to a dancer..... ending with the comp, and judging. Dress designers make their gowns, ect...


The show is good, but as we are posting here, a bit unrealistic to expect us average people to accept that this can happen in just 5 weeks(I think)... True they are coached by the tops, and receive lessons 4 times a week to prepare... Any 'ol way, it is great fun to watch. If you would like I can send you a DVD of the shows for you to watch, I have taped a few.


Lately with all of the dance shows on TV, I now find it coming up everywhere... I had a few days off from work, and had the TV on in another room..... There was a soap opera on and sure enought there was a section on a couple taking dance lessons, and all of a sudden with no dance classes the stars do this incedible mambo.... I could not believe what I was watching!!


I still have not decided if this is good or bad. I love the attention ballroom is receving, but I dont like the expectation it is creating that it is not a committment of hard work and just happens....I dont know.



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We had a group class last night and the owner of the studio gave it... we attended a Fox trot group class of his a while back and got alot out of it... last night was rhumba and he spent alot of time of technique and cuban motion....I have decided there is not one once of latin blood in my veins past or present lives as I was soooo stressed out !! I could never do the hula hooop either!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I figure we have been dancing 2 years now and have spent a couple bucks on it and it gets so frustrating sometimes!!!

(they really have a Martini Bar at the studio -- sometimes you just gotta give it a rest!!! :eek: )


Interested sidebar... a coworker has started taking lessons at a local fitness center... they do 4 weeks group class of one dance ( now its foxtrot) then 4 weeks of swing...etc.... wonder if they forget the steps... figure what 6 months until they are back to foxtrot??? I'm interested to see how they like it....

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This is an interesting thread...I haven't had time to read all the posts but its nice to find a cruise topic aimed at dancers. We have taken several cruises and rarely find a lot of people who dance (other than at the disco).


My husband and I take lessons at the Arthur Murray studio in Sherman Oaks. They filmed part of Ballroom Bootcamp there for several months earlier this year. Christian was the pro at our studio. It is interesting to see the program having seen some of the dancers at the studio. Actually, we couldn't wait for them to leave. They took over the second teaching room, so all the private lessons and group lessons were crammed onto the main dance floor. Also, the camera crews always seemed to be filming...although they haven't really used a lot of the footage.


Christian is a great instructor. He doesn't teach at the studio but comes in occasionally for coaching. I had a coaching session with him in spring this year.


From what I saw, the people really did improve as much as they appear to on the show. Remember, they were getting very intensive coaching in one dance with fixed coreography. Still, their accomplishment was pretty impressive.

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Hi all, I've been gone for a while (on business in Poland).


Ballroom Bootcamp sounds good - can't wait to check it out.


DH's latest dance practice avoidance strategy was minor foot surgery. Sooner or later, he'll get better, and then.... back to the dance floor! ;)


GCurry, we agree on quite a few things! I have been using Wick Fowler's for years. We grill round steak or london broil and then cube it for the chili - and add some chipotle sauce and home-grown peppers - and we always get raves. Thank goodness it's practically "winter" here in TX - when the daytime highs fall below 90 it's chili cooking time!!

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We love it, perhaps living cheek to jowl with Mexico and our ever increasing Hispanic populations (PC) we get a lot more of it then most people. Of course, a huge amount is Salsa & Conjunto, but they occasionally slip up with a Rumba. If you need some good Latin Ballroom practice music may I suggest, from the movie, "Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love", Linda Ronstadt does some good work in this, "My Life" Julio Iglesias, he also does an excellent Tango album, and for us ole Tejanos, Eddie Gorme and Los Panchos is the classic.

MsGcurry is a computer wizard, so we pull songs we want off Cd's into a file as we can select and arrange a practice with whatever dance we like, and let the computer play it. I know you all do that, but, I thought I would bring it up.


Welcome back Terri23, Poland must have been interesting, did you Evac for Rita? Yes, as the weather has dipped into the 50s, mornings, we are starting to fix the comfort foods.


Love your action Avatar Tropical, are you finally drying out, have the leaves turned and gone? We have our lighted pumpkins out, and a scarecrow for the little people.


