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20 something ladies! 7/29/2010


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Hey ladies... here it is todays first weigh in...

Thursdays will be weigh in day


I do not expect you guys to tell us your exact weight if you do not want but me saying it to you guys makes it more real and makes me focus more on making that number smaller.


So my first weigh in with you girls is today 260 pounds.


I started last july 09 weighing 367 pounds so although Im still a good amount over weight Im still much happier to see 260 then to see 367! lol

I am also 5'11 just to give you guys an idea.


I will try and keep a chart for all of us so we can see the progress we have made over the months.


every week please list your name, weight if you would like (or loss since last week) and when your next vacation or cruise is that you are working towards.


New people just let me know when you are ready to start with us and I will add you to the chart.

thanks girls!

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I'm not a 20 something lady, but more like mid 30's chicky:p Hope I can still join your group. I will be cruising in 60 somethin' days and just this past monday have joined a gym. YAY for me!!


I am also 5'11 and weigh in this week at 206. So please add me to the chart as I would love to have some support buddies working with me.


Laurie :)

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Sara and Laurie right???


Of coarse laurie, no problem.


OK so my cruise is November 21st, and I plan on being 210 by then! Its a big goal but I gotta do it if I want 199 by New Years eve


Congrats on all of us making the right choice and wanting to be healthy!


we can do it! look forward to getting to know you girls better and encouraging eachother.

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This is the way I have lost 107 pounds in just over a year....


protein first (eat your protein first, then go to the veggies, then if you arent full by then you eat the starch after. this way if you get full before you finish your plate you have gotten the good stuff in and left the bad stuff)

at least 65 g of protein

64 oz of water a day AT LEAST

work out a minimum of 30 minutes daily... not 3 times a week but daily.

if you miss a day then make it up another day, work out an hour instead of 30 minutes but get at least 210 minutes a wek of exercise

journal the food

800-1100 calories a day.



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I want in! :) I'm Rachel, 29. I want to lose 30 pounds by November too!


The most helpful thing for me is to build some very lean muscle mass - I'm NOT talking like lifting huge weights, but just 5-10 pound hand weights. Then, all day as you are sitting your body burns more AND you look more toned! Three years ago I did the Buff Brides regimen and lost 27 pounds. So I started it again last week - just because it tells me exactly what I need to do, including cardio goals for the week. There are stomach crunches and things like that incorporated into it, too. It really does help, for me.


Another good thing is to have a goal. Last year I did a Couch potato to 5K program (you can google it), and it was really helpful and easy. It didn't take you too far too fast. I NEVER thought I would be able to run a 5K, but I did! I wanted to do it under 40 minutes, and I came in at 39 min 9 sec :o (that was a slow jog the whole way, but I didn't walk at all, which was a huge accomplishment for me!)


I'd like to lose about 2 pounds per week. As far as eating - I could be better about some of my choices, but overall we cook a lot at home and I'm getting lots of fruits and veggies through a local CSA (you purchase a share from a local farmer and get a box of fruit/veg every week). I'm going to try to cut back on sweets in general and chips at lunchtime, though. I like to have "something sweet" after lunch and dinner and I'm trying to cut back or have healthy choices.


One of my biggest problems is handling all the parties, happy hours, etc. going on during the summer. I'm trying to be better about having just 1-2 drinks instead of more. :cool: Water is good in between, too. Also with all the parties/going out to eat/etc. comes unhealthy food! It's hard! :eek: What are your tips???

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Welcome girls!


no problem about the age, really the only reason i did that is cause we started this thread off first meeting in the calling all younger ladies so i just did the 20 somethings to keep on with the theme lol


Hey Rachel, I do the c25K also.

I ran my first 5k back in february. well i walked a bit, but still haha.


that was when i had never really completed the c25k program.

Ive kinda been doing it off and on for the last year, when I have other things im training for i kinda stop the c25k and focus on other stuff (i.e. i did an 11 mile hike to raise money for my little cousin who has muscular dystrophy so i was training more for incline and distance then the 5k thing)


happy hour and all that is hard.


Id say on any day you know you have an event do your workout in the morning.

