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Ballroom Dance Lessons


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sure you can use my comments. Where do I send the pictures?


I'm going to piggyback here on Lisa's post, since she's the better half of our duo, I'll use her for support.


We negotiated with our particular Arthur Murray studio to get a nice gift certificate for two private lessons, two group classes and one of the parties that AM throws. The gift cert was worth about 130 bucks and we planned to give it away at the Meet and Mingle. While that didn't work out, we did give it to another couple that we thought would really benefit from having the exposure to dance lessons. Since Arthur Murray studios are located pretty much all over the country, we felt we could find someone who could use the lessons. This is just another example of something you can do to help spread the word about dancing to someone who might not even think about taking lessons otherwise.


Thanks for listening.

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Excellent!. Not to mention that I think that AM excels on how to take a new couple or individual with no dance background and make the feel comfortable in this new situation right away. They do teach how fun it can be well. When we first started dancing we took lessons with AM for about 2 years.


We do the same as you. Never thought of your idea, but we have had our studio donate lessons for charity silent auctions.... Keep up the good ideas!

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Mummsie, we go along perfectly fine, and then you throw a word like "scrutineers" into the game. This would be the judges I assume? We have scrutiny, and we scrutinize, but I have yet to see a scrutineer.


Thanks Ladies, I mentioned the Viennese Cross in Tango to Ole Lance and asked when I'd be ready to learn it, and he mentioned a cold July day in either Hell or Texas whichever came first. So, we are not there yet, but at least we are talking about it!!


He then pulled out his "Cat of nine tails" and flogged us through the Merengue.

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Where is Mummsie when you need her!!. She can answer this better than I, but I will give it a shot.


The Scrutineer is not judging. He/she is given all the the score sheets from the judges and then tabulating the marks to determine the 1st/2nd/3rd placments. Usually there are six judges on the floor so this is a lot of marks to pull together quickly... In some comps there are quarter, semi and final rounds, so the call back results have to happen fast. The are doing this usually on laptops..... (man, I hate that feeling waiting to see if you made the cut or got the ax!) I think also that the scrutineer is watching for the steps danced. Each level is limited to the steps in that category. Dancing steps from a higher category can result in a couple being disqualified. There are "runners" on the floor that are gong down the line of judges, taking their sheets for ulitmate delivery to the scrutineer.


Often the scrutineer is also qualififed as a judge, and in the US, certified to perform the job.... All this technical stuff!! Interesting though, while competiting you hardly notice that this is going on at all.


Keep giving Lance a run for his money!

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sorry I did reply yesterday but must have gone into the black hole of ether. These boards are driving me crazy. I was the head runner. I had 4 people taking turns taking the results sheets from the judges - here its always an odd number of judges - 7 for minor events and 9 for major events. I then had to put them in order to take to the scrutineers. All they do is tally up the scores. They don't have anything to do with steps done or anything like that. Scrutineers don't have to be judges and in fact both the guys on the weekend Mark and Brian who I know quite well are not even competition dancers. They just dance socially. My dance teacher Jeff was the chairman of adjudicators which means he is also a scrutineer. He is the one to worry about proper costuming and disqualification if steps are done out of syllabus. GCurry you should live dangerously and try a viennese cross sometime :D Mummsie

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Geez Smooth how does that happen? The only upgrade we've gotten was a window behind a lower numbered lifeboat. I guess that's what we get by booking on-line through "We fly by night Travel and Lotto Ticket Outlet"!


Scrutineers, Adjudicaters, Judges - this ain't no dance event, it's a Criminal Trial.


I do live dangerously Mummsie, dancing in front of Ole Lance; if he could catch me, he'd beat me with his walker cane. I always make sure to tell him I let people know that he is my instructor. You should see him turn pale with pride!!

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I'm sooo excited....we just reserved a cabin on the Oct 13th 2007 sailing of the Galaxy Rome roundtrip...14 day Exotic Mediterranean and the Black Sea..... I'm thinking Greek Dancing and The bazaar in Istanbul.... and a whole year to save up.... (right with a son starting college!!) but we are on with friends and lots of time to do research so It'll be a great cruise!!!