We are starting a new session with Ole Lance "Come here Honey he should be holding you like this" Sir, sir, you are wrong, wrong, wrong!", and a Mainland Dance Club dance coming up next Saturday.

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i am really surprise with all the heavy rain we have had... there are still leaves on the trees.... it is truly beautiful up here... leaves are in the process of falling...and I do love the colors splashed across my front wooded yard...tho' my husband will be out doing the initial mowing the first fallen leaves into bags.... next weekend we will be raking up the rest of them!! l


we attended a Halloween Party at our local Elks lodge last night...not too many dressed up but there was a good band and we danced many Hustles, East Coast swing and a couple Rhumbas....Our dance studios owner has been giving classes at our Elks Lodge on Sunday nights... I understand they sell out and it is nice to see many people ballroom dancing !!


I have to say...I am enjoying the TLC show and how it takes people that ordinarily would not do dancing and shows then another "lifestyle".... however, I don't know if I would want to see it at our dance studio.... there is something to be said for wanting to do something enough to put up your own hard earned dollars for it....I enjoyed reading of your experience with Ballroom Bootcamp at your dance Studio.., Birdie!!


I wish I were computer savvy enough to make up some dance CDS... isn't that why I put my kid through computer college.... to do this stuff for me!!! we have ordered several good CDS off Amazon.... and a great salesperson at Best Buy steered us Toward Brian Setzer and his orchestra for some fun East Coast Swing music....


Hope everyone continues to enjoy the music of the night!!!

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great band last night at the Elks... many Hustle ... a few swing an several Cha Chas... and several couples dancing ballroom style... the owner of our studio does a group class at the Elks on Sunday night and its great to see people dancing amidst the crowd of freestylers... we continue our private and some group classes at our studio.. this week a private class with our instructor who is just coming off Empress with her boyfriend who also dances -- so I'm looking forward to hearing about their trip... I think Dave is looking forward to learning a new step in Cha Cha and maybe Hustle...


Hope everyone had a great weekend and had fun dancing.


We are having beautiful unusually warm weather up here this weekend .... everyone was out yesterday doing yardwork and washing cars... leaves are mostly down -- and we are enjoying great apple cider, apple and pumpkin pie.... gotta insulate for winter warmth!!!;)

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We had our Mainland Club dance last night, about 100 dancers, taped fairly contempeary music; a great time had by all.

SE Texas continues our fall with 86 degree temps and dry dry dry.

Glad to hear you are a little warmer then usual Trop. I'm sitting here listening to ballroom as I type (keyboard). Have a great week folks.


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Weather has been just great here... I was one of thoes doing yard work!!


Has anyone sailed on Carnival lately? We could not resist a last minute sale and will be sailing for a 3 day cruise in about 3 weeks. CAn you believe it, the flight to Miami (per person) will cost us more than the cruise! I wondered if there was any ballroom dancing.

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Congrats on the booking Janet... !!!!


Last night we had our first private class in weeks... we actually had a great class.. going over technique for rhumba and swing... dear Sahra was in a great mood... just got off 5 days on Empress out of San Juan... sounds like it was not the best of cruises for them... and she commented that I was "unbalanced" not sure if she meant physically or mentally and I was afraid to ask.......:o


ordered hubby the dancing shoes for Christmas from the studio..:)

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Yes well done on the cheap booking Janet. Don't get those sorts of deals here in Oz unfortunately. But still only 3 weeks until we are away on the Pacific Princess. One more competition to go on the 19th (hopefully the extra 10 gross of stones I ordered will come today as dress is 3/4 done) and then nor more dancing lessons this year. We are going to give my son and partner one of our lessons prior to him dancing in 'The Australians' on 10 December. The other 3 lessons between when we dance next week and the Australians we will vacate so that somebody dancing in the big championship can have an extra lesson with our teacher. She is basically booked up all year round so somebody will be happy. They are always asking her if anybody has cancelled a lesson so they can book in for extras - especially at this time of the year. The rest will give my body a chance to hopefully rest up and be better for next year. My ankle (sprained 10 weeks ago now) is still very sore and I still have trouble putting too much weight on it. Lucky we are only dancing in Standard and New Vogue at present so not too much spinning. My DH Gary has also got a sore hip so between us we sort of limp around the dance floor. Gayle

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