I used to always let myself slide and not work out on party or happy hour days, now I always wake up extra early even if its during the week and get my work out in first thing.....


a tip for you gals that im doing right now... the JILLIAN MICHAELS Last chance workout DVD and it is amazing! full body workout, doesnt take too long, it was only $10 at target and I do it a couple times a week. I try and tell everyone about it cause it has helped me soooo much.

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I do endurance sports as well, I have completed lots of 1/2 marathons and 1 marathon, lots of other shorter distances and last year did my first goofy marathon which is a 1/2 marathon on Saturday and a full marathon on Sunday.


I have a 1/2 marthon coming up in Sept and a full in January.


I really like P90X they are a great workout and I like the change of doing a different workout each day.


I get lots of exercise with training but for me it is making healthy food choices:eek:

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Wow you two sound like you have the workouts down!!

I think I need more protein. I had scrambled eggs for breakfast yesterday with toast and I was full all day long. When I eat cereal or oatmeal for breakfast I'm always hungry very soon after. Today I'm gonna eat cereal and see if I get hungry again.

I don't get to the gym as often as I would like but I would rather workout than give up my food I think :rolleyes: which is not a good thing.

Anyway, off to try and make good choices again today :D

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Nice, this thread has started out nicely.:) I had said that I joined a gym monday and yesterday I had to cancel the membership due to my husband getting layed off. :( What a bummer I was really enjoying going to the club after work each day.


What I really wanted yesterday was a big fat juicy burger or a meat lovers pizza but instead I had a bowl of special K cereal and a slice of turkey breast later in the night. :rolleyes:


I drink tons of water during the day and it really helps me stay full and not snack so much. I work in an office and am starting to get the "secretary spread" so I am trying to nip it in the bud. My main thing is being bored = eat.


Look forward to this thread and chatting with all of you.

CRUISE IN 60 somethin' days!!!!

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I drink tons of water during the day and it really helps me stay full and not snack so much. I work in an office and am starting to get the "secretary spread" so I am trying to nip it in the bud. My main thing is being bored = eat.


Look forward to this thread and chatting with all of you.

CRUISE IN 60 somethin' days!!!!



I also have a sit down job for the past 3 years and I notice the blubber on the middle to bottom half. And you are correct bored=eat!!!

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So sorry to hear your hubby was laid off. Hopefully it is just short term.


Did OK today, just got back from a 7 M walk and it felt really good. I deal with PF on and off so today was a good day.


Have a awesome night all.



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Hey girls, how was your weekend?


I was pretty good with the eating... could of been better because I did have a mini cupcake for my sister's birthday. Also, we went out to dinner but we had sushi, which I feel is not as terrible as some other cuisines... I was pretty good with not having alcohol too, just had one light beer yesterday over the whole weekend.


I worked out yesterday. I did 40 minutes of alternately sprinting as fast as I could, and then walking (one minute each). It was HARD! By the end I was completely tired but I finished. I was told doing this would help melt more fat than just doing my typical elliptical routine. While my elliptical workout is hard (I do work up a sweat), it's the same resistance the whole time and just changes elevation. I had the MPH up a lot more on the treadmill yesterdya than if I were typically going for a run. I run pretty slow - I even did an 11.5 min mile back in high school when I was in excellent shape and on 2 varsity sports. So now, running at 5 MPH is good for me (12 minute mile). Well, last night I had it up to 6.4 at one point for my sprints, and never below 6 MPH, so I felt pretty good that I was able to finish all my sprints. I think I am starting to be better about pushing myself, which is nice, because then when you are done you really feel a sense of accomplishment. :)


This week will likely be a hard one for me. I have a birthday dinner tomorrow night at the Melting Pot for my friend's birthday plus some other stuff going on. I'm going to have to try to get some workouts in before work. Ugh I hate getting up early!!! :eek:

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Well today starts my new work schedule so I've decided to make to the start of my new workout routine and cutting carbs from my diet. I'm a carb junkie so hopefully I can stick with it and hopefully I'll see some results. :p

How is everyone doing?

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Hey girls! Glad to hear everyone has plans, and what a great workout!