My dance teacher wants to get us going on the SAlsa for our next cruise!! :)

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Thank you Lisa for the pictures. I am certain I can do something with them.


We just returned tonight from a competition in Indy, and I am just wiped out. This comp was held in the RCA Dome, and even though they lay a dance floor it is on top of concrete.. Kills the knees and feet after two days on dancing or even just standing on the floor. These week-end flights get to you after a while.


MC... This is our first time getting any upgrade at all.... but I learned what to do from the NCL board. I guess NCL is different from other lines in that once final payment is done they do deep discount the suites to free up the lower cost cabins. I learned that you had to call the "upsell desk" and voice an interest... I watched the cabins start to move on the internet and then I did call. They came back with an offer a week later. I would of had no idea to do this had I not read it on the board. They make the offer through your agent, in our case an on line agent. But had I not done the work myself, I dont think the agent would have done this for me. I really just ate my way through indy this week-end so back to my normal routine so I can fit into cruise clothes! I an still feeling the pains from the chili dog!

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Hi Smooth, How did you go? I hate dancing on concrete too - it just kills everything and you can't get a good light feeling in any of the swing dances - waltz, foxtrot. It always feels heavy. Don't you just love the food they sell at comps. They are trying to change things here so there are more healthy options but usually by the time I feel like eating most of the good stuff is gone. Mummsie.

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Before I forget... I laughed pretty hard over Mcurrys comment that the dance comps are a criminal trial. I suppose if not bitten by the comp bug I would think that the whole comp situation is somewhat ridiculious!!


Well we did "OK" at the comp. This is one of the largest comp in the US, next to the Nationals and competition is tough!.. In the International style we did make it as far as the finals, and were pleased. I dont know our placement in the finals. We were so tired we did not wait for the results. They post the results on line so I will know next week. We also danced new routines in the American division (after taking a 2 year break in this type of dance) and were glad to dance them to our current potential.(in our opinion!), We did not place and it was as we expected. They need work and will improve in time.


We were back to working on it tonight... Next comp in about 30 days.... I dont know, gotta love it to put your body through all this.

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Congrats Smooth, I'm totally impressed. Between you and Mumsie and others on this board I'm getting a real education into the world of dance.

When you take your lessons in Texas City, whose claim to fame was blowing up in 1947, and dance in a VFW hall, you tend to lack perspective. But, it's great exercise and an art form not everyone can do.


We demo'd for Ole Lance with the newbies last night, so he had to be polite to me. New couples really make you realize dance is not for everyone. There are some that are totally hopeless, as hard as they try, it's not going to work. Floors are an issue with us as well, one of our clubs meets in a private club with a well laid wood floor, the ladies love it.


Tropical wow what a cruise, the anticipation is going to fill your life for the next year and a half.

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We are pretty lucky here in CT... There are many halls and if you desire you could attend a dance just about every night of the week, on great floors. Most dances you can attend for a $10.00 admission that includes a dance lesson prior to the dance.


Well I am glad we are giving you an education!... There really are just so many sides to dancing isnt there??? Some love the social aspect, some like me love learning the technical side, and using competitions to encourage me to keep learning... It really is whatever you want it to be. Sometimes though, and lately being one of thoes times, it drives me crazy and I miss just doing it for the fun of it. I normally at this point say I am not going to push it this hard anymore, lasts about a week or so and I end up missing the push... Each to his own I guess.

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get this.....I have been assigned by our small group to learn Greek Dances to teach on our Century sailing in January...

Just because we know a little ballroom dancing I guess this "qualifies" us for this task!! (I did see they do belly dancing in Turkey....but I won't breathe a word of that to my friends.... we really dont want to GO THERE!!!:eek: :rolleyes )


we would be one of those couples that don't take to dancing real easy... and sometimes the more I push myself the more frustrated I become... The best is for us to practice in our basement what we have learned and we can usually work it out together with patience and practice and if a little romance is thrown in along the way that always helps too!! ;) :D


We went to see the Movie "Take the Lead" similar to the movie "Mad Hot Ballroom" .. developed on the same story... Gotta love Antonio BAnderas!! sure inspired me!!