I have a challenge with myself to workout every single day no breaks until i hit 250.... This is day 8...


I had a good weekend, was in control of eating, made smart (protein first)choices, and great workouts.

very happy with my progress right now.


Cannot wait to be on that ship!!!!! My birthday is this saturday so for the next week I have A LOT of things to attend haha.


oh how I love my Bday month. but im determined not to have a gain because of it.


as of right now its 10:45 am and Ive only had 150 calories, 17 grams of protein, and 20 oz of water. yay me!


everyone have a fantastic day and I cant wait for thursdays weigh in to see the awesome progress we have made.

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Hey Girls,


I'd like to join in as well. Like the original poster, I weigh exactly 260 lbs today. Unfortunately, I'm only 5 foot 6. Blah. My highest recorded weight (didn't weigh myself officially until I lost a little weight!) was 320 back in January of 2009. I lost a lot of weight pretty quickly last year, gained some back, lost it all and and about 10 lbs more, and now I've gained about 5 lbs of that back!


My boyfriend (we may be getting engaged at any minute- he's been hinting around!) and I are going on our first cruise ever on the NCL Epic on 12/4/10. I'd like to lose at least 30 if not 40 lbs by then. Today I officially started my "diet."


Breakfast: Multi-grain cherios or veggie egg white omelette

Lunch: Healthy Choice Meal less than 300 calories

Snack: Fiber Plus bar

Dinner: anything less than 550-600 calories

Snack: fruit with light whipped cream


For exercise I use the treadmill we have here at work on my breaks (2 x 10 minutes). I am also trying to learn to roller skate! There for awhile I was going 3 x a week for at least an hour a session. Weight was just falling off of me. I haven't been in 3 weeks and I see now the weight creeping back up. I need to do something about that!


So I am hoping to find a little support here since we're all so excited about our cruises. I'm going to try to keep up with my plan until October. In October I'm going to do a round of the HCG diet. I'm afraid that if I do it now, I'll gain some of it back by December.


Thanks for listening to my rambling and good luck everyone!... oh and I'm 28!

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Happy Monday Girls!


I didn't do very well over the weekend:( With hubby being layed off we needed comfort food desperately! So I made cookies and at about 5.


I did watch what I had today with a 1 egg omlete for breakfast with onions, mushrooms & green peppers, a healthy choice meal for lunch, yogurt with raspberries at 3pm and hubby is fixing something for dinner which means something probably grilled so I'll be ok there. Lots of water during the day. I've also started taking a 1 a day vitamin and a fish oil pill daily to see if that helps.


have a great week and good luck to everybody.


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Hi ladies!

I'm on the higher end of a normal weight, and would like to lose 30 pounds over the next couple of months. Boyfriend and I started P90X yesterday, I'm cutting way back on drinking, and trying to cook at home more rather than eating out. :)

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Hello navychica!!

Well day two of no startchy carbs has gone good so far. :D

I did try greek yogurt today and I DO NOT recommend it!! Yuck! :eek: I'll stick to my yoplait which has more carbs than I'd like but I'm really just trying to cut out bread, pasta, rice, crackers, chips stuff like that. No lose noticed yet but we'll check in a few more days.

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Hello navychica!!

Well day two of no startchy carbs has gone good so far. :D

I did try greek yogurt today and I DO NOT recommend it!! Yuck! :eek: I'll stick to my yoplait which has more carbs than I'd like but I'm really just trying to cut out bread, pasta, rice, crackers, chips stuff like that. No lose noticed yet but we'll check in a few more days.


Mmmm, I love Greek yogurt! I mix in some honey to sweeten it, and some strawberries or blueberries. It keeps me feeling full all day, which is awesome.

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Hey ladies I would love to join..


I recently started watching what I eat because my doctor told me back in nov that I was at risk of having diabetes. Also My cholesterol was extremely high. Since than I have joined a gym.


In Nov I weighted 162 now I am about 150. I havent check my weight since 2 weeks ago but I will check 2morrow and keep you girls posted.


I am getting married in Oct on the Carnival Victory...I am so excited but I will be more excited if I reach my goal:


Height 5'1

Weight 150

Goal 125

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