Dave labeled it "chick flik" so I geuss next time its mans choice!! :rolleyes:

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So did YOU like the movie.. May have to go see it.


In our last house, a raised ranch, we had a formal living room with a hardwood floor that we use to practice in. I did not realize that our neighbors could see us through the picture window...Was rumors going around the neighborhood that Nick was abusing me, in the living room!!!.... No, just us trying to figure out the rumba! After that we moved to the garage. We dont do that anymore however as the cement just causes to much damage to our knees... It is an age thing!


I dont know the bellydancing thing sounds like a lot of fun to me.... If you find such a place in CT, you will have to let me know. Such an incredible cruise you have planned. Sounds fantastic.

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I know it's been quite a while since I've posted, but life this year has been crazy.


We got an email today from Princess offering us a balcony on the Diamond for 80.00 each for a 2-day coastal. It leaves from SF, which is about 35 miles from here.


On Monday, I got a job offer (I've been only partially employed doing very occasional contract work for the past four years and haven't actually worked in about 13 months), so we're celebrating by taking this cruise.


I just had to share!



who also is prepping for a dance test on American smooth/rhythm next month - guess we'll be taking advantage of dancing opportunites!

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I happened to run across this....

Lets Dance In Rhythm in Branford does give bellydancing classes! Looks like it is a month long group type class, and the first session is a lecture on the heritage and customs... You could really be the hit with your cruise partners!!

Check out thier website.

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Hi Everyone,

I just discovered this thread and read through it this afternoon. I've learned a lot. :) DH and I have been dancing for about 7 years. We belong to the USA Dance chapter here in MN and he helped at their Star of the North competition in February. After watching some of the comps he came home and announced that we were going to compete next year!:D LOL! We are taking lessons at Arthur Murray's so we can get ready. I have enjoyed reading about your competitions and adventures dancing. I think it will help us know what we are in for.

We also have enjoyed our cruises, finding the good bands on both (so far). We are on HAL's Veendam in July this year going Southbound from Seward to Vancouver. I hope they will have some good dance floors.:confused: Has anyone experience with them?


Fran in Minnesota

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WELCOME... to the ballroom thread, so glad to have you here!!!


We too are strongly involed in USABDA, what a great organization!!....How exciting that your husband is ready to compete.... For some, such a strange way of life, yet some of our very best freinds we met while danicng USABDA comps....


Although we live in New England we do travel for comps in your area...Anything I can do to help with you "first time out", just give me a hollar.


I dont know, we always find opportunity to dance on the multiple of cruise lines we have been on..... If there is a dance floor, we are there!!



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Welcome MajorMomma,


MSgCurry & myself (Gene & Susan) celebrated our Honeymoon on the Veendam. As I recall, they had good floors although they were small, and versatile bands that will play anything, especially a lot of good ballroom and Latin.


We really enjoyed our two HAL cruises, especially the dancing, although I understand there have been some changes since it was purchased by Carnival.

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Ahoy, Majormomma..glad you could join us...!! Pull up a chair and stay a while!!


Belly dancing.... ah Yes!! .. I really don't want those photos on the annual calendar my friend puts together!! :eek: :D

I think there is an adult ed class up here on belly dancing...


we are working on Salsa for our fall cruise..-- oh yes, we just booked Adventure of the Seas this Oct 1st with my son and his friend.. they have a Promenade cabin and we booked a balcony... its So Caribbean out of SAn Juan and we are staying one night in SJ precruise on a Sat night... I hope to check out the dancing in the local clubs... thus we are into the SALSA!! the pricing is great... special $50 disc for living in one of 20 states... and I found direct flights from Hartford to SJ on American for a decent price!! I am VERY HAPPY!!!


So Smooth if you need photos of Dance floors on Voyager class .... You shall have it!!



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Is described in the catalogs as a kind of Mambo. Have you noticed any big differences Tropical. You can imagine with our huge Hispanic population Salsa is very popular down here. At this point, we do a little Mambo and a little Cumbia.


The Belly dancing should be a husband pleaser if nothing else, let us know how that goes.


We just had our last session with Ole Lance until June 6. I think he was looking forward to the break as his cloven hooves were beating an agitated rhythm when he yelled at me about not counting.

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